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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) Empty Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette)

Fri Nov 05, 2021 8:23 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) EdtHWWhUcAIxYIg

Hueco Mundo. Home of the ......Sand.

It was always depressing, returning to this place from her ventures into Soul Society......and the World of the Living....she had even poked her nose around the Demon world a little now and then. But still she felt herself compelle to search the sand. And that was why Lilynette sat there atop a rocky outcrop, lightly itching the mask fragment around her left eye as her Wolves scoured the surrounding area. Her own soul gently scattered through the area through small tongues of flame. The usual sweeps she did of the area. And as usually......she hoped to find that familiar echo of a soul, and expected to just find hollows... maybe a rare random arrancar.

But this time she didn't JUST find as random signature. She found something ....familiar....but not familiar. But DEFINITELY a signature that made her perk up. surely not. Her nose wrinkled, wondering if this was a trick, and promptly her wolves closed in on the target itself, Lilynette herself furrowing her brows in the direction of the signature itself, already pulling those shreds back in and relying on her Wolves for the time being as her Pack would slowly come into view of the person. And once she felt the feedback from her wolves senses, she almost froze up. A reiatsu she'd felt in the past:
Ichigo Kurosaki.

The wolves themselves spotted the figure off in the distance, forming a loose formation as they sat on their haunches, watching him just off of his horizon, their flame-like pelts flickering as they all kept an eye on the familiar, yet unfamiliar silhouette as Lily moved in to join them. The head of the pack raising her head and howling out into the distance to catch his attention.
Lily wasn't generally in the habit of looking for old Arrancar, mainly because they were usually huge shitbags. But ....well....this was just too bizarre not to investigate.
God of Love
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Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:51 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) NNa7nnG


In days past, Ichigo had held no care for where he traveled. In a sense, he still didn't. But if only out of spite for the words that Tier had spoken to him, he was still compelled to walk. To find something which would give him purpose. Perhaps there was nothing left, but he would make his own purpose simply in walking if necessary.

Not for anything he cared for. It was simply because he wouldn't ever accept that Aizen had been right.

It seemed the further he walked, the less he came across the typical rabble. The more he found arrancar with purpose, with identity, with drive. And it seemed some of them were searching for something too. He wondered what that was, but not enough to ask. That would be far too much work. No, it was enough just to see them go, or to cut them down if they got in the way. He could sense a signature off in the distance that was familiar, though he wasn't certain he could place it.

Well, he would figure it out if they came closer. For now, he simply continued his forward trek, every step hollow and lacking in power.


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Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:28 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) EdtHWWhUcAIxYIg

He was just.....walking. Aimlessly in the desert. Which, fair enough, was often what most hollows did when they were brought here, but at the very least he seemed to have gathered enough self-awareness and cognizance to break his mask. A flicker of movement and the wolves closed in, moving to walk alongside the Arrancar from a distance, making note that he just seemed to......keep on moving. That was certainly strange behavior. And it wasn't long before Lilynette herself showed up in the dull crackle of a Sonido. A sight which was, in all honestly, meaningless to Ichigo Kurosaki, who likely had never even met her outside of 'hey, that small child arrancar sure looks dead over there' in the midst of the winter war.

All the same, Lilynette furrowed her brow as she paused, moving somewhat in the man's path, but not exactly. No matter how sure of her own power she was: Ichigo Kurosaki, arrancar or not, was not a force she felt inclined to try and stop outright. "Fuck, it really IS you. You look..... healthier..." She murmured. Probably a unique way to remember a man. The only interaction she had WAS Ulquiorra's shared memory of Yammy beating the fucking dogshit out of this man, and then Grimmjow's mission. So the very least, he DID seem a lot more.....lucid and unbeaten than she remembered him.

Her wolves formed a loose circle around the both of them. One of those reishi wolves in particular trotting right up to the man and sniffing at his hand.
God of Love
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Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) Empty Re: Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette)

Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:21 am
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) NNa7nnG


Mm. Her approach didn't help him recognize her anymore. If he'd met her, it hadn't been for long. Or maybe it had, and his memory was simply failing him. He didn't know, and really, he didn't care. He simply kept walking, all but ignoring the wolves which had surrounded them. They probably wouldn't be much issue.

"What do you want?"

A simple question, and one asked without even looking at Lilynette's direction. Whether or not Ichigo had known her, he didn't remember her now. That was enough to tell him that it wasn't worth trying to remember all that, that she wasn't someone he ought to stop for. If she wanted to talk, she could follow him.


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Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:22 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) EdtHWWhUcAIxYIg

Her face screwed up into a mask of sheer incredulity. "what do you mean 'what do I want'? What the heck happened to you?! I mean...yea you obviously somehow were turned into a hollow and then an arrancar, but!" She barked out, gesturing up and down at his ....everything! It was definitely strange to see him like this, not only that but what was even MORE bizarre was that he just seemed to be .....walking. She didn't know the man, but based on what she'd seen and heard, he was a kid with purpose. The kinda kid who refused to sit still. And he was.....what just....WALKING? She turned, looking in the direction he'd been heading and peering, knowing that there was about jack all in that direction for a long ways.

She turned back, refocusing on the taller arrancar and folding her arms, trying to think. "Where are you even going? Are you lost or somethin?" She added on, now trying to surmise where he possibly might be heading. She calmed herself down, offloading that anxiety into her wolves. Those shreds of her soul starting to move around more animatedly, the one that had been nosing at Ichigo's hand now trotting in circles around him in a mild orbit as they went, Lily even forced to walk alongside him as he refused to stop moving.
God of Love
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Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) Empty Re: Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette)

Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:05 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) NNa7nnG


Being told the obvious was more than a touch irritating, and there was a faint edge to Ichigo's voice as he spoke again, a simple question as he continued walking forward.

"Do I know you?"

His memory hadn't especially given him anything more meaningful of this girl, and he couldn't say he cared enough to commit a ton of thought to it, either. Ichigo wasn't one to waste any energy on something like that, and as his gaze moved briefly to the wolves around him, then to Lilynette herself, he spoke again, his tone already returning to its typical apathetic monotone.

"I'm looking for something."


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Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:15 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) EdtHWWhUcAIxYIg

Her brows raised a bit at that and she stuck her tongue out a bit at that. "Me? Not really. I was kinda down for the count when you showed up. I think Starrk mentioned he saw you briefly though..." She murmured passively, rubbing her chin for just a moment before she perked up a bit. He was .....looking for something?

She couldn't help but put on a bit of a wry smile. "Tch, as someone who has spent the last four hundred years combing just about every inch of this place lemme tell ya: Finding shit aint easy. Any place in particular you're lookin to go? I seen just about everything around these parts." She offered, as promptly she was smiling, and those wolves grew a bit more energetic. So he DID have a purpose. And one that was VERY close to her own! Her own internal gears were already turning in her head. There was NOBODY more sturdy than Kurosaki! If she could have picked ANYONE for her 'welcome back Starrk' pack, Ichigo could just about be the most reliable member she could get!

If she could help him find ....whatever it was he was looking for... Yes yes this was all coming together. She'd been searching for other lost, stray souls, and this was it! All gift wrapped and everything! Lilynette you genius! She smiled, pleased with herself as she was now matching his stride, and the pack was spreading out some, fanning out over the dunes as they went.

Ichigo didn't know it yet, but he absoLUTELY was gonna be part of her pack. Every pack needed a grumpy loner who didn't want to be there and yet still somehow stayed in! It was just like....the law of the universe!
God of Love
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Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) Empty Re: Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette)

Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:43 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) NNa7nnG


"Far. It's not going to be anywhere near here, I think."

Ichigo didn't slow down, really, but he immediately understood that, even if he didn't exactly care for her presence, there was some benefit to having this girl around. Despite his pace not changing, and his eyes gaze still remaining on the horizon, it seemed as though he was now walking with her rather than simply next to her.

"Hueco Mundo is big. Whatever I'm looking for is somewhere I don't think many people go. If you want to come along, make sure you keep up."

Though he understood what she'd said about Starrk, he didn't really care enough to take it into account. This was a search more important than the past. Of course, maybe it was all just for nothing. Maybe it was made up. But there was nothing better to look for, was there?


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Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:56 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) EdtHWWhUcAIxYIg

Lily raised her brow a little at that and was pleased to see that he didn't seem to just be striding out a head, but seemed to settle into a steady pace after a slight adjustment, as if accounting for her presence! SCORE! She paused....rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she took a moment to think over such a thing. Where few went huh..... That actually honestly sounded like her. She had, in her search for Starrk, decided to try and look through more remote areas believing that he would choose seclusion rather than risk killing others by proximity. So she had actually been to a lot of rather remote areas.

"I've been looking for someone for a long time. Actually took some time in the past four hundred years to go looking through some of the more.....remote areas of Hueco Mundo actually. But well, I was looking for someone whose spiritual pressure I recognized. I didn't really pay much attention to anything else. Soooo it's actually quite possible that I've BEEN to wherever the thing you're looking for may have been." She reasoned thoughtfully, glancing at him for a moment and tapping her chin. Thinking.

Ichigo was......Strong.....after all. Like really strong. Surely he could withstand her Howl right?

"You know, I actually have a way I could just....Show you some of the places I've been. You're like....REALLY sturdy after all. It's usually dangerous for weaklings, but you should be fine, if you wanna give it a try. I have the ability to sortof....synch up our souls, and link us up. Of course weaker hollows will straight up die, but well, you're not a weak hollow. You could see if any of the locations fits where you think you're looking, and then I can take you to where I remember it being. Certainly beats just random wandering, right?" She reasoned.

It was a little strange honestly. Her endless scouring the desert, her own natural special qualities. It was ....kinda auspicious that she kinda.....was exactly the kinda individual he could benefit from traveling with. And it felt ....nice....that... not that she was EVER going to give up on Starrk but. Her.....endless wandering .... might actually have not been in immediate vain.
God of Love
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Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) Empty Re: Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette)

Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:47 pm
Lone Wolf Woof Hoof (Ichigo/Lilynette) NNa7nnG


It seemed like this girl liked to talk. Maybe that would be good, though. She might be able to keep herself entertained because Ichigo sure didn't intend to have such lively conversation all the time. At her suggestion, however, his eyes shifted toward her, a faint degree of hostility in both his gaze and, as he spoke, in his voice.

"I'm not doing that. If you'd found it, you'd know."

Of course, it wasn't as if Ichigo actually knew where he was going either. It wasn't even like it was any one place in particular. Beyond what he'd been told, or demanded others tell him, he really didn't know much of anything at all. It didn't seem like anyone knew.

"I'm looking for rings. Twelve of them. If you touch one and you aren't careful, you die."


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