Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:06 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] DNwfJnQ


How agonizing it had been, to restore even this faintest fragment of power. But it had surely been worthwhile, for if nothing else, it had been regained purely through Cyrus' own strength. Not through demanding of blessing, not through the selling out of her own soul. No, through only her own efforts, she had regained once more the burning spirit that lay within her. Kouroush Atar, ablaze once again, in all of its glory.

In truth, she had not even cared which of her aspects she had come into. The very idea of these aspects was something which she still had doubts about the use of. But, whether or not they were tied to that divinity now lost, it was inarguable that they were all that she had. If they, too, were torn away, it was quite likely she would simply perish on the spot. And, for all of Mazda's evils, Cyrus knew fully that he would not dare strike her down, not so long as Shirohime kept him in line.

There was much to be done for the Grandmaster. So very much, not the least of it being to grow stronger once more. To train. But, before all of that, she would need to speak with those members of the Vandenreich who had served her well in her recovery. Naturally, there were many who had done so, and she would thank them each in turn. But to simply arrive, to say "yes, thank you for your help" and to be on her way seemed impersonal, if not awkward. Perhaps others of her aspects would have been all too willing to do such a thing, but not she. Not Cyrus of the Blissful Flame.

Instead, she simply invited them to her office as she found reason to do so. Major, minor, it was of little consequence to her. Any justification to call them and to offer her most profound thanks. Today was no different. A missive sent from the desk of the Grandmaster, to one Coordinator Alastair Eisfluch. Nothing more than a request for his presence at noon, on the dot.


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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue0/0In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:08 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] BRySols


A summons from the desk of the Grandmaster was not exactly a common occurrence for Alastair, even since Cyrus had personally seen to his promotion. They had met for other duties since that fateful encounter on the street, but it was not like they had had an opportunity to converse on a more personal level. His mind raced to think about what this summons could have been prompted by. Perhaps he just wanted to see how Alastair was handling his new role, or maybe he had heard of that little venture with Director Armstrong and wanted to inquire about his training, or a summary of the Vastime mission, even a brief on this new effort in Montana.

He was still hooked up on those thoughts as he headed over to the Grandmaster's office, dressed in his finest uniform now and specially pressed for the occasion. A white cape trailed behind him as he slowly made his way to the front desk and announced his intent with no small amount of reverence.

"Coordinator Eisfluch, for the Grandmaster. I believe he is expecting me at midday."

Of course, he had arrived in plenty of time - a whole twenty minutes early in this case - so he simply took a seat and waited patiently for the Grandmaster to be ready to receive him. He would not usually be so punctual, but this was not the time where even a moment's delay would be acceptable.

Blissful Ignorance | END POST
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:35 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] DNwfJnQ


Of course, when Cyrus was informed that Coordinator Eisfluch had arrived, she stood from her desk and went to greet him personally. Naturally, it would be typical to have him sent in, but the nature of this invitation was already to maintain a personal interaction. It would not do, then, to be impersonal about it. Instead, she took confident strides away from her desk, the sort of strength to her step that surely would not have been possible before her recovery. It was a notably long journey to take, from her office at the very peak of the building down to the front desk, but she would certainly prefer it this way. As she stepped into the entryway, she offered a warm smile to her guest, and even a respectful bow of greeting.

"Good day, Coordinator Eisfluch. Thank you very kindly for answering my summons. If you would walk with me, I think there is much to speak about."

In truth, she thought to simply turn back and invite him once more to her office, but it was such a sterile, official place. No, that would not do. This was still her city, a place that was secure by her actions. Even if she could not protect it herself, she had made it such that they could speak freely if they enjoyed the breeze and the sunshine. Besides, it would be good if she showed the people that she had returned to even a faint modicum of her strength.

"I hope you are willing to join me outside. It is much more pleasant to walk among the people than inside, wouldn't you agree?"


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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue0/0In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:38 am
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] BRySols


There was something different in the air. Alastair could practically sense it as he sat there, awaiting the invitation to begin his ascent, but the cause remained a mystery for several minutes. It was only when Cyrus made her entrance that he understood at least a little of what was different.

"Of course, Grandmaster. I see the day finds you well too."

Standing hurriedly and snapping to attention, he dropped into a bow of his own as soon as she had finished her own gesture. He had not seen one of Cyrus' divine aspects for the best part of a year now, since even the coming of Mazda, so the Blissful Flame was a sight for sore eyes in that sense. The Grandmaster's strength was returning, slowly, and there was a comfort in that knowledge. His ailing health had certainly been a topic of conversation amongst many of the Sternritter, and there was only so long that such information could be kept away from the rest of the people. Now, though, the winds of change were blowing again.

"You need only lead and I will follow. A walk among the populace is a welcome change, ma'am, I would be honoured to accompany you."

Straightening out his uniform, he turned and invited Cyrus to lead the way with a wave of the hand. He would fall in half a pace behind her and then they could travel together and still converse.

Blissful Ignorance | END POST
God of Love
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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:29 am
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] DNwfJnQ


"It does indeed, and I hope that it finds you just as well."

Her gentle expression unflinching as she stepped outside, her pace slow and relaxed so as to truly enjoy the day, Cyrus looked to make sure that Alastair was at her side. Of course, she understood that he would likely wish to follow behind her, but that would not do. There was no need for extreme formality in a circumstance as this, after all.

"I hope that you do not mind that I wish to ask you directly as to your mission in Vastime. I greatly appreciate your putting yourself at such risk, Alastair dear, and I hope you know that I will ensure you are properly repaid in whatever manner is most agreeable to you."

Slowing briefly to greet a few children traveling by, Cyrus did her best to seem as strong as she had once been for them, though any adult could see that she was still but a shadow of what she once was. Ah, but that was not important. She would achieve those heights once again. Surpass them, even.

"I know that you have already submitted a full report to Ninsianna, and I would not ask you to reiterate it to me from memory. But what did you think of that nation? I am curious as to your personal feelings on the matter."


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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue0/0In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:11 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] BRySols


As Cyrus slowed down, purposefully waiting for him so that they could walk alongside one another, so did Alastair adjust his pace to match the Grandmaster. If he was offered a place at her side then he would not refuse it, and so he enjoyed basking in the glow of her presence from a different angle. At the mention of further praise for his work in Vastime, though, he could not wish for anything less.

"Just doing my duty, ma'am. The mission to Vastime went without incident thanks to the hard work of our support staff. The real praise should go to our agents who remained embedded within the nation during this period of strife."

He stood back, observing both Cyrus and the surrounding area, as she stopped to engage with the passing children. They were in perhaps the safest city in the world, yet he could not help but act like an impromptu bodyguard in her presence. Yes, she was regaining her power, but she was hardly invulnerable anymore. Still, it was good to see her among the people again. As she returned to his side once more, the faintest hints of a smile lingered on his features.

"Of the nation of Vastime? The nation has made wonders, many people were welcoming to even a foreigner like myself, but I sensed in some areas there is a feeling of doubt for the future. I imagine many are concerned with what is to come without their King, just as I do."

Blissful Ignorance | END POST
God of Love
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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:23 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] DNwfJnQ


"Ah, you are too humble. Allow yourself a bit of pride in your work, Alastair dear. You have assuredly earned the right to it."

Leading the way once more, Cyrus walked toward the edge of the city, appreciative of the obvious protective air surrounding Alastair. He may have been her subordinate, but there was no question that, at present, she was all but reliant on him, and those like him, to truly accomplish anything. Whether or not she would have wished to accept it, she had no choice but to do so now.

"Yes, I did suspect that might be the case. The Queen of Vastime is quite different from her King. She is most agreeable to us in her role as Captain Commander of the Gotei, and has by and large allowed for us to assume authority over most affairs on Earth. But I suspect that the people of Vastime must on some level be unhappy in the knowledge that their Queen does not openly deny us."

It wasn't that Cyrus thought lowly of the Captain Commander, though she had never spoken directly with the woman. But her respect for the fallen King was much deeper than mere acknowledgement of alliance, and in that regard, she could not deny that she was unhappy with the hollow state of Vastime.

"In truth, I think the nation will not last much longer. I think that we ought prepare ourselves for if that proves to be a dangerous occurrence."


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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue0/0In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:15 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] BRySols


“My pride is in the knowledge that I do my work well without need for a reward. It would be unbecoming to ask for more when it is already honour enough to be praised by yourself personally.”

Following in parallel as Cyrus guided them towards the city’s limit, Alastair found himself enjoying this upbeat tick to the Grandmaster’s step. There had been a dour cloud hanging around her for many months, yet now she radiated at least a portion of her former warmth. Of course he had never reached the point of doubting her, barely even set foot down such a foul path, but whatever fears he had harboured deep down soon melted away.

“A woman split between two worlds. I would have to agree that there will be those within the country who look most displeasingly on the Queen’s inaction against both ourselves and other entities across the Earth. It suggests to me that the Queen has already chosen a side to favour, and it is the role she earned herself rather than that which she inherited from her husband. So they are a nation divided by loyalties to a dead king or his chosen successor.”

Alastair paused at that, studying Cyrus’ face for a reaction that he would no doubt be hard pressed to find. It did send his mind back to the conversation with Lady Duvalier though, of the meeting between the Grandmaster and the King of Vastime that had staved off outright war. How long might that uneasy peace last and, considering the thought of preparation that Cyrus put forward, who would cast the first stone?

Blissful Ignorance | END POST
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:48 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] DNwfJnQ


"But in such humility, I feel only more assured that you deserve some proper reward. If you will not ask one, then I will simply give one when I determine one that is suitable."

Of course, there was so much less that Cyrus could give him now. But that did not matter half as much as more pressing concerns, did it? Despite walking near the beautiful waters of the south Pacific, it did not seem as though her attention was much on the ocean at all. It was, rather entirely on her companion, the kind warmth of the Blissful Flame far more inclined toward people than any beauty of nature. Even in that motherly aura, however, there was rather apparently earnest doubt, concern. She did agree with his assessment, and she worried after those who had put themselves under the protection of a king now lost.

"I suppose in some respects, I cannot blame her. To marry is, after all, a sacred act of love, which should hardly be tainted by thoughts of duty or practicality. I should hope that the king did not marry a woman who had always planned for his demise."

Worry rather plain in both her voice and on her face, Cyrus slowed her pace, her focus primarily on the conversation at hand now. What could the Vandenreich do, in this situation?

"I doubt that these divisions will end in any peaceful manner. I simply worry that, when that time comes, we will not be ready to assist the people."


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In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Left_bar_bleue0/0In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] Empty Re: In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair]

Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:28 pm
In Knowing That the Sun is There [Cyrus, Alastair] BRySols


“If you were to offer me a boon then I would not dream of refusing it, ma’am, for I shall know you deem me truly worthy of such. But that is your decision to make alone, I am just another faithful servant.”

Alastair could feel her eyes focused upon him, as his own fluttered systematically between their surroundings, the onlookers, and only occasionally the Grandmaster herself. They walked upon the waterfront together, an idyllic view by any account, and yet neither of them seemed to care for it. No doubt they had both seen it countless times before, though this could not be called boredom rather they had more important things to concentrate on. A part of him did want to stare back at Cyrus with a similar intensity, such was the charisma of the Grandmaster, but he had other duties to take care of too. Even here and now.

“We cannot hope to preempt every conflict. For that requires a sense of precognition far greater than even your divine self, I dare say. But we can make menial preparations, organise aid, show the people of Vastime that we are not the enemies that the government has painted us as. They need not answer to your leadership as we Vandenreich do, only open their minds to the potential of change.”

Though it was easy to suggest, even Alastair understood the monumental logistical scale of such an operation and the challenges that even the entire combined Vandenreich would face with such a venture. Still, there were millions of innocent people that would suffer under a civil war. If they could spare even a few then it was a worthy task.

Blissful Ignorance | END POST
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