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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Sun Oct 10, 2021 6:16 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

So this was the fabled City of Lights, huh?

Didn't seem like all that big of a deal, to be honest, just a couple of silly white buildings floating in the middle of the ocean. Flying in from her personal jet had given Candice a fair aerial view of the cityscape, and it had looked rather impressive from up there, but actually being here on the ground was a different matter. It was all so squeaky clean, so polished and pretentious. She could even smell it in the air, taste in on the tip of her tongue, that overbearing feeling of purity and order. That had made her want to immediately give it some scars, to create a little bit of colour against the monotony, but she had resisted the urge. It would do her no good to have an outburst before she had even tried to deal with these pencil-pushers.

Her entourage had quickly headed into the city proper to take care of business. She would join them later to sign some forms and do some PR but, for now, Candice was left to her own devices. That was how these trips always went, her assistants did the legwork whilst she made sure the deal got done and had a little fun in the meantime. Any other family might have demanded she had an escort, but they knew better than most that she was more than capable of taking care of herself should any real trouble arise.

Knowing she had time to kill, Candice had set out to see which of her favourite brands had already opened up here. The results were rather sparse, considering her refined palette, and rather quickly she had dried up what little could easily occupy her mind. Marching down the fifth identical street in rapid succession, she stopped and scrunched up her face as the annoyance finally bubbled over.

"Ugh, this place is so fuckin' bland!"

Exclaiming the remark openly, Candice rolled her eyes at the onlookers and continued onwards. A static charge dancing across her fingertips for a moment before vanishing back into nothing as she cooled off.

Easy, Candi, easy. They ain't worth it.

There had to be something actually worth doing on this island, she reasoned inwardly. Perhaps she should have asked one of those Vandenreich guys to be her tour guide, might have made for some entertainment at least.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Sun Oct 10, 2021 6:40 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] HEADA_EFZe3tPU0Agd3PG

Giselle hummed happily as she strode through the city of lights.
Her joining into the Vandenreich had gone a lot smoother than she'd anticipated! Already with her paperwork out of the way and her meeting with her handler scheduled, she could not help but feel a bit giddy! She made her way calmly enough through the streets, humming happily to herself as she went. Of course she hadn't been cleared for full active duty yet, not without a few face-to-face things to get off the list. But that didn't mean she couldn't keep an eye around the City of Lights right?

She expected to just march around, maybe say hello to some of the other vandenreich members on her way around! She should be social right? However it seemed that that particular plan was not quite in the cards. In the distance she heard the murmuring of a crowd, some people seeming to react to something. It was a quick thing to very rapidly find out just WHO it was as well. Her attention snapped to the woman that seemed to attract a few people's attention. Surprisingly it WASN'T the woman's looks, which by themselves might have drawn a few stares, but it was the dull crackle of electricity.

The violent use of abilities within the City of Light was a big no-no, and although the display had not been inherently violent, it DID seem to be either aggression, or simply put: a potential that someone was not fully in control of their powers. That soft, gay little smile on Giselle's face deepened a bit as she promptly swiveled on her heel, redirecting herself in the direction of the woman. The disturbance had been small, fleeting, the crowd was in fact already starting to just go about their business, only one or two keeping Candice cautiously in the corner of their vision. But once Giselle approached, they seemed to turn entirely.

Wholly unaware of who or what Giselle was, all they saw was the uniform. And as such, they saw Giselle as an authority figure who would keep the peace. And some small part of her relished the sensation she felt when she noted that. Ohhhhhh, she had forgotten how this felt~ How long had it been since she had felt this? But she pushed that down for now. the smaller woman stopped a few paces from Candice before offering a calm, friendly smile. "Good afternoon Ma'am. Is everything alright?" She asked neutrally, her voice entirely outside of it's usual singsongy playfulness. The Albedo operatives she had NO doubt were watching her discretely from the shadows, might even be surprised by the professional tone with which she spoke.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:45 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Running both her hands through her sleek blonde locks, Candice was in the process of ruffling her hair when Giselle made her approach. It was wholly unorthodox for people to simply approach her in public, but the girl was wearing the uniform of local law enforcement so it was only natural that they were here to alleviate her concerns. There was something to her tone that Candice didn't quite like, but it was hardly her fault that this place probably drained all the emotion out of you like a printer out of ink.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Well, I mean actually, no, not really. You're one of them Vandenreich people right? Whaddya make of this place?"

The questions were almost accusatory, making it clear that she had an unfavourable opinion on the matter, as green eyes bored into Giselle intently. Candice could still have turned a crowd, but they began to disperse and so she had her full attention. Candice had her beat on height by about half a foot, a considerable distance when they were stood so close, and practically loomed over her as she waited for an answer.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:25 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_0592-0172

She smiled just a bit wider at that, brows quirking slightly as the woman gave quite the unexpected answer, wholly unaware, it seemed, of Giselle's concern. Well, at the very least they seemed to have gotten their powers under control. A shame, she thought to herself. However, at the very least she was rapidly getting the bigger picture here. For one she only vaguely recognized her as an authority, and was only checking to see if she was a vandenreich. So whomever this woman was was wholly unaware of how the vandenreich operated. Not only that, but she recognized that .....hint in the woman's voice. There was a special sort of uncaring flippancy that was within it. A privledged sort of tone and way she spoke, as if entirely and utterly assuming that Giselle would satisfy her every question or request. Not out of any sort of threat, but as if that was simply how the world worked.

Though at that very moment, Giselle couldn't QUITE just pin it down to the girl being rich. She WAS also very visually appealing. Just her luck that she might have just run into some politician's trophy wife. So lame~

"Well, as a member of the Vandenreich, I'd say I'd have to say that the City of Light is our base of operations, but other than that also functions like any other City you could think of with simply the caveat of extra security and scrutiny. Which stands to reason why so many people flock here given people probably think it's one of the safer places on earth given how remote it is." She chimed, choosing her words carefully and purposefully.

"But as just a girl talking to a taller, prettier, more entitled girl. I'd say that the place probably seems hella boring for someone like you. The business district has it's pretty clubs and bars to get drunk in, and the shopping section for you to waltz around, Soooo I guess it really just depends on what you're here for." Her tone slipped noticeably into a more relaxed shade as she switched to her addendum to what she's said before. Stuck-up or not, the girl DID seem pretty lost. Possibly why she looked like she was about to blow a fuse. A shame, she had been hoping the woman would be a troublemaker. But at the very least this was still something to do.

She'd take showing someone around over wandering the streets hoping for a mugger any day. Ugh..... this stupid place probably didn't even HAVE muggers. She couldn't wait for her first deployment....
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:40 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Alright, now who the fuck did this girl think she was. Trying to talk down to her like that, acting like she was all this and that, and did she just call her entitled?!

Candice thought she was about to spark up again, the static charge bubbling away beneath her skin, but, despite herself, she was able to force out a girlish giggle instead. It was not smart to get in a spar with a Sternritter within hours of getting into the city, and she doubted her visa was ironclad enough that she could get away with such rampant dissident activity. So instead she simply laughed, it wasn't like a real menacing thing or anything, but she tucked it behind a hand to cover up most of her mouth.

"You've got an interesting way of calling me cute, but thank you very much! I was actually looking for the shopping district, but your city's planning leaves a lot to be desired. So I was coming from..."

Candice turned on the spot, heels clicking as she went, and began to indicate in the direction she had come from and then where she was trying to go. Her movements were rather energetic, even when she was annoyed there was an overzealous enthusiasm that couldn't be suppressed. She even bent over a little so that she didn't need to talk so loudly.

"But if you have the insider knowledge then I wouldn't mind a few pointers, of all the locals at least you had the guts to come talk to me."

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:55 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_0590-014

Giselle did nothing to suppress the subtle smiling curve of her mouth as the woman took a moment before giving that bright giggle. She was well versed in provoking others and at times she just couldn’t help but pet a little slip out. It was quite pleasing to see that the woman seemed much more self controlled now that she was here. As much as it super wasn’t her job to be leading her around, it might be in her best interest to stay with the woman, especially if they were thinking twice around her. Was it her job? No. But leaving this girl might be considered negligence.

”My bad~ I’ll be super direct next time~ But so far as showing you around I suppose I wouldn’t mind helping you out and giving you a tour. Any place in particular you want to see first? She asked with a tilt of her head, pausing when the woman bent over to speak to her. If the gesture had been intended to annoy her it was doing a terrible job as Giselle didn’t mind witnessing it in the slightest.

All the same she would start walking, ushering Candice to follow along as she did so. Some small part of her wondering why this woman was even here, but she kept that in the back of her mind for now. If she made it past customs then the woman had already been asked that. But she did make a mental note to ask before they parted ways.

In the meantime? She was happy with how this was turning out. Nothing quite like a walk around with a pretty woman with zero idea of what dangers Gisele presented~
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:20 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

And just like that, Candice had her little helper wrapped around her finger. Or so she would have liked to think, but it certainly seemed like this girl had some spirit to her. Perhaps that little bit of sarcasm she could sense in her demeanour made her like her a little bit more than she did those other white-collar soldiers.

"Oh, like a guide? That sounds kinda adorable actually. So yeah, take me to some beauty shops and maybe I'll buy you a little something nice too. Up your makeup game just a little."

Straightening herself out again, she left one hand to continue playing with her hair absentmindedly and began to follow Giselle's lead. There was a purpose to her stride that Candice sought to match, practically strutting after the Sternritter as they went about their little journey through the winding streets.

"So, will you give me your name or should I just call you 'Miss' all afternoon?"

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:55 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_0596-009

Oh? She smiled even if her eyes took on a whole new look, a sortof amused look that flattened the mirth in her smile as she listened to that sudden jovial little bounce in this woman's voice. Oh my that was quite the shift in tone wasn't it? She corners of her mouth stayed curled, as somehow the woman managed to be somewhat endearing in their snooty little demeanor. The very notion of something like Makeup made her almost roll her eyes. She'd really hit the nail on the head with 'entitled' hadn't she?

"Do you often respond to acts of kindness with promises of gifts? You don't have to buy me anything, I was bored anyway." She noted over her shoulder, promptly quashing the very notion of the woman buying her anything. If she wanted money she'd go to the world of the living and find some rickh fuckhead and turn them into a zombie to milk them for all they were worth. Ah memories~ The 1920s had been such a fun time~ Poor Freddy~ Hmm, though she supposed that would be hard to pull off now that she was employed with the Vandenreich. She wondered if shadowfall had any rich assholes.

"My name?" She canted her head cutely to the side and smiled just a bit wider. "Look at you, getting familiar with your tour guide~ But if you're so curious the name's Giselle Gewelle, though you can just call me Z." She noted with a playful smirk over her shoulder.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:59 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Oh, sorry, I just assumed you could use the help is all."

In her head that was not nearly as offensive as it no doubt sounded. She knew what she was doing and - clearly - Giselle did not. So, by offering to buy something for her, she could guide her in the right direction going forwards without needing to lecture her on proper principles and the like. But, if she did not want the help, then Candice was not one to offer it again.

She upturned her nose a little as Giselle introduced herself and gave herself such a simple nickname. It didn't fit. She didn't like it. Moving on, the girl did at least try to be somewhat endearing. Her delivery was not half bad, in fact.

"It generally pays to know good people when you visit new places, Giselle. Now you know me, and I know a little about you. So we're both off to a good start."

Candice had, of course, not introduced herself. That was because Giselle knew who she was already, right? That was probably why she had even come to talk to her in the first place, the Candice Catnipp was not exactly someone that you just ran into on the street any day of the week. She smiled cheerily, a flash of white teeth visible between her lips.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:32 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_0590-014

Gigi smiled a bit at that, raising a brow slightly as she tilted her head a bit at Candice. "That's pretty nice of you, but isn't it a little silly to just go helping random people? I usually save my help for friends." She pointed out casually enough, as they began to enter the shopping district itself. Candice HAD used the mention of a Beauty shop as a means of trying to incite a bribe, so she assumed that Candice wanted to go there first. It wasn't long before they wer before JUST one such establishment.

"I think you probably know a lot more than me in that regard. You haven't even told me your name after all~ But hey, if you prefer that mystery stuff I don't mind. This is a pretty popular shop around here, but usually pretty expensive as it were." She chimed and stopped at the doorway, turning to Candice and smiling, as if she had no real intention of going inside, and believed that Candice would simply come back out when she was finished. After all they were strangers, surely this blonde didn't want to go shopping WITH her.
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