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Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private]

Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:48 am

She felt the addition of Shutens light bodice as it laid against her own. Soft, warm, so full of life. Arms slid around her in a heart-felt embrace, and Shutens forehead gently pressed up against her own. Honestly, words just did not do such emotions of joy and bliss justice. Her heart felt so full, so complete here, with her, with the droning of the rain outside.

The cushions didn’t make so much as the slightest rustle as Magnolia’s body sank further into them, adjusting to the weight that pressed against her. When Shuten spoke of always being good, well, a little giggle escaped Magnolia’s lips before she could help it. The woman couldn’t help but arch a brow, that smile on her face still a mischievous little thing, albeit obscured from her position nestled against Shutens neck.

In the rain, with the distant rumble of thunder, when Shuten spoke of how she was her home, Magnolia felt herself swallow faintly. She was overwhelmed with emotion. For so long she hadn’t truly had a home to come back to, a place where she could say: “yeah, that's where I belong” . The Gotei was something she believed in, fervently even-- that wasn’t a home though.

A home, she thought back to those days when she was still weak, still powerless. She had come so far, become so strong, yet beyond her honor, beyond her duty, did she have anything that was truly hers? Today, she finally had a place she could say was her home. Finally, after all of her hardship, all her struggle. Maybe that was why the tears that had still glimmered in the corners of her eyes dripped against Shutens neck. Maybe that was why a soft whine could be heard in the back of her throat. She let out a soft little gasp, and took a little breath in.

”I am so happy. I am glad that I met you at that hotspring by chance.” Magnolia whispered against Shutens neck, kissing it once more. The soft vibrations of her words were easy to feel, as well as the warm breath that trickled against Shutens fair skin.

”I am so happy that I stayed, that I chose you.” Magnolia’s words were barely more than a whisper, but they came from the depths of her soul. She had felt adrift in this strange new world for so long, and she had been her anchor. She had been the immovable rock within her heart.

She had felt it, when the soul society she knew, and this one had begun to drift apart. She had felt it keenly due to her origins. Still, she had been in love, maybe she hadn’t known the totality of what that meant at the time, but she had been willing to take that risk. To maroon herself in a new reality, to give up the revenge she had lived hundreds of years to complete. She hadn’t regretted it a single day.

Magnolia gently trailed kisses upwards from Shutens neck to her jaw, each one tender and full of her adoration. Looking upon her face, Magnolia realized something-- that this was the person that she wished to spend the rest of her life with. Be it a year, or ten, a hundred, possibly thousands; She wanted to wake up to this beautiful sight, and she wanted to go to bed wrapped in its embrace.

Learning up once more, to press her lips against Shutens ear, she said in a breathy, husky whisper.

”Shuten Suika… I want to tell you a secret.”

Pausing, with a soft giggle escaping from her lips, she’d speak in a tone that mirrored the sense of adoration, love, and certainty that remained within her heart, within her soul. It was still soft, and still gentle, husky and breathless, but she’d say it all the same.

”I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Under the rain, with the thunder rumbling from a rare storm, Magnolia said the words that had resonated so deeply within her that it hurt in the best way possible. Pulling back, she gently gave Shuten a peck on the lips, and she waited to see what her love had to say.

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Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private]

Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:51 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Shuten had long come to love the warm embrace that followed whenever she may surround herself in Magnolia's arms, and she was not disappointed to find that same warm embrace coiling around her again; soothing her concerns and the residual stress from work. She let out a soft sigh of relief, which was soon replaced with a small grin. Ah yes, the hot spring. Quite literally a chance meeting; one Shuten was wholly uncomfortable with at the time. Truth be told, she was trying to get over some of her past fears; or at least help herself cope. In the end, she did not suspect a golden haired woman, bigger than Shuten in all respects, would appear out of the steam to not only become her girlfriend, but also to become the rock that helped Shuten come to deal with old trauma and problems. She smiled gently now, nuzzling carefully against Magnolia.

"It was the greatest luck of my life, Darling. Meeting you, being with you, has made me an extremely happy, and fortunate, Suika; especially since you chose to stay with me instead of leave."

Shuten smiled warmly, holding her lover warmly, and with a great deal of love for the woman she lay upon. Even if Shuten didn't wholly understand the entire depth of Magnolia's situation, she still felt all the more grateful that she had chosen to stay here, with Shuten, instead of leaving the woman; possibly forever. It made the Suika feel like the luckiest girl in the world, especially to have such an amazing woman like Magnolia all to herself. She hummed pleasantly, making sure she was still held close to her darling lover. Eventually, the woman let out a gentle satisfied exhale, giving Magnolia's head a gentle kiss before her full attention turned to the kissing Magnolia was delivering to Shuten.

Such a lovely line of kisses they were, trailing from up her neck, to her jaw, and eventually those same lips gently met Shuten's ear; and the woman's breath against Shuten's ear did cause a tiny shiver, but not the bad kind. More of the kind that is involuntary thanks to how ears react to being tickled by breath. However, the woman heard Magnolia's voice speak in a husky tone, full of adoration and complete love, with the tidings that she had a secret to tell her. Shuten blinked gently, slightly confused, but she smiled gently and caressed her lover's head gently.

"What is this secret of yours, Darling~?"

Shuten smiled still, listening with great intent as she too spoke in a hushed tone, playful and loving; not truly expecting the statement that came her way. And truthfully, it floored her.

To be told by Magnolia, who was basically Shuten's first lover of any kind, that she wished to spend her entire life with the woman; it was simply breathtaking. She loved Magnolia, with all her heart and soul; and even with that certainty, it was hard to not be breathless and answer with only silence before her voice finally found itself again. However, she needed to answer well. To answer poorly would do poor Magnolia a disservice; and Shuten wanted to convey her own feelings correctly and without confusion. She moistened her lips carefully, and then tightened her hold on Magnolia, as if to say 'you're mine' in the most wordless of ways. She smiled lovingly, turning her head a bit to face Magnolia, and plant a small peck on her lips. It was brief, but full of enough feeling that there wasn't a need for it to last much longer. She smiled still, and whispered in her own soft tone, her words carrying only to Magnolia; as if the house had ears with which to listen.

"And mine with you, Magnolia. I wish to spend the remainder of my life with you, and be yours; much like how you shall be mine."

She smiled warmly, carefully, conveying her emotions with one more kiss on the lips. She too wished to spend her life with Magnolia, with her loving golden maiden; to spend all their remaining years waking up to her embrace, to those golden eyes; to her gentle voice. Shuten was more than happy to remain with such a woman who had opened her heart; such a woman who had won Shuten's heart wholly. She smiled warmly, giving the woman a soft kiss once more before she smiled and whispered once again.

"I love you, Magnolia Everfrost~"

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Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private]

Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:20 am

A promise that would last for an eternity. With the soft curling notes of thunder above, and the rhythmic tympany of the rain, Magnolia’s thoughts for the future, and her fears of the present fled in the presence of an entirely different kind of beast-- a behemoth called love. For a few moments when Shuten had said nothing, the first curling notes of fear were palpable within her chest. What if she wasn’t ready for such a truth? Magnolia had said nothing, and instead allowed Shuten the time to answer, as she watched her moisten her lips.

She felt her world shatter in a kaleidoscope of color and budding possibility when upon Shutens lips were the very same words, the very same feelings, the very same promise. A trinity of intent that made her euphoric, and truly, for a moment she did just stop. Working through the tumultuous tide of her emotion until her lips pulled back, and a smile so sweet and sincere that it belonged just to this occasion blessed her lips. Tiny pinpricks of tears beaded at her eyes until they had poured over and cradled the curve of her cheeks.

Was this what happiness felt like? Not contentment, but pure happiness-- like a ray of sunlight, exclusively for her. Tears of joy felt hot and wet upon her face, and her breath hitched a little in such a way that the words at first couldn’t get out. She had so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to give, and yet the first thing was not those lovely words, but rather Magnolia’s hands gently trailing up the curve of her spine. The pads of her fingers rustling the soft fabric of the kimono before they found themselves in Shutens hair.

She said what her words could not with the way her eyes searched Shutens, and the way her mouth found hers with such heat and emotion. Like the world fell away and there were only the two of them. A world just for them, a moment that she wished would last for an eternity. Her free arm only served to draw her lover in closer, and with a sigh she just sank into the bliss of her feelings. She let them soothe and coax out those words that she had wished to say but could not under the thrum of such an all consuming emotion.

A raw, passionate kiss abated, and turned playful as Magnolia captured Shutens lower lip in another shallow little nip. It turned sultry when the woman pulled back and began to trail kisses along the contour of her lovers jaw, like little bits of fire, with her hot breath cascading against her flesh. Eventually it traveled lower, down the slender curve of her neck, the hand that had been in her loves hair having drifted down to join the other at her waist. At the curve where her shoulder met her neck however, Magnolia stopped.

Looking up, she planted a kiss there. Her eyes saying so much more of what she wanted. Still, right now she wanted so much more than simply fading away into the wiles of the flesh, and so she drew up once more, a hand gently caressing the side of her loves face as she said softly.

” You know, I never thought a day like this would come. I.. was too wrapped up in my hatred and revenge.” Magnolia finally felt comfortable telling that story, and she would share it with the person in the world she would never live without.

”For hundreds of years it was my only goal, my only purpose. I think that’s why I was always afraid that if I told you how hard I had fallen for you, that it’d all vanish like smoke. “ Magnolia swallowed softly, those husky words barely louder than a murmur, so easily missed and drowned out by the storm outside.

” So to know that you share these feelings.. I can’t describe how happy I really am. I think I knew when I felt the realms were closing that if I left, I’d never live with myself. Even then, I was completely and hopelessly lost without you. “ Magnolia giggled gently as she twirled a lock of shutens hair in her pointer finger.

”I realized that at some point you had become something treasured, and irreplaceable, and i..” Magnolias words trailed off as she tried to find the words. Clumsy would be apt to describe it, how she fished for what she wanted to say.

” I don't know.. If you want it, but.. I’ve heard it’s customary to provide vows to once another.. “ Magnolia faltered as she chewed on her lower lip, the words once more slipping into the void.

” Vows.. I mean, i’d like to call you more than just a lover, would you be my wife?” The word Marriage scared the crap out of her, but, she’d finally get to the point she’d be able to let those words spill from her lips.

”Marry me, I mean” Magnolia had finally said it, and while they felt the same.. She still closed her eyes, unsure as she waited for Shutens answer.

Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
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Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Under The Dreary Rain [Magnolia & Shuten | Private]

Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:31 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

What followed after Shuten confessed her love for Magnolia was indeed the description of pure bliss. Their lips met in a dance of love and desire, Magnolia’s hands and arms held Shuten so softly; yet against her in such a way that spoke of what was to come. The way her hand slipped up Shuten’s spine, only to bury itself in Shuten’s hair, sent little jolts of electricity through her body. Their lips dance still in such a meticulous, demanding, way; it was enough to make anyone anticipate what was to come after such fierce kissing. Shuten knew what Magnolia wanted, and there was nothing but a Kimono to hide what lay below.

Eventually, the kiss broke, and Shuten felt like she was entirely breathless; and obtaining said breath became harder to perform as Magnolia nipped her lower lip in a playful manner. Then, came more kisses that set Shuten ablaze in ways she never truly knew. Every kiss was like fire dancing upon her skin, her back arching unnoticeably as Magnolia continued to trace those fiery hot kisses down her jaw, her neck, those lovely hands shifted position to Shuten’s hips, Magnolia’s lips hard nearly started to trace their line of kisses below the kimono that currently hid her body. Every kissed burned hotter with each following until… Mag stopped.

It was both a relief and a slight disappointment that Magnolia stopped her fierce kissing barrage. However, the way Shuten’s heart was beating, the way a fire built inside of her… she was glad for the momentary break to try and relax. Any further, and Shuten knows exactly what would have happened. Eventually, that final burning kiss once more tended to the burning flames inside of Shuten; the Suika a tiny bit frazzled as she nuzzles into Mag’s raised hand. Oh… how much she loved her blonde haired beauty.

Regardless, a small break to listen to her lover’s whispering voice was quite nice; especially given Shuten knew that if Magnolia kept going, there would probably be no return point.

So, Shuten listened. She spoke of living in hatred and revenge for hundreds of years. How she was afraid of losing Shuten just from baring her truest feelings bare. Shuten smiled gently, putting her right hand on Magnolia’s cheek, caressing it gently as she listened. She didn’t feel like it was right to interrupt her right now.

All that Magnolia said, Shuten listened and took in. Truth be told, she felt the same, and nodded gently when Magnolia spoke of feeling lost without the other. Frankly, Shuten felt the same.

“I would’ve been lost without you as well, my love”

A whisper to match that of her lover’s, falling silent once more to listen to Mag. She had become irreplaceable, treasured, and Shuten felt the same about Mag. These past weeks, months, she was gone… Shuten was terrified to lose the most important woman in her life. But she came back. Then, she spoke of vows. Marriage.

Shuten’s ears could hardly believe what they were hearing. This all felt it was happening a bit fast but… they had been in a relationship for a rather good amount of time. Regardless, Shuten could do little more than stare with her mouth partially agape; a dial up tone playing in her mind as she came to grip with what she heard. Her mind was processing what she had heard while also doing her best to come up with her answer. Was she ready to be married? Was anyone really? But was she ready to be with Magnolia for the rest of her life…?

Maybe Shuten was quiet for far too long. But, it felt almost impossible for her to think of her answer while dealing with the shock of basically being proposed to. The silence was not intended, she did not wish to make Magnolia suffer; but she did eventually gently caress her lovers cheek and smiled warmly, her shocked expression fading away with that smile.

Yes, I will marry you~ Magnolia Everfrost, it would be my honor to marry you; I would love to be your wife and spend the rest of our lives together~”

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