Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:37 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa TENSED in surprise as she was suddenly lifted off the ground, bench and all! She was practically rigid as she was then carried along for the light jog, an EXHAUSTED groan escaping from her as somehow this psychopath managed to bring her along for the damn jog anyway.

But she was too tired and mentally exhausted to argue. She let out a Ghurh of resigned surrender, and rolled onto her side, back facing the ......well.....turning her back ish toward the woman as she curled up on the bench and tried to get some rest, letting the strange woman carry her around as they wished.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:37 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"You alright up there?" Calypso asked as she heard the groans and ghurhs and general noises of malcontent. "Did she drain you more than I thought?"

Calypso had a tender voice, worried that her new friend might be even more exhausted than thought. So she stopped for a second on the way to the chip shop, and looked up at her.
"If you need to sleep, we can always go to a motel. I've enough money to get a nice one so you don't need to worry about that"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:24 am
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa groaned a little as they suddenly stopped, slowly rolling onto her back and blinking slowly, turning her head to glance at Calypso. "What? No she didn't drain me. she just made my head hurt. And I don't know what a Motel is." She grumbled, slowly massaging her eyelids as she did her best not to just unfocus on everything around her. Not quite capable of explaining that she wasn't tired tired, but a ......weird mental kind of tired. Which she didn't feel was the same as tired.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:11 pm

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Ahh. Poor Santa was very nervous and proud, and didn't want to admit that she had been drained by Hvit's short presence when Calypso seemingly dealt with it fine for so long. The truth was less impressive if you saw how badly it effected Calypso, but still..

"Ahh, ok! A motel is like a place you can go and sleep for a bit if you are too far from your home or if you are going somewhere away from your home" Though she had mentally told herself to be nice about poor Santa's tiredness, her tone still implied she was down to stop at one of these motels so Santa could sleep.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:09 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa paused, briefly confused. Was she being.....smug? For Hvit intentionally blasting her mind in that strange bout of maliciousness? Or what she assumed was malice. After all, hosting the woman inside her had not really been....hard. So she didnt understand in the slightest the supposed superiority that the woman seemed to feel. Santa furrowed her brows a little and felt.... her eyes narrow slightly. She was being looked down on, and she felt a slow, twisting disdain begin building in her stomach. This fucking HUMAN was looking at her. And why shouldn't she? She let her mind drift back, to the little competetive game for running across the water. The jogging with the woman harping on Santa being able to keep up.

And ......slowly. She began to realize that every single activity they had partaken in, even the brief entering of Hvit into her soul, had all been some sort of ....superiority trip. Even now, the woman was feeling some sort of smugness over how exhausting housing the hollow had been, and she slowly clenched her fists in a slow fury. Her nails slowly boring holes in her palms which barely bled as her regeneration closed up the injuries just as quickly. She didn't like this human. And even more....she hated that there was nothing she could do about it. This woman outclassed her in many ways, and there was that strange hollow/potential imaginary friend. She had to bite down her pride. But it was still fuel. That burning disdain pushed her to stand up. "I think that's enough for today homie. As much as I'd like to jig, I don't think I'm cut out to hang out with you for long. I can't KEEP up." She murmured, a hint of hiss in those last words.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:42 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Standing up on a bench that a person was carrying while running was certainly not the smartest of ideas, so Calypso would stop as Santa did that and put the bench down so she didn't fall off it and hurt herself. Then, walking around to the front of the bench, she'd look Santa in the eyes for a serious talk.

"...Isn't not being able to keep up why we are going for food and a nap right now?" Calypso asked, with slight confusion and concern in her voice. "If you are worried that you can't run properly or dash on the water or anything, then don't be. I've been doing this a long time, and it's sort of coloured my perception to others. Plus when you said you could keep up with the jig, I thought you could keep up with the jig. I only realized you couldn't after you couldn't.

But now I do know that, we can take it at a slower pace until you can keep up. It's no trouble for me to slow down while you catch up to me"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:39 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa narrowed her eyes, growing more and more irritated. She didn't WANT reason. she WANTED to dislike the woman! The indignation of her own perception was already in her head, and even NOW she held back the urge to glare at the woman, speaking and acting like this was just her fault that she'd been in these situations! NONSENSE! Literally too angry to think clearly, she let anger color her thoughts as she clenched her fists.

"I'm sure you and your Highness would be all too entertained to have that, but I'm afraid my patience for entertaining has espired." She noted in what she felt was her own, calm, snooty tone. But it honestly came out just sort of gritted and growly, not at all the sophisticated high road that she thought she was putting out. No, santa was VERY clearly unhappy. And being around a god had not made her hold her tongue, Calypso certainly wasn't someone she was going to do that around either. Her own hardheadedness taking effect.

It was all a VERY starrk contrast to the calm, pleasant Santa that Calypso had been interactring with just a few moments ago, the sheer swing of the woman's mood something like what one would expect from a child or a dumb bitch. As it were, Santa was more than capable of being the latter. Especially when her own assumptions (such as her presumption that Hvit was imaginary) were contradicted. And now, she was starting to feel like this Calypso girl was on some sort of power trip! LORDING over an inferior arrancar. Oh she could see it now!
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:26 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

'Is your Highness the right way to refer to a royal when not directing talking to them?' Calypso asked, musing a little while Santa got her hangry temper out of the way. Hvit didn't reply, but that was fine, Calypso wasn't really expecting her too.

"It's fine, you know?" Calypso commented after Santa was done speaking. "We all get Hangry, it is nothing to be ashamed of. We are going to get food right now, even. So you won't be for long "Calypso finished, seemingly either completely oblivious or obtusely unwilling to acknowledge the reason why Santa was getting so riled.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Sun Jul 25, 2021 2:06 pm
Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa was.....INCREDIBLY angry! Why was this woman so FOCUSED on this?! She glared, her brain steaming a little as she tried to figure it all out, why she was just IGNORING her gripes and was just soldiering on?! It didn't make any sense, and she found that she hated being confused as much as she hated being angry. And all the while Calypso just seemed not to care! That blasé expression and the fact that she was more or less ignoring how upset that Santa was! Or well, it FELT like she was.

Ultimately, it culminated into a sudden rage spike that Santa wasn't used to. With a sudden twist of her upper body, she threw a punch straight forward with the intent on punching Calypso square in the center of her face! It was ...... well slow. Sant wasn't fast. she wasn't strong. For someone like Calypso, it was all too easy to avoid, and even if that fist did strike her face, it was possible that with the sheer discrepency between them that she wouldn't even feel it. But Santa wasn't taking that into account in the slightest. She was just focused on how angry she was.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Empty Inside (Caly/Santa) - Page 7 Empty Re: Empty Inside (Caly/Santa)

Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:38 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Well that was a bit more than hangry. Even as young as she was, Calypso had been punched enough times that it was reflex to deal with them. The side of Calypso's hand came up to deflect the punch away, and then turned to grab Santa's wrist. Fluid footwork, practiced a hundred times allowed her to glide as if on ice, would then move her behind to pin the arm gently behind her back.

"If injury must be done to a being, Let it be so severe that their vengeance need not be feared. An interesting, double-barreled comment. First, it states that half-actions are useless. You must put the man down in a way that he will never rise up against you. But the second, hidden behind the first, is the question of worth.

Every moment of a fight, you are running through the possibilities of what they do, and countering what may never be. Such involvement, such need to be active every second of the fight, to run a thousand hours through your head to ensure the conflict closes in ten opens a most profound question.

Is it worth it? Is the conflict in front of you worth that kind of effort, that kind of investment? That kind of work? If it is not, then do not start the fight, and find a new way to resolve the issue"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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