Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:22 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Header2


"Ma'am. Preparations are almost complete for demolition. By your calculations we should be able to have the block restructured and expanded by the end of the day with the team, are you sure about Holtn though? His scores for his reishi construction were quite low. I do not understand the process for selecting him for this task."

Sophie looked up from the paperwork in her hand to give her attention to her subordinate, she was not a harsh administrator. Far from it, really. She appreciated when people spoke their mind, even if it did question her logic. A lack of willingness to accept criticism was the end of critical thought, after all.

"Correct, Domino. I am quite sure, you are focusing too much on the negative criticism he received. Holtn's skills at construction from nothing were subpar, if you look in the next paragraph more closely it emphisises his abilities working with already established materials. He is not intended to be using the raw reishi, I am intending for him to utilise his skills after the others have created the basics."

"Ah, I see."

He was a little sheepish at his getting caught up in the idea that Sophie had intended to select a group of people that excelled at all fields. She did not follow that idea though, a cohesive team like the one she had assembled for this administrative matter of work was very much intending to play off their specialties.

"It's okay. Oh, that reminds me. Did you remember to inform Eisfluch of the Sternritter I wished to meet with him?"

"Yes. About what?"

"Not relevant for you, Domino."

He nodded, she was fairly transparent as a person but when she said something wasn't important for someone to know her second in command was good about listening to her. In hindsight, it was pretty hypocritical to expect that when she had a problematic curiousity when she wasn't an administrator. Funny.

Turning her attention away from Domino and back to assessing the empty district of the Vandenreich headquarters. The organisation had grown since the city was made, it was essential that the city grow to accomodate it. Hence why someone that could manage resources and manpower within the beaurocratic sector was perfectly fit for the role.


Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Gamma_Signature
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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:23 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Sterne20


Alastair weaved his way through the countless offices of Vandenreich high command with practised ease, even whilst venturing further afield than he was known to frequent, on his way to the office of Administrator Geisleitt. He had thought it prudent to familiarise himself with the many divisions of the headquarters shortly after his first transfer to the City of Lights, and this forward-thinking continued to pay dividends when it came to navigating the veritable maze.

He had been dressed down for light work when the summons had come in so, despite his best efforts to correct this on the journey, there was still a casual look about him if one looked past the squeaky whites and polished gold of the Sternritter uniform.

A gloved hand ran through his untamed mop of hair, futilely attempting to combat one of several cowlicks, as he mused on the nature of this impromptu meeting. He was not overly familiar with the Administrator, though he was equally unfamiliar with many of the newly minted officers of the Albedochiffren, and he inwardly lamented this lack of knowledge but there was nothing to be done about it now.

Finally reaching the district in question, he gave a polite nod to several of the staff members and headed for the front desk.

"Alastair Eisfluch, to see Administrator Geisleitt. I believe they are expecting me."

He paused expectantly, amber eyes scanning the room with an absentminded curiosity.

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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:10 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Header2


She tilted her head to the side and stretched, she was tired. It could hardly be good for her complexion and looks with all the time she spent working. She didn't want to look like an old hag when she reached her thirties at this rate. She ougbt to take care of her skin more as well.

Oh right, he was here now. Sophie waited for him to actually arrive while waving her hand to tell Domino to continue with the demolition, it was important they don't delay if she wanted to see the work done by the end of the day. A whole week of planning had been put into the project to make it viable.

"Oh, hello Mr. Eisfluch. How do you do today?"

Her greeting was chirpy while she sipped another mouthful of coffee, white and sweet, just how she liked it. Sophie was by no means uptight or too professional. It was when it needed to be that she was.

"Would you like some coffee?"


Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Gamma_Signature
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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:10 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Sterne20


"A pleasure, Miss Geisleitt. The day finds me quite well, thank you." He swiftly responded, noting the choice to eschew the opportunity to exchange a salute and concluding that it did not seem like a meeting of such ceremony. "I trust the same can be said for yourself?"

Alastair's expression remained rather guarded, his lips showing only the slightest shadow of a smile, though he did take a moment to appraise Sophie with his gaze before following the cup of coffee on its brief journey. Another nod.

"I could go for a cup. Two sugars, and hold the milk, provided it is no trouble."

His shoulders slouched a little at that, shaking off the rigidity that came almost naturally, as he instead settled into a loose resting stance. No doubt he had not come all this way just to share a hot beverage, but it certainly set him at ease.

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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:33 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Header2


"Mhm. It's quite nice for a day."

Still as chirpy as she was with the greeting, Sophie carried it towards the day. When things were going in a way she liked to see how could she complain?

She gestured to a seat opposite of her while grabbing a cup out of her desk and make the coffee to his request. It wouldn't be any trouble to get a subordinate to do it and bring it in but to her own little quirk she had offered the coffee and therefore she would make said coffee. It was both a matter of her own nature to view things that way and also that it spared wasting her own resources to bother someone else doing it for her.

A bottle of water on her desk being poured in to fill the glass and mixed application of her own reishi manipulation and familial trait to heat up the liquid until it was nice and hot. It would've been more effort if he asked for white coffee, black was easy.

"Right. All settled in? I'm not keeping you from something am I?"


Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Gamma_Signature
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] CHARACTER_LISTGrowth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] GRAPHICS_THREADGrowth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:21 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Sterne20


"Nothing that cannot wait, I assure you. It is not every day that you receive a personal call from another division, so you have my full attention."

He was not wrong about that, as he bemusedly observed the coffee situation play out before him whilst taking the proffered seat. He felt the warmth emit from her hands and his lips pursed as he made a mental note of how easy she had made that look. He was certainly more than capable of matching such a minor feat and had indeed intended to reheat the coffee if it had grown cold, but their techniques did seem to differ at some base level and that was interesting in itself.

Accepting the freshly heated cup, he took a long sip and savoured the sweet burning sensation as it tickled the back of his throat. His pale features flushed with colour as the hot liquid passed through his system, and that former smile did now return with a vengeance.

"I suppose we should get down to business, though. So how might I be of service to you?"

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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:48 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Header2



She started giggling before it broke out into laughter, it wasn't making fun of him. It just was really charming, cute even that he jumped to the conclusion of her request to meet with her meant she wanted something from him. She had to wonder if it was a hint towards a more cynical side to him. He did look like he might be gloomy in the right circumstances.

"I'm sorry, I guess it might've looked like I had intended to drag you to me for some request, order or favour. Please take it easy knowing it is not the case rather that I am only calling you here to appraise you of some circumstances that have arisen."

Sophie took another sip of coffee to settle herself and pluck her more professional attitude back from the small amusement she had found in the situation.

"Anyway, as of recently we have noticed some resources missing. Particularly soul synthesised silver which is important for the construction of... Nevermind, you know if you do and it's not relevant anyway, back to my point. It has become apparent our numbers aren't adding up, this was traced back to your section and evidence was found that put suspicion on you."

The Administrator took another sip while waiting for his reaction, she wasn't a sadist to leave him stewing for a moment out of wanting to see if he reacted or not. Just a curious cat.

"Of course, before Todgestalten intervened and much to a certain coordinator's dismay at my nosey nature I stuck my nose into the investigation and provided evidence to suggest you were a scapegoat. They are pursuing other leads now and I have no more reason to be involved, though it is my nature to like to know where our resources are going."

She let it all sink in while sipping again. Gosh, she was such a pain for arrogant people who didn't like a nosey girl with her position, it's not like her Grandmaster can get upset though if she is ensuring results though and sparing innocent people misfortune. Now that she thought about it, Cyrus had personally recruited this man. Hadn't he?

All the more to ponder while sipping her coffee.


Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Gamma_Signature
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] CHARACTER_LISTGrowth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] GRAPHICS_THREADGrowth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:39 pm
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Sterne20


The assumption Sophie had made of Alastair's thought process was certainly not far from the truth, though he was equally unfazed by her response to it. Bluntness came to him naturally, all the more so when he was at an informational disadvantage such as right now, and so he remained cool and collected.

"Ah, there is no need to apologise. Please, appraise away."

He was halfway through taking another sip when she explained the real reason behind why she had reached out to him. His reaction to which was anything but subtle, as he spluttered into his cup at the first mention of the accusation. It was all news to him, and certainly alarming, but he could not help but wonder what was exactly going on.

"I... My... Silver..?"

Alastair fumbled his words, the sentence eluding him as he paused and furrowed his brow in frustration. Of all the reasons he had dared to consider for this meeting, this was beyond even his wildest of imaginations and it was showing. It took a long exhale for him to find his former composure, placing the coffee down and then moving to massage his temples.

"I suppose I am in your debt, then. You stuck your neck out for me, a stranger for all intents and purposes, why? What evidence did you have that so concretely proved my innocence?"

There were half a hundred questions he wanted to ask, most of which he doubted the administrator had the answers for, so he focused on the essentials. From there he could build a better picture of what had actually gone on, and why he was quickly becoming entangled in some conspiracy.

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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:06 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Header2


There it was and he spluttered his coffee. Well, she supposed it was only appropriate that he would get taken aback at such news.

"Oh dear, you've got coffee on your uniform. Here."

She muttered an incantation to herself while casting her spell. It was like bringing a gun to a sword fight though, usage of Reinwelt for something as simple as cleaning a stain from someone's clothes was an unnecessary usage of advanced spells when she had created it for far greater means. It didn't matter to her though.

"No you're not, why would I expect you to be in my debt? You know, when you share a name with my brother and his hair I didn't expect you to say something so similar to him too. Hehe."

Still as carefree as she had started, Sophie found it endearingly cute that he jumped to that conclusion. She didn't intend to hold a favour over him like some great curse or anything, that did beg the question of why. People did tend to only do things like this because they wanted something in return.

"Why? I guess I just don't like it when things are don't wrong. Sure, I could've done nothing and let them take you in but an ignorant scapegoat would only muddy the waters even more. It's hardly the first time something like this has happened. Resources have a habit of disappearing every now and again, it's quite a bother."

The whole thing was said nonchalantly, did she want to explain her methods? It was something she wondered while taking another sip.

"Well, if you really are so interested. Our little coordinator whom doesn't require to be named for the sake of his own pride is very triggerhappy. Traces of Soul-Made Silver were found in your quarters but it is peculiar that your section which has nothing to do with transport of precious goods would manifest some of this material. The quantites itself weren't anything particularly special either, compared to what went missing that is... and sure enough, a greater lead did appear when that focus was shifted to other sections within the Sternritter. It's a pretty shoddy of a framing job, in my opinion. You were too disconnected to reasonably manifest some of this evidence in a manner which made sense."

She had assumed he was picked because of some petty attempt to get back at him for something. Maybe he just annoyed someone for whatever reason. It didn't matter, she had washed her hands of it and could now could let people who were actually relevant to the matter pursue it.


Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Gamma_Signature
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Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Empty Re: Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie]

Wed Apr 14, 2021 7:21 am
Growth is Inevitable [Alastair, Sophie] Sterne20


"Oh? Ah, it's really no bother. My own fault. Oh, thank you."

So caught up in the moment that he had not even noticed the coffee staining his overcoat? It was an uncommon lapse in perception for Alastair but these circumstances were certainly just as uncommon, and he looked down in mild bewilderment as the series of brown blotches began to disperse. His voice had been softer too if only for a moment, the usual dour formality of his tone temporarily suppressed by the display.

Another long breath followed, as he dragged his fingers through his hair and swept it back over his head before his gaze focused back on Sophie. Her blasé reaction to his outburst was endearing in its own way, and that polite smile seemed to have never left her face for the duration of the conversation even as he made a fool of himself before her very eyes.

"My apologies, I had no intention to waste good coffee." And there was the formality again, pleasant but subtly dry, "But my thanks are genuine, even if it was no great effort on your end."

He listened to her detailed explanation intently, nodding along from time to time, though he did ponder who would go to all this effort just to see him mildly inconvenienced. Maybe it was that drill instructor from Washington? She had not seemed like the scheming sort, though did such people ever show their true faces publicly? Perhaps it was an angle worth investigating on his own, no need to bother the Todgestalten with it certainly, and plenty more did not quite add up.

But he had no intention of bothering Sophie with this any more than he already had, she was too sweet to burden with further troubles. Perhaps he should have thanked her and been on his way already, got out of her hair as quickly as he could, but she had already seen through his icy mask and glimpsed at a more genuine underbelly. Besides, he shipped to Jefferson in a few days and whatever else awaited him out there wouldn't give him time to regret.

"If you will not accept an offer of a debt to be claimed, then will you consider an offer of dinner? On me, of course, it is the least I can do. A little show of appreciation for your kindness, and for reaching out to me in turn."

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