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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Sun Sep 12, 2021 3:48 pm

The winds felt a little different, the Danava thought as she was resting alone. She flew deeper into the mountains, stopping as she found a largely unpopulated meadow to touch down in, taking a few steps as she walked alone. It was late at night - everyone no doubt would be asleep, and she should be as well, but she felt like she couldn't.

She had been feeling rather ill lately, not quite physically but definitely emotionally. She wasn't sure why - it was like some gnawing at the edge of her consciousness, something beyond the guilt and grief she felt for events come and passed. A sense of dread accompanied it as well - but to what?

Shaking her head softly, she'd look to dark shapes wandering the grasslands, a herd of deer had been grazing here peacefully, seeming undisturbed by her distant presence. The danava sat down, smiling wistfully as she watched the group - a whole family, even little fawns dwelling closely and safely to their mother's legs.

It only made her think about herself - she didn't get to have that safety and security, she was just thrown out into the world and expected to figure the rest out.

But that wasn't what made her heart twist - What really hurt her in this moment was the feeling of failure. She wanted to do better for demonkind unlike her family, do better for everyone - and where was she now? Sitting in the middle of the cold mountains just thinking about things.

She couldn't help but feel a little bitter about it, but did she really know how to do better for everyone? Gods, she just walked into a damn country, called herself queen, and expected things to go swimmingly from there. Of course they didn't, that wasn't how life worked, and that was a foolish mistake to try to take something for herself, even if it was well-meaning.

She utterly failed as royalty - she couldn't get her family to turn around, she couldn't establish herself at all, she didn't do anything to stop the suffering and confusion of the demon race. But her progress as a newcomer to Earth's eyes was still uncertain; sure, she wasn't identified as a threat, but that's all she has.

Really, in the end, she was just trying to figure out what to do with the options laid before her. Sitting here and doing nothing would yield no results, after all. Maybe she should join the Vandenreich? Try to do some good? The idea of just dropping in and announcing she had control of a land made her ill at this point after all, and it'd just give a great reason for those of Earth to kill her - wow, kaboom, such success - the masses cheering over her corpse than for her doing well for everyone...

Her toes squeezed, pulling at the grass as she'd hug herself. The cold of the night did not measure to the coldness in her heart, it felt like a chunk was torn out,

"...Pseu, I wish you were here," She shuddered softly, her eyes round - even if she had her memories, it wasn't the same, "I know it's incredibly selfish of me, but I wish you were here to talk to me about this.."

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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:21 pm

A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Rsz_220210203_160708

The Devil You Know

Some things you just had to see for yourself, some things just needed to be witnessed first hand. To fully appraise, and truthfully, the things which mattered. To some that was merely their family, others found value in their life's work. For Mat, there was few thing which held true value to him. His own existence. Demonkind. His whims. A very small list, but one which very much fulfilled his desires. And today, he had to appraise something which had very much been on his list of whims. Such a thing brought him to a place he seldom visited, Earth.

His time on this rock had come and gone, but at times he found himself brought back to it. And that was fine, he did not intend to shake the proverbial boat. Yet, the existence of a certain wayward Demon had become something of a.. nuisance. To say he felt particularly negative emotions towards Caly more than the average demon wouldn't be true, per say. What would be true was he was more disappointed in her, or let down, than the average demon. Such things happened, every family often held their black sheep.

When he stepped foot into the human realm, it was felt. A shift in the wind. A cold hand reaching into a place it held no business. An unnatural level of chaos which followed him. Like Earth it's self bore witness to one of it's great sins, manifested in the toga clad form of Mat. The ancient one. The devourer. The Patriarch. He was something else entirely than the average demon, if not in stature than raw power. He was the promise of great tidings, both ill and fortunate.

The Danava of Causality was sorely disappointed once more by the scenery. As he stepped out of the tear in reality, the brief bridge between realms which soon shut it's self. He was standing in the air quite obviously, doing the bare minimum to conceal his power. It was felt at least by Caly. That invasive, domineering energy. But more important, was the aura in which he simply oozed. That demonic warmth which whispered into the minds of lesser creatures, the beckoning to hear his voice. That subtle, yet powerful, obedience it demanded.

His eyes would soon find his target in the distance, perhaps they had noticed him by now- or perhaps not. It didn't matter. For he began to walk towards her in the air, each stepping bringing the bronze skin demon closer to the ground as if descending stairs.

"You must be whom I'm looking for, Calypso correct?" The smooth baritone would inquire, an amused smile on his features. His left arm lifted slightly holding his toga slightly. Crimson irises stared down at her with all the attention in the world, his black sclera a terrifying backdrop.

END POST | The Patriarch

A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] JfH75kA
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] H8Tyk70
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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:48 pm

The twists of mourning and longing were released as she sensed the sudden appearance of a powerful being enter the vicinity, her eyes widening as she let out a low breath. Either this was going to go well, or go horribly, so she did what she could to at least lead to less of a loss of life of the wildlife in the area. Cupping her hands together, she'd quickly concentrate, murmuring a wish for her energies to create a sound that would scare away all of the immediate wildlife. If this devolved into a fight, at the very least she wanted all the creatures to have a chance to safely flee. At the very least she could protect them..

Several small orbs of purple light would race off to any creatures that dwelled nearby, creating all sorts of noises to spook them into running off, seeing the herd of deer she was watching earlier run off, their graceful gallops vanishing into the night. Birds scattered in a choir of calls, rodents ran off into the grasses of the unknown, and any other creatures took off.

With that settled, she'd turn to the source of the presence, who really wasn't making any effort to hide themselves - rather he was up in the sky, and approaching rather calmly. This didn't make her drop her defenses at all, intending to treat him like a potential threat until proven otherwise. She watched him carefully as he descended, trying to get a read of his emotions, his intent as he had done so. No shit he was a Danava, as well as someone that didn't immediately come to her mind, but that didn't make her any less wary.

The strange man finally spoke, asking if she was Calypso, one he was 'looking for'. Well, if he was here to kill her, he would've come at her by now, but seems this stranger wanted to deal words first,

"Yes, i'm Calypso," She didn't seem intimidated by his appearance, or his odd presence in the slightest, keeping composed yet careful, not taking her eyes off him for even a moment, "If you're here because of some family vendetta thing, I left the Asthavons months ago - my death or injury wouldn't mean shit to them. I'm only interested in building something for myself."

"If you're just here to talk, then we can. Who are you?"

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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:25 pm
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Rsz_220210203_160708

The Devil You Know

"It is quite adorable, you believe you can say dictate anything we do."

The smooth baritone seemed to cut through the air, almost lazy in it's deliver. Save the for the last word which ended so sharply, one could come it to a blade being dropped. As he descended downwards, every step seemed to bring his presence even closer to her. Every inch making it all the more difficult to simply persist as if things where normal. Unlike Mana who's aura seemed to invoke madness and a whirlwind of demonic energy, there was a longevity to his own. Like she was gazing into an endless abyss, every step threatening to overshadow any last cast upon it.

As he arrived to his destination an arms length from her, his bare feet would touch the earth. The grass beneath his fit withering away and decaying into nothing. Such was the overwhelming, and consuming presence he was. Not even the barest hint of natural born life wished to be within the vincity of the demon. His eyes would fall upon the female as the amuse smile on his face would certain shift. Disappearing as a gaze of neutral indifference would fall upon her.

He, still, was not impressed.

"Listen carefully, young one. Today is important for your future." He'd hum as he lowered his arm which was holding onto the excess of toga. His head would turn as he witnessed the animal life flee from her minor display of power. His eyes would see thin lines spreading out from her, attached to the orbs of light, and the lights to the animals around him. An effect of his power to bare witness to the relationships between cause and effect. Perhaps, it was time to display a small lesson of misfortune to the woman.

"I have been made aware of your existence. Of your actions, and their effect upon the Asthavons. Of your ambitions. Although with recent events, I would not doubt a change in such ambitions." He'd remark sharply, scolding even as he watched the lights rapidly approach the animals. A slight altercation to the nature of the orbs, a slight alter to the relationship the orbs held to animals. No change, to the relationship which both held to Calypso.

When the timid lights popped, instead of a harmless display of light, a violent flash of cursed energy would be felt. Enough to be akin to hand-grenades, the landscape shaking slightly as chaos energy seemed to spread outwards. The poor woodland creatures would be caught violently in such an explosion. To paint the scenery (no pun intended), the first animals caught closest to the explosion would be ripped asunder as the force of the explosion sprayed red mist and gore into the area. Those slightly further away, would be mangled and crippled no doubt flooding the area with the sharp cries of pain.

All the wild, Mat simply stayed at Calypso. As if to remind her what a demon truly was.

"I go by many names, youngling. Some older than time innumerable. Promethus. Vayu. The Patriarch. The Venerable. The Devourer. But in this age, people call me Mat. And you shall do well, to learn you history." His voice seemed to distort when he spoke, the air it's self becoming twisted and warped by his presence. His was not the most potent energy she probably had been around, but there was an oldness to it. A deepness. A primordial, and innate, fear.

If Caly fancied herself akin to humans, then perhaps no description more apt: Standing before him, it felt as if when Humanity first discovered the horror of fire.

"Answer me this, why do you deserve existence?"

END POST | The Patriarch

A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] JfH75kA
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] H8Tyk70
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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:12 pm

Even if she was faced with what felt like the abyss, she stared right back with watchful eyes.

She genuinely had no idea who she was looking at right now, and even trying to read his emotions was difficult with how murky even his presence felt. It was hard to get an exact read on a being like this - she'd never interacted with something so dubious and hard to touch before. She was feeling those oddly sick sensations in herself again, but she shrugged them away to keep her attention. She looked somewhat alarmed by the appearance of the grass wilting beneath his feet, but she stood her ground, she wouldn't back off.

"My future?" Her brow raised in confusion as he stated such an oddly nonspecific idea, "Why would that be of any concern of yours?"

She shuddered, a feeling of wrongness suddenly struck her. What was it? What could be wrong? A strange sense of dread filled her stomach as the man spoke to her rather roughly, the woman about to spit back before that sense of dread was answered.

Animal emotions were nowhere near as potent as a human's, or any race of similar intelligence and self-awareness. Though Calypso could feel them all the same, albeit weaker, which was what lead her head to turn as she felt constant sparks of intense fear and pain that quickly vanished, to her horror seeing what those harmless balls of light had become, flinching with each and every sickening explosion. She was immediately struck with confusion - they were just supposed to make a noise or light to scare them off, she didn't make them that powerful, why were they-

She didn't even need to hear the cries of the mangled and injured to feel how much pain they were in, feeling the distress and agony of those animals even if she couldn't immediately see them. Her expression was filled with shock as the once quiet and peaceful meadow was filled with the pained shrieks of wildlife, the grass painted with their blood and viscera.

Her heart roared in her ears - this couldn't be her fault. She had excellent control over her output, why was this happening? She could only think it to be the man in front of her who did something, but she hadn't the foggiest clue how, he was just standing there. Would he interfere if she tried to heal them?

She felt a terrible, ripping pain in her chest that was too familiar, the young Danava coughing and immediately slapping her hands over her mouth instead of a response, her hand slowly lowering to reveal small splatters of darkness on her pale, moonlit palm, a trickle running down her mouth.

Gods, gods, not again, not again, why is this happening again?

Her hand tightened into a fist with Mat's question, wiping her lip as she quickly tried to get herself together,

"What the hell kind of question is that?!" She'd snap, "I- UGH! I don't have time for you! Not like THIS!"

If the young Danava was not stopped, she'd rush to the nearest animal in pain. She wasn't interested in answering such a question with so much suffering surrounding her if she could help it.

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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:58 pm
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Rsz_220210203_160708

The Devil You Know

She did not have time for him?

Of all the people in the world, of all the things which existed in the now, he was perhaps the most important thing her tortured existence held the privilege to breathe in.

As he saw the desperation within her face, the rise in her voice, the disregard for the importance of the situation, he couldn't help but believe this petulance was the very reason she had failed as a demon. The demon- no the creature, which existed before him who sought to aide the woodland creatures of Earth was not worthy of the title of demon. He could forgive ignorance, he could even forgive arrogance to a point. But what he could not forgive, what he would not, would be disrespect.

In this moment, Calypso Vael had made an enemy of great power.

As she rushed past him he did not stop her. The brief thought to physically harm her crossed his mind, but such things meant little to demons. No, if he was to teach her a lesson then he would do so with the utmost instruction. He would wound their mind in such a way that in her most private moments, in her nightmares, she would only see him. That his face would become a specter which haunted her existence, until he so deemed such a thing was not needed.

So she was allowed to run, like a spooked anima unaware of a hunter's scope trained upon them.

Instead he merely lifted his head to the sky, a small laugh leaving his lip. The smooth baritone which left his throat was slowly becoming warped and distorted, like that of static. It was ungodly the sound his laughter slowly became, as it rose in volume. Until like a cacophonous storm it rose above any sound within the vicinity. The air it's self became heavy, as for the first time in a while his Za Koa manifested it's self around him. A sickly, deeply black, energy which seemed rotten to it's core. As the static laughter which invaded the region seemed to grow louder than the cries of the animals.

He'd raise his arms to his face his fingers curled slightly, crimson irises staring beyond the fabric of the world they where in. "Flectere ad voluntatem meam, et non sicut ego mandatum. Adducite ad me sanguine nequam, foedavit." The empowered words which left his mouth seemed to cause a sickening dread to fill the area. The sky it's self seemed to darken as the warmth of the sun was ripped from this area, the clouds becoming red and heavy. Suddenly, a small trickle of rain was felt. But when it landed upon the Earth, it was not merely water. Instead it was red and heavy, as the air now held a coopery taste to it. The small trickle then became a full on storm, as the valley filled with blood.

Notably, the animals which had died from the explosions seemed to begin to wither away. Their bodies used as a sacrifice and catalyst, their blood now the very thing running about the field. Furthermore, the ritual cast was further empowered by the incantation spoken. Every droplet of the blood-rain causing a small hissing noise. A burning sensation. It was acidic, surely a minor inconvience to someone like Calypso.

But to the animals, to the life, to the trees, the screams of pain seemed to grow louder- before being cut down. Oh it was a slow death, for Caly would be able to reach any woodland creature she wanted. But as she gazed upon the sights of them, torn and mangled- with their bodies twitching violently from the rain- it was tormented. A sight fit for.. hell.

A single, distorted, voice would be heard over the area. Mat would raise his arms basking in the acidic blood rain, his toga slowly burning away with small holes.

"Do you have time for me now?"

END POST | The Patriarch

A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] JfH75kA
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] H8Tyk70
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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:48 pm

Okay, okay.. Maybe I have enough time to save a few, but the rest may be too far along to be saved.. At the very least I can put them out of their misery quickly...

She sped over to the nearest wailing creature, slowly down and sinking down to their side. It was a doe, her leg terribly mangled, thrashing about in pain on the ground. Despite how agonized she felt, she put on a brave face and smiled at the creature,

"Heeyy, heeyyy.. It'll be okay, I promise. Just hold still, it'll only hurt for a little while longer, I promise!"

She moved as she spoke, restraining the doe with extra tendrils, focusing on the leg. Mumbling soft apologies as she felt the air become heavy, the sound of laughter following it. She ignored it, focusing on saving the poor thing's life as it's wounds gushed blood. Focusing her energies, she'd carefully force the leg to start stitching back together - she understood the extent of the injury, and was moving to fix it, pushing and pushing until the leg was in reasonable working order.

"See? There! All fixed! All.. A-all.."

She smelled something familiar just as she felt something warm and wet hit her arms. It didn't take much thought to figure out what it was...


Her heart froze as she felt a tingling sensation form on her skin with each drop, until a torrent of blood rain poured down. Why was it... Why was there blood? She looked to the doe she had just healed, and almost wished she hadn't, it's pained screams reducing to a strained gurgle as it's body twitched and convulsed. It's skin was melting, as was the grass at her feet. She didn't even need to hear the cacophony of animalistic shrieks to know how much everything around her was suffering.

Her head felt light, yet her body ached with pain, fear, and agony. The world spun a bit as her body and mind took on the suffering of countless lifeforms burning to death around her. She tried to get to her feet, but slipped on the dying, bloodied grass, splashing in a puddle of sizzling blood as her skin screamed with sensation. She was soaking wet in the substance before long, her entire body coated with pure crimson as the torrent came down on her.

She could hardly breathe or hear over it all. There was too much, too much... The screaming blended together, to the point it sounded like people, like she could hear the crackle of fire, the burning of bodies, the slain victims of war all around her...

Calypso was trembling, as she'd look down to her own hands, which appeared less than human, clawed and soaked with the burning blood. The height of emotions she felt in the moment were indescribable: Grief, Anger, Sadness, Relief, Joy, Terror, Confusion.. Some collage of them was what she felt, and what made her retch.

Her hands slapped to her mouth as she felt another wave of illness, far more severe than initially came on. However, instead of just leaking from her mouth, her eyes were tearing up with darkness, pouring pure feeling rather than tears, as her hands were cupped around her mouth.

She turned to look at the man in the distance, as his voice pulled her from her brief moment of shock. They were wide, fully aware that he did this, almost asking 'why?' as she looked at him. Taking a labored breath, she'd pull herself off the ground, and towards him, sickening squelch after sickening squelch met her footsteps, until she was merely a few feet away from him.

She didn't stare at him like a scared animal, however, but a weary woman who had seen too much of this,

"..How is today important to my future?" She'd ask softly, as darkness ran down her face, "How is today any different than any other day?"

She never raised her voice, she never looked at him angrily or defiantly, she just spoke - asking, "Is it you? Are you claiming to be what's making it different.. And important? How is that? Why is that? Because if you think this," She'd motion her hand to the bloodied carnage he caused, "This, is what makes you any different or special than anyone i've ever encountered, then you're wrong. Because this is the same thing i've had to deal with for my whole life."

Some edge of her consciousness begged her to run away, to hide away, to sleep, but she didn't pay it any heed. She wanted to know what this man had in mind that made him so special,

"Just tell me. Tell me. I want to know. I want to know why any of this suffering was needed. What do you want from this?"

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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:09 pm
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Rsz_220210203_160708

The Devil You Know

"By God, will you ever see past what's in front of you?

The demon would remark with unhidden disgust lacing his voice, staring upon the sad and twisted form of the demoness. Within his eyes was that seem deep abyss, unable to truly read which his emotions or intentions where. Instead only the sound of the blood rain, and acidic hiss, was heard as he approached her. Once she stopped he did so as well, his clothing being burned away with little care.

His arms would raise gesturing to the world around them, the wrecked ecosystem and dying animals seemingly just a days work. He didn't usually like so overt displays of power, but this was a special situation. Calypso was a wasted batch of potential just needing to be brought out, but before he could do that he had to exhibit her flaws. The weary look upon her face nothing more than a child whom thinks she knows the depths of depravity in the world.

She did not know true suffering.

"Allow me to explain, as I now have you full attention. A demon appears before you, one whom you know instinctively, is dangerous and influential. A stranger to you, but not quite hostile yet. Instead of focusing on him, you disrespect him by wasting time on animals whom I had no reason to focus on. Animals that, you made me focus on. Because instead of.." He'd raised a bronze finger to the side of his head, tapping it rather hardly.

".. Thinking, you followed your whims. Again, you disrespect him twice. Rushing to said animals, trying his attention to them again. Like a child whom knows no sense of control, you bring disaster upon them. Have you not learned, from your history, how often you do this. How in so desperately craving to 'to what you think is good' you damn yourself, and everything around you." He'd chide dropping his hand, his lecture seeming to not stop as he shook his head with the 'tsk tsk' expected a parent might give a child.

"Calypso, it is a shame you ask what makes today so important. As if every day you breath, every moment you exist, is not it's self important. Barely three years old, still a babe, and you have the audacity to ask why today is important."
He'd scoff as he approached her now.

The world would become heavy as he now approached, his full demonic might coming to bear briefly. It was his right as one of the first born to bend lesser demons, weaker demons, to his will. And currently, that was freezing the little shit in place. As a supernatural force exerted on her body, commanding her not to move as he stood inches from her.

"Your whole life is barely a drop in the bucket to what you will be alive for. Listen to me, you are a fucking demon. Take some god damn pride in that. I don't give a damn if you wish to live among the chattel of humanity, but gain some self-awareness. You betrayed your family because of your desires, some a demon would do. Following their whims. Regardless of how it hurts those around you, so long as it pleases you- and feels right, that makes it acceptable. Right, that is what you did?" He'd point out her actions, his face losing any semblance of anger or malice- instead a mask of neutrality.

"I wouldn't be here, if I didn't seem something worth investigating. I'm old, Calypso. Far older than Mana. Than the Asthavons." He drew in a slow breath, painfully so as his skin seemed to become burnt by the acidic drops. He seemed not to care. "I have seen demons like you before. I did not come to teach you a lesson today, but it appears a firm hand has been missing from your life. Perhaps you have been needing a father, a strong hand to discipline you." His voice took on an amused note now, as if the chaos which was this conversation seemed to make perfect sense to the demonic entitiy.

"Calypso, you are a child. Perhaps, your life would be less horrid, if you simply listened to someone whom has done this before. Otherwise.." His head turns, it almost seems to creak and crack as he does so looking at the scenary.

"Become accustomed to this. For wherever you go, this shall follow. Not by my hand, but because you do not know anything else."

END POST | The Patriarch

A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] JfH75kA
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] H8Tyk70
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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:10 pm

"What are you talking about..?"

She'd breathe, shuddering in disgust with the burning blood that coated her entire body, coughing softly as that dark sense of illness spilled from her lips as trickles down the sides of her reddened chin. Her entire body felt cold, the feeling of shock drowning out everything else, her other emotions a distant screaming, muffled behind shock's cold quiet screen. She couldn't even move, couldn't even clench her fists, as the man would go on to speak of the ill moves she made amidst their meeting.

I was trying to keep them safe... I was trying to scare them off so they wouldn't get hurt.

I put them in harm's way.

Her hands slowly climbed to cover her mouth a small whimper in her throat as he made sense of every little previously nonsensical, violent move. Her eyes burned, her lungs were filled, she couldn't speak.

..It.. He.. It was his fault. It has to be his fault.. He was the one who did it!

It was my fault. It's my fault they're dead. Their blood is on my hands.

She felt so sick she wanted to throw up. She didn't want to think he was right. She didn't want to admit she had fault. It was his fault they died, he was the one who killed them, it's their fault for being like this! Choosing to be like THIS! He could've just.. They didn't have to... They didn't need to...!

They could've just chosen to be peaceful and nobody would have died! IS IT SO HARD?!

Her expression appeared pained, the more he spoke, the more that wall of cold silence cracked, the more she wanted to scream, the more she wanted to run, the more she just wanted to plug her ears and turn away, but at the same time, oh gods, she couldn't help but listen. She needed no force to hold her still - she was keeping herself rooted to the spot, because while one part of her screamed, cried, and wished to remain in a lie, the other actually listened - was tired of this endless loop of suffering and confusion, and wanted some way out of it.

The pain of the war in her heart hurt far worse than any burning droplets from the sky - it felt like she was tearing herself limb from limb. Soon, she would shake her head wildly - she couldn't take it anymore,

"I don't want to be a DEMON! I can't be HUMAN! I just want to be ME!"

She'd shout, so loud it sounded like it'd shred any normal creature's throat, "My family is nothing but violent monsters, i'm not a violent monster! I would never want to hurt anyone like my sister does! I would never want to abandon anyone I love like my family did to me! I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want anyone to suffer..!"

She'd wheeze out, blackened tears running down her face, the next words she spoke were like spewing hot lead, ".. But that's all i've ever done in my life... All I ever do is hurt people... Sometimes I can't even ignore it... I can feel it.. Their suffering.. And I know it's my fault..."

She'd cough, covering her mouth, "No matter how much... I don't want to see it... I know it's my fault... I'm so tired of it..."

Retching, retching, "..I want to be myself... But I don't know what i'm doing right now... All I ever do is hurt people..."

"...I just want to love and care for everyone... But they get hurt anyway... What does that even make me? What the hell am I supposed to be..?"

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A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Empty Re: A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat]

Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:06 am
A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] Rsz_220210203_160708

The Devil You Know

The rain seemed to silence it's self, the acidic blood slowly turning to a trickle then outright stopping. The pitter patter of rain striking the ground become quiet as the world became deathly silent. As the demoness retched and heaved Mat merely gazed upon them. spewing out their inner conflicts like ichor leaking from wounds. There was no stopping the monumental revelation she was having, even now defaulting to the sorry state she was before all this. He was sure this was but another tantrum, another confused and misguided feeling.

What more could a parent expect from a child whom knew nothing else.

"And listen to you, speak falsehoods into reality." He'd chastise out stretching his arms to the field around them, his demonic energy whirling around him. Before the crimson and black energy coalesced into an image above him, London before the war. Back when it was ruled by Shadow Fall. The image would move and shift displaying the grand marvels the city had accomplished their the rule of Shadow Fall. Of the prosperous people, of demons and humans working side by side.

"Your family cultivated a powerful nation, that where conquerors. But beyond that they brought marvels to the human world, they raised people whom had no chance in this world to position of powers. They slaughtered their enemies, and rewarded their allies. Tell me, Calypso.." His voice would fade as he closed his hand, the image shifting to the horrors of humanity. Images would flash showcasing not demons killing humans, but the atrocities they had inflicted upon themselves.

The genocides. The concentration camps. The wars. The imperialism. Human greed and evil, needing no demon to manifest it. The energy above him would seem to literally bleed blood unto the ground, as the snapshots of humanities most horrid moments infested the area with a sickly energy.

"Tell me how your family differs so much from these people. Tell me they are both simple creations, whom evil and good are simply restricted to their nature." He'd throw her views into her face, boldly proclaiming the hypocrisy of her views. Instead he'd lower his arms as he down at her, his stature seeming all the taller.

"Existence is a state of constant suffering. It is time you stop thinking like a child, and begin to learn the truth. You speak you would never do this, or that, but existence is a whirlpool of experiences. There are no easy answers, child. They do not exist. Your good, does not exist."
He'd remark grimly, as the energy behind him would fade. A deep silence filling the area.

"You can either choose to destroy yourself knowing that all you wanted, all you thought you could be, was wasted." A pause.

"Or you can open your eyes, and step out of your delusions. To embark on a bitter path where you learn to live in a world of whom you are. You may not wish to be a demon, but it is what you are. And if you wish to leave a shred of something worthy of your lofty ideals, then you must reconcile the nature of your existence, this world, and how you shall live in it." Another pause, as now he began to kneel in front of her. The first time he brought himself to her level, as his voice took on a tone befitting of something of pity. Something befitting of sympathy.

"You asked me what makes me different, and it is simple. I am the only one who can save you."

END POST | The Patriarch

A Sleepless Dream [Calypso/Mat] JfH75kA
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