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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:47 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Watching Giselle amend her order might have been enough to set her off, for how could it be anything but perfect, but even she had to admit that she was on the back foot here. This was not her territory, but at least her companion was acclimatised enough to make sense of what she had wanted. Shuffling awkwardly along with her, Candice listened to her break down exactly how this establishment functioned and nodded sagely. After a moment of further contemplation, she leaned down and half-whispered a few pressing remarks.

"They let us pick our own seats and do not even bring the food to us? How quaint, it is just like cooking it yourself then but without having to handle the ingredients. Though I cannot see yet why they can call it 'fast food', it should take at least twenty minutes to properly cook our burgers and fries and this place is only getting busier."

It was about five seconds after that remark that a voice from behind the counter called out the number on the receipt in Giselle's hand. Tapping her on the shoulder excitedly, Candice bounced a little before sidling up to collect their food.

"Oooh, bingo! Uh.. Is this what we ordered?"

She turned around to present a tray of exactly what they had ordered, though the look on her face was one of confusion as she tried to process exactly what this was and how it passed for food. She had told herself this would be an eye-opening experience, but this was something else.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:21 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 HEADER_0590-014

Giselle quirked a brow and turned when she saw Candice leaning in to start whispering to her. She smiled, still soaking in the mirth she had for just one such an adorable response. "I mean that's why it's fast. It doesn't take that long to prepare. You come in, they speed cook it, and then you're out in just a bit. You really should relax though, this is just getting some food. It's just something to fill the ol estomago, right?" She pointed out, reaching up to lightly poke Candice in the cheek given just how close to her the woman was leaning. At this range she could smell the woman's perfume.

And then, the sudden gleeful excitement caught her a little off guard, especially when Candice had seemed to iffy about it moments before. Retrieving their food, Giselle gave a sly smirk toward Candice, carrying it off to a table with the woman in tow. She sat down, gesturing for Candice to sit next to her as she showed the woman her food. "Well of course it's kinda cheapo, this is fast food. It's not really meant to be gourmet or fancy, or even healthy for that matter. It's mostly for people who don't have time to cook or grocery shop and just need something before they have to go do something else." She pointed out as she took a bite of her burger.

Of course she herself was a one burger kinda girl, but Candice WAS taller, and that electrical show earlier. She GUESSED that Candice might be a one burger girl, buuuuuuut, she had ordered a second one for herself, waiting to see if Candice got full off her meal, and if she didn't? Well Giselle would slide her extra burger toward the woman. That way the woman wouldn't need to feel obligated to eat two burgers if she didn't have the space, while at the same time fueling that weird aspect of Candice that seemed to make the girl light up every time someone went out of their way for them.

All the same, eating wouldn't take all that long, and Giselle would find herself drumming her fingers as she watched Candice. "Soooooo pardon my curiosity. But like, you're totally rich and... at least among girly girls, I assume pretty famous. But you don't exactly seem like the type to throw in with the Vandenreich. So what exactly brings you here? Aside from picking up cute Soldat off the streets that is." She grinned, winking, and then waiting for the woman's response. For one: the reasoning could actually be useful info. And secondly, knowing why she was here would also let her know how long the girl would be around.

Not that she cared or anything like that, but ....she maybe cared a little. The girl was way more fun than her surly coworkers. Or well....a different... much rarer kind of fun.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:40 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Sitting down next to Giselle at the table, Candi already looked perplexed as she noted the immediate lack of cutlery. She was expected to pick everything up with her hands and stuff it into her mouth like she was some common ruffian? This was so degrading, insensitive, and utterly barbaric but then her companion was already digging in without missing a beat. Staring for a moment, she blinked a few times in swift succession before picking up one single fry between her thumb and index finger. Slowly, delicately, she took a bite and then a second and a third until she sat there in quiet contemplation.

"This isn't quite what I expected, but I don't hate it." Picking up another fry, she made quick work of it and continued. "And they cooked this in a couple of minutes? And in such vast quantities. Kinda crazy. Makes you wonder what they put in them?"

Tapping a finger against her cheek, she mused on the thought of what exactly she was consuming. It wasn't exactly unpleasant, in fact, she did keep munching through these fries at an impressive pace, but it still felt a little weird in her mouth. Perhaps her delicate tastebuds were simply too refined for this common food.

"'Throw in with the Vandenreich'? You make it sound so political." She threw Giselle a playfully offended look, which differed quite drastically from the genuinely offended face she had been wearing a few minutes ago. She rolled her eyes like it really wasn't a big deal, but it was clear that she knew she was. "I am a little more than just a pretty face, you know. I dabble in financial interests and new investments, and I am warming to the City of Lights. Or the people at least."

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:42 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 HEADRR_0590-007

She smirked as she watched Candice pick away at the fries, a slow and steady increase in pace until the girl was all but inhaling them even amidst her commentary and incredulity about their ingredients. That amused smile only widening as Giselle spoke up. "Welll they DO call it 'Fast' food, not 'Healthy' food. Part of the appeal is not worrying about what's in it." She noted, watching Candice as she ate, thoroughly amused at the pace that the woman seemed to be settling in. She seemed to have the metabolism that she'd ballparked before. Two burgers might turn out to be not enough for her. But she'd worry about that later.

"Well it IS a bit of a political place. Plenty of big cities and locations around the world. Sure this one is one of the bigger ones, but it being in the middle of the ocean and being the headquarters of the Vandenreich DOES sortof lend any business in the area to some political tinting." She chimed. Though when Candice made that last statement, she grinned, sudden slyness overtaking her expression.

"Must be more charming than I thought if Candy-chan is warming up to me already." She hummed coyly, idly playing with a silky lock of black hair as she playfully teased the woman and the implicated fondness they seemed to be developing for the Zombie. "Hmmmm, business though? I guess I WILL have to probably replan our evening then. Probably shouldn't go taking you out to drink if you got business stuff to handle later."
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:10 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

The fries notably diminished, Candice gingerly plucked the burger from her tray and lifted it to her mouth. There was, to put it lightly, no way to eat such a thing with even the tiniest shred of dignity. She toyed with it for a few seconds more, bring it slowly closer to her mouth until there was nothing left to do but take a bite. It was a modest bite, of course, for she had quite a petite mouth despite her clear fondness for talking.

Despite assumptions overwise though, Candi did not have a vast appetite. Or, rather, she had the appetite but not the stomach to match. The burger was... Well, it just was. So, by the time the offer of a second-round was made, she would have to politely decline. Brushing it away with an ever-cheery smile upon lips that were now a little greasier than before.

"Look, I didn't say it wasn't like that. My business that is. Political operations do tend to pay rather well, you know."

Turning her head, she looked Giselle up and down as the woman began to run a hand through her hair. Her eyes narrowing as they sought Giselle's own, an eyebrow raised accusatorily whilst her lips curled into a similarly demure smirk.

"So quick to assume I was talking about you, Z, and you're already making us evening plans? What's a girl to make of that?" She paused, letting the question hang there until it seemed like she was actually waiting for Giselle to respond. Only then did she cut her off, taking a moment to toss her hair over one shoulder.

"But don't worry your pretty little head. I do business with whoever I want, whenever I want."

That last statement could hardly have been further from the truth, despite it being a pretty slick line. She was rather meticulous when it came to actual business partners, but also shrewd enough to have advisors that could handle negotiations in her place. That did mean she had the evening to herself and, though she had already planned to see what the nightlife was like, it would be easier to go out with someone who could handle her delicately.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:26 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle smiled, her head canting to the side, pleased with that little ....display of Candice trying to find an elegant way to eat a burger. She was surprised the woman didn't try to go get a fork and knife. But in the end, she would finish it all and put on that proud smile. Giselle herself couldn't help but find it adorable. And in truth this whole situation felt so ...... gentle. A nice warm evening, sitting here with this stranger. She vaguely allowed her mind to wander.

Was this what it was like to be human?

It was a question she had asked herself so many times. How close COULD a monster like her get to human feelings? How close to her own existence could Humans wander? Just how 'Human' was the woman before her?

But those questions were jarred from her mind when Candice responded to her playful quips. She paused.... before that devilish smirk showed up again. She was about to speak when, quite suddenly Candice cut her off. Seemingly chopping off her concerns about ruining the woman's business deals for the evening. And Giselle found herself briefly a bit surprised, her head canting to the side for just a moment before a calm, casual grin made it's way across her lips. Was this woman accepting such an offer to show her a night on the town? Her attention drifted to the horizon. It had already been afternoon when this little visit had begun, and now it was getting close to night. But even so, there were a couple hours before that would be a thing. Hmm.

"Oh? I have to say I'm a bit surprised! But I guess I'm just not used to having so much freedom with my engagements~ Tell you what, why don't I give you my number? Even if I'm not on Duty, I maaaaybe shouldn't go hanging out at night in my uniform. Soooooo why don't I go change and we can meet back up once it gets dark?" She offered. Surely she didn't have any casual clothing ON her person. Not only that but she had to admit, she was curious to see what Candice would have in mind for such an evening.

What DID millionaire playgirls do to unwind at night?

A question she most certainly wanted answered.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:58 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

There was something to the way Giselle looked at her, even those few erstwhile glances that she had caught wind of as she was eating, that did intrigue Candice. She knew what most people looked like when they were interested in her, that was hardly worth distinguishing, but there was something more. She'd picked up a sign here and there as they had been talking and fighting, but was still hardly any the wiser to its meaning. Perhaps it was nothing, just a cute little thing she did with her eyes, but Candice wasn't going to let it go unnoticed forever.

"Alright, give me your number and we can chat a little more about where you are taking me tonight. I think I set the bar pretty high with this place."

That smirk didn't leave her face until she picked up her drink and took a long sip from the straw. The Sprite was so watered down that she could hardly feel the fizz, but her eyes remained somewhat focused upon Giselle before eventually following hers to the horizon.

"The uniform is a cute little getup though, but I'll let you off if you change into something cuter. If you want some advice, just let me know."

It was Candice's turn to wink now, the suggestion had been made. Giselle had sworn of makeup herself earlier, but that just meant that she needed a little push in the right direction from someone with the experience and confidence to match.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 4:08 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 HEDAA_56814324_p1

Giselle remained quite unaware that Candice had noticed anything. Simply going about her business as she rifled through her phone and then wrote down her number and passed it to Candice, pleased that the exchange was something that was so seamless. However she looked down at herself, pleased that the woman was so happy with her uniform. However she did ....pause.

Actually the subject of what she should wear WAS something she considered. She had pretty old notions of fashion. Even her usual outfit was kinda old. Like.... 1900s old. And not only that, but Candice even was so crafty as to include the offer of suggestions. Her attention shifted down, this time openly checking Candice out for a moment as she looked over the woman's outfit. It was ...definitely abundantly clear that the woman had a very different idea of style than Giselle did.

"Actually that sounds like a great idea." That smile widened, fixing Candice with a mirthful look. "Why don't you help me pick out my outfit for the evening?" She suggested. Truth be told, it wasn't like she was short on funds. She was always a bit of a minimalist for a lot of things. Food was more of an entertainment thing than a necessity since she was able to live off of pretty much nothing but reishi and it wasn't like her zombified body really got all that hungry. As such, even not really making a ton of money, and of course her ......ahem...unique.....method of being able to get funds through her power. She was pretty well off reasonably speaking. Nothing like Candice, but well....she would be more than able to afford letting Candice help her find something.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:13 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

It was like electricity coursed through her body as Candice's eyes responded to the request with an all too apparent glow. Admittedly, in her case, it really did, but she was also clearly thrilled at the prospect of shopping for Giselle. Oh how she loved her little projects, the ones where she was totally in control and she got to enjoy the final outcome. If Giselle wanted to volunteer herself for that then who was Candice to refuse her really?

She actually laughed a little, hiding her mouth behind her hand again, as Giselle checked her out. Of course, she was flattered, in fact, she welcomed the look from her but even still there was something scandalous about how blasé it was.

"Alright, Z, let's do it. We've got plenty of time to kill before the shops close, right?"

She pushed her tray forwards and went to stand, before turning and waiting for Giselle to take the lead. Candice might be calling the shots now, but it was her companion that knew where they needed to go.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:57 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 3 HEDAA_56814324_p1

Giselle raised a brow a little as she noticed just how incredibly excited the woman seemed to get over something as simple as getting to help her with an outfit. It was almost a little scary! She smiled and rose up after seeing Candice practically bursting at the seams to get going. It was so damn cute. Giselle giggled a little to herself, but kept her comments to herself for now~

"Wow, you're sure hyped up~ Talk about adorable." Ok well almost all of them.

ALL the same, it didn't take long for them to throw away their garbage and head out! The trip to the more...fashiony retail section was not much longer! Before long it was a bit darker, not QUITE Night, but they found themselves where they had been not that long ago! As the clothing stores were very close to the beauty shops Candice had snagged before!

Turning her attention back to Candice, she put on a nice big grin~ "ALRIGHT! Time to get to it Candy-chan~ Where to first?" She asked, since at this point, she would be more experienced to find things!~
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