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Ame no ko
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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:25 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 6EdIfMt

“There’s movement. We’ve got company indeed.”

Hanako agreed with Amon in a hissed voice. There was still hope they could slip by undetected, although that hope seemed to be fading by the second. Not that Hanako would have minded a fight, especially with this room being large enough, but it would slow them down even more than the stumbling through the darkness before.

“Then let’s have a look at what he was pointing at.” Hanako said still in a low voice. “But if he really wants to help us he better stop pounding on that glass. That#s quite possibly what woke up those…whatever they are.”

She waved with her left hand at the shadowy figure on the observation stand in a hope that he (or she?) would understand and stop banging on the glass. After all he had their attention.

With both hands now on the hilt Hanako raised her sword into a neutral position before her body, ready to defend or attack if needed. She turned her head quickly to survey the room. It was vast, cavernous compared to the narrow passages they came down through. And there was light, enough for them to see and for Hanako to stop using the blue flickering on her sword. It was barely visible in these conditions anyway.
There were workstations, like long desks, in the middle of the room. They looked antiquated, even by the standards of the rather traditional Soul Society. There were cups, notes, personal items of various kinds…if it hadn’t been for the dust everywhere Hanako wouldn’t have been surprised if some workers walked in and took their places at the stations. Even the hum seemed to come from this room, as if all the equipment was still working. How long was it abandoned? And why did it look as if the occupants of this room had just vanished from one moment to the next?

Hanako now could see dozens of shapes, up in the rafters, moving slowly. She couldn’t identify what they were, but there suddenly was the question again of what happened to the workers that had been in this room? Why weren’t there even any corpses left? Could they be responsible for their disappearance?

“Be prepared to defend yourselves. We have enough room to manoeuvre down here, but don’t let yourself get separated or cornered. We have no idea what these things are, or if they are even hostile, so don’t do anything rash.”

She turned around so that her back was towards an imaginary centre of a triangle, with the three Shinigami as vertices. Then she took one step outward to give everyone enough room to swing their swords without endangering the others. If Amon and Hayden took similar positions the three of them had almost the whole room in their view. Only there was another concern. Every exit seemed blocked off.

“It sounds as if you know a thing or two about this. See what you can find out and if you can open the way. I still hope we haven’t been noticed yet and can make a quick exit without losing too much time. But if necessary Hayden and I will watch your back, right?”

She looked over at Hayden. She didn’t really know him, but she deeply hoped he was on board with her plan. After all, she had just suggested the both of them took a possible beating to give Amon enough time to open the door.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:51 pm
.Hayden Cemplus

Hayden watched the figure behind the glass, trying to discern any features. He couldn't, but he did hope that making an attempt would help him feel better. But of course, the longer he was incapable of doing so, the worse off he was. It only intensifieded the dread he was trying so hard to contained. The pit in his stomach began to consume more, and he could feel it up into his diaphragm. He was consciously controlling his breathing, a deep breath in and out. Not just in an attempt to keep himself calm, but he felt like if he did not do so then he was simply going to stop. His knuckles were white around the handle of his sword.

His eyes were then drawn upwards, watching the ambiguous shapes move above them. Each second was making him feel worse.

"Calm down," a familiar voice said. It didn't seem like much, but those two words did anchor him. The pit slowly seemed to fill in. His feet felt the ground again. His breath seemed to ease. After all, his fear at the moment was, for the most part, in his head. He still felt very uneasy. But he knew that he couldn't lock up, especially if those... things decided they wanted to have a go at the trio. He just had to hope and pray that they were cannon fodder.

As Hanako spoke, he listened, taking a position across from her, his back turned towards Amon. He reached his left hand over to grab his zanpakuto, positioning the sword to make a swipe upwards. They would in fact have to come down, and that fall was a good moment to take at least one down. They were already outnumbered, so he may as well give them as little chance to fight as possible.

"I don't remember you being my captain," the shinigami commented. But behind the words, there was finally an expression from him that he was purposefully displaying. His lips curled into a grin as he looked over to his superior, nonetheless nodding. A light jest in an attempt to help himself feel better. There was still the uncertainty behind it, but he was hoping it would suffice for his comrade

However there was work to be done, so he turned his gaze back upwards, readying himself for an problems that may arise.

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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:31 pm

Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 NZLNN22

Clinch River

The figure at the window shied away from the glass as the other shapes began to move in earnest, their silhouette disappearing out of sight from the angle at which the party was looking up at. There was still so little that could be seen, even as they peered up intently, but the number of other shapes was at least thirty.

Seizing the initiative, the Shinigami formed up into a defensive triangle and began to make progress across the room. Approaching one workstation, Amon broke away to begin searching through the contents of various folders and files. It was mostly scientific jargon, not the kind that most people ran into on a daily basis. But he did glean a few nuggets of information, though it was up to him how useful they were in the heat of the moment. The facility was referred to in several pieces of documentation as “Laboratory D-95” and most of the paperwork was dated around the middle of World War 3, this particular desk had been focused on the biological study of a substance referred to only as “AZ” and in particular it’s affect on various local faunas. A quick look at the equipment set up along the desk revealed several long-dead and decaying plants, though it remained to be seen if that was a result of the experiments or nature taking its course over the decades in which they had been here. Of a code for the door ahead of them, there was no sign yet, but there were still seven more stations to search through.

Meanwhile, the shapes above them continued to grow more agitated even after the thumping had stopped. The trio were not making too much noise, with only Amon searching whilst the others remained on guard, but there was still the undeniable feeling that they had been noticed.

Pressing on to the next workstation, the triangle formation once more ready to go. There was a sudden whooshing in the air above them. There had been no stairwell that led up to the rafters, perhaps there were doorways above them but that remained to be seen, but instead of walking around some of the shapes had simply flung themselves off their platforms in a rush to get down to the lab floor.

They were humanoid in shape, that much was clear as soon as they descended past the lights, with various appendages that could well be limbs and the remnants of clothes - predominantly lab coats - still attached to their person.

It was not a controlled fall, though, they were tumbling almost mindlessly, and the first one impacted the ground at the far end of the room with a sickening crunch of broken bones - painting the nearby area in gore and viscera. Another one landed on the furthest workstation, shattering what equipment had been stored upon it and bending around the table in a macabre fashion, whilst the last of the first wave crumpled into a heap near the door by which they had entered.

All three piles, and they were piles now more than people, reeked of the scent that had been faintly growing as they had advanced deeper into the Laboratory. It was revolting to the Shinigami in that it seemed like decay, and yet the bodies were anything but decayed. They were split apart and mutilated, sure, but they did not look like they had ever been dead.

Above them all, the rafters continued to creek as more shapes moved. The noise of the others colliding with the ground had certainly agitated them all a little more.

Into the Unknown | END POST

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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:43 am
"Yeah not gonna lie, this is gonna suck…" Amon whispered to himself and his comrades, he paid only half his attention to the figure who now was backing off, with him saying, "Pussy."

The triangular defense scurried about from the first table to the next. Amon was quick while not going too fast for important information to slip on through, and like a bad habit, Amon "slipped" important looking papers into his pockets rather fast. He took mental notes of everything he skimmed through and was careful to pull important names for further reporting and his own research. Whether this place was going to be leveled later or not greatly depends on the situation. Personally, he'd burn everything in the building, the last thing they needed was a zombie outbreak.

Despite his dismay at the information he was looking for, Amon still pressed on with the group, giving hand signals as they unfortunately grew closer to the bodies that were Human. They stunk like literal hell though. As they moved closer every thud from the falling bodies, the writhing of limbs and the ever growing smell were sending off warning signals throughout his head. Amon's Asauchi spoke, which was rare but when he was stressed it came to him in a heavy Spanish accent telling him to ease up. Right now they were close to the threat and despite his eagerness to usually fight, the young Shinigami was very leary on the fact they were fighting possible zombies. He didn't want to get bit today.

"Gaddamn!" Amon expressed as quietly as possible, a writhing body in a crumpled mess through a shattered table was making more of a mess than he wanted. Without hesitation he quickly stabbed the individual through the head, and as soon as he went limp he rolled the carcass off the scattered papers and was quickly rolling through them. He still kept mind of anything moving toward them, or crawling, whichever worked.
Ame no ko
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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:15 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The trio fell into their defensive position, but while they did it she heard Hayden. Although his words seemed to defy her, the tone of his voice said something different. Actually Hanako was glad to hear it. Hayden had been like a silent observer until now, just tagging along. She had grown just a tad worried about him…until now. Yes, there may have been defiance in his voice, but what Hanako had heard wasn’t a Shinigami willing to defy his comrades, but death. That was all that was important at the moment.
When she looked over her shoulder at Hayden their eyes met for a short moment and she reciprocated his grin and nod in kind.

“I think this time you’re understating things.” Hanako whispered over her other shoulder to Amon.

When the ‘rain’ began she knew that she had been right. The instant the bodies hit the floor Hanako was reminded of rain and it, together with the smell, almost turned her stomach. Luckily she was quite used to suppressing feelings and bottling them up inside. Feelings of disgust and revulsion were no exception. It would probably haunt her in her dreams for a while, though.

What came down from the rafters was no longer human…but it once was. Their shapes were humanoid, although they were disfigured and mutilated, barely recognisable if it weren’t for remnants of clothes. Hanako’s first impulse was to call these beings corpses, only that they weren’t. They were living, somehow, in a tormented perversion of existence. Much to Hana’s surprise, pity was mixing itself in with the revulsion. Even the existence of a Hollow was less tragic, less senseless, than these mutilated beings that had once been human. If she slew a Hollow it would be cleansed of its sins committed since he had donned the mask, and the soul it had once been was sent back into the soul cycle. These zombies would lie here and rot, the souls inside them probably so far deteriorated that neither Plus nor Hollow could spring from it. Damn it, even if she, Hanako, were to be eaten by a Hollow, she would become part of it instead of just rot away and turn to dust. It was maybe a grim, cynical way to look at it, but almost everything was better than the existence these former humans had to suffer.

With a quick movement Hanako was at the pile of fleshy debris that had come down next to the door they had entered through. A fast and precise cut separated the head from what was left of the body. In an instant she was at her comrade’s sides again. Her eyes went up at the rafters and a moment of pointless rage at the rest of the creatures flared up inside her.

But then she saw another shadowy figure up there. She knew it was a figure only she could see. It was big, its proportions not entirely human. And although it was shrouded in darkness she knew that it was clad in an old style samurai armour.

”Control…” Bakumusha said to her. His deep and calm voice was as pleasant and calming as ever to her, although there was a sense of urgency behind it this time.

Hanako gave a slight nod, the movement barely noticeable, and he disappeared from her vision again. She had understood. Rushing into battle and attacking these things out of a misguided sense of revenge could do more harm than good. They seemed to be fragile, but that could be a misjudgment and they outnumbered the group ten to one, easily.

It was rare that Bakumusha spoke to her when she wasn’t visiting him in his realm. He only did it on occasion, when he felt it necessary, being a teacher that preferred to teach with patience and measure. It was interesting that recently he had started to show himself as a shape or a shadow in her view but in the real world.

“Breach…” Hanako said in a low voice over her shoulder. She rarely called Amon by his last name, her usage of it now emphasising the urgency of the situation.
“We need to get out of here.”

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:21 pm
.Hayden Cemplus

As the shinigami watched the bodies falling to the ground, Hayden winced at the first sound of a shattering skeleton. None of them had fallen close enough to anyone that Hayden felt he needed to take immediate action just yet, but the sights and sounds were unsettling regardless. The numbers alone were overwhelming, and he had a hard time thinking of how to handle the accumulating amount of opponents. If they had any durability to them, he wasn't sure if he could tear through them or not, though if they were simply animated bodies he may be able to. But he still wanted to use as little effort as possible to get through this room.

The piles were some relief. Every one of these things that couldn't move was one less he would need to deal with, he assumed. But their appearance was concerning nonetheless. Despite the scent of rot, which burnt at his nostrils like they were being held against an incense made of eggs, he noticed the somewhat "fresher" appearance of the flesh. The mutilation concerned him, and he wondered what could have possibly happened in order to put them in their current state.  Hopefully, if they made it out of the room they were currently in, he would have his questions answered.

However, he had a bit less hope in their scenario the moment he heart the grotesque noise of steel driving through skin, flesh, and bone, realizing that any hope they had of peacefully walking through the room had likely just evaporated. He glanced back for a split second and, sure enough, there was Amon removing his blade from a head. "Shit, he muttered, as he readjusted his sword to put the blade in front of him, and returned his gaze outwards to the majority of their problem.

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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:12 pm

Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 IMvwHV3

Clinch River

Amon and Hanako made short work of their downed and already crippled opponents but, as Amon went to roll his own pile off the broken table, it became apparent that a single thrust through the head had not been enough to finish this abomination off. He was able to move the body, sliding it away from him, but before there was an opportunity to begin assessing the remaining undisturbed items it had already begun to move.

Dragging itself back up onto the other side of the table, the wound atop its head slowly sealed shut as other chunks of flesh seemed to slough from its body. It was not fast, in fact, it was exceptionally slow, but the single blow had not been enough to put it down even though it had gone cleanly through the creature's head. Still, it lunged back at Amon with what might have once been an arm.

Hanako's target did not stir in a similar manner. The Vice-Captain's brutality proving perhaps to be the difference, or maybe the table had simply broken the fall of the other and it had not taken as much damage in its descent. Regardless of the why, that particular one remained in a puddle of the floor whilst another assaulted Amon and the last one slowly pulled itself to its feet and began to shamble laboriously in Hayden's direction.

That was not all the trouble that the intrepid trio faced, as four more humanoids came sailing down from on high. Two landing in front of them to reinforce the one there, whilst another pair slammed down behind them to further drive them into the middle of the room. They were being surrounded, and right now it did not appear like there was an immediate way out.

Into the Unknown | END POST
Blood Knight
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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:21 pm
With the continuous sounds of flopping, dropping and bone cracking Amon was getting a little rushed when he almost didn't even see the body he'd stab start to move… Toward him! Holding down the need to shout a massive curse, Amon backed away a step from the swinging arm, slow or fast regardless, the thing missed. Amon moved into action quite literally and as swiftly as possible, using his energy to boost his strength and speed as per any Shinigami ability, he cut the creature's head clean off its hunched back and gave it a stomping kick, sending the husk-like thing away several feet. However he also didn't notice the gunk leftover on his jeans and shoe, which in the deck d he did he let loose a low, "Ehhhgg…"

Now the group had stirred some attention from the creatures. Already a few began to converge on their position, and already Amon had finished his quick search of the remnants of the table… just one more, and that "one more" was just ahead unfortunately. He gave a quick glance to Hanako before looking back at the moving husks and quietly said, "Look… unless you wanna start blasting your way outta here be my guest, but we're trapped rats as of now. Listen, you and fucknuts over here are a lot stronger than I am, give me a minute or two to search the last table and cover my back as best you can, the paper I need will be our ticket outta here."

"Ahhh shhit…" Amon sounded as more of the creatures were now blocking his way. With no other choice Amon went forward and started to attack the creatures, primarily going for the heads and cutting off limbs. Whether or not they could regenerate limbs was beyond the man, all he knew was that it worked on zombies in the movies… but this wasn't a movie, it was very, very real. With no time to waste Amon had his priorities straightened out and a real need to pick up the pace.
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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:35 pm

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Well, wasn't this nice? Not only were there more non-corpses falling from the ceiling, some of the old ones started standing up again. There were times when parts of her really hated her job. But even when rotting non-corpses rained it was always only a part of her. The deep conviction that her being a Shinigami was right. So she didn't hesitate even a moment.

With a resolute motion she turned towards where two of the non-corpses had jumped down and joined forces with a third one. Instead of a worded answer she only responded with a grunt. Amon would know what that meant, at the latest when she'd start cutting down enemies.

There was no time to waste.

Cold blue light flickered over her sword as she channelled energy into it. With a neck height horizontal slash she released it, throwing forward a bright blue crescent energy blade, flying towards the three former humans. But she didn't wait to see if it worked. She knew that technique wasn't stronger than a physical hit with her weapon, it only enhanced her reach, and it still wasn't clear how resilient these creatures were. So she followed in the path of her technique, turning her sword and swinging back, still aiming for necks and heads.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout! - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinch River: Gotei, Rollout!

Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:38 am
.Hayden Cemplus

The moment he saw Amon's victim moving again, Hayden realized the situation paradoxically was and wasn't going to be easy. On one hand, he only had to aim for the neck, and in one swift motion that would be the end of it for any one of the undead that confronted him. However, that also meant that every single one of those bodies that had piled up was probably still going to be kicking. It was a lovely thought, but there was nothing he could do but move forward.

And so, when adequate distance was between him and his first opponent, the shinigami moved. One step was taken forward, as he brought his sword around his body. It was followed through by a swift swipe horizontally, the edge of the steel combined with the unnatural strength he possessed serving to cut through all the biomass in its way, and behead the afflicted creature before him.

As more dead rose, and the weight of the scenario continued to settle, he tried to think of any way to make their fight easier. The room was cluttered with tables and equipment. And these things did seem like mindless zombies, nothing he hadn't dreamt of or consumed media about fighting. Surely they couldn't be that strong?

He took more motions to ensure he had adequate room, swiping at any of the things that had gotten to close for comfort, then decided he would test his little curiosity.

He picked a direction in which he was sure to not hit Hanako or Amon, but yet also had some zombies. Then, lining up on the opposite side of a table, he transferred his sword to his left hand, placed the palm of his right beneath the edge, and used as much strength as he could manage in an attempt to throw the desk -or at the very least as much of one as he could, should it be secured to the ground and he hadn't noticed- as hard and as fast as possible, hoping to pin if not outright crush some of the crowd.

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