Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Sun Oct 24, 2021 1:00 pm

Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road


Walking amongst the living world was the usual for the shinigami. She had to be wary of any hollows around. Sure they could send new shinigami but the risk was too high.

In the sun dress she felt feminine and strong, all the best parts of womanhood blossoming into a broad smile.

As she walked around she looked up, wondering if anyone noticed how pretty the sky was today, how the blue was bright and soft all at once. She wondered if they saw the serenity of the clouds that sailed by, gently passing on toward anyplace the wind wishes them to reach.

She wonder if they let their eyes rest upon their white tops and follow the infinite greys that blend so harmoniously with one another, almost bluish. She wonder if they, as she did, imagined them to be Beluga whales swimming through a clean ocean, a happy family.

If anyone would notice or well follow her they would notice she suppress her spiritual energy. Trying to live amongst the humans.

"Alright. Lets see if theres any hollows around"

Outfit Reference

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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Sun Oct 24, 2021 1:34 pm
Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  HEADER_0590-014

Giselle was up to her usual antics as it were. A day or two on patrol and now she had some free time to do as she pleased! And so this little traipse brought her to the world of the living: gaily humming to herself as she walked down the streets with joy in her expression and a bounce in her step.

True she perhaps did not walk with the bright, appreciative, post-coitus filter of some othwr individuals but she was still able to close her eyes and enjoy the breeze, carelessly making her way through the street and a particularly soft wall.

Wall?Never stride with your eyes closed Giselle.
Giselle bounced off her target, the tiny woman falling flat on her ass as she suddenly found herself staring up at the sky before her eyes darted to the aforementioned obstruction.

Oh a dress.
Smile! ”Whoops! Sorry about that, you ok?” Giselle would ask as she sat right up. The little bumps and mild scrapes already instantly gone, making it seem as if she had never been scuffed as she hopped back up to her feet and took a moment to eye the girl she’d run into. Huh, seemed familiar. But provably nothing. Giselle was dressed up in a nice tan hoodie and some nylons. There were of course shorts buried under that massive hoodie but they werent immediately in sight as Giselle checked to see if the woman she’d carelessly run into was okay.
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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:45 am

Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road


Momo would begin to sense the spiritual energy of everyone around, most of them were relatively small considering they were regular humans. Others didnt seemed to be of a threat, at least as of now. Until she was bumped into someone. "Ow" Momo would wipe herself up to see a woman. Must have not noticed where she was going, of course like the kind shinigami that she is the girl extended her hand. Hearing her say she was sorry.

"No its okay. It was my fault for not looking. she said, seeing some people look at the two. Thought they just shrugged it off like normal.

"My names Momo, whats yours? she asked, trying to make some small conversation with her. After all one only gets a single first impression, hopefully her kind demeanor would say otherwise. Momo wasnt sure how she'd react, but hopefully it was good.

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Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:19 am
Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  HEADRR_0590-007
A shinigami.
Giselle blinked owlishly as she noticed that hand being offered out to her, eyes focusing on the offered grip before looking back up to the one who owned it. Oooooh, who was this? "Nobody you need worry over."

She loooooked....familiar. Oh well, she didn't dwell on it. Reaching up, she promptly accepted the offered hand and allowed Hinamori to help her rise up to her feet, swaying from side to side before putting on a big smile. "Hello there! I'm fine, not even a scrape~ And the name's Giselle, pleased to meet you.....Momo? That's a cute name. Matches your face!" She chimed, smiling as she seemed pleased by the manner in which the woman was introducing themselves. Her voice evened out a bit, a little less singsongy as she spoke. Toning down the valley girl in her voice.

"I don't think I've seen you around here before Momo, you from around here?" She asked, not that she herself was around here particularly often, in fact if anyone was probably the newcomer it was herself to some degree, but that wasn't going to stop her from making conversation, nopenopenope. She could feel the slightest glimmer of spiritual pressure from the woman, but it was well and all suppressed enough that for the moment, she had no reason to suspect that Hinamori was anything other than just another human. Then again, THESE days humans came in all sorts of spiritual sizes. Certainly made blending in a whole lot easier she supposed.
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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Thu Oct 28, 2021 3:44 am

Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road


"Phew, thats a relief" Momo placed a hand on the back of her head, even if she was a human the girl still had a good heart. Not even the most evil of people could convert her, it just want her style.

"And thank you for the the compliment, I like yours also." Then came the question of whether or not she even lived here. Whether or not this Giselle person was a human she couldnt tell the whole truth of her intentions. So she had to lie, even if it was out of character for her. Hell anything would be better than saying "No, I just live in the soul society type of deal."

"Yeah, I'm from here. What about you Giselle?" She said, trying to change the conversation to her instead. Even if she was a good liar Giselle would probably deduct her suspicions immediately.

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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:03 pm
Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  HEADER_0590-014

Giselle raised a brow and chuckled just a bit as the girl spoke up about her relief. What a strange woman, all the same, she let her hands rest on her hips as the girl asked her where she lived. "Welllll actually I'm from a country out in Europe. Though back then I never really paid attention to that stuff, I don't even know if the place I was born still exists. But these days I spend most of my days in the City of Lights, when I'm not out and about seeing new places." She noted with that singsongy bounce to her voice.

A pause was given before she let her head tilt to the side. "Sooooo since you're a local. Any places you might recommend to a tourist like myself?" She asked casually, putting on a winning smile as she promptly decided to utilize the supposed experience with the area that thie Momo girl claimed to have. Surely there were lots of fun things to do around here!
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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:40 am

Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road


"Interesting, I heard Europe is a great place to wind down."Momo was glad Giselle bought her story of being a local here, at least that was a crisis averted. But Giselle was interested in the place here, wanting to know what this had to offer.

She's been only in the human world a couple of times, but surely it had something to offer especially for a newcomer like Giselle. Then she came up with an idea, she's heard of a festival near the outskirts of town. So she figured it'd be a good place to start.

"Oh, we can go to the Fuji-Kawaguchiko Fall Leaves Festival. I heard there will be food stalls, performances and local specialties to try. My favorite is the candied sweet potatoes" Momo said, looking at Giselle with another smile. Though her mouth was salivating at the taste of the food, oh does it bring her appetite to maximum proportions.

Considering its the fall season they probably were going for a theme, also called shokuyoku no aki meaning autumn is full of wonderful foods.

Food reference

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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Wed Nov 17, 2021 5:11 pm
Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  HEADRR_0590-007

Giselle had to admit she was a bit surprised that the woman actually knew of something nearby. Oh, maybe she was really a local. Or well, that or a very ontop-of-things tourist. Eh it probably didn't matter. Giselle rubbed her chin and put on a sly smirk as she considered such a thing. "Really? That does sound pretty alright. We might even have a blast! Sounds like a plan Momo." She chimed, smiling wide as she took a moment to take her phone out and make a note to herself for later. A few of the activities that she had mentioned that sounded particularly fun.

A pause.

"Hmmm, do you need to do anything before we check it out? I know I sortof ran into you out of nowhere. I waaaaaas thinking we could totes head out now. But I just realized you might have something you gotta square away first." She conceded, giving a ditzy smile as she watched the woman idly, intrigued as to just what the girl did with her time, though it was equally as possible that the girl had no such plans or things to busy herself with. Either way, at the very least she'd have something to DO down here. Not that she couldn't have found something to do, but it was kinda nice to have a plan. Especially with a cute new friend.
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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:42 am

Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  6EdIfMt

Enter the Shinigami

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road


At least Giselle was a nice person, she reminded her of herself in a way. Always giving a smile at everyone, not one to burst out in anger easily. Perhaps this would be a better friendship, but regardless Giselle was excited to head out.

So Momo didn't want to waste anytime, as she began walking towards the place of interest hoping Giselle would follow suite.

"No I'm fine, we can go.." She said, grinning happily as Giselle's smile made her chuckle. Though it wasn't in a rude manner, but rather cutesy, but Momo's stomach was growling in hunger the food was calling her name. She wanted to just shunpo all the way there but she didn't want to have Giselle either be shocked or suspecting her.

"So Giselle, maybe after this we can get our hair done?" She tilted her head curiously, wondering if she would accept the offer.

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Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  Empty Re: Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed

Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:24 am
Zombie quincy meets Girl who got stabbed  HEADER_0590-014

Gigi quirked a brow slightly and glanced down at the woman's navel when she heard that little rumble down below. An amused smile playing as she made note of the woman's complete sidestep of the subject of food. "Well I'm not really one to go messing with my hair like that. I prefer to just style it myself when I need to. I was actually hoping we could get something to eat. There's no point in just walking around on an empty stomach, right? We'll need our energy if we're going ot be walking around the festival." She reasoned, promptly sidestepping the situation where someone would be touching her hair which she didn't like. Well, not when they planned on messing with it, she quite liked her antennae after all!

All the same, she made note that the girl didn't seem to be too ambitious with their plans, and also that she just sortof seemed like a cute, relaxed kinda girl. In the back of her head she wondered what the girl would be doing if they hadn't run into her, but she probably would have been asked to the festival eventually, she was the kinda smol cute that guys usually gravitated toward. A quick glance around did confirm that theory, she saw a few errant glances in the pair's direction and was fairly sure she knew who they were directed at.
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