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Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:56 am
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Santa blinked when she noticed Calypso suddenly changing her tune. Going from racing ahead to staying back with her. What a confusing girl. "If I wasn't able to keep up with your sonido, why would I be able to keep up with you normally? I figured you already knew and were just enjoying yourself." Santa pointed out, gesturing for the woman to speed on ahead. After all, she'd also come up with that whole water skipping business right? She simply assumed Calypso enjoyed competition.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Jun 28, 2021 7:44 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Lightfoot. Lightfoot is several times faster than I can reach at a flat out sprint. It's a movement technique, it is a technique for moving. People aren't that fast normally, you know?" She replied, keeping pace with her while explaining.

"Imagine Lightfoot as using a special set of rocket shoes. You aren't naturally as fast as you can go with the Rocket Shoes, or why bother even using them? So you can keep up with my running speed, but be blown away by my Lightfoot"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:08 pm
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Santa blinked, her brows furrowing. "I....know? It's like sonido. You just heard me say sonido, right?" She asked, unable to even parse that the woman wouldn't know what a sonido was. Was this WEIRDO mansplaining a human version of Sonido to her? She frowned slightly, insult clear on her face as she turned her back to the woman, the air peeling away like burning paper to yawn into a dark void. "Well you can lightfoot your butt into the sunset." She grunted, indignant, childish angry clear on her face as she seemed intent to suddenly ditch the woman over the conceived insult.

Though to be fair, it was rare that she ever realized she was being condescended to, poor Calypso.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:27 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"I did hear you say Sonido. But, I don't know what a Sonido is. And besides, if you can only move as fast as you can run with your Sonido, then it is nothing like Lightfoot because...well I just told you why"

She'd see the strange hole in the air and deduce it wasn't something that was going to be spawning cake, so she tried to resolve this whole thing.

"Look, you said that if you couldn't keep up with my Lightfoot, you couldn't keep up with me when I wasn't using it. So I explained to you why you could keep up with me without it even if you couldn't keep up to me with it. I don't know where the sticking point here is"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:42 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 5 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

THE AUDACITY! "LIAR!" She noted, suddenly rounding on the woman, stomping her way over and promptly pointing at the woman's chest and giving it a firm POKE. "This has gone on far enough. I felt bed because of your imaginary friend, but you need HELP! It is one thing to MAKE UP some ...... imaginary friend to assaug your disabilities using your abilities. But at the VERY least you should LEARN about the race you emulate! You expect me to believe that you have a hollow of THAT strength inside you and you DON'T know what a sonido is?" She demanded and rolled her eyes so hard if this were a cartoon they might have flown right off her face.

"Calliopsa-" She MAY have forgotten the girl's name already. Though with how she had trouble with Hvit's name it wouldn't be too weird. " -you need to focus. You can't keep using this .....fantasy you created with your powers like this. You're lucky that I'm so super nice and talented and smart, I figured out that Hit doesn't exist. But if you tried this around another arrnacar you could get hurt." She said sternly, her voice full of genuine concern for the girl even as that grave insult in her voice had died down a little. CLEARLY determined that this perceived charade had gone on long enough.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:30 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Not one to calm the situation, Calypso exploded on her own rant, her fury at this whole thing bubbling over as a lesser grasp of Hvit's pride caused her to feel stung at the accusations.

"Imagi.....If she is imaginary, then how did you see her?! How did she touch you?! I am not making up anyone. If I was going to make someone up, why wouldn't it be of my own race? Why would I make someone who is constantly crippling me because that is the price I pay to be able to move?! She's the Hollow in all this, not me. We don't share a mind, she's literally just like a roommate. I don't know anything I don't ask about, and I can't ask about things I don't know exist"

She'd cross her arms and seethe in irritation at the sudden accusations.
"I can understand you thinking she is imaginary if you have no spiritual sense and didn't literally see her right in front of your eyes. But how can you still think she is imaginary after all that? She clearly exists!"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:08 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 5 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa blinked and stared a little as caly attempted to as the kids would say: clap back, Santa simply put on a look of concern and frowned. ”She’s material because your power is MAKING her! Shes a manifestation of YOUR spirit. She’s real because you MAKE her real. THINK Carly! Why would such a powerful hollow need a host? Why would she go out of her way you just... squat in some random human’s soul? Don’t you think it oddly convenient that this weirdly benevolent hollow just SHOWED up and fixed you?” she insisted. She shook her head and pulled the woman into a gentle hold.

”I am not trying to be cruel or insensitive but these sorts of delusions can be dangerous.” she pointed out, clear concern on her face.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:42 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"My power is Cultivation! Blood Fists and Taiju Snake Style! Nobody has a power to make living beings like that!" Calypso shouted back.
'Well, actually a manifested Zanpaktou spirit is pretty much exactly that. And there is also Tulpas, to a lesser extent'
'Stop making things confusing! Why are you just watching?'
'It's funny to watch, why would I ruin that?'

"Ugh! I could never make somebody so annoying" Calypso exclaimed, shaking her head, and then looking back to Santa.

"She doesn't need a host, she can be alone. But doesn't like being alone since her entire existance has been with others. 'A Queen without Subjects is just a pretentious hobo' is what she says. It is oddly convenient that she turned up, but I was hardly subtle in using my Cultivation on live TV, so she who has been in Ulv's soul felt that a Cultivator was the easiest person to slip into since she understood their powers and culture better than other races. And so went looking for me specifically. So it seems oddly convenient from our side, but from her side she put actual work into finding me.

And she isn't 'weirdly' benevolent. She's a Queen, that makes all people her treasures. And what fool does not protect their treasures? It's kind of a mad mindset, but whatever floats her boat"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:29 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 5 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa perked up. ”Aha! She’s agreeing with me isn’t she! LISTEN to your subconscious Carly! She’s not real she’s just YOU! There IS no Hvat, she’s real because you MAKE her! Look you’re pretty and cute and weirdly talented for a human. You waste your potential. With all the energy you put into manifesting her its clear that the only reason you lose your ability to move is how much energy goes into manifesting her. I want to HELP you.” she insisted.

She paused and frowned, thinking how to make Caly realize and she was beginning to see hust how hard that task was going to be. Hvit seemed to be... well a but of a floozy. Perhaps Caly simply wasn’t able to come to terms with her subconscious being such a bossy hobag? Hmmmm. ”I have an idea. This Hvat, she can enter peoples souls. So if you want to prove she’s real why don’t you have her enter my soul temporarily? That should be easy right?” She reasoned.

Manifesting a spirit was easy but injecting one into another person was incredibly hard. She od course expected the girl to come up with some excuse but hopefully this might break those mental barriers.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:00 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Yes. A Manifested zanpaktou spirit can appear to be a living being. The two problems there is one; you have to be able or nearly able to release your Bankai before you can manifest the spirit - and I can't even release a Shikai, apparently - and two; I don't have a zanpaktou!"

Then the strange request to put Hvit into Santa's soul...definitely caught Calypso off guard.
"No, she can't enter anyone's soul. She just exists adjacent to your soul. But if you must, then let's go somewhere more comfortable to sit" Calypso exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air and moving off the beach, to a nearby bench. There, if Santa followed them, Hvit would come out of Calyspo - who shrivelled up on cue - and stroke Santa's cheek.

"I like this one~" Hvit would coo, planting her lips on Santa's own and giving her a passionate and possessive kiss as she slid inside Santa, her own Will forming the seal that bound them together, and flaring the poor Arrancar with power to cover the Sky and the Earth. For about two seconds, at least. The scale very rapidly bottlenecked and after a very brief taste of Godhood, she could not tap into the merest fraction of Hvit's power even if she put her whole heart towards it.

'Also, she's not weirdly talented. She's a Cultivator, it's been twelve years of hard work and lessons from her clansmen to get that good. She's decent, as people go, but not spectacular. Her Dragonblood is the largest part of her future prospects'

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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