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God of Love
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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:08 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 3SJ4LLH


"Faith need not be so simple as blind worship or adulation. You followed him, and put your confidence in him. That is faith enough."

Mazda was almost dismissive of the idea that it was not, in fact, faith. After all, he was the Lord of Wisdom. His understanding of these matters was above that of others.

"Perhaps I will find those remains in time. If nothing else, I am sure his corpse might provide some fleeting use where his life did not. But I am not one who particularly wishes to defile the dead. Such is best left for those who are inclined toward it."

Even if he made no outward indication of it, it was rather clear just from the tone of his voice that Mazda was referring to Giselle herself. Not that he would ever wish to give her access to the corpse of Yhwach himself, even if he did find it; he simply would leave the handling of the dead to her. Taking a brief sip of the tea that had been offered him, though without giving much indication of whether or not he had even noted the taste, he listened to the question that Giselle posited to him in turn.

"Those who share in my vision for the future are here. I could certainly fulfill my aims alone if necessary, but that does not mean I wish to do so. And there is nowhere else, whether on Earth or in any other realm, where I might find so many who share in my ideals as the Vandenreich."


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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:28 pm
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_uyguywgvdsgsgsvwg3323gv2
Giselle raised her brows a bit at that. Deciding to make no comment about how he had kinda shifted his tune from 'surely you still have some faith' to 'well you used to'. She nodded along slowly, considering his words before almost choking on her fucking tea when he almost seemed to imply that he would leave HER to deal with any such remains if they came upon them. "Hah, I doubt they would let me anywhere near that. Though I'm sure Reida would probably get wet at the idea of having that old bastard's zombie under her payroll." She noted a bit dryly. Reida seemed like just the sort of sadist to enjoy having someone like that. Cyrus seemed a bit too noble for any of that. Helle would probably have a heart attack.

All the same, she smirked a bit to herself before glancing at the man and ....canting her head to the side. His talk about ....those who share his vision was certainly an interesting one.

"What, the whole 'stop travelling between realms' thing we have going on? I don't really think that's super hard to find. Sure we have a good number of people in this group with that kinda dream for the future, but thats not really rare. You can find people like that everywhere. Though I guess the whole 'message' of the Vandenreich certainly changed over time to be a bit more broad and relatable. Back in the day it was...... definitely different." She murmured, shaking her head. A world Free of Fear. A bit too ambitious for people these days. She paused, glancing toward Mazda for a moment thoughtfully.

"You're not what I expected. I expected a whole lot more.....disgust." She mused. It certainly seemed to be par for the course these days. "Not that I'm complaining, I guess I'm just used to that sort of reaction for people who know about me." She murmured, just a faint rueful tone to her voice.
God of Love
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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Wed Nov 10, 2021 1:20 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 3SJ4LLH


"There is none more qualified, I would think. Such hubris, to act inefficiently simply out of some childish fear of one single girl."

Mazda shook his head at Giselle as she summarized the Vandenreich's aims, not because they were incorrect, but because it did not begin to encapsulate the scope of his purpose. It was simply the one aspect which could be left to the everyday people, free of his divine intervention.

"That is nothing more than a small dream, a small piece of my vision. The soul cycle itself has been left as if it needs no oversight, and it is now but a step from ruination. The Soul King, whatever his nature may be, has become a liability above all else. I will replace him, and see the order of things corrected."

A bold claim, but one which Mazda put forward with no hesitation, his echoing baritone almost tranquil as he spoke of such grand plans. After all, much of this was relatively common knowledge. The fact that most of the Vandenreich lacked the context to understand the gravity of those aims was not Mazda's concern.

"Why should I be any more disgusted by you than any other child of this Earth who has made mistakes and fallen into sin? Because you bear power which affiliates you with the unclean dead? If that is your fate, then nothing can be done for it but to accept that, and to live righteously. You are now here with the Vandenreich, are you not? I think that speaks enough as to how I ought to see you."


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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:03 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADRR_0590-007

A brow raised slightly as Mazda....elaborated on his thought processes. At least just a little. His lack of concern really DID seem to be primarily based on the notion that he really didn't consider her a threat. And she had to admit as ......many MANY red flags as this guy triggered in her head, she supposed she could respect it. It felt much the same way she had her specific feelings towards say Reida.

Though.... the rest of the conversation did jar her out of that line of thought. The soul cycle? She was a bit surprised, but ...well...also not very surprised she supposed, given this guy's ....ahem. Correlations to another similarly divine-ish person, that he would have his sights set on such a thing. This time, however, she did not point out the .....similarities between what Mazda spoke of and ....well. Things that admittedly weren't exactly common knowledge. Not even from those still clinging to life from the old days. And truth be told, she did at times wonder if that particular little voice in her soul could always be trusted that much anyway. That said she

Her .... mind wandered a bit. To some other individuals. Particularly....Cyrus. After all, Mazda was a runoff from that man in particular. How did Mazda factor into Cyrus's plan now? If this was what had come out of the man...did that mean that this was also Cyrus' claim at some point? Or was this a permutation of it? Did Cyrus have similar, but still separate goals involving the soul cycle?
"Calling the dead unclean. Gotcha. Cool Beans." She murmured, honestly more to herself than Mazda himself. Still sheeeeeee..... hm. He certainly was a pragmatic one to say the least. " have kinda said that you kinda just.....find yourself disinterested know....the opinions of several of the other higher ups. Is there anyone whose opinions you DO respect?" She ventured. Truth be told.... she was starting to get a better....sense of things. But there was still some things she was putting together. Cyrus was the LEADER of the Vandenreich, and yet MAzda seemed to just kinda consider But even so, Mazda DID still seem to ....LIKE the Vandenreich. So where there people within who he DID value? What exactly does the great MAzda find value in? It certainly would be useful information.

Namely so she can avoid going into that category. At least as she was now, she felt like being of a certain level of Value to the man would be detrimental to her wellbeing. But even more...she might actually be interested in finding out about these individuals of interest. After all, if they caught even THIS guy's interest, it would behoove her to get more information about them. Right?
God of Love
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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:39 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 3SJ4LLH


"The dead are unclean. That is simply the law of nature and the divine."

That was, naturally, not even a point which required any further elaboration or explanation. It would be the equivalent of explaining that the Earth revolves around the Sun, after all. Some things simply were.

"I listen to those who speak things which merit my attention. Even those I do not have any interest in may on occasion utter some word of value or another. Shirohime, however, is the one whose words carry the most value. She alone understands the truths of this world as clearly as even I do."

He could of course have spoken far more eloquently on the matter of the one he considered the most perfect in this world, but that was not the topic of conversation at present, and while Mazda did of course choose the topic at his leisure, there were other things to address.

"I listen to the people of the Vandenreich, for it is only in the nature of a benevolent god to hear the prayers of his people."

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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:34 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADRR_0590-007

She quirked a brow slightly at that and could not help but imagine what such a notion informed him of her situation. The entire earth was built from the dead. There was likely not an organic molecule that had not been derived from some corpse. But she decided not to really get into that. No, much rather she decided to circle back just a little.

"I see..... so you ....keep an ear out for those within the Vandenreich. And there are some whose words you hold closer than others. You say that you have ambitions toward the Soul Cycle, but what have you really done to that end? You've been around for a good while now, haven't you? and it's not as if the Vandenreich has been busy out it's ass putting out fires all over the world. We're in the process of recovering since Jefferson, we've had a slew of new recruits. And it's not like there has been much from the other factions around the world. the shinigami cower in the land of the dead. and the relics of the past like Shadowfall and K-world seem to be asleep or gone. I have to admit, I expected to be thrown into the thick of things when I rejoined. But low and behold, there doesn't seem to be much of anything to do." She spread her arms out, as if to express the sheer amount of nothing.

"So, Mazda. I want to help. I have been like, VERY intent to try and prove that I'm not the same girl I was six hundred years ago. But that's a little hard given the state of things. So if you don't mind me asking: WHAT should we be doing to further this ambition of yours? What do you WANT out of the Vandenreich? And when do you plan on taking those first steps?" She asked placidly enough. Suffice to say she had a feeling that well, offering her services to Mazda might not be the best way to win favor from Cyrus. But it wasn't like she had fuck all else to be doing. Even that creep Reida had yet to drag her off into those special little 'I want you to hurt people with your blood stuff' missions.

At this point, she cared more about HAVING something to do than getting on the good side of others. Especially individuals who had made it abundantly clear that their opinion of her was VERY much solid and likely unmoving. Bizarre as it was, she felt more welcome talking to Mazda than she'd had any of the others in the vandenreich. Helle despised her. Reida saw her as a tool. Cyrus begrudgingly saw her as an asset. and Vee didn't really see HEr. All Vee saw and understood was that she was a relic to look up to. even if that was a positive interaction, she was sure that was liable to change once Vee became more familiar with her.

Only Mazda saw her, understood her, and seemed unconcerned. Saw past more than just her powers or her past. Spoke to her without disdain, annoyance, or blind admiration. At present, he was the only person who did not make her feel isolated in some way. So it only stood to reason she'd want to work with him, right?
God of Love
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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:07 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 3SJ4LLH


"It is tragically not so simple as merely enforcing my will upon the world and declaring that it is so. For to act without prudence is to invite destruction of the innocent who serve me, and they have already suffered overmuch, would you not agree?"

Of course, Mazda would do anything for the sake of accomplishing his aims, but that didn't mean he was going to simply move blindly toward them. He understood that regardless of how capable he was of accomplishing the matter, it would not necessarily be without cost. And he, a god, would not pay any price which he did not consider unavoidable.

"To wholly overthrow the Gotei, to upend the natural order, all while maintaining the peace and security that I have already established here on Earth, is not something that can be done through simple idle action. Those remaining looming threats on the Earth must be dealt with before I can simply step into the Soul Society and take what is rightfully mine. Yes, this empty peace leaves ambition itself hollow, lacking in drive. I cannot in good conscience act until the Vandenreich can care for itself, until it no longer requires my protection."

Even Mazda was not entirely certain as to when that might even reasonably occur, or who could reliably protect them. After all, who could match the sun? Only his dear Helle might ever have come close, but even she was not so powerful as he might have hoped. It was a tragedy, really.

"The question is not whether or not it can be done. The question is whether or not the rest of you, my children, can survive after I have done it."

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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:00 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_0592-0172

Giselle was sure that 'you' was the lower case 'you' and in reference to the Vandenreich as she was fairly sure she could survive whatever went down. BUT, she did understand what the man was putting down. And admittedly, that had been kindof a given in terms of .....well....everyone else in the Vandenreich. So it ....WAS bizarre that Mazda purportedly, at least according to him, was also concerned about that as well. Giselle, however, wasn't sure how much she believed that. On one hand, she absolutely felt that Mazda would WANT The Vandenreich alive, but perhaps if only to distinguish himself as above those like Yhwacht in the past. The man had certainly made it abundantly clear that he considered himself above such figures, so if nothing else, she imagined that his pride hinged his actions to be better than those steps before him. And admittedly, she was a little intrigued if he would ever understand just how big those shoes he was stepping into WERE. Yhwach had beat away at the Shinigami for Fifty Long Years before they had been shorn away by the backlash. And, the truth of it was: Giselle felt like they could have ....even SHOULD have won. She often thought back, remembering to those old battles. And wondered....what had happened out of her own line of sight that had led to Yhwacht's demise? He had been seemingly....WELL beyond any scope of contest, why DID that rabble of shinigami manage to take him down? And the cold silence in her head as she thought about it only annoyed her. she wondered if he even knew.

"That's all well and good. But then what exactly should WE be doing? You've laid it out pretty well as to why you yourself haven't made any big steps. But what about us? The Vandenreich? We who can afford to go out and make moves? What looming threats are you talking about? Vastime? Shadowfall? Or do you REALLY mean that we should just.....sit around waiting for the time to be right?" She asked, outwardly calm, but inwardly growing.....frustrated. This was a conversation she'd been meaning to have with others as well. And now....if even MAZDA had jack all to say. Would others even have anything to say? No, she doubted they'd even have THAT much. Cyrus despised her, Reida was disgusted by her, Helle seemed to hate her. Even if there WAS something, she felt that their fear of her abilities causing a ruckus would only make them clamp down on her all the more.

Beneath her calm, smiling face, she felt a twisting, writhing anger in her chest. She'd wanted to find that old.......familiar feeling. But that wasn't what she was feeling here at all. She did .....enjoy the sensation of being a part of something bigger. But was she? The memory of Reida's scowling face. The feeling of Helle all but CHOKING her with Reiatsu. She could stand if at least she was being put to USE. But she wasn't. And more and more, she was feeling less likea n asset, and more like a glorified prisoner. And she was growing restless.
God of Love
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The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle]

Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:42 am
The Guide for Both Worlds [Mazda, Giselle] - Page 2 3SJ4LLH


"It is not in the nature of the sun to recommend duplicity or underhanded approaches to any issue. The fact remains that the world is still choked by the corpses of foes who have long since chosen to bide their time and do nothing. Shadow Fall and the Kokuryuteshi are not concerns at the moment, but the miasma of their actions remains even so."

Even if Mazda would not recommend such things, however, it was rather abundantly clear that this was exactly what he understood to be necessary. That open action was not the course to be taken if anything was to be achieved.

"Vastime must fall. Lux Orior must fall. They are pillars no longer, merely weak foundations established by weak men. Even with the ostensible departures of Shadow Fall, of the Kokuryuteshi, do you think that their roots do not still sit within the Earth? And, atop all of this, we must establish something more than simple goodwill that keeps others from deigning to tread upon us. There must be fear in the hearts and minds of the unfaithful. Until that is established, until something has been set forth that makes clear that the Vandenreich is unshakeable, I can do nothing but sign you all away to oblivion should I choose to act."

And, of course, the Vandenreich was quite shakeable. It was weak, and any indication of its weakness would only further undermine their ability to achieve anything. Mazda knew that he could simply take the throne whenever he so wished. But to rule a world without his faithful would be meaningless.

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