Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Morph OTY
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A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A DAM SET TO BURST [Open]

Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:39 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

All was forgotten in the moment, save for the struggle between this two. A blissful encounter that in any other setting Sol would be tripping over himself to give thanks to. This young man provided him with such a fight that he had forgotten his brief anger. Instead the tenacity of which the young man fought with, the calculating and ruthless nature in which he sought to break Sol was beautiful in it's own way. For that, Sol would be thankful.

As he felt the hand of the stranger upon his wrist, his eyes would flicker to it as he saw the movement of his leg. In this moment Sol made a choice, acting on his speed and aggression to counteract his opponent's mobility. If there was not enough space between the both of them, he would not be able to extend that leg for a kick. His left leg would take a step forward as he threw his weight forward, his legs coiling before springing literally jumping towards the male. While the leg of the stranger lifted up, Sol would crash his hips into their torso seeking to wrap his legs around him and force him to the ground. Ideally, while they only had a single leg on the ground.

Provided he was able to throw his weight onto him and wrap his legs around his waist, he'd raise his arm not currently being grabbed and seek to smash his elbow right into the man's forehead- repeatedly until he fell to the floor.


A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 JfH75kA
A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A DAM SET TO BURST [Open]

Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:32 pm
Tsurugi Toru

Actions happened in rapid succession - He wasn't fast enough to keep to speed with the other young man's movements, his attempt at a kick being thwarted by the other's crashing into and wrapping his legs around his torso. It was too late to retract his leg to maintain balance, already being a ways up as he staggered. Despite his strength, he was too off balanced to keep himself stable long enough to get his other foot back down, only worsened by his forehead getting repeatedly elbowed to ensure he was knocked over.

His chest burned, his breath short as he held that wrist he had with a vicegrip, even as he fell to the ground, falling to the earth with a loud thud. Even on the ground, he was hell bent on getting back up again, trying to force the two of them to roll over, even if the other man's position made that incredibly difficult from their present position. Even so, even as he was rolling onto his broken arm, he was still determined to 'win' this, whatever it was at this point, deep growls coming from him as his eyes were wide, staring intensely at his opponent as he pushed, and pushed, and PUSHED himself to roll over.


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Morph OTY
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A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A DAM SET TO BURST [Open]

Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:07 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Stop! Stop, damn you!"

The words left Sol's mouth in a fit of anger, perhaps at the tenacity of the other man or simply because he was growing annoyed with the situation. If this kept up, he feared only some lasting damage would end this. But the released of anger throughout the fight had managed to calm him down somewhat. So, with that being said, Sol would drop a knee on the guy's good arm to pin it to the floor certainly applying more than enough pressure for it to be painful. His free hand would grip him by the throat, applying pressure to cut off blood circulation and push his palm against his trachea.

A man could only do so much before they lost steam from the lack of oxygen, and blood flowing to their brain. Provided he began to slow his struggle down, the long hair'd male would grimace down at him. The unreasonable hatred in the fighter's eyes giving way to mild annoyance, and perhaps a slight worry. If this guy was injured, permnantly, or too much, he doubt his career in the Gotei would fare well.

"Calm down, and I'll let you up. Otherwise I'm putting you under, asshole." He'd warn briefly tightening his grip for emphasis. Once he was given confirmation he would calm down, or stop struggling, he'd slowly release the pressure- even going so far a to carefully withdraw himself from the male.


A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 JfH75kA
A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A DAM SET TO BURST [Open]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:36 pm
Tsurugi Toru

The call to stop caused the struggling man to cease, panting heavily as he laid splayed beneath the other, gritting his teeth as he employed further means to restrain him. He panted and heaved, the sensation of pain almost making him throw up as the adrenaline slowly came down, releasing the other man's hand as he'd groan softly.

"...I've stopped... I'm done.." He'd croak out as he simply lied on the ground beneath him, allowing him to safely get off. The moment he was given a sign this wasn't intended to be done to the point of grievous injury, was the point he felt safe to stop. His heart was pounding in his chest, feeling the sting of defeat, which was probably worse than any broken arm to him, but he wasn't a sore loser in the slightest, even if it hurt his pride.

"I lose..." His expression twisted with pain as he'd grit his teeth, slowly moving to sit up.

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Morph OTY
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A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A DAM SET TO BURST [Open]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:13 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Yeah, you did."

Sol would say a little out of breath as well, if not a bit annoyed still. But he'd actually move getting to his own feet to let the young man get up. As he got up, Sol would cast a glance towards the crowd. A scowl would enter his features as he waved his arms at the ground shouting something along the lines of 'Move on, get away' towards them which was enough to spook most of them off.

After the guy got to his feet, he'd look him over with some minor grimaces. He had done a number to him, and now things where gonna get awkward. In truth, Sol knew that he was out of line. This guy could get him in some real trouble if they wanted to. After a moment of awkward silence.

"If you're Gotei we should take you to the infirmary." He'd finally say with a sigh, looking around. He'd shift his weight as he turned around to begin to walk, assuming the guy would follow. "Name's Sol. Sorry about the arm." A pause.

"It's been a rough day."

Yeah, hopefully the guy would understand. Maybe not. Maybe so.


A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 JfH75kA
A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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A DAM SET TO BURST [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: A DAM SET TO BURST [Open]

Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:07 pm
Tsurugi Toru

Tsurugi slowly rose to his feet not long after the other man had gotten off of him, gingerly holding his bruised and broken arm, gritting his teeth as he stood, somewhat hunched over. He clicked his teeth, silent and to himself, glaring at the crowd as the victor would then move to chase them all off, which was honestly somewhat surprising to the young man - winners tended to be of the sore variety in his experience.

He was surprised he was not only not gloating about it, but offered to help him to the infirmary. That cold dead look in his eyes had some flicker of light as he'd only simply exhale,

"Tsurugi," He'd respond with a quiet nod, "No need for apologies. Worse has been done."

He'd turn away, and begin limping off, not looking back once he started, "...I can go there just fine on my own."

He didn't fully understand the other man, but some part of him wished to.

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