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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:13 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"I've dealt with my fair share of crowds, but why would I feel like drinking at your house when we could be out here seeing the city? Can't be cooped up all the time or we'll end up being called anti-social!"

That last line came out like it was the gravest of insults, to not be considered sociable, and to Candice that was certainly true. It was this expertise that was slowly beginning to highlight how outside her comfort zone Giselle was. She had experienced such people before, though they were a rare breed in higher society, and the best idea was to try and take the edge off. There were different ways to achieve such a thing, Candice subscribed to the school of thinking that revolved around the judicious application of liquid confidence. Giselle was a small girl, out of her depth, so it shouldn't take all that long if she just gave her a little push.

Raising her glass for a toast as the first question was posed, Candi drained about half the contents in her first mouthful. It might have been a fine vintage for some, to her it was hardly worth appreciating let alone savouring. Her eyes did linger upon Giselle's own drink as she did so, a hint that strayed a little from the side of subtlety.

"I did tell you before, silly. My family is looking to expand the business, which means sourcing local assets and acquiring property. They need a Catnipp to sign on the dotted line, so that's what I'll do if the price is right. My turn!"

She immediately took the chance to take control of the conversation, if this was going to be anyone's twenty questions then it was going to be hers. Giselle was in her sights and she did have some questions of her own. Still, she finished off the rest of her first glass. It was a frighteningly aggressive pace, but perhaps Giselle had known Candice long enough to infer that she could certainly be brazen by now.

"Now, why are YOU in town? Obviously, because you're with the Vandenreich, but how did that happen?"

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:26 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 HEADER_0590-014

Giselle snorted a bit at that and shook her head, giving the woman a mirthful look as she considered their explanation. "I suppose that's a pretty good point! I suppose I HAVe been a bit of a shut in lately." She murmured thoughtfully, drumming her fingers as she did so. A pause as Candice BOLDLY knocked back the drink. Oh my~ She smiled and promptly matched the other woman's gulp. And while Candice would feel that nice firm wave of buzz hit her from taking such a big hit, Giselle felt but a tingle, smiling as she listened to Candice's response.

All the same she raised her brows a bit at that. "I admit I thoguht you were joking. Or just being carted around. Which I guess it seems you technically were... That sounds pretty sucky though." She hummed as she canted her head to the side and smirked a bit, enamored with how much gusto the woman used in finishing off their glass, Giselle of course reciprocating and pouring them both new glasses as she considered the question. It was certainly a good one.

"I'm a war veteran. Got a little fucked up and took some time to recover. For a while I just tried the civilian life but it turns out it wasn't really my gig. So I decided to give it another go. Besides, at least this time there's not a war going on. I figure I could find a comfy spot in the organization and see the world. A lot's changed so I wanna see how different things are. " She noted as she promptly took a nice, slow, steady drink from her glass, smiling at Candice the entire time as this time she took HER turn to decide the pace. Curious to see if Candice would match this little game of alcoholic HORSE.

"My turn again~ So you're clearly like. Not a normal human. But you're still letting your parents drag you around the world for the time being. But like....what do you want to do? Do you just wanna keep hanging out at the company your whole life? Or do you have some kinda goal?" She chimed. Sortof matching blows for the moment. Candice had asked why Giselle had gotten where she was. Giselle KNEW how Candice got where she was now, so the logical next step up was where they were going. Which Giselle had included in her own answer~

All the while, of course, giving a pleased, smug smile as she would....observe how Candice took to the slow escalation of their drinking. And how Giselle was already feeling buzzed. The result of ....well....her existence being very blood based. Giving the illussion that for now: Candice was probably winning. But oh boy oh boy, would this be an amusing mid and endgame.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:39 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice giggled as Giselle attempted to keep pace with her, which was exactly what she had intended for her to do. It wasn't that she wanted to get the girl crazy drunk, just enough to take the edge off, you know. It wasn't like she could drink like that forever either, she had to keep herself just as composed.

"You get used to it after a while, the travelling and the politicking. Not that I could really complain about my life, it certainly has plenty of perks."

She sat back as Giselle took her time to answer, sipping leisurely at her freshly replenished drink. Matching pace with her, it was certainly a more relaxed approach but if they knocked the whole bottle back in a matter of minutes then they would probably be going home just as fast. The night was young, there was still much and more that needed to be said or done. Lazily, she eyed the dancefloor for a moment before snapping back to the conversation.

"War veteran, huh? I could hardly imagine you on the battlefield, Z, but then perhaps you would think the same of me. I'm far from a military-grade soldier."

They were both veterans then, not an altogether unlikely turn of events given their close proximity to the last world war, but there were some things that Giselle had clearly not quite unpacked yet. Drilling deeper into that was probably a mistake, though. Candi was hardly a font of counselling and good intentions.

"Neither of us is normal. Hardly takes a genius to work that out, so I gave up pretending it was a secret. But if I didn't want to go on these globe-spanning trips then I would just tell my parents to send one of the other executives. I do things my way, not anyone else's. Besides, I have my own little projects, directions to take the company once I'm behind the steering wheel, but I'm not really waiting for that. The world is a big place, I'd like to see it all and more. Maybe go to some of those spiritual places and see if they're up to scratch compared to this."

"Alright, alright. So what do your parents think about your line of work? I've spoken plenty about mine already, but I haven't heard you mention yours once."

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:56 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 HEADER_0590-014

Giselle Couldn’t help but give an appreciative nod as Candice seemed to continue matching her pace along the way. She continued to take her sips and watch Candice Mirror her, her eyes idly watching the other woman’s glass as she took sips between just about every pause.

The response seemed oddly mature. Not that she hadn’t sensed that there was depth there but it was interesting to see that Candice was electing her position, not stuck in it as so many other rich young ones seemed to be these days.

However she WAS surprised to hear the other woman had also fought in a war. Probably the most recent one. ”Guess just about most people have been dragged into that shit one way or another.” she noted thoughtfully, tapping her fingers for a moment before she smiled warmly at Candice.

The question made her …. Consider. She promptly downed the rest of her glass in reaponse to it, and then repoured for the both of them. ”They didn’t make it. Its been a while now so its not like I’m torn up about it anymore. But yea. People are nasty when things get rough. she noted with a rueful smile to the other woman.

”So. You’re blonde. You’re pretty. You’re rich. And unlike most with those first descriptors you also seem smart and with a direction you wanna go in.” She established, tapping the table thoughtfully.

”So what I DON’T get… about all of this. Is wether you think hotdogs are a sandwich or not.” A playful smile flashed as she promptly dropped the… severity of her questioning considerably, instead electing to be a goof as she watched for a reaction. Certainlu seeming quite buzzed, but also seeming to stay at that point.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:34 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Though she had been matching pace rather fairly, as Giselle answered her last question, Candice did not empty her glass and instead placed it back upon the table. Instead, her hands crept along the table surface and sought to latch onto Giselle's own. Gently squeezing in what was perhaps the most tender gesture of the day so far. Small comfort for something Giselle seemed altogether less broken up about than anyone probably should be, but it was all she could really offer short of sliding round the booth and giving her a hug.

"This world ain't so pretty all the time, sorry Z."

Of course, the conversation turned on its head after that. How exactly was she meant to follow such a statement anyway? Candi broke the hold, returning back to her drink and doing what she could to level the playing field again. By the time she had reached the bottom of the glass, there was a tingling sensation that seemed to run through her body. She shook it off, sticking out her tongue for the briefest of moments as the shock passed over her.

"You're ever so good at this flattery business, it's enough to make a girl blush sometimes." Though Candi did not blush, she did laugh again as she moved on to the next question, "Hot Dogs though? I suppose you should consider them a sandwich, they meet all the base requirements."

Pushing a finger into her cheek, Candice squished her face up ever so slightly as she considered what to ask next. She could pick something equally inane, keep the illusion going, or dig right into it again. But she wasn't one to get her hands dirty too quickly, so perhaps she'd dance around a little more and drag it out of Giselle a little later.

"Fine, you did an easy one so I'll give you one in turn. What's your favourite drink? So I know what to order next."

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:47 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 HEADER_uyguywgvdsgsgsvwg3323gv2

Once again Giselle was startled when Candice took her hands, the booze keeping her from jumping as she glanced down and eyed the paur of soft hands that clutched her own in a surprising gesture of comfort and empathy. While Candice wasn’t blushing Giselle was for just a moment, caught off guard. She had received such platitudes before and no doubt qould again in the future but it had seemed so unusual for a woman of Candice’s character that it caught Giselle by surprise. She wasn’t sure what to say and she was glad whenthe topic of conversation transitioned so smoothly along. Though not without a light reciprocating squeeze from Gigi’s smaller hands.

”I suppose you just make it a bit easy all things considered.” she pointed out, still a bit off before Candice let loose withher own question of choice. Her favorite drink? ”A hard rootbeer float. Sweet tooth. Prooobably obvious given my present choice in company.” she smirked before tilting her head and body to the side. Welll…..

She all but finished the glass she was on, paysing when she realized she was losing track of how far in they were. Eh. She kept her eyes glued on the woman before her instead, keeping an eye out for any signs worthy of concern.

”So. Before we start getting too far in for proper speech. I wanna know. Why spend this lovely night out on the City of Lights with me? You coulda gotten anyone to show you around. A professional guide. Some guy you could string along for the evening.

So why did ya wind up slummin it with lil old me?~”

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:59 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Offering little more than a nod of acknowledgement, Candice had already decided that rootbeer floats were not the drink of the occasion and began to let her mind wander back in the direction of something more appropriate - shots. Giselle's pointed stare might pick up that Candice was being a little more bubbly than earlier, but she seemed to be handling the drink rather well for now. Perhaps it had not been long enough for it to set in yet, or she was a little more tolerant than Giselle gave her credit for.

"We've a long ways to go if that's where you want to end up." Candice smirked as she teased her, boasting about her abilities without giving any evidence. "You are not wrong. I could have gotten anyone to show me around, or hired a professional to give me a tour of the higher society where I might fit in a little better. But you came up to me and pretty much offered to do it, no string attached. You'd be surprised how rare that is for me."

She looked down at her drink, a wistful haze passing over her gaze as she smiled down into the champagne, before throwing back the rest of the glass and letting out a laugh that was becoming increasingly more mirthful. A tell that she was, at the very least, buzzed.

"I'd have done it too, because that's what I'm used to doing. But you're a breath of fresh air, and yet you're also going outside your comfort zone. You were the one that suggested we go out, but I don't think you've ever been here before. Perhaps you passed it by on the street or heard it was okay from a coworker, but this isn't who you usually are is it? Maybe we both just want to play pretend for one night?"

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:27 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 HEADER_0590-014

Giselle quirked a brow slightly as she listened to Candice's words. At this point she knew to overlook that little tease as a sincerity. She smiled and winked, but otherwise focused on the information that was presented to her. And it was......interesting to see that both of them seemed to have been lured in by the same thing. Novelty. Giselle did not behave as most did to Candice. Candice, amazingly, was different from about 900 years of being around humans. So admittedly Candice's acts were a bit more impressive. It was fairly rare for her to be around some entitled little shit that DIDN'T become insufferable.

Her eyes darted back up in time to spot Candice kicking back a shot, which she promptly emulated. What surprised her was that Candice went on and turned her own answer into a question as well. Invoking the notion that indeed Giselle was putting on an act to be something outside of her usual. And for just a second, Giselle stared at her with dull, lifeless eyes. A moment to think about just how right Candice was. Wasn't she? ONe part of her thought so. The part that stared at that soft, pretty thing before her and wondered what she would look like splattered in blood. But.....she couldn't quite agree with that. Maybe she was getting old but it wasn't as if she hunted down that sort of thrill anymore. It was the same kind of fleeting thought a young man might have of throwing everything off a table and then just bending a lovely young maiden over it. Present, but by no means really something plausible or thought of with intent.

Was that why she was here? IN the vandenreich. Was she looking for something new, under the guise of going back to her roots. True, she'd been in the vandenreich before, but now it was a very different thing. She told herself she was returning to those stomping grounds, but was she? Was she really?

She smiled fondly at Candice, as she poured them new glasses. And she knocked it back in one go. Briefly forgetting that Candice was following her lead, and that the woman was getting tipsy, as she briefly was engrossed in her own thoughts. "I don't quite know. But you may ...very well be right. I don't know why I'm here. The only thing makin sense is that I like it." She chuckled softly, giggling as she knocked back a second glass. Not for competitiveness, but because she loved feeling those little dips. Those tiny seeps into drunkenness before her body healed itself and she felt her head shutter back into semi-lucidity.

Eyes snapped back up to Candice and she paused. Ah fuck right. How many had that been..... four? Maybe five just now? She'd lost count. It had been in quick enough succession that it was a bit worrying. Instinctively, she knew better than to check on Candice. The girl would see that shit as a challenge. Hahah... She giggled aloud even as she was lost in her thoughts. She was so adorably competitive. "Ngh....Candy...I'm drunk...." She murmured, voice in almost-slurred tone. "I....w...I'm drubnk. we're drunk. We need to ...I need to get home. Before I do somethin stupid." She murmured and got up to her feet. Spin. Lights. Oh fuck, she ABSOLUTELY needed to get Candice home if SHE was feeling this.

"Gimme a hand?" She asked, grunting a bit as she held her hand up. She didn't need help, But she needed to make sure that Candice didn't stick around this weird place on her own.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:57 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice was a woman that prided herself on rarely being wrong, vanity did that to you when you reached a certain threshold, but she was wrong for thinking that Giselle could handle the alcohol. Admittedly, she had knocked back three glasses and a shot in the time Candi had managed one. But the girl was struggling to get her words out by the end, and that had taken no time at all compared to her estimations.

She hadn't even gotten to see how Giselle handled herself on the dancefloor, which would have either been incredibly cute or incredibly endearing, but perhaps it was good that Candi didn't have to bust out her own moves. The last thing she needed was a bunch of people creeping on her whilst she wanted to watch Giselle strut her stuff.

"Alright, alright! Let's get you home, girl. Don't want you getting too carried away now do we?"

Rolling her eyes like this was so whimsical, though she did actually appreciate the indication, Candi finished off the last of her drink and slid out of the booth. The world spun just a little as she forced herself to her feet, but she was much quicker to steady herself than Giselle. Experience outshined ability tonight, though she did not know all that much yet. Taking hold of her hand, she began to lead her through the crowds again. Her grip was firmer now, the gesture as practical now as it was playful before.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:15 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 6 HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle couldn't help but pause when she noticed that look of consideration on Candice's face when she told her she wanted to go home. WAS she being paranoid? Probably, but then again Candice had also been putting out sparks the first time she'd run into her so it wasn't like Giselle knew how well the girl could handle her anger yet, let alone drunk. No doubt such...strut-checking could be done another time, but for now Giselle's siding of caution was how she was rolling, unaware of the treasures that yet might have laid ahead.

She smiled as Candice seemed to wobble on her feet, gladly accepting the hand as the both of them began snaking their way around people toward the exit of the club. It hadn't taken them TOO long, but she was a little startled when she saw an analog clock giving her the '9:30pm tick. Holy fuck had they let time slip by them! It wasn't the 3am she figured Candice was used to, but it was still a little startling how a few hours had slipped by in the midst of their drinking and meneuvering about the club. Some of that had to be travel time and them fucking around a bit on the way to her own house, but still.

When at last they slipped outside Giselle was blinking into the cold night air as they began to head to her apartment. She smiled, leaning a little into Candice as she had the woman support her just a little. "Sorry...didn't really figure the ...yea something you wanted to stay out later but's been a while since I had this much." She blinked. What the fuck, was she ACTUALLY slightly drunk? No, she could think clearly.....she ...she THOUGHT she was. No, this was probably just the disconnect. She hadn't been drunk in ages, but still, controlling her body while talking at the same time was definitely just soemthing she was out of practice with while boozed. She definitely needed to get her tolerance back up, Once that was accomplished she was sure she'd be able to easily drink Candice under the table.

Before she knew it she could see her apartment again in the distance, it looked almost spooky in the night. She had only been keeping her stuff here for a few weeks and she didn't even go there every night, definitely not when it was so late. It took a moment for her to get the door open, but she was glad to feel the warm air inside once she was in, a sigh of relief escaping her as she relaxed, not fully cognizant that she was still leaning on Candice. "'You're so much nicer than I thought you'd be. How'd you manage to stay so nice in the cutthroat world of Fashion huh?" She giggled, giving the woman a sidelong glance as she took a moment to kick her boots off. It took a moment, they were brand new after all and she wasn't used to taking them off.
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