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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:09 pm

Gunslinger Girl

Elouviana Miller

Guns guns guns 6EdIfMt

There were a lot more creatures that Hollows out there causing trouble. Hollows, at least, were predictable and easy to hunt. Guys like this, who were "allegedly" running a slavery ring, were a lot worse. Ignorant of Quincy capabilities and just wanting the easiest target they could, Elou had been grabbed by them after making a big show about being very drunk and totally not aware of her surroundings. Which was a massive lie, but they didn't need to know that.

The dark, dingy basement they had her and a few other girls locked in was one thing, but did they really have to take her clothes? Maybe mother was write about Elou and her mindset, because right now she had very little trouble thinking about shooting all these slavers to death.

She denied that thought though. Fair Trial was the most important thing, after all. So, with a quick Blut, she snapped the cuffs and spawned Adamska, marching up to the door to the basement and blowing the handle off. The guys were surprised to see her walk out with a glowing revolver, but three rounds fired off before they could aim properly, each one guided precisely into their heads. It was concussive rather than piercing, and so knocked them out cold.

A fourth was hiding round the corner, waiting for his moment, but that was nothing, so Elou fired off a fourth round and curved the bullet round the corner to knock him out as well.

Four gunshots was definitely going to bring someone to investigate, so she had to find something to cover herself and others before anyone came....

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Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:08 pm


Natasha was not particularly interested in returning to the united states, visiting only to spend a few nights, grab the rest of her belongings and go back to the City of Lights. She smiled somewhat sullenly as she reflected on the sour memories and relationships that had been compromised as a result of her actions.

Even so, Natasha was not a woman who lingered on spoiled milk for long. Everything seemed relatively peaceful now, and even though she was uncertain about whether or not she would ever return to the Lone Star State, Natasha could envision visiting the states every now and then. She had spent her first night drinking at a bar until she caught wind of a woman who appeared to be shitfaced out of her mind being carried off by some men.

Natasha decided to poke her nose in their business and keep an eye on them as they took her off, following them up until they had reached their location. A house that appeared somewhat shady in it's construction, Natasha could tell these men' were up to no' good.

She bided her time to survey the perimeters of the area but before she could fully gather any further intel, four gunshots were let loose and that set the the blonde-haired woman into motion as she utilized Hirenkyaku to quickly make her way through the door only to find the same woman the men had taken away - without any clothing and a revolver in her hand. Blinking her eyes, Natasha tilted her head as she stared at Elouviana.

"Assumin' my predictions ar' correct...I guess you playin' the role of a drunk young' lady was an act? Either that' or ya' sober up pretty quickly'. Anyway, name's Natasha. Natasha Miller. I'm here to offer' assistance if ya' need it', youngin'."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:07 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:00 am

Gunslinger Girl

Elouviana Miller

Guns guns guns 6EdIfMt

Welp, didn't find any clothes. Though, to be fair, she wasn't expecting anyone to react that quickly. She must have been in the area or just walking by or something. Returning the gun to reishi, she'd cover herself up as best she could and look around for anything a bit more permanent.

"A bit of both. Blut is great for avoiding a Hangover" the woman would speak, a surprisingly subdued and pretty chill tone despite the situation and deep red cheeks. "Assistance in the form of some clothes, and possibly a phone, would be appreciated. I realized my plan was a bit...underplanned" she'd state. The woman had the same surname, which was fun. The common surnames like Smith, Baker, Miller, Tanner...certainly were abound in the old days.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:32 am


"Hoh~ A fellow quincy? Interestin'. Didn't expect to find one of my' own' kind out here' in the states. Pleasure to meet ya', sweetie." A pleasant smile would line the blonde-woman's lips as pulled a cellphone from her pocket and handed it to Elouviana before searching around' to find clothes, coming across a female's outfit that seemed like a suitable dress for Elouviana's body. Returning from her search, she handed the dress to Elouviana and leaned on the walls, pulling out a piece of gum to chew on as she waited for the woman to get situated.

"So, what was yer' plan if it involved being kidnapped. sweetie? Judgin' by their unconscious bodies on the ground... It seems like this' is' a stunt they've pulled on' more than' just one occasion."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:47 am

Gunslinger Girl

Elouviana Miller

Guns guns guns 6EdIfMt

Calling the police while Nat went off to find a dress, Elou would cover herself up, and flick her hair out. The plan wasn't terrible, after all. Just, bad was all.

"There were rumors about that someone was operating a human trafficking ring in the city. And...I dunno, I guess I dislike rumors. Things are or are not, and so I wanted to prove either way" Elou would finish, looking around to make sure that everyone was still unconscious. The Authorities would pick up the girls in the basement, and everything would be fine.

"Sorry, for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Elouviana Miller. I came to the states after my mother had some family troubles. Not doing terribly, despite the War decimating cities, and that one country"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:07 am


Huh. Same surname, huh? That sure was interestin' yet not entirely uncommon as far surnames in the united states were. Natasha continued to lean against the wall with a casual posture as she listened to Elouviana explain herself. That was a questionable idea if there ever' was one but fortunately, possessing quincy ability was a hell of an equalizer that allowed her to come out of this situation relatively unscathed. Had these men been any stronger than your average goon or possessed significant spirit abilities of their own, Elouviana might not have been so lucky.

"Be careful' and more observant' next time, darlin' As a woman whos' don her fair share of missions 'an' assassinations', you always have to operate with a sense' of poise before you go headfirst into confirmin' rumors. Yer' kinda fortunate none of these goons' could hold a candle to ya' in terms of overall ability. Don't be so risky, s'ugah. Ya' got yer' whol' life ahead of ya'."

Natasha would respectfully wave her hand in the authorities direction before walking out with Elouviana.

"I see, I see. Well life has certainly' seemed to improve since the majority o' the demons decidin' to abandon ship in the US. "


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:34 am

Gunslinger Girl

Elouviana Miller

Guns guns guns 6EdIfMt

"I wasn't particularly worried about the fighting portion of this. If it really got out of hand, I still had my Vollstandig. The poor part was....afterwards" she'd comment, gesturing to the fact that she was a little underequipped for this whole shindig.

Though the comment about Demons had her raising her eyebrow. It seemed...obtuse at best.
"These guys aren't Demons. And there is a fair number of Demons who's mothers were born in the US. They are as much citizens of Earth as any of us, so it's kind of scapegoating to blame one particular group? Humans don't fight each other much because they've got other people to fight. But if there were no Demons to fight, you can guarantee we'd be back at each other's throats in no time"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:30 am


Natasha tilted her head in confusion as she looked at Elouviana with an incredulous gaze in her azure eyes. An odd woman, no doubt. Natasha was clearly aware that not a single one of these men were demons nor did she make any implication that they were.

Even if she brushed that particular comment off, she furrowed her eyebrows at this raven-haired woman implying that she was using demons as a scapegoat when world four featured a vast majority of them. Did that ruin her opinion of demons in general? No. Even so, she wouldn't ignore the chaos a particular group had inflicted on her hometown nor the people they killed. Perhaps Elouviana had met demons who were generally well-meaning people. Good for her. Natasha was not so fortunate, however.

She took her phone from Elouviana's hand, placing the cellular device in her pocket before shuffling her feet to avoid a debate with the young woman. The motion was akin to someone prepared to leave a conversation midway through, to not be drawn in to a particular engagement that might dampen their mood. She seemed like she had most of the answers for any scenario that came her way.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:30 pm

Gunslinger Girl

Elouviana Miller

Guns guns guns 6EdIfMt

Hmm. Silence. Welp, she'd screwed it again, however she had. Maybe she needed to be less...jubilantly cynical about humanity? Try to act less like their terrible nature in every possible circumstance was not something everyone should just expect by now? Either way, this was an awkward silence she needed to break before it got any worse.

"So, thanks for the help" she'd state, giving a smile, though her tone was still akin to discussing the taste of water. "You should come to my house, dinner is on soon. It will be a way of thanking you for helping with the last leg of the plan"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:21 pm


For a moment, Natasha had truly contemplated walking off into the night but southern hospitality demanded that she accept Elouviana's offer. As much as she might have found herself annoyed by the young woman's statements, Natasha should be the mature one here and understand that youthful oblivion is an excusable offense. When she was young, she wasn't too far off, although cynicism towards humankind was not one of the traits she had picked up on her life's journey.

Overeager? Certainly. Turning back to Elouviana, she smiled softly as she shrugged her shoulders. It was a free meal, after all. What type of southerner would she be to turn that down?

"Well, I suppose' a little supper' wouldn't hurt. Just try to tone it down on the cynicism, alright'? I know it's easy to think the way you think' in a world like this with men like the ones you just saw but... there's hardly any fun in thinkin' that way all the time... Anywho, lead the way, darlin'."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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