Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:20 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Kyoto, or rather the forest just outside of it. Santa was on one of her usual excursions into the world of the living, meandering a bit from her new stomping grounds in South Aftrica by deciding to move around Japan. It had been a long day moving through the city and exploring, but she had worn herself a little, her focus having eroded a little, she had made her way into the surrounding forest, frowning a bit as she could, with her pesquisa, sense the distant sensation of hollows. No doubt they would be drawn in soon, but for the time being, she was afforded some leeway until they showed up and she had to change locations.

She'd chosen the top of a hilly area to sit herself down, the arrancar sighing softly as she took a moment to relax her mind, letting the plain blue sky usher her into a more relaxed mindset without all of the stimulus of human crowds. Just a couple minutes and she'd be fine to head back in and get a bit of searching done before she had to head back to Hueco Mundo.

It was then that she paused as her pesquisa ....picked up something interesting. The number of spiritually aware had been pretty high these days, but something a bit ....stronger caught her attention. She sat up, brows perked slightly as she focused. Huh, something felt different. She took a moment, weighing her options. She might have to leave early, but ....satisfying her curiosity would be worth it right? Getting up onto her feet, She started to head back toward Kyoto, homed in on that strange soul.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:45 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

A bit stronger became a lot stronger, became holy shit what the fuck is that? stronger. The power of this Hollow raged in Santa's pesquisa, reaching out to cover the sky and the ground, to wrap itself around her and bring her to her knees in awe of it's glory. With that kind of build up, seeing a teenage woman doing extreme gymnastics in an empty clearing just outside Kyoto would probably be rather disappointing for her. The smell of a human could be caught if one concentrated, though all but drowned out by the billowing scream of the Hollow within.

Eventually, the woman would stop her vigorous breakdancing scene as she noticed Santa approach her. The shining yellow eyes and flushed but happy face were more, strange shows when one considered the power within.
"Ohh, hey. I'm...I'm not a street performer. Generally...Need a street for that, but hi" she'd exclaim, taking off her gloves and walking over to the woman.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:47 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:03 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Oh-sample-b410c942a2017b5e1134ede4913f4733

Santa's brows raised, surprise written across her face as that large hollow reiatsu seemed to come from.... a human? She couldn't help but be a bit intrigued that this strange human was giving off such a deceptive aura. All the more, they were....dancing? She recognized it, it was a fighting style wasn't it? Unaware that it was a type of dance, she'd only seen it in arcades from some video game fighters. All the same, when the girl came to a stop, she was....oddly friendly.

"Sup shawty. Are you always so chill with spirits?" She asked, her voice calm and a bit out of place for the lingo that she was using as she surveyed the .....perplexing human. She decided to keep her curiosities to herself. Surely spending some time with the girl would have these questions answered all on their own, surely. She just needed to be patient and pay close attention to this ..... strange wackadoo.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:09 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Is there a reason I should not be so chill, lanky?" Calypso asked with a coy smirk and an eyebrow raised. The woman wasn't human - Cultivators could sense the humanity of people, after all - but that was no reason to be rude or unkind. She'd just deal with the woman if she needed dealing with.

"If there is not, then there is no reason to be unfriendly. Everyone is a potential friend, or enemy, and it is how you greet them that often dictates which side of that divide they fall" Calypso exclaimed, nodding softly and casually adjusting her pointed shoes to fit more comfortably. They weren't super great for comfort, though were super great for other things.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:12 pm

Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused, her brows raising just a little. Lanky? She glanced down at herself and furrowed her brows, a little....self conscious about herself for just a moment. She wasn't lanky was she? Was that bad?

"I suppose you have a point. What is your name, homie?""She asked with a slight bow. "I am Santa. What's the hip hap, G?" She introduced herself, her tone being INCREDIBLY calm and formal despite the actual words that were coming out of her mouth, creating a sortof mismatch of serious and yet also ridiculousness that was exuding from her simultaneously. A puzzling combination to be sure. But then again so was Calypso.

"If you don't mind me asking..... what are you?" She would add. After all, there was no reason to just peer oddly if the woman was offering such a calm greeting, maybe she would volunteer the information that she was looking for? Maybe she was just super nice? She intended to find out.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:23 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

...Huh. If she wasn't not human, Calypso would think this woman an Awoken Elder from the old times in 2012. Kind of like an Alavazi Naku that didn't mind embarrassing himself with highly outdated norms. That formal tone as well made it seem like she was from an older time and just read a book to base her entire character around.

"I'm Calypso, from the Gandr Clan. The...err...hip hap, is Cultivation. Though, the G is fitting, though coincidental, I am sure" she'd explain, before being asked an even stranger question. Turning to fully and properly face the woman, Calypso would answer slowly and cautiously. "I am...confused? A Woman? Dragonblooded..? You'll need to be more specific"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:29 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused. Cultiv...what? She stared, not getting the explanation that was given. What did this mean? Clearly her human speak needed some work. All the same, she furrowed her brows, trying to learn as she also seemed to have confused the human. "Your reiatsu. It is hollow. Why is that?" She asked a bit more directly. Dragonblooded seemed CLOSE to an answer. But dragons were mythological were they not? Or were they some newfangled classification of hollow? Hmmm, odd indeed.

"That thing you were doing before. I've seen that fighting style before. What is it called?" She snuck that question in there as well as she circled Caly, inspecting the human as she thought back to the moves she had seen.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:53 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"My..." Calypso would pause for a second and mentally lean back into her Self.

'Hey, M'lady Queen, what's Reiatsu?' she'd ask Hvit, who was apparently in the bath...How the hell did Hvit get a bath, in her mind?!
'Hmm? Ohh, it's the pressure that exerting one's spiritual energy creates. Generally it's ambient but sometimes you can flex it like a muscle and crush someone if you are sufficiently strong enough. Usually it's kept to a minimum, but she's a Hollow so she can sense it with a sort of racial familiarity'

"Errr..." Calypso would speak as she got the quick lesson from Hvit. "I guess it's hollow because M'lady Queen is a Hollow? As for the, that wasn't fighting. I was just trying out Thousand Revolutions Technique. It's a good technique, but not mine, you know?" she'd state, handing the book for Santa to read. Though, were she to try to, she would get nowhere. She could read the words, and they were definitely words, but none of them made sense. The words just, tied themselves into a knot inside her brain and left her feeling confused.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:10 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused as Caly sortof spaced out for just a second. What was that? Her head canted to the side when they seemed to come back. "I don't see how being a hollow simp can make your reiatsu hollow. Did they taint you? You don't seem to have any hollow burns on you..." She murmured with a furrowing of her brows, now leaning in and inspecting the human as she began circling around them. After all 'Queen' was the phrase used by humans for individuals they particularly found sexually appealing was it not? She wans't sure, she kinda spitballed when it came to human lingo. She even leaned in, sniffing slightly to see if there as some sort of mark left behind by this supposed queen hollow? Hmmmm.

She tapped the center of the woman's sternum, checking for a hole. The book was ignored almost entirely, she glanced at the of .....uh....little black marks? They meant literally nothing to her, she didn't even recognize them as words, she just saw them as messy paper. Weird. She kept her hold of it, but literally ignored it in favor of inspecting the woman.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:24 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

'Tsk, I was born a hollow. She'll find no hole where my heart was' Hvit mentally scoffed, as Calypso scratched her head awkwardly.

"There was no tainting, no burning. It's...I'll be honest, I don't know. She's unknowable. I was crippled beyond repair and then a woman came and offered me a solution. Then she took up residence inside my soul mind and is currently taking a bath. Somehow" Calypso explained, as best she could at any rate.

'Of course I am taking a bath, I gotta keep myself clean, dear' Hvit purred, a teasing, sultry voice so very close.
"I meant in my brain-soul! How did you get a bath in it?! Where is the water?! Is there a rubber duck?!" Calypso exploded, raging at nothing. Which, made her look really insane.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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