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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:36 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Spontaneous Action Mantra!" Was the exclamation that was met by Alex's explanation of his feelings. From her exuberance, it was not exactly a bad thing to have or be. "I tried that for a week a few years ago when I was trying to expand my horizons a bit. Didn't fit, I tend to think about things too much to act in the second. But it was a fun week, I got a new pair of boots and killed a guy"

Calypso would then push through the canopy some more, ever on the look out for her frozen lightning bolt. Though it occurred to her that the Amazon was a pretty big place so she'd not really be in position to find it easily.
"So what about the guy you are going to see? How does he view the world?"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

God of Love
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Fri Sep 17, 2021 7:46 am
Grasping Futures - Page 2 XmDzQSl


"God, if I knew the answer to that I'd fuckin' tell you. That old man can barely give you a clear answer if you ask him what time it is, let alone some shit like how he sees the world. My guess is real hazy considering he's drunk off his ass all the time."

Of course, Alex could have said something about her brief tangent, but he really didn't even know what he was supposed to say in response to something like that. That'd be like if he just talked about that time he was in Hawaii a few years back, it didn't really seem like it'd be something to go around telling people.

"Honestly, that's half the reason I figure I ought to go see him. Last time I was around he told me I was stupid and that I oughta go figure things out. At the time I just told him he was stupid and then we went back to drinking, but nowadays I figure I oughta let him know he was right."


Mirja Eeola
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:26 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

That was...Interesting. Calypso slowed for a moment and looked at Alex before telling herself that different people had different cultures and couldn't be judged by her perception.

"A man ruins a hundred years of words with a single action. He doesn't need to speak for you to know him. Though, I should probably ask how long you were there and what you were doing. For me, Master is a person who is a close family member by stint of teaching you what they know. 'Master for a Day, Father for a Lifetime'. You learn how they are by being taught by them, and become a better person for it"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

God of Love
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:49 am
Grasping Futures - Page 2 XmDzQSl


"I hung around, we drank, he taught me how to make fire come out of my hands. Real good time, honestly."

Alex snapped his fingers to briefly display a small wisp of Maiden Masher's violet flame, but dispelled it just as quickly. He tried not to use it more than he needed to these days. Not like he couldn't control it, he honestly had better control than ever. He'd just gotten a little more responsible since he turned into a family man.

"Think I was there for like half a year? Maybe a little longer, might've been closer to a year. First few weeks he mostly told me to fuck off and beat my ass for coming near his waterfall, but I stuck around til he got bored, then we'd drink it off til we passed out. Then in the morning he'd tell me to leave and beat my ass again. Eventually we drank enough that he told me to help him make more, so I figured I was in."

Pulling a cigarette from his jacket pocket and lighting it rather normally with a lighter, rather than with his own flame, Alex continued after a quick pull.

"So anyway, I try and light the fire for him with a couple sticks and all that, get things going, and he told me something about killing me if I put that dirty bullshit anywhere near his alcohol. He did the ol' fire move, then just started showing me how to do it. Guess he'd also count as a man of action, huh?"


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:18 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

Calypso let out a soft giggle at the brash and direct way Alex talked about his Master, and the brash, direct way he got into the Master's grace.

"So he was a man secretly longing for company, but aware of his personality he drove away anyone who offered a hand. Only those that really cared, or really wished to be there, would be able to handle his presence. If he truly wished to dissuade, he would kill and set severed heads around the waterfall. And then he taught you his art, that you might pass it on and ensure that his line never dies"

Calypso would nod softly. There was every chance that she was wrong, people were fractal as the light through a diamond. But it was how she saw the whole thing.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

God of Love
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:36 pm
Grasping Futures - Page 2 XmDzQSl



Honestly, Alex hadn't ever thought nearly that much about the situation. Far as he'd been concerned, it was just because the old man got sick of telling him to fuck off.

"Well, maybe you're right. I dunno. I guess I'll just ask him about it when I get back there, worst comes to worst he calls me fuckin' retarded and we drink about it. Honestly, I already got more than a few questions for him, so that's one more for the list."

Stepping over a particularly large snake in the underbrush, he continued to reminisce about the days he'd been here, some way simpler times. Maybe he'd tell the odl man about how much'd changed, but then again, who knew if he'd actually give a shit?


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:11 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang

"Well, it sounds a stable relationship in the fact that there is always something to fall back on, regardless" Calypso commented, heading onwards till they came to a large overgrowth that blocked their path. Taking a breath and channeling Meln, she'd sweep her hand across it, held flat and swung strong. The vegetation yielded under the might and fell away, revealing a nearby waterfall down the cliff face.

"And seems you can ask him soon. Are, you practiced in any movement techniques, or do you want me to carry you down the cliff?" She asked, peering down a little to judge the depth and prepare her Lightfoot for descent.

Dragon-Snake | END POST

God of Love
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:42 pm
Grasping Futures - Page 2 XmDzQSl


"Nah, I'm good. Don't end up this tough without puttin' the ol' body to work, you dig?"

With that, Alex simply stepped off the cliff with all the casual air of going out to get milk. After all, he'd been through way worse than all this, a little fall wasn't gonna hurt. Even if he did nothing at all to lessen the impact, worst thing that'd happen was just a dent in the forest floor. Not that he suspected she could even hear him, given the sounds of the jungle and his own rapid descent, but Alex couldn't help but call back up to Calypso as he fell.

"You comin' or what?"


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Grasping Futures - Page 2 Empty Re: Grasping Futures

Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:58 am

Calypso Gandr| Descendant Of Ao Kuang


Well, that was certainly the way of The Mountain-Splitter. Futsunushi didn't bother to learn stepping techniques, just merely launched himself into the horizon with pure strength, and soaked the landing with his incomparable durability. It was hilarious to see another take such an approach, and Calypso couldn't help but giggle, as she made her descent with Lightfoot. Far more graceful, Calypso descended by kicking off the air to reduce momentum and then descending some before repeating the act. She was yet to be able to do true Cloud-Stepping, so this had to suffice.

Giving Alex a smile at the bottom, she'd look to the waterfall, and then back to the man.
"I think I am enlightened some to the mentality of your 'let them punch me till they give up' approach. I can't say if I wasn't so confident in my own resilience, I would not do the same. But the Gandr are gentle people, and I was raised a gentle woman"

Dragon-Snake | END POST

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