Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:52 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"You've got your own style going on, so yeah you are catching up. Just a little bit."

A white lie, of course. If Candy thought for even a half-second that Giselle looked better than she did then all hell would have broken loose. But she didn't have to worry about that, so secure was she in her little fortress of narcissism, so praise could be lauded without fear of a lack of reciprocation. She did mean what she said in regards to Giselle's looks though, it always amazed her what buried treasures you could find if you simply picked away at the surface.

Waiting for Giselle to change back into her regular uniform, Candice headed to the tills and fished out her card from her purse. A treat for a treat, she supposed, and it was also just pocket change anyway. Two outfits from a run-of-the-mill fashion store were worth the company, right? Flashing a wide smile as she returned, Candice picked up where they had left off.

"I believe you promised me some evening entertainment, and I've got no intention of letting you off the hook so easily. Though surely you don't plan on carrying your uniform around with you all night?"

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:27 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 HEADER_0590-014

Giselle smirked softly and raised a brow, not entirely sure how earnest that was. But Candy seemed earnest enough in the compliment so she took it gladly with a pinch of salt.

Hmmm she did have a good point. Carrying it around would be a bit annoying. ”Fair enough. We can just swing by my place for a bit. I have an apartment in the City. If you like we can both change there before we head out. Cant have you carrying your clothes around either! So we’ll head out and then once we’re done for the night we can swing back to my place. Easy peasy.” she chimed, assuming that Candice already had some sort of lodgings in the city. It would be simple enough to have her pick up her stuff before heading to her hotel.

All the same it wouldn’t take long for Giselle to start leading the way. It wasnt a particularly long trip.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:16 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Hanging shopping bags over both arms, Candice chased after Giselle, it wasn't that Giselle was moving particularly fast but Candice was rather animated even compared to how she had been before. Like a little kid that had snuck into the cookie jar.

"Sounds like a plan, lead the way!"

There was something genuinely charming to Candy's passion when it was directed in the right way. Though Giselle had seen both sides of her today, across the space of a few hours too, she still seemed interested in the nicer side of her. Which was frankly a surprise compared to most of the people that she snapped at. Perhaps that was why she was so invested in doting on Giselle right now. The little woman had some backbone but knew also when to appease her, both valuable attributes to have in an associate.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 7:14 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 HEADRR_0590-007
Giselle smirked just a little as she watched Candice rushing to join her, chuckling softly and letting her head cant to the side as she watched the woman move excitedly alongside her, again enamored with the rather bouncy energy the woman had in the midst of the entire situation. Honestly the negative aspects of her ....pouting really didnm't bother her in the slightest, having lived long enough to meet plenty of other detestable individuals whose pitfalls made her own little quirks seem like nothing. Though.... she supposed if she was being honest, there were other....interesting things about the woman.

All the same it was not long before they made their way to the apartment complex that Gigi lived in. Well.... when she wasn't in the barracks. Truth be told she just enjoyed having a spot off base. Making her way up to the second floor with Candice in tow, she promptly peeled her key from her pocket and opened her door! "Alright here we go! Welcome to Casa del Giselle~" She chimed!
The place was filled with....well a LOT of stuff! Old paintings, an old projector? VHS players? Tapes? There was even an old record player! There was just a TREMENDOUS amount of old stuff! Along with that there were some old, rather expensive looking bits of furniture about. Things Giselle had collected over the years. Hardly her whole stash, but just a few things. All the same, the place was VERY homey. Giselle made her way over to the couch. It was a decent apartment. One big livingroom with a kitchen off to the side, and a stairway that led up to an upper loft that served as Giselle's room with the bathroom door just beside the staircase.

Giselle gestured around and made her way up to the loft bedroom as she called over her shoulder. "Feel free to get changed and just stash your stuff wherever!" She noted out with a pleased smile, promptly starting to undress once she was up there, starting to excitedly change into her new outfit as she did!
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:19 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi had begun to imagine what Giselle's place would look like well before they arrived. Something modest and minimalist was her best guess, judging by her character alone but she was open to being surprised. What she found was something a little beyond that. She was a hoarder of antiquities? Those electronic devices were really really old, like so old that she didn't even know what they did beyond being ancient technology. The furniture was nice and retro though, clearly, Giselle was an old soul at heart - another unexpected twist.

"Woah, Z, you've got some crazy stuff in here. You collect this stuff? Inherit it?"

Heading for the bathroom, she made her way inside and began to change herself. Slipping into that same red number from earlier, she bundled the rest of her clothes up and took her time to pretty herself up. Just a bit, she didn't want to humble Giselle too badly after all, but she always brought her kit with her. Eventually, she reemerged and began to look for a proper place to leave her spares.

"How did you wind up with a place like this, huh?"

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:41 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle seemed to not even notice Candice’s surprise at her lodgings. It wasn’t anything special to her after all so when she came back downstairs all dolled up with her hair up she was a little surprised when Candice asked her about her stuff and how she wound up here.

”Curious already and we gaven’t even started drinking.~ This is just some stuff I’ve picked up over the years and this place was just somewhere I got to keep my stuff. Not exactly the kinda things you wanna bring into the barracks.” she explained, getting her Handbag and then paysing to eye Candice up and down, smirking.

”We might have to go a little rotzier than Id intended the way youre dressed up~ Ready to go?”
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 4:00 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"These ain't exactly the type of things you pick up in any random vintage store, I have a few little trinkets myself but these could be centuries old..."

Her curiosity in the relics died at the mention of them heading out though. Haphazardly tossing her clothes over the back of one of the many pieces of furniture, her gaze swung back around to focus on Giselle and her new outfit. She had known what to expect but still, her eyes lingered a little longer to make sure that everything was in order. Tossing her hair over one shoulder again, she grabbed her own handbag and moved to stand next to her companion.

"You're the expert, so I'm sure we'll manage wherever we end up. "

If anything, she was expecting some lower quality establishments anyway. Compared to where her true tastes lay. But she was a tough girl, and this was as much the company as it was the surroundings. As long as one was able to stand out from a crowd then she would make the best of any night out.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 4:20 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 HEADER_0592-0172

Giselle paused for a moment when Candice brought that up and put on a bit of a smirk. "I mean yea they are." She noted with an amused chuckle towards the blonde. As if it were no big deal. And happily enough it seemed Candice was more than happy to redirect her thoughts toward the evening ahead of them. Something that caused Giselle to smile just a bit wider, more deeply. She'd probably have to come up with something later. But truth be told, she may very well just tell the woman the truth. Maybe? Possibly. Hmmm. She'd have to think it over. Buuuuuuut in the meantime~

She managed to catch Candice inspecting her once again and an amused smirk crawled across her lips as she turned and did a little pose. Encouraging the woman without verbally bringing it up. At this point she could silently tease the woman without having to voice the subject. The pose alone was something that said 'enjoying the view?'.

All the same it didn't take TOO long for Giselle to head on out. Locking her door behind her she soon was leading the woman out into the night. A pause just a moment as they stepped out into the cooling night air to look around. A question vaguely floating through her mind Hm. No she doubted she'd have to worry about that. A monster like her never worried about THAT stuff. She grinned a little to herself as she began to lead the way. They made it clean past the shopping district and out towards the section that was starting to come alive in the night. It wasn't called the city of lights for nothing. While many saw the Vandenreich as strict and stringent. That didn't mean that they railed against a good time.

For all intents and purposes, it was a sortof...upscale club bar. As they made their way into the place, the sounds of music promptly filled the air. A place saturated with people. Some dancing, some just having a good time, and of course the little peppered hunting zones where citizens and visitors to the city alike did what anyone did in a world where stuff was so fucked up: Hunted for an attractive face. Giselle actually had to pause for a moment and wrinkle her nose. She'd never actually BEEN to one such place in real life before. It was much lesss.......boppy than the movies made them seem. But all the same, she shrugged and reached up, tucking her hair behind her ear and giving a smile to Candice over her shoulder. "Not exactly the Pension Fund Events you may be used to but they serve good drinks." She assumed. She'd heard some praise from some coworkers.

"What would you like to do first?" She asked, oh so smoothly giving the illusion of letting Candice take the reigns, when in actuality she was just compensating for having no godly idea what they should head to from here. Oh god what the fuck were they doing on the dance floor. Was that....what were they doing with their asses? Why were they GRINDING on eachother?! She was hit with a HARD yearning for the old days. What ever happened to ballroom dancing? Humans were so disgusting. But she swallowed the bile and put on a happy face. She had company to entertain after all.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:59 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Seeing the City of Lights come alive at night was a sight in itself. That squeaky clean aesthetic that she had been so disdainful of upon arrival was now replaced by a neon glow that she actually found rather inviting, and she chased Giselle through the streets with a childish wonderment painted across her face. There were plenty of cities like this across the globe, but this was still a new experience and she was here for it.

Arriving at the club, that youthfulness was quickly replaced with something similar to her original aloofness. People were looking at her, or at them, and it was expected that she perform. Glances had already been thrown in their direction, but Candi was doing her best to pretend that they weren't even there, like it was just her and Giselle and no one else even mattered. "You might be surprised how many Events end up in places like these when we keep going into the early hours."

A playful wink, and then she reached out to take Giselle's hand in her own. It was a busy place, so obviously she didn't want to lose her in the crowds. There was a static as their fingers touched, just a little shock, but Candi seemed unfazed and simply grabbed her whole hand and began to drag her further inside. Seeing her distracted by the dancefloor, she headed straight for the bar itself and quickly squeezed her way to the front. For one reason or another, people seemed inclined to just get out of her way.

"Your finest champagne. One bottle, two glasses. And point me in the direction of a booth, so you can bring it over."

There was a curious look for the staff but, as Candi flashed her card, those questions seemed to melt away into acceptance. A polite smile, searching for affirmation that her request had been approved, and then she was leading Giselle again. It did suddenly feel like her companion was out of her depth but, fortunately, Candice was quickly finding her feet.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:25 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 5 HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle snorted and smiled just a little at Candice's little comment. She tilted her head, a bit amused at the idea of a trendy company girl like Candice winding up in a place like this instead of like.....actually huh she had no idea where she expected her to wind up. Even so, she giggled a bit at the idea, and broke into a bit of a surprised chuckle when she felt that little spark on contact as the woman grabbed her hand and started pulling her along!

When they finally made it to the bar, Gigi gave a slightly raised brow when she realized they had beelined for the bar and Candice ordered a full-ass bottle of alcohol! And then a booth for them to head to! She paused, tilting her head just a little and smiling as she gently firmed her grip on the other woman's hand. Letting her taller more assertive companion run things. She DID notice the looks they got, and the little dance of gazes between the two of them. She vaguely wondered what it looked like to outsiders. But that was a wondering that didn't last for too long as she found herself and Candice being directed toward a private booth.

Before she knew it, she and her companion were seated and Giselle adjusted herself a bit, having been a bit scuffed about being pulled through the crowd. "Wow you really know how to work your way around a crowd huh Candy? Buuuut I gotta say. If you wanted to just hang out with me and drink we could have just done that at my house." She noted with a sly smile, pausing as she peeked to her right and looked out to the masses of people out there. Not really her usual scene. Despite what she said there was something.....interesting.... about being out and about ... and seen with this woman. How freely they associated with her. Not that Giselle had given her much reason to do otherwise but even so, they came from very different places. It was almost surreal.

She found herself glancing back to Candice herself. Stunningly dressed. All lit up and focused on HER and their little booth. While Giselle was dealing with taking it all in, Candice seemed....solely focused on her. It ..... was an interesting feeling to be sure. As if to interrupt her thoughts, their bottle of Champagne arrived in that moment and Giselle smiled. THIS at least she could handle. It didn't take her long to sit up and promptly eye the bottle. It WAS pretty nice. 2250, Canadian Grape. She didn't recognize the name, but it definitely seemed to fit the bill.

Deftly, she prepared herself to open the bottle, and once they were all set, she'd pop the cork and pour the both of them full glasses, showing a rather strange skillfulness in the task. While not immune, she had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol. She was easy to get buzzed, but incredibly hard to get full smashed or blackout drunk. Not that it wasn't fun to try now and then. So back in her OLD Vnadenreich days, she'd been the designated sober of her little gal group. Which meant a lot of practice pouring drinks.

All the same, she'd glance back up at Candice, taking her own glass. "So, if you don't mind me asking. Now that we're here, ready to get have a fun night of questionable decisions. Why exactly ARE you in town? Just curious." She decided to initiate a bit of conversation while Candice was still lucid.
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