Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Tue Jan 25, 2022 2:09 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] XgwLDXr


It was one of her better days, at least where she could actually concentrate on doing something. Splitting headaches didn't make doing anything apart from sleep in the dark very enjoyable, and to her luck her concussed skull decided not to be glowing in pain. Sure didn't distract from her various other sources of pain, but it meant she could distract herself at the very least.

Nothing good on TV, and all she had were books at her bedside, having gotten a quarter ways through one of her chapter books. She never expected visitors - she was just some newbie who's most establishing action so far was getting her ass beaten into the dirt. Sure, one or two comrades would come by, but it was always a brief checkup, she never had anyone actually come by to really see her. From what she could tell, Alastair was far worse off than she was, and she didn't really know Coordinator Copeland at all...

Thus, when she was asked by a nurse if she felt able to take a visitor today, she just gave her a gentle wave and nod, "Yeah, let them in... I'm awake enough."

Even if she felt it wouldn't have much beyond a quick check or something, it was better than sitting around in silence on her own.

END | Well hey there
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:21 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

"Miss Faye."

Ehefra's voice came in calm and clear as she slipped into the woman's room, canting her head to the side as she made note of the expression on Vee's face, a slight wince showing on her face as she made note of the ....dressings and bandages still on the woman's person. She was, after all, still in recovery. She made her way into the room and pulled a chair up to be somewhat at the side of the bed, sitting down before offering her a smile.

"How have you been feeling? Better I hope?" She ventured, lightly folding her hands on her lap as she waited for thre woman to respond, trying to give off an air of calm. That's what she was right? Even if she didn't outrank these people, she still had a somewhat guiding position. And she wanted to express that as best she could.
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:14 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] XgwLDXr


Oh, it was Ms.Kleinmund. She'd really only seen her during the briefing before the mission, and thus she was a little surprised to see her visiting. However, she deduced that the woman probably had come by out of principle, rather than to see her personally. Any glimmer of joy laxed into whatever amount of professionalism she could muster,

"Physically, I am feeling a lot better," Vee would nod gently, "Apart from my wounded pride and worries i'll get a facial scar, i'm okay."

She hadn't noticed how young the woman looked, about as young as her, "But yeah. I kinda bit it."

END | Well hey there
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:58 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra couldn't help but chuckle just a little at that worry about a facial scar, she looked at the woman and paused, inspecting the spot where she'd been hit and offering a gentle smile. "Hey, those are all the rage ya know?" She noted before....clearing her throat. Right, composed. She collected herself and then paused.

"Well, you certainly proved way more durable than I think you give yourself credit for." She pointed out, taking a moment to look around the ritter's room. "I suppose activities are probably a bit given the extent of your injuries." She looked Vee over for a moment. Particularly at where the woman had sustained her chest wound. "Hopefully you'll be cleared for moving around a little soon. And as for 'Biting it', you did fairly well from what the reports suggested." She noted, pausing for a moment and .....imagining how she herself might take that.

She glanced at Vee. "Valor is not necessarily victory, Vee. You may not be as strong as some of your peers, but you have shown bravery and perseverance despite that weakness. The weakness won't last forever. You'll grow stronger. But the will to fight isn't just something people always HAVE. And it IS something you have." She pointed out, offering a crooked smile.
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:52 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] XgwLDXr


Vee's expression withered a bit at Ehefra's attempt at making light of it. Even if she didn't enjoy the views she grew up with, having some pride in her natural beauty was one of the things she could do, but not if her nose ended up healing all messed up. Even so, she tried to save face, she couldn't be falling apart in front of a comrade, no matter how heavy her heart felt.

However, as Ehefra spoke, she couldn't help but feel that creeping sort of sadness begin to whelm her heart, visibly drooping, even her bright red hair draped across her shoulders hardly doing much to perk her appearance. Her shoulders were bunched, tightly clasping the book in her hands that she had gently closed,

"That's easy for you to say." She'd speak in a strained tone, "I've worked so hard to be able to do half of what the Quincy can, it feels like i've worked harder than anyone just to barely meet the start..."

She sniffled gently, frustration growing on her features, "I can't focus Reishi into wings, I can't break through an enemy's Blut, I can't even form my weapon properly to the point it hurts me..."

She'd close her eyes and shake her head, "I wanted to be a Quincy more than anybody else could, and I barely make it out of my first mission... I don't understand what's wrong with me..! Why can't I just work?"

END | oof
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:28 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra paused for a moment at that and hummed. A brow raising. She was proud of THOSE looks? The woman did kinda have a crazy vibe to her looks, but she kept her comments to herself on that, front, instead opting to smile lightly. Attagirl Ehefra, keep it up!

"I think it would take far more than a blow to the face to ruin your good looks." She reasoned, chuckling lightly. Even if she was scary, Vee WAS fairly good looking. Hmmmm.

The subject of what was wrong DID resonate with her just a little. Well, she didn't know about 'the most effort ever. But she knew what the girl meant. "I could probably figure out what the problem is. I could run a scan of your rairyoku points and see if there's any malformations or issues with energy flow. I could even run a continuous scan on you while you try to form your arrows. Even if I can't fix it, at the very least I'd be able to identify what the issue is." She noted reasonably, drumming her fingers as she eyed Vee up and down. Hmmmm, should she go with a scan just of the soul sleep and the soul sleeve? No, probably a full body scan, then higher definition scans of the more important areas.

"And truth be told, sometimes training isn't the way to gain strength. Sure I LEARNED a lot with my teacher. But it was only when I went out to Malaysia that things actually got to where I am now. The soul grows most when it's in peril. It's entirely possible that at this very moment your body is healing better, stronger than before. The soul works in wierd ways like that." She smiled calmly enough.
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:22 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] XgwLDXr


Vee touched her bandaged nose, her lips turned down into a frown, "...Sure hope so."

Yes, she was frustrated. Even if it could be said she succeeded, the way it was attained felt like failure. Though, when Ehefra offered to check her out to figure out what could be the problem, her expression changed to a slight glimmer of hope - If she just knew what was stopping her... If she could just have an opportunity to figure out why her power didn't work right...

"That'd help, yeah." She'd speak while side eye-ing Ehefra, "..At least to know what could be wrong..."

Though the woman's latter remark of developing in peril only made her pull a confused expression, "In... Peril? I mean, I hadn't really been in a fight or even danger before.. My household didn't allow it after finding out I couldn't manipulate Reishi as well as my siblings."

END | oof
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:30 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra nodded and chuckled lightly, smiling from ear to ear when she saw that little spark in the woman's face. Almost immediately pleased that she seemed to be getting through that glum cloud! Hell yea, bingo baby! "Of course! But you'll need to heal up completely first. Otherwise I'll just see your spirit energy in the process of going around fixing you up. Once you're all backt o normal we can give you a scan." She noted brightly, pausing for a moment and blinking when Vivian talked about being in peril and nodded slowly.

"Really? Well that would certainly explain a lot. Quincy tend to have it easier, but in terms of ...people in general? Most of them find their powers when they really need them. The soul isn't just this machine that takes in food and turns it into juice for your abilities. The soul is like.... usually asleep? Sure Quincy training can FORCE it to wake up by sheer diligence and training. But its like....more.....a shock to the system that gets it off it's ass, you know? So this could actually be good for you. But we'll see. It also has to do a lot with your outlook. The soul and the heart and uh...." She paused, floundering a bit as she tried to remember what her old teacher had said about this stuff. How had she put it? "Well, your mindset and your emotions play a big part. So we'll see!" She smiled.
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:25 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] XgwLDXr


Vee nodded along with Ehefra's elaboration - a little disappointed she'd have to wait, but it was better than not having any way to know. Having some path to improvement was better than feeling around the dark, or even more dreadful, giving up. She could hardly stomach the idea of coming this far only to turn back around at the first obstacle. She was frustrated, not a quitter.

However, she was rather surprised to hear the woman's explanation of what experiencing such danger and hardship can do to rouse one's abilities, which sure as hell was news to her. News she didn't know how to feel about, but news regardless,

"..So, you're telling me, that there's the tiniest bit of a possibility that because I was just that safe growing up, that my abilities just didn't really get much of a foot in until recently?"

There was a wash of irritation yet interest in her tone as she tried to rationalize what she was hearing to her own experiences, "Because, I dunno why, but I only really managed to form a weapon after I really wanted to come here."

END | oof
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Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] Empty Re: Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra]

Fri Jan 28, 2022 11:35 pm
Visiting Lil' Ol' Me? [Vee/Ehefra] HEADER_sample_8e257ad7b9cb1f41526cc28a2d8beaec

Ehefra smiled, notiving that disappointed look, but alas there wasn't much she could do about that. The REST though. "It's possible. As I said, it's also a matter of mindset. The determination to DO something with your life, to express your will upon how your fate fell, that too could have had some effect on things. Naturally, some are able to awaken their powers without any provocation. Some can do so with hard work and diligence. Others require more substantial development or peril to galvanize their soul. Which, I should remind you, is no endorsement of any daredevil antics to try and force yourself to grow. But certainly your work in the vandenreich is probably gonna shake some stuff loose out of you." She noted with a light smile and a chuckle.

She paused, tapping her fingers for a moment as she took a moment to parse. Hm. "I wouldn't be so hard on your surroundings and past though. That may have been a contributing factor, but other things effect it as well. Age. Exposure to spiritual energy. Simply BEING in an area more ....saturated in spiritual energy can result in a stronger soul. So it's probably a lot of things that contributed. For now, patience will be your bestie on this one."
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