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God of Love
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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:24 am
So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] E2MW4xa


In all likelihood, Erchanhardt knew that it was a potential political nightmare for him to be traveling to the City of Lights. His claim to the throne had been backed by Vastime, after all, and he knew that this was hardly a place friendly to them. But the reality of the matter was that Vastime was slowly becoming unstable without its king there to lead it, and with its queen suddenly more and more distant by the day. Perhaps the circumstances had been unavoidable, but that did not suddenly change that he needed to face the reality of the situation.

If the Vandenreich chose to move, they would not be opposed by anyone who could genuinely stop them. For the good of his own people, Erchanhardt would not stand in their way. He knew of their aims, their desire to protect the peace on Earth and to cut off travel between the realms. The former was a matter with which he agreed, but the latter was one toward which he was far more ambivalent. He was old, after all, and he remembered those days when things had been far simpler. Yet some of those he held most dear in his heart were not from this world. Could he, in good faith, deny others the opportunity for such happiness?

Well, there would be time for those musings later.

"Emperor Erchanhardt Burgstaller von Konigsberg, to see Director Helle Armstrong."

Despite his remarkable title, and his statuesque presence, Erchanhardt had arrived with little fanfare. He had no entourage, and he wore no kingly garb, merely a crisp suit with only his imperial crest on the lapel to mark his position. He may as well have simply been a quite large man as he was escorted to the director's office, and he knocked on the door firmly, yet with the respect due to one of her station. After all, he had no authority here.

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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:23 pm

So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“Yes. Come in, Mr. Burgstaller.”

Was that the correct way to address him. She’s not entirely sure. Despite her status, she’s not entirely used to entertaining royalty, especially one from her country. Her German heritage is something she has never had the need to think about, but when faced with a fellow German, it is hard to not think about her bloodline. Still, his reasoning for being here must be something more important than blood. Why her of all people though? Did Cyrus prove too occupied? Maybe it was her damned superior who put her in this situation in the first place.

She was entirely unprepared for him when the news had reached her. It was a miracle she was capable of putting herself together before he arrived. Papers had been scattered, books misplaced, her outfit unkempt. She even had to use a bit of her power to ensure she got things tidied up. Hopefully he finds nothing out of order. She even made sure to put on her best professional smile as he entered.

“Welcome to The City of Lights, Mr. Burgstaller. I hope you have found everything to your liking.”

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God of Love
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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 3:48 pm
So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] E2MW4xa


Of course, Erchanhardt wasn't one to particularly judge another based on something such as their office. His own was immaculate, but he knew that few had the same mentality as he did toward these things. No, his attention was only on the Director of the Sternritter herself, considering it was with her that he had business this day.

"The city is beautiful, certainly. I would certainly say as much to any who asked me of where they ought to travel. But I hope you do not mind if I skip over the typical pleasantries of a royal visitation. I do not wish to waste your time, as I have no doubt that your position is one with far better things to do than hosting diplomatic meetings."

Erchanhardt had no illusions as to his importance in the grand scheme of things. It would have been foolish of him to simply act as though his role as Emperor of a single nation granted him some tremendous right over others. Then again, perhaps that was not something other leaders tended to take into consideration. No matter.

"I have come to discuss the activity of the Sternritter within my borders, Director Armstrong. It is no secret that my nation has maintained a strong relationship with Vastime since the war, and I thank you for not simply treating me as an enemy. But I suspect you know as well as I that Vastime has become unstable in recent times, and their government, without their king, is not one I wish to associate with. I would like to formally open the Holy Roman Empire's borders to your people, though you understand the delicate political position I am put in if I offer any assistance beyond that."

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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Dec 05, 2021 4:13 am

So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Straight to the meat of the matter. Helle wonders why she, of all people, must deal with these complications. She is far too young to be feeling as old as Mr. Burgstaller looks. Though, this exchange has been something coming for a while now, so it’s not like she’s completely inadequate to try and negotiate their situation. As most know, Vastime has become rather unstable due to its King’s recent demise. Her attention has been focused elsewhere, but Vastime was always a touchy subject for her Liege, especially considering Cyrus’ relationship with Hayden. One could say that the two large masses were abiding by a ceasefire for a time, as uneasy as it seemed. It would make sense for allies of Vastime to slowly sway from its reach as it crumbled day by day. Sad, but an inevitably.

“Yes. Us of the Vandenreich would never ask for more than such from you, Mr. Burgstaller. As we are now, causing unnecessary conflict would prove inbeneficial to the Earth after everything. Open borders would simply allow us to perform our duties better as protectors of Earth. There still exist many Shadowfall remnants and an abundance of Hollow infestation all over. Ease of movement simply allows for us all to better combat and work to repair the damages caused by the last few wars. However, with your request, it would only prove appropriate to ask if there is anything that you would ask of the Vandenreich. We do not simply take without compensation, especially considering the stake at hand.”

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God of Love
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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:33 am
So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] E2MW4xa


"I would hardly think of it as 'taking' much of anything. It is not as if I am handing over my lands to you or anything of the like. You are simply doing your duty in one more corner of the world, and I will ensure that your people are able to move freely among my lands, and through Europe at large if necessary. I will, additionally, provide any information necessary to you."

It was naturally appreciated that Director Armstrong would ask after such a thing, of course. Erchanhardt knew well that she was the one with the leverage in this situation, and he had little that he could offer her in turn. He was simply a king asking for outside assistance in protecting his realm.

"There is only one thing I would ask of you, though I would ask that such things not leave this room for the sake of security. I am aware that the Duvalier Group currently does business here in the City of Lights. Given it a financial matter, I of course understand if you are not willing to share anything regarding them, but I would quite appreciate any surveillance you happen to have regarding them."

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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:53 am

So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Interesting… That woman? Now, why is she suddenly important? Helle could not help but allow her head to tilt, a sign of slight confusion. She remembers meeting with the woman, a short meeting that she did not feel adequate enough to have even had. She also remembers telling Miss Duvalier that she would find her efforts better spent speaking to someone else who’s more of an expert on business transactions. Of course, the meeting went pleasantly, but Helle, as daft as she is capable of being, did not think Miss Duvalier a saint. Business is business after all, but Mr. Burgstaller is making it seem as if there’s something work specifically watching out for. Well, every large faction has its spiderwebs, but it is not Helle’s duty to unnecessarily snoop.

“I am unsure if I am allowed to relinquish such information, and I am fairly certain that nothing has come up. If so, it has been kept from my attention. It is not within my jurisdiction to be privy to certain things after all. As they say, some information is left to those immediately responsible for it. If I may ask, why are you interested? I am certain that Miss Duvalier does as every business person does, which is to secure her company's future, but I would not put it past her to have dabbled in immoral practices.”

Helle is an optimistic woman, but in a world full of creatures born of sin and demons, she is no idiot to foolishly believe that every person is devoid of evil. She, herself, is not as pretty inside as she is outside. She is simply curious on if she should begin surveilling the activities of one of the Vandenreich’s partners. Surely, it would not be hard to bargain such with the others. There is one thing she dislikes out of everything.

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God of Love
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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Dec 05, 2021 7:03 am
So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] E2MW4xa


That was to be expected, of course. Erchanhardt would frankly have reconsidered any diplomatic relations with the Vandenreich if Director Armstrong had handed over information of that importance so freely. But it was in his nature to broach topics such as this more naturally than to simply give an obvious warning.

"Her company is one that I believe has ties to a handful of illicit activities through Europe, and perhaps through the world as a whole. But it is a trail which moves remarkably neatly, and I have no hard proof at the moment. Since she moved into Italy, however, I have found that the nation's whole government is rather neatly in the Duvalier Group's pocket. It is only natural that I remain cautious of anyone such as that, particularly when they have become so overwhelmingly present in world affairs."

Erchanhardt did not fear the Duvalier Group, nor what they might do to him. After all, he could have handled anything such a woman might pay to have sent at him. No, the issue was what she could do to those in his care, and beyond that, to the world as a whole.

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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:22 pm

So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

“I thought as much, honestly. If one were to speak ill of another business, it would not be as simple as it being strong competition. No. You accuse her of illegal dangerous actions. I do not think you’re lying, considering the way the world works, but as you also said. There’s no evidence to support such claims, and without that, our hands are tied. As it stands, Miss Duvalier is currently providing the Vandenreich with much, as business transactions usually work. It would be bad mannered to turn against her while she stands beside us, even if she does so to further her own goals.”

However, that is what proves the issues. Yes? It is the fact that none can move against Miss Duvalier without losing a significant business partner. That is how monopolies work, and as they grow out of control, it becomes impossible to topple them. Helle knows little about how to handle this situation besides having people look into it. Even so, what are they supposed to do if they find something illicit? Turn the world against them again? Miss Duvalier will no doubt fight back if challenged. Helle has seen the woman’s technology and knows it would be a gruesome battle.

“We should table this for now. Surely, you have more you would like to discuss that I am more capable of helping you with. Hypotheticals and accusations will have us sitting here all day pondering but never acting.”

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God of Love
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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Tue Dec 07, 2021 3:02 am
So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] E2MW4xa


"You are quite right, of course. I would not wish to idle on such topics of conversation overlong, for they are hardly fruitful. If any further information comes to my attention, I will have it brought here, whether by myself personally or by one of my Reichsritter."

Most might have wished to continue the conversation, but Erchanhardt did rather genuinely see it as fruitless for the both of them if it were to continue. After all, there was little more to be said for either of them. He was quite certain that further intelligence would be found soon, and until then, it was not worth lingering on the matter.

"If I may, I wish to discuss with you more abstract matters of the Vandenreich's aim, and of the operations of the Sternritter. I am not concerned with diplomatic retaliation by Vastime if I am to allow you travel within my borders, naturally. But I am familiar enough with your goals, and with those of the Gotei United, to know that your peace seems built on matters of convenience rather than genuine agreeance. I would not deign to tell you what you may or may not think. My only request is that you cooperate peacefully with the Gotei in my borders."

It was something that might almost have seemed accusatory, but Erchanhardt did not particularly mean it that way, nor did he say it in such a way. It was, rather, a very genuine request, and one born of something other than distrust in the Vandenreich.

"I believe that Vastime's greatest failing was an inability to accept the role of outsiders in their world. Despite their disagreeance with your outlook, they were quite insular, and now there is little anyone on the outside can do to assist. I do not wish to condemn my people to the same fate should some sudden ill fortune befall me. I have seen your organization's outreach, your willingness to accept those from all peoples and all walks of life, and I consider it most admirable. So long as that outlook is extended to your work within my borders, I do not think I could reasonably request much more of you."

Though Erchanhardt had said all of this as merely his way of prefacing a request, he would have been almost disappointed if Helle did not engage with the points that he had made, if she simply left the conversation unaddressed. He wished to know what sort of woman controlled these Sternritter.

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So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] Empty Re: So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle]

Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:56 pm

So Far Like a Monarch [Erchanhardt, Helle] ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Her eyes became unclear, difficult to read. She’s obviously perplexed, a cloud forming over her expression, muddying it. Something between a firm thin line and wry smile took hold of her lips as she seemed to lose much of her friendliness as the Gotei are brought up into their conversation. It’s hard to try and place where her thoughts went to, but her minute movements made it clear. As she moved files around, opening a few and looking within them, anyone would feel as if they overstayed their welcome. However, the awkward silence that befell the two Germans did not last forever.

“I only have the ability to give orders to those below me, Mr. Burgstaller. Whether they follow my orders or not… I am afraid it would be difficult to guarantee no issues between the Gotei and the Vandenreich. Many come to us, for one reason or another, and it is nigh impossible to understand everyone’s motives. Of course, the appropriate punishments shall be dished to those who bring harm to our world whether through needless complications or other means.”

This is a touchy subject, a touchy subject indeed. Helle knows, somewhat, of Cyrus’ view of the Gotei. In fact, she knows Mazda of all people would be greatly sore that the Gotei would consider themselves equal. Helle cannot promise she knows what the future holds. She is unable to lie to this man’s face with hollow promises. It would be so easy for someone to pull the trigger of a gun and spark a horrendous spiral of events.

“I will do my best to uphold your request.”

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