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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Empty [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha

Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:51 pm
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Kasha-header2

Basic Information
○ Name: Koizumi Kasha.
○ Alias: Flowing Flame-like Bird.
○ Age: 30s.
○ Gender: Male.
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliation:
Koizumi Family, Branch Family.
Shin'o Academy, Graduate.
Gotei United, 8th Division Unseated Member.

○ Alignment: Neutral Good
○ Marital Status: Single.
○ Nationality: Soul Society.
○ Sexuality: What do you think?
○ Special Skill: Make-up.

○ Height: 5'4"
○ Weight: On the lighter side.
○ Hair Colour: Black
○ Eye Colour: Red.

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Kasha-app

Psychological Analysis
Noble. Kasha finds the birth into nobility to be more of a burden than a blessing, particularly one such as the Koizumi clan though despite how he feels about it he has grown to adapt to that environment. There is a feeling of noblesse oblige to be had, an obligation to utilise what he has at his disposal to help others. Due to being of the Koizumi though that is hard to express and more often than not he will only end up frustrated by the manner in which his family expressly engage in their evasive methods.

Beauty. For Kasha what appeals to him is beauty hence why Hakuda is such an elegant style that requires precision and finesse which manifests as that kind of alluring beauty. Being the inheritor of the Hōo Kanmuri Ken within the Koizumi family, he does not deny the fact that his fighting form is beautiful but he does not like the fact he thinks it is inherently cruel. Whereas others might refer to it as a beautiful style which does not draw blood, he would refer to it as the style which tortures a person on the whim of the user. Beyond hakuda, he sees beauty in nature, art and people. A strong reason for why his appearance is so effeminate to begin with.

Hypocritical, Kasha is inherently aware of his own hypocrisy which is one of the reasons it frustrates him all the more. He expects others to be honest and truthful when he will not be himself, he expects others that have the means to help others who are less fortunate and yet he will stand by and act like he is part of the crowd. He will criticise his fighting style as something negative and then he will continue to practice it. He is a man littered with hypocrisy and will continue to be due to feeling trapped within it.

Impressionable. Due to his nature he is very impressionable, often times being able to be roped into various things and just going along with them. It's not that Kasha does not have a spine or ability to stand up for himself but the image he upholds and the way he bends to the traditions of his family makes it very difficult for him to decide at which point he should stop going along with the situation. Often times when something backfires he will mysteriously disappear from the situation and deny ever being there.


Kasha was born under a different name to different parents of the Koizumi. He never really got to know that name he was born with or those parents, it was redundant for him to have known them anyway since he was intended to be groomed for the role of succeeding the title of Kasha and inheriting the Hōo Kanmuri Ken.

He grew up training, day in and day out until he was physically capable. It didn't matter if he was a child to his teacher. She did not consider that at all, only that he'd take her name and title eventually. Kasha had successfully inherited the style at the age of sixteen and learnt most of the techniques within the art, though he did not agree with them or particularly like them. It was only out of appreciation and affection for his teacher that he wanted to make her proud as she was the closest he had to a relative.

After he reached adulthood there was a feeling of emptiness, he had achieved the goal he had been given from birth. Inherit the Hōo Kanmuri Ken, there was little else to do and so he filled his quiet days with training, reading and pursuing aesthetics. At some point in his life it begun to annoy him, in the literature he would read would involve tales of those that struggled and sufferred. It bothered him that the creed of his family dictated that he would never truly be able to help them, never be honest with them and always be someone else.

Kasha just lived under a mask.

Even if he did though and he would be a lying hypocrite, there was a beauty in that simple dream of wanting to help others. That desire turned into a goal and that goal turned into him eventually joining the Shin'o Academy. He never stepped out of line though.

The hakuda they taught was rudimentary and didn't come close to his own grasp. He did it anyway. He would surely be able to complete this entire curriculum within half the time. He did it anyway. He did not cut corners or overachieve in any field regardless of how he felt about it.

He just blended in with the crowd. So much so that after a while he began to grow used to the feeling of being a hypocritical liar which made him more and more cynical. Where would someone like him fit? The Fifth Division, in any other division he might feel inclined to reveal more than what he dared show. Not there though. So for his fifth year and in the academy he decided to try and see what it was like in the Gotei United.


Needles: Kasha utilises needles for the sake of his accupuncture. He will occasionally make use of them in combat but finds that they are exceptionally difficult to make use of effectively and so it is rare that they will ever be made use of.


Expert Healer: Kasha is an expert healer, most of his usage of kido is orientated towards Kaido rather than Bakudo or Hadō. Beyond the immediate spiritual usages, he is also knowledgeable on various physical healing methods and has studied medicine as classes during his time in the Academy which include various clinical and more traditional methods.

Flowing Flame-like Bird: He has red reiatsu, Kasha's reiatsu is also quite hot which is why he keeps it suppressed because it has the habit of starting fires when he releases it. If it is raining or he is near water then it will cause it to evaporate and produce steam. When fully released it gives off the appearance of being a phoenix, which surrounds him or hovers above him which is the basis for where he got the title Flowing Flame-like Bird. His noble heritage as a descendant of the four great noble family's gives him an impressive amount of reiryoku compared to his peers.

Hōo Kanmuri Ken: The fighting style of Kasha, it is one of the unique one-hundred and eight martial arts of the Koizumi. As the one who inherited it, he received the name Kasha along with the secrets of the fighting style. The style is incredibly aggressive and omits defence in most situations, which makes it rely heavily on being in control of the situation and taking the lead in all situations rather than working based on reaction.

Through the usage of it, Kasha uses incredible moments of speed to tear through an opponent's flesh. The strikes are incredibly hot to the point that blood is evaporated at a touch and the wound itself is cauterised hence why the style is known as the one that does not draw blood. Hōo Kanmuri Ken however also means the target will not die of bloodloss which means the target will not die unless the practioner decides.

The most immediate facets are that the specific applications of energy cause the strikes to burn, even by not drawing blood or wounding a target it will still feel incredibly hot from the touch. Then is a matter of the varying degrees of burns that one will experience, depending on someone's durability compared to Kasha's techniques these will vary from first to third degree burns.

Despite the heavy focus on the aggressive nature of it, Kasha's nature has caused different approaches to utilising the style. An example is Hōo Kanmuri Ken - Entenka, where he is able to encourage healing in a person through gentle injections of his reiatsu into their body similar to accupuncture which has a comfortable warmth to it while it enhances the regeneration of the body. He can use this in a fight to benefit himself though he will also use it on others to heal them. The style itself though requires incredible precision and control, Entenka for example can just as easily kill someone by improper use or scar them permanently if not done correctly.

An example that Kasha did not create himself but inherent, and greatly dislikes using is one that inserts reiatsu into a target's lungs after striking the chest. This reiatsu then forms smoke in the target's lungs and can torture or even kill them through suffocation.


Name: Ausauchi (浅打, Shallow Hilt)

Manifestation Summary: He hasn't imprinted and so it has yet to manifest any unique features.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept.
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Advanced.

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Adept.
  • Kido: Adept.
  • Hakuda: Advanced.
  • Zanjutsu: Adept.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept.
  • Focus: Advanced.


Spookyburst 2022
Zanjutsu: Untrained -> Adept [14 points].

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:37 pm; edited 11 times in total

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Gamma_Signature
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha CHARACTER_LIST[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha GRAPHICS_THREAD[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha TIMELINE_THREAD
Veteran Member
Joined : 2016-02-15
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[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha

Sun Apr 18, 2021 10:53 pm
Reserving post for future upgrades/changelog.
1000 credits for basic character slot.

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Gamma_Signature
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha CHARACTER_LIST[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha GRAPHICS_THREAD[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha TIMELINE_THREAD
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Left_bar_bleue7900/999999[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha

Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:01 pm

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  • Tier: 4-2

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  • Power: C
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: D

[Spirit Class 7 | Hazard D] Koizumi Kasha Sumera-character-list
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