Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:10 pm

Oh gods, she was so happy she was done with this little project. It was a good thing she got some level of practice in, restoring and recreating housing. Still, it took her around a week to get everything to actually come together well, but she was done. That old cabin she had ran off to as a child? It was now a proper house - still modest, but cozy and nice for a family of her size to live in, quiet and out of the way of any ill-intentioned onlookers.

Her mother was the first person she had fetched to come see it, after spending a brief day catching back up with everyone, but she wanted her mom to see it and be surprised first - she thought she'd love it - and that it'd make up for her being missing, and the melted house, and...

Yknow what? This wasn't the time to think about that stuff. Now was the time to push that aside and be happy. Happiness was the goal here, happiness is what she wanted to see.

"Okay mom, no peeking!"

She told Arianda to close and cover her eyes before she transported the both of them in front of the house, leading her up and then smiling proudly,

"Okay! You can open your eyes!"

She'd call cheerfully, and once she did so, she'd wave her hands to the house, "Tadaahhh! Here we are! A new house! Man you have no idea how many books I had to read about how stuff fit together to make this work, but hey, I did it!"

She laughed joyfully, opening the door and gesturing her to look inside, "No furniture yet; we'll have to get everything moved over, buuut.. At least look inside!"

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:10 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Calypso was back... finally, she was back. Arianda couldn't say, in her lifetime, that she had been so worried about someone until she felt the immense relief that slammed into her when Caly returned after weeks of nothing; weeks of Calypso disappearing without a word. However, there was another feeling that broke into Ari's being when Calypso returned; PAIN. High levels of pain that all radiated from Calypso, something that took all of Ari's willpower to not give into the pain, and also to stay quiet about it; albeit, she did try a few times to ask Calypso what happened, and if she was okay. Sadly, all of Calypso's answers were quite vague or short; giving Ari very little to go on. However, the demon knew something was wrong... she just had no idea how to approach it. That night, likely another sleepless night in a string of sleepless nights since Caly disappeared, Ari slowly worked up a plan and some courage; courage that she would need to confront her daughter about what was happening to her. If that pain was enough to go by, pain that almost made Ari sick to her stomach at one point, she knew that it could not be well left alone.

However, the next day, Calypso had insisted on dragging Ari out of the hotel that Ari had rented a few rooms for the family to live in while the whole housing situation was being fixed; with all the furniture from Ari's house being temporarily stored elsewhere, likely in a pocket dimension or even just a normal storage unit. Regardless, Caly had dragged Ari out of their temporary living situation; imploring Ari to keep her eyes closed, and covered, after they were outside. She respected her daughter's wish and closed her eyes; gently covering them with her arm as she took Caly's hand with her other hand; being lead towards their destination with a swift teleport.

Upon arrival, Ari noted the colder climate, a possible change in altitude maybe? Arianda walked with Caly, carefully placing her feet just in case she stumbled upon an obstacle that was somewhat obscured thanks to her vision; however, she trusted her daughter. Eventually, Caly told Ari to open her eyes, which Ari did so; which gave her a very bright view of a cabin. A cabin, a lake, and what was clearly a mountain range. She blinked, looking around for a few moments before her vision zipped back to her speaking daughter.

She smiled at Caly as she spoke. She looked a bit happier, even if the deep seated pain emanating from Caly still ate away at Ari's insides, and Ari was glad to see so; however, she was still immensely worried for her daughter. She smiled gently, unable to suppress a gentle chuckle as Caly spoke about how much she had to read. Ari took slow steps up to the cabin, gently taking Caly's hand as she reached the door.

"How about you show me around, Little one~? I'd love to see what you've made for us."

Arianda smiled at Caly, her use of 'little one' being quite caring, loving; a mother to a daughter. However, some small part of Ari quietly questioned the use of it. After everything with Algos, and even Mana... would Calypso like it? She may feel Ari was treating her like a small child; and the demon could only feel herself second guessing herself completely as she figured that she shouldn't use such a term until she knew Caly was okay with it...

Which was why, Ari gave Calypso a warm smile and went into the house with her daughter; looking around what was definitely bigger than the outside. At least... it felt like it. Immediately, Arianda could feel herself coming up with ideas of secret rooms and passages; something she had always found odd amazement with. However, the demon looked towards her daughter again, gently squeezed Caly's hand with her own, and gave her a big, warm, smile.

"Well, my dear Calypso, mind giving your mother the grand tour of our new home~?"

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:57 pm

Caly wasn't an idiot; she could sense her mother's worry, but she pushed that away, off to the back of her mind. She was focused on being happy today, showing something her mom would be happy about, and everyone else would in turn. After everything, she just wanted their happy faces to fall back on again in her trying time; that was what she wanted the most in this moment.

"Course mom! Sure it's no mansion, but it's definitely nice and i'm sure everyone will love it."

Walking in, the walls were nice even, neutral shades, some flowers painted on the walls to give some sense of uniqueness without overwhelming the decoration. It was two stories, stairs to their left as they'd walk in, and walking off the platform into the proper interior they'd be in the living room, then the kitchen, then dining room... Overall just a leisure tour through a nice home.

"..And upstairs is a few bedrooms, and well, we'd have enough for guests, too." She'd say as she went for the stairs, looking to her mother,

"So what do you think so far? Do you like it? Do you?"

She seemed almost a little too enthusiastic, too digging for positive answers as she went about this tour, a sense of desperation coming from the woman beneath the joy and fun she felt.

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:58 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Calypso's sheer joy was very worrying for Ari. Frankly speaking, it was something Ari had done herself in the past; having a façade of joy and happiness. It was all too familiar, and Ari didn't like how Caly was pushing her pain and troubles down to replace it with false happiness and joy. However, despite that, the tour was nice, and Ari was proud of the effort Calypso had put into the house; and she was extremely happy that her daughter had made them a house; and especially in a place that was so... nice and quiet. It was peaceful, and she loved it. However, her daughter was the opposite of peaceful.

The pain inside of Caly was quite intense, even after a night of rest; leading to the turmoil that could be resting inside of her. However, Arianda momentarily pushed it aside as she answered her daughter's question; not wanting to brush her aside.

"Of course I like it, Little one... I love it. You did an absolutely amazing job, dear. I'm sorry you had to do it without me; but it's a wonderful surprise, my dear."

The demon smiled warmly at Calypso, gently pulling Calypso into a warm hug; something she probably didn't enjoy often. It was impossible for Ari to ignore the way Caly was feeling anymore; the way she seemed to be ignoring Ari’s own growing worry. Even if the hug helped little, she held it as long as allowed; conveying what words could not. However, after the demon hugged Calypso, she gently relinquished the hug, the smile gone from her face; a more serious woman breaking through to the surface. Her eyes searched Calypso's own, looking for an answer to her unanswered question; her silver eyes burning with such intense worry and concern that Calypso could likely feel it quite acutely, even if she was doing her best to ignore it. After Arianda searched Calypso's eyes for a few moments, not desiring to relinquish her grip if she could help it, Arianda spoke in a soft tone. It was gentle, sincere, but the tiniest bit urgent. She did not want her daughter to suffer so.

"Caly... I need you to tell me the truth, the exact, whole, truth; what happened these past weeks while you've been gone? I've been worried sick, hun. I thought you were dead... or worse. And trust me... bottling up your emotions to save people you love is no way to live. I need you to talk to me."

She gave Caly a gentle smile, raising a hand to gently caress Caly's cheek. She was trying, the best she could, to help Caly understand.

"You can't let yourself carry on like this, trust me. I've bottled up emotions and my problems before and it only ends badly. You can always, always talk to me, Caly."

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:29 pm

"What? Pff, this was fine to do on my own. I wasn't hurt or bothered - I just wanted to do something nice for my mom and family, there's been so much going on, I wanted to put SOMETHING towards everyone."

She'd laugh off the initial statement, but she could sense that worry and concern growing stronger, the girl's chest tightening as she smiled fondly. When her mom reached out to hug her, she swiftly returned it, hoping that it'd be enough to wave off that concern. It usually worked - just giving her plenty of reassurance and love made it go away eventually.. Right? Thankfully she wasn't usually super direct when it came to how Caly dealt with herself, so she could safely and swiftly quell them and just have her mom - happy to see her and hold her and love her.

But... This time.. The feelings weren't going away, they weren't shrinking at all, if anything they were stronger as the two partially parted the hug, Arianda looking at her more intently. She only smiled in return,

"What's the matter, mom?"

It was like a weight dropped in her stomach when the woman questioned her, but her outward appearance was kept cool and joyful, though a little confused as to give Ari the impression she may have been a little wrong to suspect the worst,

"Mom, like i've been telling EVERYONE, I was just out helping a friend with a passion project. Nothing bad happened to me - You'd know if I was seriously hurt or dead through our connection, remember? I was completely fine, there's nothing to worry about."

Lie, after lie, after lie. She felt awful lying to her mother, but she didn't want to see her mother sad. She wanted to see her happy - to see her, to see the house, she just wanted happiness right now,

"I'm not bottling anything up, mom. So how about we just go see upstairs and then figure out how to get everything over here, huh? I can even figure out how to add secret stuff to your room, just not all over the house.. I almost got lost a few times wandering into the wrong place."

She'd chuckle softly, patting her mom on the shoulder, "Of course i'd tell you if something was wrong, but there's nothing to tell, so stop worrying and let's go upstairs."

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:07 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Was it supposed to hurt whenever your child lied directly to your face? Certainly seemed like it, and it certainly hurt when Calypso bore lies straight on Ari’s face. It made the demon a little angry, sad, but most of all, it just hurt… It hurt that Calypso did not trust her mother with such feelings. Perhaps she was trying to do just what Ari said, and she wanted to save her from having to deal with what Calypso was dealing with. However, it was a self-destructive attitude in the end. Even if Calypso could have pushed Ari’s worry away with a big hug in the past, such a thing was difficult to do now. After Calypso had disappeared for a week, without a single word, she could no longer be consoled by gentle words, hugs, and possibly even the occasional cuddle.

The demon stared at her daughter as Caly lied to her face. If Calypso wanted happiness from Ari, this was not the way to get it; especially not lying directly to Ari's face about something that was immensely pressing. As she lied, the woman's pain only grew. Ari knew that she couldn't just let Caly continue on the way she was. It could only lead her to ruin; and the pain Caly felt... it only caused Ari's own concern and worry to increase as well. She had to put her foot down at some point... now may be the best time.

"No... Calypso. NO."

Ari's tone was not loud, but it was strong, and her silver eyes would not leave Caly's own eyes, refusing to let Calypso go as long as she could keep her without harming her or making her too terribly uncomfortable.

"Calypso, stop lying to me. We both know that you could have contacted me through that very same connection; but you never did the entire time you were gone. Stop trying to comfort me with lies and vague half-truths; stop trying to avert my worry in an attempt to protect me from your burdens. Maybe it's not bottling up emotions, but you're still holding back terrible things that happened to you. Hun, I can FEEL pain, I can feel YOUR pain, Calypso; and yours is screaming at me for help. Even your eyes betray you. Maybe protecting others from your burdens can keep us, can keep me, from sadness; but it will only bring you sadness in return."

Arianda looked at Caly as she spoke, refusing to let Calypso go at the current moment. Her voice never elevated in volume, but it never left it's strong tone; even as the demon's silver eyes slowly became shiny with the effort of holding back tears as her own emotions got the better of her.

"Caly, I'm your mother, it is my job to worry about you. Besides, you can always come to me with the things that worry you besides... This lying, it doesn't comfort me; it only hurts. It only tears more worry into my being, and every time it gets worse and worse."

Arianda continued to try and hold back the tears that desired to flow from her eyes as the pain she felt from her own daughter was almost too much to bear; even as she did her best to shut herself off to such an immense source.

"It makes me sad, Calypso; sad, angry, and hurt. You won't confide in me, you won't let me help you lessen the burden that weighs upon your shoulders. It tears me apart just to know that you're suffering and won't let me help. Darling, I'm your mother; you can trust me with anything because..."

Then the tears started to flow, Arianda was unable to hold them back anymore as she drew Caly into a hug unlike any she had in the past; it was warm, even if it was a little wet thanks to Ari, and it also was intended to help Calypso let herself go and let Ari comfort her; be her shoulder to cry on.

"Because, my dear Calypso Vael… lying to me, hurting yourself to try and protect me; it makes me more sad than anything you could ever tell me. It hurts more than any injury I have ever felt, more than any torture I have ever endured... What I feel when you lie to me, my dear, could never be worse than anything you could tell me; so please... stop bottling it up. Talk to me. I don't want you to suffer like I have..."

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:22 am

Okay.. It should be coming down by now..
It should be..
Why is it not coming down...?

She was confused as to why those emotions only seemed to grow instead of wane. She was doing everything right, why was she still worried? She was HERE! She was SAFE! Why was she so worried about her?! She should be happy, looking all around the house and talking to her and having fun, not being in pain...

She smiled, her eyes widening as Ari started, the girl remaining silent as her smile never waned, but it was her eyes that gradually changed. First they stayed stuck on that forced happiness, then waned into sadness, then into confusion, then into panic along with her breath picking up speed, her heartrate increasing. She felt horrifyingly sick as Ari went on and on, but instead of tears, trickles of darkness formed from and spilled from her eyes. She was trembling, her arms at her side, curled into fists as her mouth tried to remain curved upward in a smile as those unsettling tears rolled down her face.

She felt incredibly disgusting for what she did next, but she had no idea what else to say,

"I'm not lying to you mom, I really am fine!" She'd cry out, a pained laugh following it, "I'm HERE! I'm ALIVE! I'm FINE! If there was something actually wrong, you'd SEE IT!"

The only emotion that would come from her daughter now was nothing but pure panic, her heart racing, her breath short, as she'd cough gently into her hand, speckles of darkness around her mouth as she went on, her heart twisted with pain,

"I don't NEED help right now, okay? I'm here, i'm your daughter, i'm healthy and alive - shouldn't that be what matters?"

She gagged softly, hugging herself as she worked with that ugly feeling, "I just can't UNDERSTAND why you feel that way, mom! I just went away to help a friend with something - sure sure, I had a rough time, some people got hurt, and I was away for so long, but that's why I made this house! It was a sorry! I was saying sorry!"

She'd laugh painfully as she went on, darkness spewing from her eyes and mouth, "Because it's my fault the first house got ruined in the first place! It's my fault for not listening to Ulv and letting her die-"

Her hands slapped over her mouth, her eyes wide, as she quickly went to correct herself, "-D-do her usual s-silliness! That's right! She just did something dumb and it was my fault for letting her do that! So if you're going to be mad, be mad over that!"

She'd cough harder, almost doubling over if it werent for their embrace, "B-be mad over that.. But I just.. Want you to be happy... I need you to be happy... I'm doing this to make you happy..!"

She felt like the ugliest thing alive in this moment.

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:37 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"But Caly... I do see it... you can smile all you want, but your eyes are crying out. You can say all you want that you don't need help, that you don't need *MY* help, but I can't stand by and lose you, Little one. I refuse to."

Arianda watched as her daughter only got worse. It hurt to see how Caly was fighting against herself just to try and avert everything; just to try and keep Ari from her pain. However, Ari knew all too well how bottling up your problems only lead to more problems; to more sadness and pain. The trauma she had experienced during her time with Mana, during the aftermath of her seal; had she kept it all in, Arianda would have long lost herself. She did not wish for Caly to fall down the same path.

Such reasons are why Arianda slowly guided Caly to the floor, the two women now on their knees; Arianda hugging Calypso in a loving embrace unlike any other. She listened to her daughter, listened to the words that she said, and watched as darkness poured from the woman's eyes and mouth; likely making Ari's clothes wet if it was a tangible liquid. If not, then it was simply not a concern. Arianda gave her daughter a gentle smile, and gently pecked her forehead.

"Of course I am happy you are alright, of course I'm happy you are alive and with me again. But, Little one, one woman cannot carry the weight of the world upon her shoulders; even one as extraordinary as you are. You're not alone, Calypso. You have me; and I'm always going to be there to help you."

Arianda smiled at her daughter, gently caressing the back of her head; eventually rubbing her hand on Caly's back between her shoulder blades in slow, smooth, circles. Even the news that Caly seemed to blame herself for Ulv's death couldn't shake Arianda's smile; even if there was a smidge more sadness in the demon's eyes as tears gently flowed from them. However, Arianda knew Ulv; Arianda knew Mirja. Neither of them would blame Calypso for what happened, for how Ulv died. If Ulv knew death was the outcome of a choice, and she still made it, then clearly she blamed no one for her death. After all, Arianda knew one thing about Ulv in the days and months before her death. She did not find a way to live, she did not find a way to come back, she only lived her life as she wanted; helping those she could while she still lived.

"I will not be mad, Calypso. I am only hurt and sad, but I won't be mad at my daughter without due cause; and this? This is no good reason to be mad at you. And Ulv? I think Vael's have a knack for not listening to Ulv; especially Mirja. But, I know one thing... She would never, ever blame you for what happened. If she knew the risk, and accepted it; you have no blame to claim. Much like I do not blame you for what happened to the house. If anything, it was a good way to get us out of there before anything broke bad after Ulv passed on."

Arianda kept rubbing her daughter's back, starting to hum pleasantly whenever she wasn't speaking; holding her daughter with the same embrace even as Calypso's pain tore at Ari's being. She was numb to it now... Right now, Mama Bear was going to protect her child; and no pain would keep her from doing so. However, Ari probably would be in pain for a good chunk of time after this little jolt of adrenaline wore off; whenever that would be.

"Calypso, if you want me to be happy; lying to me isn't the trick. I want you to tell me the truth, the whole truth; even if it could hurt both of us. I want you to be happy, Calypso; you do not deserve to have your happiness stolen away. You're not alone, Calypso; you never have been. Keep yourself surrounded by us, your true, loving family, let us help you, let me help you, let us share some of your burden, and you won't just be strong... You'll be unbeatable."

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:59 am


So much, pain.

Her eyes were tightly shut as she heard her mother's voice past the ick and sludge that oozed from her body, a sense of reassurance and comfort attempting to penetrate her as she'd breathe hoarsely and cough, pressing her nose into Arianda's shoulder. She felt weak, she felt disgusting, she couldn't take it...

"..Mom.." She'd whimper softly, "...I..."

She gagged on her sadness, before sputtering and forcing the words out, "...I've had so many terrible things happen in my life. Not as bad.. As most beings.. But... They happened. And they hurt."

Her heart felt heavy as she spoke, eyes tightly shut as darkness rolled down her face, "..They hurt, so much... I can't... It makes me sick. You know only some, but you don't know the extent..."

Her breath hitched, as tears rolled down her face, "..But.. I'm not ready. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. Even I h-haven't... Fully thought it all through. Even I haven't made sense of everything that's ever happened..."

Voice low, pleading as she went on, "...I'm not ready to talk about this yet, Mom. I'm not. I'm still figuring myself out. I'm sorry for lying - I just didn't want you to suffer again because of me."

"...Just right now... I just want to make you guys happy... It would help so much... If I could just at least do that for you. Do something that doesn't cause pain in the end..."

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Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda] Empty Re: Not Under This Roof [Calypso/Arianda]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:57 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda listened quietly as Caly finally came to what Arianda understood as the truth; at least, the truth of her current state of being. It all boiled down to the pure fact that she wasn't ready to talk to Ari about the things she had experienced in the past; things that Ari indeed only knew part of. The demon gently caressed the back of her daughters head as jagged sobs and shaky breaths continued to break through her words, the demon taking it all in quietly; even if tears still silently slid down Ari's own cheeks. The demon gently rubbed Caly's back in small circles after she finished talking, letting silence, and sobs, fill the room they were in. She smiled a tiny bit, glad that Caly was being honest with her; even if she was refusing to tell her what was bothering her.

Slowly, Arianda took in one shaky breath, and held Caly in a loving, warm, embrace.

"If you're not ready... it's okay. It's true, I do not know the extent of what you have experienced; but I know your pain, Little one. That alone is enough for a mother to guess... But, I will wait until you're ready. Just, please don't keep me waiting for too long; if you can help it. I want to be there for my little girl while I still can~"

The demon gave Caly a warm smile, rubbing her back still as she gave her daughter a loving embrace. She at least hoped that basic comfort was able to help Caly somewhat; just being in her mother's arms helping that tiny bit that only physical comfort could. After a tiny bit, the demon pulled away enough to gently cup Caly's face in her hands, holding the girl's face so gently before she gave her forehead an equally gentle peck.

"Just... please don't lie to me ever again; if you can help it. Besides, helping my daughter... that's not suffering, little one; that's just doing the one thing I should have done for you ever since you were born."

Arianda need not say what it was. The guilt of not being there for Caly when she was young would normally hang over Ari's head at the best of times. Even if she had no idea of her parentage, she still believed the blame fell to her; and would gladly spend a lifetime making it up to Caly so she could be the happiest Vael in the world. Regardless, the demon smiled softly and slid her hands down so they would now rest on Caly's own hands.

"We got a little off track on the tour... How about you show me the rest of the house and we can figure out where to put all the furniture, okay~? And, darling, you make me happy just by being you. But, I think a new house and a change of scenery is bound to lighten everyone's mood; especially yours, little one~"

Arianda helped her daughter stand when she was ready. Of course she could do it on her own, but Ari was simply that way. She smiled gently, and held her daughter's hand almost as gently; humming a tiny bit.

"Maybe we should find your room first when we're done with what we have left of the tour? You fixed up the place, I think you should have first choice."

The demon smiled once more, squeezing her daughter's hand gently as Ari let Caly take her time with the rest of the tour; hoping she would drop the facade of joy and slowly drop into more of a natural joy. However, Ari's concern was far from averted; it was just temporarily suppressed. Ari had lost too much in the past, more than she was willing to lose; and she refused to lose her daughter to the horrible things that threatened to break her. After all... Arianda knew Calypso deserved happiness more than anyone she has ever met. Albeit, maybe that was her as Caly's mother talking instead of Ari the demon.

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