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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:16 pm
White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] SqnQSvN


This was her day off, her day to not focus so heavily on studies or training, to not stress herself...

...So why the heck did she feel so freaking tense?!

Between the altercation between the two women, to walking behind Candice on the way to whatever establishment she had her eye on, Vee was trying to not go 'what the hell am I doing' and just turn around and go home. She wanted to scream, not only from the bad feeling she had in deciding to hang out with someone she had previously only seen on websites and photo ops, and so far was poising herself to be a drama machine, but also from Giselle leaving her alone with her after all of that!

Wanting to figuratively eat her own hat and slap a lecture's worth of words on Giselle next time she saw her, she decided to just do the polite thing and at least keep Candice company through... Whatever this was. Even if she offered to pay for Vee's end, she still felt a little squirmy about going anywhere upscale and being paid for; for the most part she had to either earn her stuff or felt the sting when she didn't, but she knew full well on her meager funds that she wouldn't be able to afford anything Candice likely wouldn't bat an eye at, and asking for them to go somewhere less expensive probably wouldn't jive well with her attitude.

"Uh, so..." She'd begin as they approached the place, "..Wait wait, isn't this a bar? I mean, I know they serve food but.. Huh."

She honestly never thought of even trying alcohol since being out on her own; she wasn't allowed to have any at home, and surprisingly any stash of it was well hidden. Looking at the place, she.. Honestly wasn't sure what to think.

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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:01 am

White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

To say that Candice had been rather distant on the walk across the city would probably be a fair description from Vee's perspective. Taking the lead, she had weaved a path through the streets at a pace that was just a little uncomfortable to keep up with. But, as they got further away from parting ways with Giselle, so too did her mood steadily improve. By the time they were at the entrance to the establishment she was even smiling, a cheery little thing that she even dared to point in her companion's direction.

"Yeah, it is. That is often where one goes for lunch when taking in the sights of the city. Places like this."

Her brow furrowed a little at what Vee was implying, confused at first but then outwardly perplexed. It was a peculiar thought for the woman to have, even if she had been a little coddled. Was she averse to alcohol or something?

"Is that a problem? I mean, I might get a mimosa but you don't have to if you don't want to."

Electric Influence | END POST
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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:43 pm
White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] SqnQSvN


Well.. At least she looks like she's in a better mood...

Vee was still rather cautious with Candice given the earlier spat, a little on edge as her statement was given an answer, quickly shaking her head,

"Oh, no no no, it's not like that, I just haven't... Drank before." The girl shuffled awkwardly before laughing and moving towards the door, "I just, I.. Uhm... Nevermind, let's just go."

She was very much not allowed to drink; ladies didn't drink, ladies were to be sober and sane and presentable always - least that's what she heard whenever she asked.

And with that thought, she'd grin on the inside; well... She WASN'T there, was she? She was far, far away, long away from any stupid opinions or ways of life. Nothing left to hold her down and captive... Even if it made her stomach squirm in anticipation, why not live a little?

"..Youuuu... Got any reccomendations? For alcohol, that is."

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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:41 pm

White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Never? Not even a little drop from your mother's cup when you think she isn't looking? You are old enough, aren't you? Wait what is the legal age here?"

A bit of a personal cut from Candice as she recalled one of her first experiences of alcohol. She had been young and curious, as many were, and it had tasted godawful. Even a few decades later she still hadn't developed a real taste for red wine and she blamed it on that incident. She had also raised a good point, though. Was this place considered international waters then? Were there actually any real laws? How curious.

"Look, alright, if you want to go drinking then we can? I know a few better places than this, which is more food and business. For what it's worth, I don't usually do so on an empty stomach but we can make do can't we?"

She was abuzz with energy, as perhaps she always was, and it was almost infectious. It wasn't like she had expected Vee to be boring by any stretch of the word, but this was certainly an interesting twist and she was going to get her money's worth.

Electric Influence | END POST
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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:12 pm
White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] SqnQSvN


She simply shook her head in response, "Nope. Never. Not allowed in my house."

She hadn't ever even seen a bottle resting anywhere; the only hint of it she'd ever gotten was her father's stinking breath some nights. Even having any lying around wasn't alright, which, considering the amount of children who were in the house, perhaps it wasn't a bad rule. Still, not being able to experience it kinda sucked...

"Legal age? Pretty sure... Actually I have no idea. I mean i'm an adult, so like..." She'd ease into a shrug, "I guess it'd be okay..?"

She'd cross her arms, looking back at the place and then to Candice when she mentioned she knew better places for drinking. Well... It's not like Vee personally went looking for good drinking spots, nor had it on her mind... It WAS her day off, so getting a little explorative wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Well yeah that work's... But uh..." She pulled a bit of a puzzled look, "What do empty stomachs have to do with drinking, exactly?"

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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:23 pm

White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Alright, I'm going to go ahead and assume you are. Screw this place anyway, let's go."

She could have cared more, as an actual friend might, but honestly, she barely knew this girl so if she wanted to drink then who was Candi to refuse such a suggestion?

Pivoting away from the entrance to the restaurant, she did take the lead once more as Candi began to lead Vee in the direction of the bars and clubs that she had previously visited and grown to appreciate. If there was anything she knew how to do after one night out in a city, it was how to have a good time. There was a bounce to her step as she turned back to make sure Vee was following her as if she had not just nearly broken down to tears on the street not ten minutes ago, a girlish giggle escaping her lips.

"Look, alright, we can grab some snacks at the bar and it will be fine. No need to worry about a thing, Vee."

Electric Influence | END POST
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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:06 pm
White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] SqnQSvN


She'd merely shrug and follow Candice. If age was actually an issue, the people working the bar would say something after all, right? Though, as she walked with her, she felt more and more like the odd third wheel who ended up with the pretty girl for the day, a pretty girl who overall acted hella weird and, maybe conceited? Vee couldn't get a read on this woman for the life of her, and she wasn't particularly sure if she even could.

She felt that nervous anticipation as she caught sight of those bars and clubs - now to think of it, she's never been to a club before, either. They always sounded pretty fun, but there weren't any near her home... Not that she'd even be allowed to go there back then. She was interrupted from her thoughts by Candice's giggling and settling on just getting them snacks. She was still confused as to why that mattered, but decided dwelling on it would get her nowhere.

"So, uh, Ms. Catnipp?" She'd part her lips to give a questioning tone, "There any advice you could give me, like, outfit-wise? I'm not super experienced in.. Actual, fashion."

There was a better question in her mind, but given how she was behaving not that long ago towards Giselle, she figured keeping the topic free of her was for the best. She didn't wanna set off even more drama...

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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:54 am

White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Flicking blonde hair over her shoulder with all the grace of a lifelong fashionista, Candice did not even look at Vee as she requested her aid in matters of fashion and dress. Of course, there were a thousand things that she could say that might help. But which one might actually matter to her at this moment.

"Alright. One quick tip for free. The rest might cost you."

She snorted derisively, knowing that she would likely divulge more after a drink or two.

"Whatever you wear, you own it. Is it the best outfit in your wardrobe? Maybe not. But if you exude the aura that it is then people will treat it with respect."

It hardly made sense, but did anything in Candice's world actually make sense? Not really.

Electric Influence | END POST
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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:53 am
White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] SqnQSvN


Vee could feel herself sweat at the mention of cost; she didn't get much in the way of money, the very idea of expenses was relatively new to her in general, given most everything was taken care of by her parents or siblings for the most part. She was kept well fed and surrounded by people even if it wasn't her favorite circumstance... She was still pretty squeamish towards suddenly having to take care of everything herself.

Though, Candice's piece of advice took her from her thoughts, her brow raised. Even if she didn't totally get it, she could at least understand the intent.. She hadn't ever owned any incredibly impressive articles of clothing before, often going around in rather modest attire as she was used to. She just had to... Act like what she was wearing WAS really good looking?

"Uh... I don't get it, but okay!" Her tone was cautious and wavering, "So just like..."

She'd stand just a little bit straighter, fixing her face to have more of a serious look, and perhaps went a little too hard on walking confidently, "...Am I doing it right?"

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White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] Empty Re: White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice]

Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:46 am

White Girl Wasted [Vee/Candice] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Casting her gaze sideward to study Vee's attempt, she covered her mouth with a hand as a girlish giggle escaped her lips. It was far too forced, there was definitely an effort made to take that confident mindset to heart but rather than letting it ooze out naturally she was forcing it from herself like one might expunge an unpleasant memory. Oh, but it was so endearing to watch her try.

"No, no, hehe. Look, you've only got to convince yourself. If you believe it then everyone else will fall in line in the end."

It was not a thing she could exactly demonstrate, as Candice exuded confidence in almost every aspect of her being at the moment. Sure, Vee had just seen her get beat down and frustrated, but that was the past and she lived for the moment. That black pit in her stomach was just a byproduct of them skipping lunch, nothing more or less really.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, few people are naturally talented so most have to work on these skills over the course of a lifetime. Let's get some cocktails and loosen up a bit before you try again, alright?"

Electric Influence | END POST
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