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Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:53 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

She ...peered slightly. She wasn't sure what to make of this. Was she going to try and manifest Hvit inside of her? She almost felt like this could go a bit wrong, however once she managed to help get Calypso into a comfortable position, she was startled with Hvit suddenly latched onto her. Her brows raised before those lips were suddenly locked onto her own. What the, did this girl REALLY like her that much?! She furrowed her brows in sheer alarm before she felt .....something? Not the usual sort of pretty happy feels she got when someone kissed her. But a sort of ..... sink. As the hollow entered her body.

And then suddenly she felt that SURGE of power, her body instantly tensing up to restrain it before the hollow began doing that for her. She furrowed her brows, confusion painted across her face at this. What the fuck? Had Calypso managed to GIVE her imaginary friend the ability to enter souls?! She surmised, briefly, the idea that Hvat was real. But she only thought of taht briefly. It was still an awfully sus situation for her to just let go of her theory. But she did admit this was weird. Unles it turned out that one of Calypso's powers was inserting things into peoples souls. Also plausible.

The voice in her head made her frown. Can you hear me? She thought to herself, to see if the hollow was able to read minds. All the same she ....peered a little bit at Calypso. She didn't know if she wanted to try using her powers, who knew what this hollow might do when she did, plus truth be told....she wasn't too keen on revealing her abilities by using them with the hollow inside of her.
"So, you're the famous Hvete. Hope you enjoy the decor in there." She hummed. Caly had said adjacent, what would it be like in there? Presumably since the woman wasn't IN her soul, she wouldn't really see anything of her inner world. Probably for the best. But still, she was curious what it was LIKE in there for the odd ......manifestation of Calypso's powers.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:49 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

'Yes, I can' Hvit replied, simply giving up on her mistaking her name so often. It was either on purpose, in which Hvit wasn't going to rise to it, or it was due to her just being a dumbass. In which case, no amount of correction would help. 'The Decor is a bit dollar-store, but I am sure we can fix it up in time, don't worry' The soft, warm voice of a Hollow that truly cared about you while also making it very clear that you were inferior to was quite a trip.

"You don't need to speak out loud to talk to her, she can hear your thoughts if you direct them at her. She isn't 'present' all the time, since she is inside you but not part of you. She has to be specifically watching or listening to hear anything not directed to her. Though it's a sort of natural reaction that you can pick your own name out of a sea of otherwise incomprehensible goop, so she tends to know when you are talking about her"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:19 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa furrowed her brows. This was..... hm. She paused, trying to think around this. At first it was just one.... but then she began to think. She was curious.... just how much...COULD the woman sense? She decided to perform a test. She made her way over to Calypso, gently picking the woman's limp form up off their seat before gently holding them close in a princess carry. She didn't want her to get all messed. Standing in the center of the alley, she closed her eyes.

And she ....relaxed.

It wasn't as if she was doing anything. In fact, she STOPPED. A constant mental block she had on at almost all times. Restraint that took her will and focus to keep tamed. And once it was removed, the voice that Hvit heard inside of Santa would suddenly not be alone. The walls all around her suddenly turned red as flesh bloomed along it's surface. Flesh and bone spilled and peeled into existence as that exhuming of her soul started, limbs, torsos, heads, all manner of flesh and viscera began suddenly RAPIDLY growing all around her, every surface nearby suddenly lurched, filled, and began to swarm with those limbs and pieces. The bench that Calypso had been on moments before creaked with the weight of the growth and the alleyway was swamped, growing dark as trhe growth blotted out the light coming in from above and the sides.

Of course, there wasn't JUST an external effect, but an internal one as well. The subtle stream of thoughts that Hvit would feel suddenly became a river and then a raging tsunami as suddenly the murmurs and thoughts of numerous others suddenly began flooding through the woman's interconnected soul, though she wouldn't sense any change in energy. In fact, if Hvit was able to see deeply enough, she'd see the souls inside of Santa, the millions on millions of souls she'd consumed, either directly or second hand when in hueco mundo, begin peeling away in chunks. It wasn't energy that produced the garden, but this shaving away of her own soul, not quite hurting herself, but splitting herself, externalizing that mass of countless selves and generating them into the world around her. Until even if Hvit was BARELY listening to the thoughts and consciousness she would still be swamped by that murmur-turned-roar.

And it would have a chorus to it. A theme. DESPERATION. Survival. Satisfaction. Needs. Wants. Blurring together into a sense that they HAD to be filled, WOULD be filled. A need that fueled her soul to evolve the way that it had, ignoring any pretense of power, but rather the ability to simply BRUTE FORCE by sheer numbers and relentlessness. The more that Santa allowed them to spill out, the more uproarous that chorus became, this expression of voices that in NORMAL arrancar were silenced was deafening, and then just as quickly, the restraint was put back on, and the garden around her vanished, dissolving into nothing as those souls were dragged back in, wholing herself again, and listening, curious as to the reaction from the 'hollow' inside of her.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:08 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Calypso watched the garden start to be all gooy and horrible around her, which was strange and horrible to see.
"Welp, gotta start the Nope File early" she commented, staring wildly into the distance with a silent wish for brain bleach. There wasn't much she could do after all, being super crippled and all. Santa had some strange powers, and seeing this whole thing going on did make it clear why she could envision Calypso having weird soul making powers.

Hvit, for her part, was far more relaxed despite the arguably worse situation. Sitting in a chair, sipping a cup of tea from a china cup, she'd sit casually with a gentle smile. It was clear that she was fully present in Santa's mind, she could feel the drip-drip-drip of energy coming through the link. And yet, despite how loudly the souls screamed, Hvit didn't even blink.
'Might wanna keep that under wraps, darling. It might disturb the neighbours' was her only commentary after it was all over and Santa had drawn her souls back inside her.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:21 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

The lack of a reaction was.... interesting? So the woman wasn't able to sense any of it. That or she really was a hollow, which Santa wasn't really sure if she believed yet or not. She let out a sigh and blinked rapidly, making a bit of a face as she put that mental block back in place before she finally set Calypso down and paused.... was she still in her? She paused and began teeling around herself, vaguely a little worried if she had any physical changes. Hmmm, nothing. She frowned. Her mind chewing away but hardly having any teeth metaphorically speaking. She was just too stupid to figure this out, and not even flushing the woman with her ability seemed to produce any change.

IN fact, she paused. Glancing at Calypso. Wait. Maybe this really WAS fake! Maybe the reason Hvit didn't react was because she only knew whaty calypso did? Did it make full sense? No. But its what Santa's brain latched onto! Score 2 for Hvet not being real! She couldn't help but smile just a bit. "Alright so ....uh.... you can get out now if you want." She spoke up verbally, completely forgetting that Calypso had told her not moments before that speaking out verbally was unnecessary. Her head hurt a little, with this ....weird experience. But she almost felt like she'd made some interesting headway.... maybe? Probably not. It still felt like mostly a jumble, but SOME stuff had stuck. Now she just needed .....this.....hollow (she brgrudgingly identified, since was VERY hard to not feel the hollow reiatsu she was being fed in a drip) out of her. She still didn't know if Hvat was something genuine or a creation of Calypso, but she definitely had some things to mull over.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:01 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Hvit did indeed leave. Though, not without a parting gift. In one heartbeat, Santa was suddenly in front of The Sun. It's enormity dwarfed her, made her feel like she was an fly on the windscreen of creation. The heat that billowed off it beggared belief, and she should have been stripped to the bone and had her bone disintegrated into nothing, though that was merely what it felt like. Time lost all meaning, there was nothing but...The Sun. And then the second heartbeat came, and reality asserted itself with Hvit's departure.

The Hollow entered back into Calypso, who got back onto her feet and brushed herself off.
"Well. Now we have sorted all that out, do you mind if we go back to the run? Or, do you still think I am deranged and creating her because I am lonely and hurt?" She asked, a cute grin and clear indication she had no idea what was going on between Santa and Hvit.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:25 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa was....... confused? When her body was vacated, she stood there, her brows knitted together. The sudden blasting heat she had suddenly felt was....wrong? There was no conceivable way that a sun would simply make itself before her. The heat was intense, but her will pushed her to scrutiny. After all, there was a hollow in her soul adjacent, but when she was suddenly left without it she was...... confused.

Nothing? The being had simply blasted her with that and then left, and not ONLY that, but they left without a word. Were they......upset? Bothered by what she'd done? She hadn't SENSED any reaction, but it was quite possible she had effected the maybe hollow and this was some sort of childish revenge? She glanced at Calypso, blinking. Oh shit, that was the face of someone who had just asked her a question. She wasn't exactly great at multitasking and her own confusion with that whole sun thing meant that she had entirely missed the woman's words.

"Uhhh...." Well this was just awkward. Was it still possible that Hbet was a fever dream manifested by Calypso? Yes. She firmly believed that to at least be a possibility. But of course now she wasn't very certain. Calypso seemed awfully fixated on that. And truth be told, she .......still was a little curious. Why was this girl even sticking around with her still? With the whole garden thing and the ......well....rocky back and forth, the girl really had .....kinda real reason to be so fond of her.

Why WAS this girl not angry? If Hvut WAS real, why was Calypso just allowing this? She furrowed her brows, conflicted. "Uhh..... I'm...." She felt.....weirdly exhausted. That whole sun trick was..... a lot. She felt like she just spent several months cramming for a test or something and her brain felt fried. "I think I need to sit down." She murmured, as the mix of everything in her head turned into a slow building headache. She just didn't have the brain power to sort through all this, and as a result, she felt like her head was filled with static, turning and taking a seat on a nearby box as she slowly rubbed her temples.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:31 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Heh, yea. Hvit is like that. She diffuses through my body to bridge my Meridians, so I don't quite get conked upside the head by the sheer enormity of it all. But I can imagine taking all of that would not be the most comfortable of things" Calypso commented, guiding Santa to the same bench she had been put on, and sitting her down. Lightfooting over to get her shoes, and then coming back, Calypso would take a seat next to Santa and brush off the soles of her feet, before putting the shoes back on.

"So, do Hollows eat anything I can buy? There is a tradition back in the West of eating fish and chips by the seaside. I don't know if you can eat them or if you can't, but it would be nice to do, no?"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:46 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa didn't even have the energy to correct the woman in explaining that this felt like a very PURPOSEFUL wearing out of her. For someone who seemed to be sweet oln her they sure had a funny way of expressing it. She frowned. "I can eat human food." She murmured, too tired to even be insulted.

"why are you still here? We haven't exactly gotten along to a very good start. And yet you don't seem intent on leaving when that would probably be the easier thing ta do." She murmured, deciding to just outright ask.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 6 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:58 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Excellent! I've never had a Hollow friend before, so I have no context for anything. So sorry about the weird biology questions" Calypso would explain, spreading her hands evenly across the bench and then pulling it up from the ground like it was a weed, and placing it on her shoulders.

"When one decides to take the easy route, they deny themselves the chance to grow. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing properly. I want to make you my friend, so it is worth dealing with all the problems and poor starts along the way to friendship" Calypso would reply, before setting off at a light jog. Given the state of the world these days, such a sight was not the strangest people had seen this year...

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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