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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Broken Melodies  Empty Broken Melodies

Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:57 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

On a beach that no organization squabbled over or faction called home. It was a place that was decidedly neutral and all the quieter for it. No sounds of troops sauntering on or people frightened to leave home. It was, however, a beautiful place with a lagoon of crystal clear water. Parents and children were at play on this beach. Sandcastles are being made, and fathers are buried in the warm sands. As one goes along the beach, a lighthouse stands proudly in the distance—a red and white pattern down its side. Along the beach is an old-style gazebo, built of treated wood and raised on a brick foundation. A pleasant sound emerges from the structure and carries down the beach. A violin is being played, a tune that tells a story is being played.

The figure playing is a man wearing a white shawl that comes down to his waist. His blond hair is cut short and well-kept. His clothing looks average as his eyes remain closed. Those with a spiritual sense will be able to sense the man's origins. He is doing nothing to conceal these as he renders his musical performance. His status and age are forgotten among the chords of his violin. His desire was for more places like this on earth. Places not yet tarnished by war or the ones who brought it.

So people could enjoy music and other activities without concern. In these recent times, far too often has the drums taken entire countries and cities. Jefferson City, Brazil, Malaysia, Australia, and so many others. He was tired of this fighting and political sabotage game played by everyone.

Thus he came here to relax and watch what a country could be. This was a dream, maybe not his, as he loved nature. But this could be if everyone stopped fighting wars and instead selected champions. Ghislain's fingers moved along his violin skillfully. He could play many instruments; the violin was a favored one. But the Piano was another he found great joy in composing from. Bass Guitars were also a fun diversion from the world.

Ghislain's Song

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:27 am

Broken Melodies  CjpDEaF

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Musical Wanderer

It was strange to find a kindred soul here, of all the places in the world, Rose mused as he glided softly along the beach towards the melancholic music that came from a nearby hut. This innocent place that knew not the woes that had afflicted so much of the world, it was where he had often came to hide from his responsibilities. Nobody here needed him here, nobody cared who he had once been or what he still was. It was a simple life, just as he had always cherished.

As Rose listened further, he began to pick out the subtle differences that defined the quality of a player. There was a sombreness to this new artist's performance, every individual movement of the bow both precise yet delicate. The notes carved a path through the air that guided him ever closer, drawing him in until, finally, lilac eyes fell upon the musician.

"You might have a real talent for the violin if you put your mind to it, but you are letting yourself wander."

His words were softly spoken as Rose called out to the figure, his criticism was indicative of one with an ear for sound that went far beyond the likes of most humans. It was something so complex that it likely went above the heads of the masses, who continued to enjoy the music pleasantly, but perhaps Ghislain could sense it within himself now that it had been purported.

Emerging from the crowd, Rose offered the slightest of bows and moved to approach the figure. A guitar case was slung across his back, though his general dress was light and flowery as long blonde hair fluttered in the gentle breeze.

"You might call me Rose, friend, if you're inclined towards the company of a fellow traveller."

Looking for a rhythm | END POST

Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:05 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His bow ceased the fluid movements after reaching a crescendo. His eyes had been closed, absorbed in the moments of it. Slowly they opened pools of azure like the sky. His hands were gentle as he set the violin to rest on a velvet piece of equipment. His lips pulled upwards into a soft smile as he answered. "True, the performance would have been better if not for it. But the world does make one's mind wander. ", He said, sighing softly as his gaze looked over the man carefully. He didn't believe danger came from him as he brought his shawl down. Resting it gently next to his violin. The man's name was Rose, a wandering musician perhaps one of great skill clearly.

"I will take you up on the inclination Rose; my name is Ghislain." He said before taking a seat, his eyes wandering towards the water. His mind had wandered during the performance. Not something he was often known for doing. When Ghislain performed, it was always focused on the music. The production of a sound that could move people. A traveler like himself had come to this beach. Did he seek answers or perhaps merely a place devoid of the noise.

One could pencil back wars and reactionary attacks from the organizations—Inami's word on changing it and ending it. Those were what interested Quincy, who, despite appearances, was over 1000 years old. Fighting hadn't saved the Roman Empire, so what would the Kokuryuteshi do differently. Sing had been amicable to him when he'd come to her seeking a ceasefire of Hulderic's folly.

"So what does my fellow traveler seek on his long winding road?"

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:34 pm

Broken Melodies  CjpDEaF

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Musical Wanderer

Studying both the player and his instrument with a fair amount of reverence, Rose swept a hand through his hair. There was a tension to the man that he could not quite place, but it did not feel like a cause for concern. They were two stars coursing across the night sky, only briefly passing by one another, and likely neither wished to disrupt the other. He certainly meant Ghislain no ill will beyond the slightest of critiques for his musical style, and even that was more innocent nitpicking than an actual problem.

"All of the world weighing on your mind? That might be heavy enough to skew a note from time to time."

Rose slung the guitar off his back, setting the case down carefully, though he did not yet make a move to open it. One did not barge onto another musician's stage and steal the show, it was considered rather crass.

"A pleasure, though, Ghislain. As for why I am here or what I want? I am but a leaf flying in the wind, soaring from one place to another whenever it suits me. My days of attempting to make a difference have passed me by, now I just want to live a quiet life."

Looking for a rhythm | END POST

Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:31 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His lips contained a slight smile to them; indeed, that could skew a note. The world only entered his mind due to Inami. He'd long since taken himself away from that stage. Going deep into the wilderness of Alaska and remaining hidden. A few random Quincy would find him on occasion, perhaps a wandering Hollow. Nothing worth disturbing his peace.

"Ah, I know that well, I found a place in Alaska that was very quiet and peaceful." Ghislain mused on the surroundings he'd found himself in Alaska. Verdant wilderness with nary a person to disturb you. Music was able to be played in line with nature. What it lacked in many people, it made up with the quality of them. Ghislain had found himself a peaceful abode before Inami came.

"If I'm honest, what spurred me into this action was a proposal." He said, his smile fading as his mind wrapped around it again. He played music to relax and walk from the world woes. It was why Inami and anyone else seeking him had to work for it. Ghislain didn't seek attention or some significant role. This orchestra that the world was in had been off-key for a long time.

"I had taken great pains to stay among that lush wilderness and enjoy my music and other lifely pleasures. But an opportunity to end this cycle of war, political manipulation and make a lasting difference. That drew my interest, I'm old and have seen tyrants rise and fall like those waves." Ghislain admitted, his gaze shifting to the water.

The children and people enjoying clean water without signs of pollution. "I've played witness to many Organizations playing similar roles and fates. It was the first I heard of anyone tackling the problem preventing a peaceful place like this. " " Ghislain shrugged his shoulders slightly, giving a smile. It was of no import; he'd signed up and agreed to this action. The only course was to witness the resolve of Inami and Sing.

"You must have seen some interesting sights on your journey. Please play the part of the bard and tell these people and me of your journey."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:40 am

Broken Melodies  CjpDEaF

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Musical Wanderer

"Alaska, huh? A little too rural for my tastes, but no doubt there was a peace to be had there. I am a little more of a social creature."

It was an amusing thing for him to say, the man who had walked away from the earth and travelled to the stars beyond was now back to wanting a social life. That did not make it any less true, though. His music was meant to be shared and enjoyed, that was why he did as he did. Both the living and the spirits would hear him play at least once.

"To break the cycle, one generally has to be good at breaking things. Are you such a man, Ghislain?"

It was not an accusation, but Rose would be interested to hear his response anyway. He could certainly tell the man possessed a considerate amount of power but it was more a judge of character than actual ability.

In response to Ghislain's own enquiry, he reached down and unclipped the locks on his guitar case. A callused hand reached down to pluck the instrument from its case, leaving behind the sword that was also stored within. He threw the strap over his shoulder and turned to take a seat upon whatever was available. Even just holding it in his hands was comforting, like being before a warm fire on a winter's night.

"If you don't mind, perhaps a melody to complement talks of my own tales. A choice of three I will give you, each equally tantalising I assure you. Of a love lost, Of a warrior without a cause, or the darker side of the moon."

Looking for a rhythm | END POST


Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:13 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Alaska had been good to him; it was a rural escape from it all. He smiled at the question of breaking things. Deciding to answer with something gained from his lifetime. "There are many ways to break things, records, and other means. If force worked many Empires would remain." He said before having to admit he was reluctantly good at breaking things. He'd fought many battles in his time and day.

Defeated foes both Shinigami and demonic in nature. But that wasn't the reason he believed in ending that cycle. "I won't deny that I have power in that sense as well, but I don't believe that is the key. If violence were the answer, the path of war would have ended long ago." He said it softly as he mused but let the topic go. His eyes were keen on the crowd and hearing this bard's tale. He picked up his violin, looking at the scene before them.

"A love lost fits this lovely scene unless you are inclined to disagree. I have just the piece of violin music for this occasion..No..perhaps this will be better suited." He rose from his seat, walking towards a piano that sat alone and untouched. He adjusted his clothing before taking a seat.

Classically trained on the piano, Ghislain had little trouble creating a suitable melody. The piece fit the narrative, and while a violin could produce it. The piano's gentle timbers and ivories let him escape. A soft, delicate sound emerged, like a parent holding a child. A warmth came that was clear from each movement as the piece proceeded. His eyes closed for a moment as he felt thoughts vanish. Only existing on his musical moment, letting each note sing a song.

This rapidly turned into a concert; his fingers moved elegantly as each sound sang its requiem to Rose and the crowd.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:10 am

Broken Melodies  CjpDEaF

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Musical Wanderer

Tuning his instrument with a few wayward strums, an ear craned downward to detect the most minuscule of tonal shifts. Though his focus was elsewhere, he listened intently to Ghislain's thoughts on violence and his own abilities. On some level, he did agree that the conflicts were often caused by the conflicts of the past and simple violence would not solve everything. But it felt almost naive to think that this wartorn planet could change on the back of a few kind words.

"Force has broken the backs of many empires before, but it is not the only way for something to break. Guile also plays a part. And do not forget that there is love too. You might be surprised with how many different ways there are to break something, the only difference being how beautiful some are compared to others."

A hand swept through his hair, throwing back his foppish blonde mop as it caught the wind before he swiped down to strike the first chord of his melody. A sombre note that accompanied Ghislain's first strokes upon the piano.

His performance beginning, Rose played the accompaniment to his companion's song. His guitar was an unfamiliar partner for the piano, but they were both gifted artists and playing in tandem was well within their abilities. So he took to the microphone and began his short tale.

"Many centuries before, I met my one true love. A reaper of souls from across the realms, much like me. They were quiet and contemplative, but ever so courageous. With a gaze of ice but a heart on fire."

It was not quite a song as much as it was a dramatic retelling of events, his gaze heavy as he appeared to truly lament the absence of his former partner. Tears welled in lilac eyes, but they would not flow, instead, he held them there and continued.

"We fought side by side for a lifetime or two but never came closer than a passing embrace. That was the price of our love, that we would never share our feelings until it was too late. For the warriors had grown tired of fighting, they no longer carried that youthful passion. I had to leave, to escape from that pit, so I thought we would flee together. But when I turned away they were not by my side anymore. I had lost them in the chaos, amidst all the pandemonium, and so now I travelled alone."

Looking for a rhythm | END POST


Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:55 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

He listened to the guitar, following the notes before carefully lining them up. Playing in tandem was easy enough. Musical talents like Roses and his own were able to balance this tight rope. Without stepping on one another's toes and lifting each other. His digits played diligently along with the keyboard as the story unfolded and his mind began pondering. A bards tale was it to be that he found something to enjoy? As the tale began to finish, the melody reached its climactic conclusion. "That was an excellent tale Rose, and I imagine those here are richer for it."

Ghislain's fingers finally stopped as he sat for a moment in thought. "I will offer three tales as well to those present for you to select from Rose." Ghislain considered carefully the stories he would share of his life. Divulging them had become easier as he'd aged and become more mature through the years.

"The first is a tale of love and beautiful tragedy, the tale of a survivor, or a tale of discovery. " He said, finally thinking on each tale carefully, each had an ending that was sad yet in a way beautiful. Ghislain didn't reveal much about himself. His hands came to a locket, softly running his fingers along with it. He wore this necklace locket at all times and never removed it. Even when he slept, it was close to his heart as a reminder.

His story was likely to be longer as he considered the melody for the next song. Ghislain could play anything, even a leaf. Musically he could truthfully sing as well; it was just something he'd invested time in. When one lived the life he had, one gained multiple opportunities to study and grow. To learn about things you didn't like about yourself and things you do.

Ghislain likely was older than his concert partner by many years. The curse his power placed on him was a bitter pill. But the man before them likely had lived more lifetimes than most of them. Ghislain considered throwing that tale in, but in a way he already had.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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Broken Melodies  Empty Re: Broken Melodies

Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:59 pm

Broken Melodies  CjpDEaF

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Musical Wanderer

Rose was quick to drop into an exaggerated bow after the performance was over, a hand moving free from his guitar to pinch the bridge of his nose and deftly wipe away the tears, and a wore a toothy smile as he rose back up from the gesture and turned to face Ghislain once more.

"Thank you, thank you, you are too kind."

It was loosely directed at the audience, no matter how many or few of them there were, though he did offer a supportive glance to his partner. Any that wished to listen had been blessed by the experience, no doubt they would feel so, for most would never see such talent again. And yet his companion was offering them an encore, how lucky they were indeed to have come to this place on such an auspicious day.

"There is no truer a measurement than to compare tales of the same topic, I say. Of love and tragedy is the only choice, and I do so look forward to hearing it."

Moving the microphone over towards the piano, should Ghislain wish to use it, Rose returned back to his original position and plucked a few different chords on his guitar. Whatever beat his partner went with he was sure that he could find a suitable melody to enhance it, so he watched and waited for the tale to begin so that he could jump in.

Looking for a rhythm | END POST

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