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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:18 am
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa blinked for a moment at that. She said nothing in response to the whole horns thing, but she was a little surprise when she saw the woman getting up and starting to circle her, eyeing her with clear interest. It was definitely not what she expected as the demon inspected her work. Those hands framing the air around her winds, making Santa's spine tingle slightly She .... was not used to being looked at like this. Even more, she turned in time to see those wings spilling out into the open air again, and even seeing the woman show off a bit more leg as the second pair unfurled. There was a soft sinking noise as the roots of the wings stabbed through Santa's shirt and into her back, piercing the flesh which almost instantly healed around it, connecting the wings to her body and spreading down, growing even more, slowly as a second, matching pair og wings began to spread and grow around her waist, her face furrowed in concentration.

She was more used to doing these kinds of alterations in her ressurected form, but thankfully this was just general shape she was messing with, nothing too ridiculous. All the same, within a few moments she had a matching pair of wingsets to the demon, the area around where they were anchored thickening slightly as new muscle grew and slithered into Santa's back, cutting into her skin before it healed and grew together. And depending on how well Ari could sense, she would find that her body wasn't even regenerating like one would expect, it wasn't growing back, it was growing out, repairing in a new, altered fashion, as if it were adapting to the injury.

Santa paused, spreading that lower pair just a littlethe wingtips lightly tapping Ari's becasue of their proximity, though of course she was wearing clothes that were a lot less leggy. "I'll keep that in mind. And uhhhhhhhh, probably eventually? Never actually did something like this before, might take some adjusting but maybe?" She murmured, a little tense but still seeming pleased with how close the other woman was getting, not yet getting uncomfortable.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:51 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Arianda hummed softly as she continued to watch Santa. Heck, she didn't even bat an eyelash, or flinch, when Santa basically stabbed herself with her own wings to grow a new, matching pair, of wings below he others; to match Ari somewhat. She smiled gently. In a sense, this Arrancar was oddly endearing; in a sense at least. Perhaps not the kind of material you take home to meet your girlfriend, certainly not; but definitely the kind you keep in contact with. Perhaps, someone to keep safe. Frankly speaking, if Ari's old house wasn't currently melted, she probably would've insisted Santa take up a place to stay there whenever she wasn't wandering. However, that was no longer Ari's concern. Instead, the demon hummed as she felt their wing tips touch; and Arianda purposefully hooked the tip of her lower wings onto Santa's lower wings. She grinned a small bit, taking small steps forward; clearly in a teasing mood.

Eventually, the demon was close enough where Santa could get away with doing something; and Ari could too. Instead, the demon gently reached up and pet Santa's head; smiling some as she gingerly pet the Arrancar woman.

"Well, I don't see a better time than now to see if you can fly~ There's a lot of open sky, and I promise I won't let you fall. No better time then the present, after all~"

With a small grin, and a very gentle ruffle of Santa's hair, the demon unhooked her lower wings from Santa's own, and gently slipped away. She grinned still, holding out her left hand for Santa to take. After all, they needed to get to someplace in the open air if they were to fly. Neither of them, at least Ari was pretty sure of this, wanted to damage any of the machinery or glass in here, after all.

"Shall we~? I'm sure the top of this cathedral is the perfect place to go for flight practice~"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:20 pm
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

It was certainly odd to keep track of the new wings that she had anchored to herself, gently adjusting them here and there before she paused, her brows raising for a moment as she felt the other woman's wingtips hook into her own before they closed in. What was she doing? And then she felt that hand reach up and gently pat her head, jerking slightly, her horns lightly nicking Ari's hand for just a moment before it managed to rest on her head. "Hm. I think your other form was prettier." She observed lightly, her head canting a bit to the side before Ari went on to talk about a flying lesson.

Eh? Was she serious? "Uh...." She paused, confused for just a moment before she glanced at the offered hand. She paused.... staring a moment at the other woman's palm before.....ultimately, she reached out and took a firm hold, allowing herself to be taken up to the rafters, anxious about the heights, as soona s their hands gripped her wings promptly wrapped around the woman as well, her arm latching around Ari's shoulders as she clung, looking leerily down at the surroundings as she trusted....barely, Ari not to let her fall. OR rather that she was good enough at clinging to catch herself if she did.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:51 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

A tiny nick to her hand from Santa's horns wasn't much to worry about. Without even blinking, it was healed; like it was never there. Of course, the demon was careful with her petting; not wanting Santa to freak out if she could. Besides, if Santa was expected any blood to be in her air, or on the hand Ari extended; there was none of that. THere wasn't even the reminder of a wound; just smooth, silky, skin. And indeed, Arianda lead her to the rafters, and eventually the open air where they could jump off the building. She smiled warmly at Santa, and made sure to hold the woman tight. She spread her wings out, taking in the fresh air... and then, she gave Santa a silent count with her fingers.


Arianda held Santa tight as she jump from the roof with great force; holding Santa tight as her wings easily bore them both towards the sky. After the demon got high enough, she evened out and glided so Santa could attempt to fly on her own some; with little help from Arianda. She smiled warmly still, reaching her other hand over to gently pat the girl on the head.

"I got you, okay~? Just don't let go until you're ready. Take your time. Your first flight is... terrifying, I won't lie. And, perhaps when we're done, I can change back to my other form if you honestly believe it's that pretty~"

Arianda let a soft chuckle escape her as she continued to glide high above the ground; high enough where she would have more than ample time to catch Santa if she were to fall. After all, this was basically the most sudden, dangerous, trust exercise that Santa had ever been through.

"Don't worry, I'm certain you'll be able to fly on your own in no time~"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:13 pm
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa perked a bit, and Ari would probably feel something a bit off. She wasn't used to actually nicking people, arrancar usually had their built in armor, so when Ari's hand was nicked, it would heal......almost....perfectly. The skin slightly off color. but nothing to worry about as they suddenly soared up. Santa's eyes a little wide, even with the ability to use reishi platforms she usually wasn't this situation. That was a stationary position, but hearing the wind howling around her was very new for her, and once they started gliding she continued to cling to the other, smaller woman for a moment as she furrowed her brows. She could do this. Absolutely she could do this! She focused, watching the other woman for a moment.

"I...I can do this.." She gently pulled at the other woman's hands, waiting until they were past the edge of the roof, so that there was more space to fall, and then FWOOSH! She flapped her wings once, and then wrapped her wings around herself. Promptly DROPPING into a dive! The air suddenly ROARING around her as she seemingly sped toward the ground! It might even look like Santa was preparing to show off! But in reality, she had no idea.

She was stupid. She was dumb. Trying to figure it out naturally generally wasn't the way to go about these things. No. It was better to let instincts take over. To let her DESPERATION take hold. And as she dove down, it kicked in. Those wings THICKENED, bulked up, sleekened, and then shrank, thinning back out, denser, stronger, and then there was a wet SPLATTER as new wings erupted from her body. Her anlkes, wrists, all along her back like spines they burst out and then the roaring leapt to a crescendo as they unfurled and she SWOOPED back up! Gliding more than anything, but with her momentum she rocketed back up into the air, her eyes wide with slight panic, but still trusting that her ability would carry her!

It would be at this very moment that Ari would likely notice that spot on her hand. When she had been injured, it had healed, but it wasn't her own pale skin tone. It was Santa's. Her garden had grown there. And Just as Santa had experienced that sudden growth, a set of wings would also erupt from Ari's hand, flaring out as if it were attached to Santa, albeit a bit uselessly, as if affected by the actions and instincts that Santa was going through. IT would even shift and adjust in time with the wings on Santa's actual body. All the same, it wasn't long before Santa swooped back toward Ari, and then SKREEEEEEECHED across the building, her fingers digging into the stone, ripping the skin and nails off the tips before they instantly grew back as bone claws, digging grooves as she skidded to a stop thanks to her own lack of a proper landing strategy. The VERY clear expression was one of adrenaline, the woman's eyes wide, breathing a bit heavily after that rush. She almost looked like a cat clinging to the curtains by her claws! But she had managed to do it!
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:21 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Arianda hummed as she silently inspected her hand while Santa dived towards the ground. Ari wasn't concerned, not really. She could catch up to the woman and save her if she needed. However, Arianda looked at her hand and realized that something was wrong about how she healed. It was puzzling, really. Instead of worrying about it, or cutting it out, she simply turned her attention to the falling Santa; ready to move at a moments notice if she needed any help. However, the woman had clearly figured it out; with Ari also figuring out what was wrong with her hand. Clearly, Santa had some odd abilities.

When Santa had regrown her own wings and shot back up into the air, Arianda witnessed that a small pair of wings burst forth from Ari's hand. It didn't garner much worry from the demon, however, she was still watching Santa closely; watching as she flew past the demon at rather immense speeds, and then basically crashed into the roof. The demon let out a soft chuckle as she watched Santa skid across the roof of the building. She eventually moved up towards the woman, silently using her possessive shifting to isolate the piece of Santa that was attached to her; to hopefully make the removal easier. As endearing as Santa could be, she didn't exactly wish to carry a piece of her back home.

She smiled, walking up to the woman and gently patting her on the head; being careful not to get nicked by Santa's horns this time around. She hummed softly, doing her best to try and help the girl relax. After a small amount of time, Arianda nodded at Santa and grinned.

"Not bad for your first time flying; not bad at all~ Just breathe for now, okay; deed breaths. But after you're done, mind helping me with this~?"

Arianda held up her left hand, the one that still had the set of wings, that were clearly Santa's, sprouting from them. Hopefully, Santa would know how to remove this piece of her... or whatever it was.

"I don't want any part of me to end up hurting you, if it can be helped at all. But again, good job~"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:31 pm
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa was still huffing just a little from the exhilaration, slowly getting up to her feet, a bit shaky as she brushed herself off, then her eyes shifting back to the Oni. Ah right. She nodded, those new growths just sloughing off her body as her body healed back properly, cracking her wrist lightly before she turned her attention to the woman's wrist. She then pinkened slightly. "Ah, sorry. My garden, it can grow in wounds. Here..." She closed her eyes and focused, the wings twitched, squirming a little before little arms and hands grew out of the base, pushing itself up and out of the woman's hand before it flapped it's way down to the ground. Noticeably the wings and such that sloughed off hadn't just died, they were slowly growing into complete copies of Santa. Of course, she wasn't really great at making clothes outside of ressurection, so a number of winged Santas soon were standing about, brushing themselves off, the garden seeming to all be rather pleased, even leaping off the roof and starting to fly all around them, Santa clearly enjoying the sensory input from the experience, getting to experience it even as she explained to the oni. "It's harder to not grow there. I can, but you just have to tell me if you get injured. IT's sortof a .... hunting instinct. If I ever get a nick on something, It's usualy my go to to use it. So I'm sorry I didn't notice..." She noted with a bit of a sheepish murmur.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:42 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda smiled at Santa as she pinkened when noticing what she had done on accident; stating that her garden can grow on wounds. It was interesting, and quite an extremely funny feeling for the piece of Santa's garden to pull itself out of Ari's hand; which left Ari's hand back as its normal self. Quite an interesting ability, if not troublesome due to how it works. Arianda simply let out a soft chuckle as she observed the pieces that fell off Santa; humming as she watched them move about on her own. Quite an interesting power, that one. Arianda was just glad that she wouldn't have to go home and explain the how and why she had wings growing out of her hand.

"It's alright; I was more surprised it was faster than my regeneration. Anyways, I was more concerned about hurting you. I don't know how your powers work, and demon blood isn't exactly something to just play with. But, if you are unharmed, then there is no need to worry."

Arianda smiled softly and, in front of Santa, she reverted back to her shifter form; to the black haired girl with red highlights. She grinned, her bright silver eyes shining a tiny bit in the light. She hummed softly, stretching a little bit and popping more than a few bones.

"Hmmmn~ So, would you like to try flying again, or do you maybe want to save more practice for some other time~? I'm afraid I can't stick around terribly long. And don't worry, if it happens again, I'll tell you immediately~"

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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:50 pm
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

No sooner had Ari changed back than did several of the flying garden suddenly SWOOP in! Sweeping the woman up in a hug as the woman was practically dogpiled, before VERY suddenly setting her back down as Santa glared at them, causing them to scurry back into the skies, all of them going through their own flying lessons as the sensations and experience all went to Santa herself, rapidly learning the ins and outs of flying through her garden. "Sorry about that. And right, as for anything else that'saight homie, I've already taken up enough of your time as is." She noted with a firm nod, glancing up at her garden swooping about through the air. "I certainly look forward to meeting you some other time."
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) - Page 2 Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 5:16 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was certainly surprising to get suddenly ambushed by a bunch of pieces of Santa, which is what they basically were, hugging Ari in an odd sort of dogpile; at least until Ari was quickly dropped back onto her feet and the garden swooped away thanks to Santa's glare. After a few moments, it was hard for Ari not to laugh rather hard, giggling a bit as she winded down before smiling at Santa warmly.

"Ah, don't worry about it~ No harm done."

Arianda let out a soft giggle as she gently brushed off her skirt, and her cloak a little bit, at least before she walked a bit closer to Santa and smiled.

"Then, I hope our paths cross again. Good luck, enjoy flying~"

She grinned, and then gave the woman a big hug. Even if her garden did transmit every experience, she had to experience an Ari hug for herself. Afterwards, when Santa was done enjoying the hug, Arianda pulled away and grinned at her again.

"Stay safe, see ya around~"

Arianda grinned and then, turned away from Santa, her cloak billowing in the wind as Arianda jumped off the roof at a run; jumping through the air at speeds that Santa likely couldn't properly perceive. All she left behind her were streaks of dark red color as the demon sped away from a very fruitful chance meeting with quite the adorable Arrancar. Arianda just hoped they could meet again, and that Santa wouldn't get herself into trouble. Hopefully.

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