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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 10:50 am
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Header3


Hehe. She was a genius, this region was actually pretty secure because of the people in the world of the living being able to manage themselves a bit better but Himiko was still able to get a nice comfy spot here and super close to her new boyfriend. She did say that she'd formally request her captain; and by that it meant roll around on the floor in front of Murasaki and beg her to let her be sent here.


Now where did her boyfriend live? It was around here somewhere. Sure, she could call him but she wanted to surprise him. It'd be super cute like that you know? Totes.


Last edited by Gamma on Thu May 06, 2021 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Gamma_Signature
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] CHARACTER_LISTSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] GRAPHICS_THREADSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 11:13 am
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] 30puOuO


It was one of those few pleasant days when Erchanhardt had any time to himself, away from the myriad responsibilities he had as Emperor. Of course, even without that work to be done, he was not the sort who would simply idle around and wait for something to occur. He, instead, was around the town of Konigsberg, assisting the people in their daily lives as he always had. They always seemed to shower him with more elaborate thanks than ever, now that he had taken the throne, but he always declined such treatment.

"I am no different now than I have always been. Duke Konigsberg, or even Lord Burgstaller is more than sufficient."

He gave a smile to the old widow whose storefront had needed some reconstruction work, and with a wave of farewell, he headed off through the town once more. He was quite glad to have this peace, even if only for a day or two.


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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 6:26 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Header3


Um. This way, no that way. No this way. Gosh, sooooo hard to navigate this place. Eventually she gave up and started asking the locals for directions and a lay of the land, she had keen instincts but her gut her failed her navigational abilities today. How embarrassing. What's even more is that she was hearing rumours from the people around her carrying the information around of a woman with fox features to spread. Not cool, a girl's trying to do a surprise here.

Then she saw him. He was hard to miss so it made complete sense, right? The sight of her boyfriend over there just made her sneak over before poking him on the shoulder from behind like she was just some stranger but she wasn't! That's exactly what made her think it was so clever on her part.

She wanted to speak and not contain herself because she had very little self-control but the surprise of it being her here? Awww. She did well though to not speak too loudly though, maybe he hadn't heard the rumours of her being here spread yet?


Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Gamma_Signature
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] CHARACTER_LISTSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] GRAPHICS_THREADSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 7:18 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] 30puOuO



Fortunately for Himiko, Erchanhardt had not yet heard the rumors of a charming vixen prowling through his lands, and though the sunglasses he wore obscured the surprise in his eyes, his growing smile certainly gave enough away so far as a reaction was concerned.

"I had certainly not anticipated a visit so pleasant as this today, Himiko, but I suppose I should thank the Lord that my schedule for the day is quite empty."

Naturally, he took Himiko's hand, lifting it just enough to bend and kiss the back of it. He was not one to rush these things along, but he had already shown her this particular affection before, and frankly, was this not an acceptable action between a man and a woman in courtship, regardless? He thought it quite acceptable, though he could certainly feel the surprised looks of his subjects in the town as he did so. Really, their Duke had found a woman? How exciting! Ah, and now they were off to spread the gossip. He would never hear the end of this now.


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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 7:39 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Header3


"Hehe. Miss-"

She was cut off when he kissed her hand and made her get all flustered, everyone was here and watching right now. This was not thoughtout or anything, What was she meant to do now? Duh. That was easy, she should just roll with it! That was the only way to deal with these kind of situations.

"Empty? If that's so, can we hang out? I've done my patrols for the day now so if you want we can go on another date or just talk, that's totally nice too."


Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Gamma_Signature
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] CHARACTER_LISTSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] GRAPHICS_THREADSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 7:52 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] 30puOuO


Well, he hadn't intended to fluster her quite like that, but he found her...ah, well, cute when she was. Somehow, the thought of actually calling her that seemed more difficult than to pick her up into his arms. How strange.

"Most certainly. I would be quite thrilled to show you the town. Ah, there are a great many lovely places to eat, though if you would prefer, I would be more than happy to invite you to my home for lunch?"

If he was being totally honest, Erchanhardt actually did rather hope she accepted that offer, but either way, he was content to walk the stone streets with her for now, her hand still in his. It occurred to him that this city had seen a great deal since the last time he had walked through it with a woman. Better not to let such thoughts cloud his mood, however. This was to be a pleasant day.


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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 8:37 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Header3


Gently rocked back and forth in her spot while listening to him explain the showing her of the town. Ah yes, Murasaki would be glad to hear in her report that she did lots of reconaissance of the area and it totally wasn't embellished whatever that word meant, hehe. Her tail was already in full gear when he finished.

"Of course I'd love to go to your house and have lunch after a walk, that sounds totally cool. I didn't even eat this morning, I forgot to get something because I wanted to get my patrol over and done with and get some free time."

It sure would be a real shame to not see his place, they had spent more time in the woods than at his place. She did appreciate the woodlands though and found a great sense of satisfaction in there but it wouldn't compare to this. No way.

"So where are we going first?"


Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Gamma_Signature
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] CHARACTER_LISTSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] GRAPHICS_THREADSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 9:04 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] 30puOuO


"A walk toward the castle should bring us through a great many of the finest parts of the city. The town square is quite a sight, but before we go there we may be able to stop through one of the parks. The apple trees are in full bloom, so it is quite lovely. Ah, and I would be remiss if I did not show you the last of the old bridges."

On one hand, Erchanhardt wasn't actually sure how much of all this would necessarily interest Himiko. On the other hand, he was simply happy to share it with her, and he hoped rather sincerely that she did find it at least enjoyable with his company. As the two walked, he took a bit of a detour, just out of the way and over an ancient old bridge, the river below slow and clear.

"I nearly fell from this bridge quite regularly when I was a boy, you know. I was quite excitable, and mother always told me it would be the death of me if I continued walking along the bridge's walls. I suppose I enjoyed the thrill of it, as all young boys do."


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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Thu May 06, 2021 9:48 pm
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Header3


"Ooooh, that sounds fun. Let's do it."

By that Himiko was pretty happy indeed to do anything as long as he was there too. It wasn't particularly about what she was doing but who she was doing it with and that was very much how she felt about this matter as well. So Himiko was pretty happy to take his hand and start walking, looking around the whole time while she was doing it. Aww, this was totes cool and sweet. Murasaki was gonna lose it at the next girl talk session.

"What? Really? That's so dangerous, honestly what is it with boys and needing to be in dangerous situations for fun. Aww but that's so cool too, it looks like it's been here a real long time."

She let go of his hand to walk closer to the wall and take a peek down below with a big exaggerated lean. Not because she was intentionally showing off her behind or anything, she was just trying to get the best possible view down there.


Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Gamma_Signature
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] CHARACTER_LISTSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] GRAPHICS_THREADSpontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] Empty Re: Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko]

Fri May 07, 2021 12:16 am
Spontaneous, Splendorous Show-up [Erchanhardt, Himiko] 30puOuO


Himiko's cheer proved rather infectious, and Erchanhardt found her whole demeanor to be thoroughly endearing. He often thought to himself that perhaps he was merely overconsidering things, that he was letting some youthful emotions get the better of him. That was probably wholly correct, but speaking with Himiko tended to make that opinion feel justified.

"It is a fine way to appease our natural masculine pride, particularly in those youthful days when there is no true glory to be sought yet. What other way can we demonstrate our prowess than by simply risking our safety before our peers? It is quite needless, but there is an innocence to it that I think would benefit many adults."

Naturally, Erchanhardt averted his gaze as Himiko's leaning offered him what would almost assuredly have been a very pleasant view. It was more or less entirely an instinctive action to look away, nearly 1000 years of principles simply enacting themselves.

"After all, what need is there for violence or supremacy when the pursuit of aesthetic and prowess is more than sufficient?"

Maybe he was getting a bit deep into this particular train of thought, but...well, he supposed it was good to see how she fared with such conversation. It would be a bit unfortunate if she did not care for it.


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