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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:23 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Munching on some meat, she'd shrug her shoulders, "Well don't get too excited; work's work. And some people here are real hardcore about it. Good luck where ever you end up though, sure they'll place you well. You could consider me new too, well, new to the new Vandenreich."

She could understand the need for new scenery; pretty much getting herself enlisted was a particularly odd way of doing that but, hey, people are people. She was still at eating her plate's share, waving down someone to get some water before hmming, trying to think of what to say. Wasn't like she was prying for her own reasons, so she left that be.

"If you could be any animal, what would you be?" She decided some silly question would be better since she hadn't much on her mind, "Real animals only."

END | Yeehaw
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sun Jan 02, 2022 9:40 pm


Natasha tilted her head after finishing her first burger, musing on what animal she desired to be. Any animal, huh? Well, that was a random question if one sure did exist but Natasha decided she would play along. It would be entertaining to ask her the same question in return.

Stroking her chin thoughtfully, she took a few moments before deciding on the type of animal she would be. She never viewed herself as a predatory individual so she certainly wasn't gonna hit her with some prideful answer like a lion or a tiger.

No, if Natasha had to be honest, if she could be any animal... she'd certainly welcome the thought of being a cat. Cats were nice. Most of them had soft and well-kept fur and they were universally loved by everyone. Unless they were homeless, they didn't have to worry about a whole lot.

"Les' see here'... I suppose' I'd be a cat. I like cats. I actually own' about three of' em' and they're an absolute joy to be' around. I think I'd enjoy being' a cat. Especially a nice ole' house cat~" Natasha would gaze at Liltotto as she pulled a few fries from the plate, chewing at them softly.

"Since ya' asked me the question, what type of' animal would you be, Lil' lady~?"


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:42 am

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto rose a brow at her decision, not in any bad or questioning way, but simply in thought as she was working on her own set of fries. Even if it was a silly question, it was a way to get some insight on how a person saw themselves, and wanted the world to see them. Sure was less loaded and friendlier than, 'hey, what kind of person do you think you are?'.

A cat, a cat... Well, cats are simultaneously very loved yet very misunderstood animals; they appear aloof and uncaring when in reality their stares and dismissiveness are their way of communicating care. Was an interesting pick for an animal, at the very least; she had expected her to probably pick something larger or cooler - typically people's minds go to the popular or cool animals with this kind of question, like wolves or bears.

"Caterpillar," She answered without even looking up from her plate, "Small, yet brimming with potential."

She didn't go into full details of her own choice; no need to belabor the conversation with her sad old lady perspective right now.

END | Yeehaw
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:13 pm


"Caterpillar, huh? Interestin'." Natasha would make a passing comment in response to Liltotto's answer. She was in no position to judge her for it and Liltotto didn't force her to elaborate on her own answer either. From that small interaction, perhaps it was fair to assume that the petite woman was fond of animals? Considering all the mystical creatures and phantasms that roamed the modern day world, earthly animals, while not particularly a profound rarity, felt like an ancient relic to Natasha.

There was a time where people would marvel at animals, gazing upon them and their biological evolution with astonishment - and yet in a supernatural world filled with unquantifiable or law-defying phenomenon, Natasha felt like earthly animals would likely end up going overlooked. Ruminating on it for a moment, Natasha was amused to see they may have held some form of interest towards Liltotto.

"Seein' as ya brought up the subject , would it be wrong of o' me to assume you're fond of animals, darlin'~?""


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Mon Jan 03, 2022 8:55 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto was almost through with her first helping and starting on the next as Natasha inquired about her feelings on animals, a fondness for them. The blonde had a bit of a thoughtful expression, breaking her stoicism some as that was something she had her own perspective of, beyond the mindless answer of them being cool or fun or cute.

"Well, you could say i'm fond of them the same way i'm fond of everything else that makes up life." She'd start simply, but knew the woman deserved a more fleshed out answer, "Humans, plants, animals; they all have their own paths and experiences. Humans tend to place themselves on a sort of special pedestal; undeniably the human experience is a unique one, unmatched by other creatures, but I don't believe other beings are lesser because they aren't capable of tapping into the spiritual, or human-like intellect. Every thing has it's own path to walk, and eyes to perceive."

A feeling in her heart stirred when she spoke, hundreds of years of experience watching and being a part of the world being put into some perspective, "I just feel having the ability to learn and experience is valuable."

END | Yeehaw
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:01 am


As Natasha predicted, Liltotto possessed an interest in animals but further elaboration would reveal she held a fondness that existed in a more philosophical realm of thought than Natasha's initial conjecture. The small-framed woman seemed to valued learning and experience and how that applied to the growth of every living organism, including humans.

Admittedly, Natasha did not quite understand the scope of the small woman's fascination but she could certainly agree with the notion that the ability to learn and grow from your experiences was a indomitable essential within the whirlwind of life. For a small moment, she reflected on her own experiences and how they shaped her into the woman she was today.

For what it was worth - good or bad - she was still alive and breathing. Not bad for a yeehaw girl, right?

"It most certainly is, honey. Especially' concernin' humans. They can make alotta' mistakes in life and somehow persevere if they're willin' to learn. That's not a bad' worldview, I reckon'."


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Tue Jan 04, 2022 10:52 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

"Even those unwilling to learn end up learning something," She'd say with a distant expression, as if recalling an instance, before returning to the current moment. This woman was far more pleasant to talk to than she initially thought; kind of basic, but basic was good - there wasn't much to dig up, all the gore was there to see.

"The world before this, I yearn for it sometimes," She knew what she meant, but at the same time, didn't in a way, "...As in, before the world war. Before the spiritual really sank in. It was, well, I wouldn't say peaceful, but... Simpler."

She dug up her own recollection as she ate, "World wasn't full of scars, no demons, no flood of hollows, no Gotei or shinigami up playing hero. Just.. The living," She had the sound of pure disdain and disgust while referring to the Gotei and shinigami, but kept her tempers even, "No world's a paradise. I don't feel a paradise is feasible; so many different ideas and experiences that lead to different conclusions, different ideas of what's right and wrong, and those.. Clash," She'd weave her fingers together with that final word.

"Only way for there to be complete peace is if everyone thought and lived the same, but..." She'd scoff, "What kind of life would that be? Sounds awful, sounds worse than death. Nothing new would happen, it all would just stagnate, y'get me?"

END | Yeehaw
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:36 pm


Natasha could certainly relate to longing to turn back the pendulum - to a time before the supernatural became commonplace, where wars were waged over resources or countries and cities weren't being inhabited by creatures that defied common sense.

Even as a Quincy who could deal with a hollow well enough, nothing had ever truly prepared her for the day when demons set foot on earth. With a pronounced focus, Natasha's azure gaze remained locked on Liltotto as she continued to speak.

Every heartfelt word that spilled forth from her mouth had hit the woman with an existential bolt of lightning, with memories resurfacing of the days of her youth. She seemed destined for so much and yet it all seemed like a distant memory now, an ephemeral dream.

Her life was turned upside down in a flash and if she had to admit it somewhere deep down, part of why she came here was to have a chance at her own form of paradise. A second chance to make things right and protect those who could not protect themselves. Far from a hero--- yet also, a woman who dreams of a world where others are free to live their lives without worry.

Almost as if she was lost in a daydream, Natasha gave Liltotto a solemn nod, wholeheartedly in agreement with the woman and her sentiments.

"I get ya, Lil' Lady'. Even so, a world with a less less conflict than what we've endured over the last centuries would be nice. No such thing' as a wholly peaceful world' but I believe' everyone in this world deserves a chance to live' there lives without having to worry about fightin' for it or fearin' death's embrace when they walk outside their house."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:23 pm

Liltotto Lamperd

She could see how enamored with her views that Natasha was. Of course she would; Liltotto felt seen in a way, a feeling she was hesitant to dwell on. The golden-haired woman seemed to part her lips with a want to say something, but quietly sank back into her neutral look.

She knew how this went for her by now, and thus seemed to pull back, just a bit - to stifle those natural, close feelings. The other woman was free to see her however she wished, but for her own good she couldn't get incredibly attached. Each and every time she had to remind herself to spare herself those welling feelings, it felt like choking out a part of her own soul...

It was better for the both of them if that measured distance was kept, that was what she told herself. That's what she always told herself.

"Yeah. True." She'd speak, not as much of a rise to her voice compared to her last statements, "I'm not an ambitious woman, i'm not in this for any selfless reason. I just want work."

END | Yeehaw
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Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Up To Get Smashed? [Liltotto/Natasha]

Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:41 am


Natasha could not help but regard the woman with a warm smile, somewhat amused with the fact that this petite female was more than bargained for. From the way she entered and her initial demeanor, Liltotto seemed terse and far from what someone could call sociable and yet -within the span of a single conversation held between them - Natasha had shifted on her opinion of the small woman listening to her express herself and her sentiments to the world at large. Natasha could agree with the small woman on one thing.

Neither of them were entirely ambitious or full of lofty goals. One wanted work and the other was a runaway from the states who wanted a fresh start. Working on her next burger after working up an appetite from the conversation, she kept her eyes focused on Liltotto as she shared her sentiment about her purpose towards the Vandenreich.

"I'm just hopin' I can be of use' here'. Nothin' too' lofty, I suppose'. I got some talents' from my days as a soldier' and I'm pretty well-equipped against battlin' different types o' threats. I just want' to feel life... there's still meaning to my life, ya know'?"


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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