Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:33 am

Desolate sands that sat upon a broken moon, upon which the silhouette of broken castle rose against the heavens. A land of death, a land of hunger and gluttony. A land that was littered with broken hollow, and shattered sand. Where even after hundreds of years the signs of a great war still stood. The hole that broke through the ruined ceiling a testament to the behemoth forces that had once lay within this magnificent abode.

Darkness lingered around every corner, and yet within the broken carcass of a bygon dynasty, not a single hollow stirred. Not a single lurking soul lay within it’s broken embrace. Instead there was something greater, something far darker. An aura of death lay within that had scared every last single inhabitant away from it’s periphery. An aura of killing intent so terrible that it drove away even the most mindless monsters. It was a sensation that promised absolutely nothing short of a violent and painful death.

Under the solemn, broken moon, it’s silver light casting shadows upon the broken castle, a woman sat, the epicenter of the terrible killing intent that had exploded outward on the wind of a behemoth reishi. The woman didn’t even make an attempt to hide it’s behemoth power either. Instead it doused the realm in static, the static that came from a reishi so powerful that the world itself warped and trembled against it.

That terrible and mighty reishi cascaded upon the air, and it even caused the remnant walls of the mighty castle around it to slowly crack and crumble. While it would not fall entirely just yet, it was clear that the last vestiges of las noches, which had even withstood the terrible rage of nagato tengan, was on the precipice of collapsing as it was brought to bare underneath such a cataclysmic reishi once more.

As for the woman who sat amidst a storm of her own creation, she was as still as a statue, eyes closed as she sat upon the remnants of the throne of barragan luisenbarn, the high back shorn in two as if crushed by a terrible force, the pillars that once surrounded it merely bases, worn and crumbled from the passage of time. That woman sat as if timeless, and yet the terrible power that made it hard for lesser hollow to even stand in it’s presence exploded outwards with such terrible bloodlust.

It was as if all thoughts had been emptied from the mind of the mighty being that sat there other than death, destruction, and rebirth. As if all other paths had been cut off, as if all other things would be meaningless to the woman that sat upon the remnants of that throne.

She had taken others here before, because she thought it to be the greatest reminder of what happened in defeat. About what it meant to be lost in history. What place would be more fitting to see the rebirth of her comrade, than such an auspicious place, that had fallen so completely?

Yet that thought too was meaningless, there would be only one path for the one who stood before her. Only one outcome. That finality, the totality of that will, much like the will that drove her to eraticate innumerable foes in the liberation of america, the will that had drove her to upend the great sects of her old realm, would not be stopped. That finality, that absolute outcome, was what made the terror, and bloodlust so terrible. It would be unstoppable once unleashed, and until then it simmered, a beacon, a promise, a truth.

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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  LzZCuy7
Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  BtXe12b
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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty Re: Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]

Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:32 pm
Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  ZBd0Iyu


Hueco Mundo, the home of Hollows -- a desolate, empty land of what seemed to be an endless night. Surprisingly, this was the first time that the half-breed had ever stepped foot in the this world. While he didn't know where the apparent ruins of Las Noches were, or even what it was, he could still feel Magnolia's presence within the realm, and he wasted no time in moving toward it.

Before he had come to Hueco Mundo, the half-breed had done a large amount of preparation. On his skin. using the Third Aspect of the item he had received from Dr. Hebi, Yume no Jitsugen, writing the characters for various Kido spells along his body, such as Haien, Enkosen, Tenran, Okasen, Sokatsui, Raikoho, and even Shakkaho. He was kitted with weapons all over his body, throwing stars, kunai, even caltrops.

Just about every piece of equipment he had made or used were available for him to call on at any point. The weapon itself, Yume no Jitsugen, was strapped to his back. His Zanpakuto lay at his side, always having a hand rested on them, prepared for what was about to come. It didn't take him long to reach the ruins of Las Noches, sensing her in the center of it all.

Taking in a deep breath as his wings unfurled from his back, the two jet-black wings spread wide as his hand moved to grip the weapon, drawing his weapon in a single, clean motion, and holding it at his side in an open stance. Bolts of lightning danced along the blade and a surge of power erupted from where he stood as Henrex unleashed the full pressure of his own power.

Not a single word was spoken -- they had already exchanged words before they arrived here. Now, he simply waited.

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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty Re: Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]

Sun Oct 31, 2021 4:30 am

And then Magnolia’s eyes opened, a wave of reishi and lightning cascading off of her body as she reached down to grasp the ten foot long Oodachi that lay at her feat. The curved sword glowing resplendently in the alabaster light of the moon. Then the woman was gone, the sound of cackling lightning left in her wake as she vanished through her utilization of shunpo. For Henrex, she’d just simply appear, the massive seven ton sword in her hand moving upward with such force, and such speed that the sand within several hundred meters behind henrex was blasted backwards. A cloud of rippling granules thrown in the air chaotically as a brilliant, resplendent blue danced upon the weapon that quickly became saturated with magnolia’s spiritual energy.

It was simply devastation in the form of a sword swing. The landscape could be shaped by such a massive force, which was clearly happening to the realm around them. So when all that energy was released in the span of the tenths of seconds all this took to transpire, it would look like a brilliant blue corona had graced the eternal night, illuminating it as sand was vaporized under the raw blast of energy that Magnolia slammed into Henrex with the edge of her blade.

She didn’t batt an eyelid at using such devastating force against her comrade. He had already made his choice, he had come here. Wether he truly was capable of meeting such a attack head on, or if he managed to subvert it, or had avoided it, Magnolias eyes shifted across the endless night, identifying his figure before she launched forward in a blinding burst of speed that was more from her strength than true speed. As if a testament to that, a new dune of sand, two hundred feet high at that, was formed by the sheer amount of force used to launch her in Henrex’s direction.

Her onslaught was quick and ferocious, her Oodachi leveled directly at his heart as she thrust it forward like a jousters lance. The wind was split on either side, and if he made a move to parry or intercept, the lunging stab would quickly turn into a downward swing that carried the force of her well, honed muscles—but not momentum, behind it. Steam billowed from her lips as mid-swing the woman’s body would vanish in a crack, appearing behind Henrex in yet another utilization of shunpo, her leg whipping forward as she sought to launch the man away and into the distant sand. Of course if he was hit by it, he’d find it wasn’t a simple kick, the utilization of one of her techniques, demon shattering blows, sending destructive vibrations throughout his body.

Magnolia knew she wasn’t Henrex’s match when it came to raw speed, which was why she was so relentless in her onslaught. She was by far the more technical fighter, and she leveraged that as she ran across the surface of the dunes, the geta that had been on her feet this whole time exploding into splinters, unable to take the sheer force leveraged upon them. In time with them shattering the woman’s sword swung out once more, steam billowing from her feet from the friction caused by her sudden deceleration against the sand. It was clear in the intent that she wished to cleave him in two, from hip to hip, and this was only the beginning of her tireless onslaught.

Either he would collapse underneath the weight of her blade, or he’d rise to the occasion and meet it. Those were the only two paths left for him, and so she had no sympathy for the onslaught she had wrought, she was merely the whetstone to which he could sharpen himself, it was entirely up to him if he was forged anew, or if he broke in the process.

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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty Re: Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:23 pm
Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  ZBd0Iyu


The silence was almost unbearable. He was able to keep his composure, but he could feel the creeping anxiety. What if he wasn't strong enough? What if he died here, in an attempt to rekindle the power he once held? He knew just how powerful Magnolia was from his time in the Gotei, but he had never witnessed it firsthand, merely seen a possible glimpse into it from their meeting during World War 4. His fingers clasped his sword tightly, the tinge of fear crawling along his back.

Doubts were whispered through his mind as he stood there in the tense, numbing silence of Hueco Mundo's endless night. His wings lowered briefly, before raising again, proud and ready. His arm lifted ever so slightly, raising the blade of his sword and making the smallest of change to his stance as he took a deep breath, cleansing himself of doubt. His breath was shaky, but his heart was firm -- he had already made his choice to come here. There was no turning back, and he knew that he had to steel himself, he couldn't let doubt cloud his mind and prevent him from attaining what he desired, no, obssessed. and even craved.

He could feel and sense the minute changes in Magnolia's energy, feeling the shift as she channeled it, preparing to use Shunpo.

There was no more time to ponder or worry.

Silence was broken with the crack of thunder as Magnolia wasted no time in making the first move. His sword lifted ever so slightly as he felt the sudden shift of the wind from her movement and the swing of her sword. A small spike of anxiety suddenly hit as the sword came closing in. Pure instinct saved his head from being cleaved from his shoulders, and his sword raised from his side to block, with Henrex pivoting to the side and cleanly sliding the weapon off his own, taking a few steps back.

Without given any time to breathe, Magnolia charged in again with a thrust. Henrex knew that a weapon of that size against his own, he wouldn't be able to block, much less deflect and push away. He had to move! Kicking off the ground, his wings carried him off the ground, narrowly avoiding the attack. He knew that if he wanted to change the tide, he had to return her aggressiveness, he couldn't keep staying on the defensive.

His wings carried him backward as he landed, and he wasted no time in channeling energy through his body and drastically augmenting his speed, sparks of lightning flying across his body from the activation of Raitairyu. The bolts scorched the ground as he suddenly fired forward like a bullet, closing the distance in so little time it could even look as if he teleported. Upon getting in close, his energy quickly came forth, generating more lighting along the blade of his sword and making a simple, single, yet powerful swing in front of him at Magnolia, capable of sending hundreds of feet of sand scattering in the winds of pressure and power that he released, capable of tearing physical objects, even a Shinigami's physical body.

It was a basic application of his base power over lightning, but with the power he held, it was still a devastating weapon in the right circumstances. He attacked without hesitation -- he was more than aware that she was capable of surviving something like that. The fight had only just started, after all.

He could feel adrenaline pumping, his heart pounding like a drum in his ears, and his breathing, while not tired, still was heavy. To feel the rush of combat like this, even in a situation like this, felt exhilarating. Even though the fight had only just started, in that brief exchange, he felt alive. He felt more alive than he did in the battle against Stefan in the Wastelands all that time again. This had a purpose, a far larger purpose than just some arbitrary test of power and a fight to the death.

The smallest hints of a smile began to creep up the half-breed's lips. The devilish, extreme emotions in his heart that he normally was able to keep firmly tempered began to grow turbulent.

He could feel that fire in his soul begin to rekindle.

For the first time in so long, he felt like he was having fun in a battle.


Last edited by Henrex on Sun Nov 14, 2021 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2011-09-01
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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty Re: Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:08 am

Above the cacophony of their devastation, she could feel the thumping of her own heart. Henrex had managed to just barely avoid her onslaught, retaliating with ferocity. Magnolia’s eyes widened imperceptibly, her eyes straining to catch the details of the man before her, as he rocketed towards her once more. She was stronger, but he was far faster. In that moment her blade moved far, far faster than it had before. Far faster than she could swing it normally through her application of weightless mountain. It was for a second but when she initiated the swing of her sword, the weight of the sword was drastically reduced. This split second of lightness, coupled with the momentum of the swing and return of the weight, carved a sword-scar across the ground that expanded hundreds of feet deep as her sword swung around and up to collide with his own.

The force of their swings, and the gale-force winds that buffeted between those strikes, would cause one of the outer walls of las noches to crumble, unable to withstand the force being exerted in their proximity. Magnolia’s leg stepped in after deflecting the blow, the lightning that cascaded around her from forcing the sword strike up, passing barely over her, singing a few of the hairs of her head. Magnolia in that brief moment brought her elbow against Henrex’s chest with crushing force. It was enough to send the man skipping across the dunes like a rocket.

A tiny trail of blood ran across Magnolia’s face from the wind that buffeted it. The salty scent only caused the blood lust to soar. The sands exploded as she covered the span before them, her blade slashing straight down. Brilliant blue exploded across the surface of the blade, just like the brilliant blue that was awash across her body. The veins in her arms stood out as the sword descended upon the raven. The explosion of reishi, directed towards henrex and las noches behind it, would be enough to crater out the sand beneath them. Like a sudden sinkhole it’d rush downwards as sand was blasted out the sides.

The brilliant flash of silver accompanied by the sword reversing directions after that first slash caused the air that was rushing downwards to be buffeted up. The chaotic updraft, swirling with the present downdraft, caused the sand to be sucked up in a swirling vortex that would obscure sight, and mute hearing. The twisting wall of sand easily spotted on Hueco-mundo’s mostly flat, endless horizon.

A raucous peal of wolvish laughter boomed from her lips. If henrex had deflected that blow, Magnolia had used the time to quickly invade his space, her forward-facing leg hooking around his back one to flip him towards the ground. Her sword hurtling down after him with the intent to skewer him upon the sands below. The wild smile that blossomed upon her lips showed her brilliant white teeth. They gleamed in stark contrast to the black night that was their backdrop.

”Pathetic!” The word was a growl, a challenge as her foot scooped out the sand under neath it and sought to launch him into the air like a rag-doll. If he was hit he’d be sent end over end, but the woman took no move to follow, instead spitting on the ground.

”Is this the limit of what your resolve entails?” Magnolia’s voice was a sardonic bellow of derision. She didn’t give two fucks what henrex thought this was. He wasn’t taking it seriously enough. He didn’t have the right mindset for this. She wasn’t going to coddle him, fuck no. She was going to kick him, slash him, and break him. Standing in the crater as she slashed to the side, dispersing the twister that had been formed from the sheer might of her blade swing.

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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  LzZCuy7
Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  BtXe12b
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
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Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  Empty Re: Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]

Thu Dec 09, 2021 12:03 am
Promise of Devastation [Magnolia/Henrex]  ZBd0Iyu


The wind howled as the two weapons collided, with his own being sent upward. Wasting no time, Henrex allowed the moment of his weapon being deflected to carry him, letting himself lean backward, not even flinching at the strike to his chest that send him flying back. While he wasn't far off the ground, he quickly righted himself, turning over and moving further into the sky, narrowly avoiding the second strike. The ground creaked and groaned under the strain of power that Magnolia exerted, cracking and cratering soon after.

Taking a deep breath, as he came back to being upright in the air, only for the sudden swirling vortex to spiral upward. Closing his eyes at the sting of sand, the half-breed's wings immediately made brief motions,, simultaneously tapping into his Possessive Shifting, firing off feathers that shifted and changed, more akin to flying blades than propelled plumes. Hundreds of feathers circled and flew within the vortex, giving a bigger air of danger as Magnolia continued her offensive.

Even with his vision obscured, he could still sense her. He slowly began descending to the ground as she came into his vicinity, and the blade of his Zanpakuto began to flash and crackle with azure blue light. He pivoted on his foot, swinging his weapon without mercy, Tengiri augmenting the cutting power of his attack once again, and with a single, fluid movement, the razor edge of the blade aimed to bite into her leg with the intent of cleaving it clean from her body. It was a harsh, brutal move, but he had to return her hellish offense in kind -- or else, there was a chance that he wouldn't survive.

Immediately after he swung, his body darted away at mach speeds, taking a deep breath as a sharp exhale followed. His wings unfurled, a single beat of his wings sending a brief current of wind in the immediate vicinity. His heart burned with excitement and drive -- to survive, to overcome, to break his limits and become even stronger, and deep down, to win.

He didn't respond to her question directly -- instead, he silently held his sword to the sky, uttering a simple phrase as the moonlit sky of Hueco Mundo began to darken.

"Scatter the birds, Raiu."

With that, the sword in his hand turned pure white, the silver blade shining in what little moonlight was left, the accents and ornamentation turning gold as four bright rings of energy manifested behind him, a magatama spiral circling as they hung in place behind him. He could sense her emotions -- she was angry, annoyed that he didn't seem to be taking it seriously enough. She fully intended on breaking him again and again until that ember of resolve erupted to fight and resist.

His foot slid backwards slightly, his stance slowly shifting as one of the rings moved in front of him, before his body fired forward, disappearing from sight for the briefest of moments. Not even a sound as he shot forward at even greater speeds than before, using Denkousekka, utilizing one of his rings to propel him forward, firing him toward Magnolia like a railgun. He held his sword at his shoulder as he moved the brief distance, and the moment he was close enough, he thrust his weapon forward at her chest.

Lightning crackled silently as the weapon moved forward. Regardless of whether or not the attack was successful, the sound of lightning would finally be heard as the weapon came to a stop, unleashing a powerful torrent of electricity forward, should the attack have missed it's mark. Even as the weapon came to a stop, Henrex would continue to move, his stance and style shifting as he chased after Magnolia. Again and again, he would slash and strike at her, keeping himself on the move and attacking from all directions and angles to put more and more pressure on her with this far more aggressive style.

Even if his expression didn't show the resolve that his heart burned with outside of small hints of a smile creeping at the edges of his cheeks, there was a distinct fire in his eyes that even Magnolia would be able to see as hesitation was thrown to the wayside: A man who now moved and struck like the lightning he so effortlessly commanded to roar across the sky, akin to the drums of Raijin themselves.

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