Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:33 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

Uriel was... conflicted.

Whatever his feelings towards the red hair'd man, one thing was certain: He was concerned for his wellbeing. It was perhaps a selfish, hidden, care but one that existed none the less. The Administrator of the Todelstein took a deep breath as he waited outside the room of the other man, clearly trying to piece together what he might say to him. Perhaps it would be better to paint this in a formal light? An admonishing even to cover any latent feelings which remained.

No that wouldn't quite do, it would be far too obvious.

He mentally scolded himself, the giant crossing his arms as a look of absolute fustration came onto his face. With a displeased sound leaving his lips, the frenchmen would uncross his arms as he made his way towards the door to Alastair's room once more. A heavy knock would be given, before he opened the door to reveal none other than Uriel Sancroix.

Stepping through the door he took in the sorry sight of Alastair and any notion of admonishing disappeared. The softer side of the giant taking hold of his chest, as a familiar feeling seemed to surface. He did well to hide it as he approached the bed, his brow furrowed in the slightest discomfort. Try as he might, those features of Alastair still brought many things into question for Uriel.

"You do not look well."


MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] JfH75kA
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] H8Tyk70
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:59 am
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Wkw0CMC


Some days were better, others were worse, and today was more the latter for the redheaded Sternritter. It felt like his whole body ached, not even just his arm, a byproduct of the strain that the enhanced healing placed upon his soul. His head turned lazily at the sound of the door opening. It was visiting hours, but that did not mean he was expecting someone. Sophie said she might swing by later, but work was keeping her busy much to their mutual frustration and his silent envy. His one open eye widened at the sight of Uriel, the other following after a slow blink, before he nodded for the man to approach.

"I have been through worse."

His throat was dry, making it a pain to even force out the simple lie before he was forced to release a rather hacking cough. A hollow laugh escaped his lips after he was done, then he turned back to gaze up at the ceiling. What was he to make of the hulking man? The last time he had been in the hospital was at the hand of his flaming attacks, now he was checking up on him after another mission gone awry.

"It is good to see you, Uriel. Though the circumstances could certainly be better."

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Morph OTY
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:23 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

"Suppose you have."

There was a certain truth to his words, particularly because Uriel has placed him in the hospital before. Good memories. Uriel would go to take a seat next to his bed wordlessly, the giant placing his hands on his knees. There was a silence which fell over him for a moment, as if the tension was growing on him. But in a heartbeat his expression would change as a laugh left his lips, a deep melodic burr which seemed like rolling thunder with his eyes closed. It slowly died down, as he went to place a hand on his bed, a small smile on his face. And like that, the vibrant personality and aura of Uriel seemed to shine through.

"I do hope the other guy is worst, you did do them in right?" He'd ask with a sorta jest to his voice, that only came from someone whom had been on his fair share of asswhoppings. While there was a time for formality, and respect, the companionship which comrades shared was far more important. He rather comfort Alastair in his own way, knowing that coddling such a man would serve to only infuriate him.

"Let me be honest, I'm sorry I've been... distant. I really should've been there. Things shouldn't have gone that way. But you have the pride and admiration of all, Alastair." Now that, perhaps, sounded more formal but hey it was true.


MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] JfH75kA
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] H8Tyk70
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:15 pm
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Wkw0CMC


Alastair could not deny that Uriel's presence alone was enough to brighten the darkest of days, radiant energy shining through in a manner that he could not quite comprehend but certainly did not mind basking in. A slight smile split his lips, before it turned towards sadness at that second comment.

"Would that I could say I had. Frankly, it was the limit of my abilities to even keep pace with them but I could not withdraw without risking the lives of my companions. This was my sacrifice for victory."

There was an undertone of frustration certainly, because he had felt truly helpless against his opponent and it annoyed him that he might not have been capable enough to protect his comrades. One mistake, one misplaced step or poorly timed dodge, and a half dozen men might have died that night. It sat heavier in his mind than any of his own injuries did.

"We all have our duties and our burdens. I do not begrudge you for dealing with your own, just as I hope you understand that this was mine. I have never asked for praise, just to be returned to my duties so that I can continue."

He strained within the confines of his bed as if willing his body to move and coming up short. He had not enjoyed the hero worship that had followed Jefferson, the notion that it had only intensified after this latest debacle was an unwelcome turn of events.

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Morph OTY
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:57 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

“The limelight of a soldier’s praise is temporary, but the example of conduct stands as an eternal monument to the ideals we all strive for. As I’ve grown older, I’ve realized the standard we set will often be our legacy.”

It was as if Uriel knew that the praise Alastair received would grate upon the pragmatic soldier’s mind, but it was important that he impart some wisdom onto him. To know that ultimately the bitter-sweet relationship betwixts a hero and the general public was always built on rose color’d glasses. In another setting Uriel might even remark on the sweet lies that such sentiments inspire in the youth.

The radiance which was Uriel never dulled, nor sought to restrain it’s glory. But in that same vein, as he sat in the chair next to his friend, he was torn between two sides. To know that this man was very much like him, unable to stand aside when injustice existed. He did not wished his friend harmed, but to chastise him or speak caution would be the gravest of insults to Alastair’s honor.

“At any rate, how is the food? It’s ok, you don’t need to mention it, I know you miss my cooking.” He’d tease lightly as his lips pulled back into a wolfish grin, playful in nature and filled with nothing but earnest good intentions


MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] JfH75kA
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] H8Tyk70
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:43 am
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Wkw0CMC



Alastair was not a prideful man, humility did in fact define most of his actions, but the idea of legacy was something that meant more to him than any of his other actions. He had lofty ideals, a desire to guide the world into a better place than when he had started, and they demanded of him that the legacy he left behind was a pure one. It stirred something in him that another part of him despised, the notion that his legacy might already have begun when he had not dared to assume that such a thing was yet within his reach.

"This cannot be the peak of my being. A spirited effort that struggled futilely against the hand of fate. Forgive me for my envy, it is an unpleasant colour to wear, but is it righteous to covet the strength to shape my own destiny without having to end up in a hospital bed every time I act?"

Perhaps it was the lustrous aura of Uriel that drove him to think in such an unsettling manner. Every time he had crossed paths with the mountain of a man he had been forced to confront another part of himself. Was it better to do so? He did not know, and so sought validation. A sparkle flashed across his eyes at the final comment from his friend though, a feeling of amusement that he had missed.

"The food, though? I do not think anyone else has even thought to ask. I mean, it is inoffensive enough but - not to be too much of a snob - they cannot quite match classical French cuisine."

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Morph OTY
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 11:24 pm

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood

It was a strange thing to see from Alastair, the subtle disdain he held for his own weakness. In some ways Uriel understood him, as he himself was fueled by the desire to challenge himself and to overcome those challenges. But the cloudy view in which Alastair viewed the world cause some displeasure within Uriel, his heavy weight shifting in the chair as he raised a hand to place on the bed.

“There is nothing ill about seeking such strength. It is a supreme virtue to seek to improve oneself where they might force their own destiny into submission.”

It was a soft spoken validation, but it would be followed by firm words. Hard won wisdom brought about through the crucible of life. Blue irises for a moment wander from this place in time and space to another, faraway life. He took a breath feeling the entirety of his body rise with it. Alastair knew not that even as he rose in power, there would always be something to force him back to this bed. That eventually one day, at one crossing, men such as them would no longer find themselves in hospital beds.

They would find themselves in graves.

“But it is hollow to envy such things, when the human condition is nothing but raging against the circumstances which we are forced into. The strongest of men are not those who topple cities and nations with ease, it is found in the common man’s struggle. And to not despair in that struggle but to blossom is a legacy far grander than anything else. ”

Perhaps it was merely the words of a man who found no greater satisfaction then setting the example of his fellows. A bitter-sweet thing to know that ultimately his legacy might in fact become something hotly contested. The distant gaze of Uriel Sancroix weighed heavy on Alastair speaking volumes in his silence. How could he possibly explain such things to this man who laid in this bed?

“You are a diamond in the rough, my dear friend.”

He offered an almost wolfish grin, one which seemed to take great pleasure in the final statement of the man.

“I suppose I shall have to provide you with a meal in the near future. Although, if it’s strength you truly seek, then perhaps it is time for another spar as well.”


MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] JfH75kA
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] H8Tyk70
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:36 am
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Wkw0CMC


Of course, Uriel was the type of man to speak of destiny as well. The companion of fate, twisting and turning the paths upon which they all walked. Alastair certainly knew that struggle all too intimately and so it was no coincidence that he was voicing those concerns now.

"Then the road ahead of me is looking rather arduous. Fortunately, I am blessed with allies that would offer me their aid so willingly. Someone to cook me good food or throw me on my ass if need be."

His lip curled into a wry smile in response to Uriel's own, content with the responses he had received to his pitiful questions. The knowledge that his struggle to alleviate the troubles of the common man was not in vain, even if he was just a single voice amongst a horde. Once more he stirred, but it was not yet time to strain himself trying to stand.

"Let me out of this accursed bed and we will spar again. I promise that I have improved since last time, just a little bit perhaps."

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Morph OTY
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 3:42 am

Uriel Sancroix | Half Blood


The behemoth of a man would laugh, his shoulders rolling as he leaned forward. His hand removed it’s self from his bed, instead coming to rest against his own knee. For a moment he merely sat here, thinking. Thinking about the duty which was required of him, thinking of the burdens which he bore. A tightness constricted his throat. Despite being nearly the closest thing to the Sun which existed on Earth, an all consuming darkness remained within the inner depths of him.

He would not allow this darkness to see the light, not today.

“Find me when you’re well enough to walk again. I am sure others will be visiting you soon, and I wish not to intrude on them.”

It spoke with a smooth tenor, not a single ounce of hastiness in it. But it was abrupt. It was almost like making a u-turn at a speed which caused a car to drift, yet someone still somehow looked natural. It was the words of a man who was well guarded in his heart, and his intentions. If Alastair could see the man for who he was, what he was, perhaps he might understand.

The Administrator was a man of many well-guarded secrets.

Blue irises would fall over his broken form. However, very little could hide the genuineness in them.


MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] JfH75kA
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] H8Tyk70
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MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Empty Re: MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair]

Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:33 am
MOTH TO A FLAME [Uriel/Alastair] Wkw0CMC


“Then you are committed too. I will not forget, Administrator Sancroix.”

It was quite true that Uriel’s sunlike warmth was enveloping, comparable to the close embrace of a woman even. So it was only natural that Alastair was left blind to whatever darkness lingered at the core of it all. He was, after all, a man of noble ideals above all else so the notion that such a righteous man could even harbour such a thing was quite alien to his innocent mind.

“But, of course, I need not keep you. I can hold down the fort for a while longer yet.”

Conceding momentary defeat to his condition, Alastair slunk back into the depths of his bed. Which was hardly much of a difference from his previous position but that was not the point of the gesture anyway. His inner fire could only be stoked for so long right now before it returned to embers and ash anyway.

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