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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:41 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Arcadiaheader


What is a God? To what determines such an individual? Over her long life she had been painted over by that, from raising primordial demons that flocked to her and that whimiscal charismatic individual that was no different from them beside an insatiable curiousity for the world. Showing new things to them and in turn they praised it, how an individual's accomplishments or discoveries could be twisted into miracles and by no means could they be called solely her own. Surely others found the very same things but just at different places where she did not walk.

When that fell apart she looked here. A different realm and yet similiar were these primates to her own kind, showing them things, introducing new tools or methods and watching them build off it. How long it was for them but for her age it was just a brief time to wait and see the civilisation that they had made for themselves in this little spot of Mesopotamia.

She walked idly through the modern streets, roads and paths, buildings and agriculture. Arts and language. Far more than she had anticipated, a demon in a world that had yet to be spiritually aware. She was invisible and while she knew that she could at any point materialise herself with a touch of magic the demon refrained until she was content.

Two responses she might've said, the young girl that she was would've said that it was their work that had brought them to this point from what was given to them but that person was long since lost to the perceptions of other demons that was pushed and pushed onto her until she began to accept those delusions herself.

She did this, a god that influenced the masses' through divine intervention. So Arcadia had to question just what their divine worship was like here and the large temple-like structure seemed the most appropriate place to see.


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God of Love
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Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:09 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GPkGayW


It had been several years now since Ninsianna had come to this particular city, and in that time she had done as she always did, establishing herself as one of the priestesses of the local cult and ingratiating herself through both religious rite and the more carnal aspects of the faith. She did not mind such things, of course, far from it in fact. The establishment of societal order, the assurance of the people's satisfaction in the city itself, meant that Ninsianna found genuine happiness in this life.

She was not a woman who sought anything in the way of the extraordinary, truth be told, but she knew beyond any doubt that the extraordinary had come to her today. Those around her, barring perhaps the rare member of the priesthood, could not see the spirits of the world as she could. It hardly surprised her to sense an otherworldly presence, to see her walk through the streets so casually and go unmolested. Ninsianna herself hid her own nature, of course, made her own appearance no different from that of any other citizen. But, as this otherworldly being approached the temple, Ninsianna allowed the ears that marked her as something different to manifest themselves, if only spiritually. The people would see nothing, but this woman certainly would.

"Good day, traveler. Have you come for blessings, or to make an offering?"

Ninsianna offered a bow, as well, so calmly given and so composed that it would have seemed no different than the greeting given to any other guest. But, of course, she knew that this woman would understand the situation simply by looking at her. It would only be right of Ninsianna to report this matter to the head priest later, but for now, it would be improper of her not to see the matter through.


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Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:21 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Arcadiaheader


She did not expect such a particular individual to approach her, rarely people approached her unless she desired it to be known and obvious that she wanted to engage in the world. Should she take this as an insult? No, in some way she viewed all these humans as her own children that she helped grow. Even if it was only giving them the tools to succeed in life rather than to hand-hold the children through life and not let them mature. She loved each and everyone of them.

"You have a beautiful aura, are you touched by the Gods mayhaps?"

Arcadia asked while a hand came up to grace them with a small touch. Assessing them as much as she did to this whole woman's being. She was not of this world, but she had so casually assimilated into it. She might've tried to evict another spiritual being if they tried to interfere with her little cradle of civilisation but how could she refute someone who wanted to walk among them? To enjoy the fruits of their maturity with them?

"I have come to make an offering, or rather deliver unto the people another gift from their Gods."

She mused while narrowing her eyes, a hand coming up to readjust the piece of fabric that was slung over her shoulder and only covering half of her body. This place was far too hot to be adorned in armour or covered up.

"What blessings do you proffer me though?"


In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Gamma_Signature
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] CHARACTER_LISTIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GRAPHICS_THREADIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:34 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GPkGayW


"Thank you. I am blessed in many ways, I believe."

Ninsianna accepted the woman's touch quite naturally, all too familiar with such a thing by the myriad faithful who visited the temple. She was by no means the only attendant in this place, of course, though she would be lying if she said that she was not keenly aware that she was by and away the most favored of the priestesses by the citizenry. But, to her, that was simply a point of pride.

"The faithful welcome such blessings with open arms, of course. I am but a humble priestess, my possessions always returned to the temple for the sake of continued prosperity. However, it is both my duty and my honor to offer myself to you."

A deeper bow was offered this time, not simply from the waist, but to her knees. While Ninsianna felt no particular religious compulsion, her commitment to the faith she had assimilated into was ironclad. It was the law of the land, after all, and Ninsianna held deeply to the law.

"I am versed in poetry, mathematics, and oration, as well as in the histories and in the religious scriptures. If none of this is to your liking, then you may of course make use of my body for your satisfaction."

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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:48 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Arcadiaheader


She spoke it so fluently and genuinely that Arcadia could almost say that she blended into the scenery as if she were born and raised, a part of this world which was just not the case. For whatever her reasons she had chosen to pursue this path though and the demon was content to let her make her own choices. So much so that she resolved to make no inquires into her purpose here and let her be content.

A generous goddess for her dear subjects that she adored.

"If you would offer yourself then I would indulge in all you can provide. Would you like to lead the way or would you prefer atop a mountain as grand as Ebih?"

Not that she made any inclination as to how she would achieve such a statement, Ninsianna would probably have an idea as to how she would achieve it but Arcadia did not care for subtly in this world were folklore and mystical fantasies reigned supreme.

"I would hear you orate your own tale, if you would share. How you came to serve under the roof of the Gods."

She smiled sweetly as her hand reached down to once again hold onto Ninsianna's ear and knead it a little bit. Quite the convincing priestess and by far one of the more interesting ones she'd seen.


In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Gamma_Signature
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] CHARACTER_LISTIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GRAPHICS_THREADIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:08 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GPkGayW


"I believe that my chambers would certainly not be fit to contain such grandeur as yours. It would be my honor to accept this gift in a place you deem most suitable, and to offer you all of myself in exchange for it."

The touch at her ear did not provide any particular pleasure or displeasure for Ninsianna. In the physical sense, it was no different from any other touch to any other part of her body. Of course, there was some satisfaction to be found in the approval of this other woman, who was certainly one to be held in high reverence according to her adopted faith.

"My tale is a long one, but even this single touch is infinitely more valuable than all I might offer to one of your magnificence. I will begin when you have chosen a suitable place, for I would not dare to speak until you have ordained it the proper time."

Such subservience was simply second nature to Ninsianna, even to one that, on any cosmic level, could only be considered below her. Such esoterica was not the concern of a woman like her, however, for it held no meaning in this society. Here, there was no relevance to danava or demon. There was only a goddess, whose authority was absolute, and a priestess, who lived to serve the gods and the people.

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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:33 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Arcadiaheader


"Ah, you discredit yourself far too much, child. I promise that neither your chambers nor yourself could be anything besides perfect and splendid, this Earth is a reflection of Heaven. You are all the stars of this Earth."

Arcadia praised and compared them to the divine beings they worshipped, for without them a religion and its pantheon had no purpose and vice-versa. Gods, and the stories they were woven into were lessons for the people. A framework to assess and use to improve society.

"In anycase, Etana Enlil Ninlil."

She uttered, chanting out the spell that wrapped them both in a splendid light before they were atop a mountain that overlooked the city they were just in, she took a moment to admire the ziggaraut below before turning towards the structure that she had crafted into the mountain for her own current residence. It was nice being able to overlook it.

"Come along my little priestess."

The demon considered insisting that she wanted to hear more of her pretty voice but it was more delightful to build some anticipation which felt so painfully slow until they arrived at a small room that was lit by candles, images and symbols carved onto the walls and no small amount of cushioning on the floor for them to splay out on. Taking a seat, a finger gesturing for Ninsianna to come closer until she could tug the woman onto her lap and play with her ears.

"Recite your tales for me, nindingir"

A great deal of praise and showering of compliments, Arcadia did value those who were dedicated to the faithful side of a civilisation. It was a core part of keeping stability and Ninsianna's willingness, that noble dedication to a most selfless of roles deserved the most respect from the demon.


In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Gamma_Signature
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] CHARACTER_LISTIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GRAPHICS_THREADIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 5:56 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GPkGayW


"Your praise fills my heart with such joy that no words, even among the myriad that I might recite, could possibly convey it."

That much was, in some abstract way, legitimately true. In her service as a priestess, there could be no higher acknowledgement of her duties being fulfilled than these words of approval from an object of her faith's worship. Ninsianna was not the sort to openly express such elation, to even experience it as humans seemingly did, but she was quite fulfilled in that moment. She naturally obeyed as the goddess beckoned her over, and accepted the pull without any resistance.

"I am the first of my nature. Created of society in itself, of the laws and procedures which make up a structured and orderly life. There is none that precedes me, and compared to others of my kind, I can only be called quite young."

She might typically have closed her eyes in such a situation, taken a moment to gather her thoughts, but this was certainly not the typical supplicant. She kept her eyes upon the goddess, as was proper of her position, and continued to speak in her methodical tone of voice.

"I have served in this role for many centuries, traveling from city to city and ensuring the piety and stability of the people. As I have traveled, I have seen much that maintains the peace. The bureaucrats, the military, the legal codes and their enforcers. But nothing holds the people together in the same manner as the faith. Their worship of you creates stability, order, a willingness to abide by each and every law, and to atone when those laws are broken. It is the greatest cause that I might give myself to."

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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:13 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Arcadiaheader


"You are as radiant as Inanna on this Earth, embodying all the good of her character."

Arcadia knew what it meant, she was presenting the information that she was a danava that embodied the stability of a human society. It made complete sense frankly, that her machinations and just the general growth of humanity at other points in time on the Earth's many surfaces would create more danava that embodied more than laws of nature and forces. All of this though did not matter in the abstract, she appreciated that she assimilated so well into civilisation and had as much good intent as one could have.

"Radiant like a star, and wise as well and yet you do not demonstrate ambition or a desire to conquer but I have no doubt you are not lacking in leadership qualities."

That was perhaps the most beautiful quality, that she could be so content in a humble setting. Not many could be so willing to live to serve.

"Faith is the most powerful tool for society you are right, though it is a dangerous weapon. Faith cannot solely bring about beautiful results my nindingir. Blind faith is dangerous, your hymns and tales are to criticise and find lessons in. Though I have no doubt that you understand this, my beautiful wise one."

Arcadia adjusted their spot, lifting her up and sitting the priestess on top of her. A gesture to demonstrate how much she appreciated the woman's work.

"For your service I wish to deliver something in return. Hard as it may be, I wish to hear a selfish request from you as reward for your brilliant work. Anything and I will see it done if it is within my power."


In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Gamma_Signature
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] CHARACTER_LISTIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GRAPHICS_THREADIn the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Left_bar_bleue16000/1In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] Empty Re: In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna]

Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:46 am
In the Cradle of Civilisation [Arcadia, Ninsianna] GPkGayW


It did surprise Ninsianna just a touch to be elevated to such a place, but she did not protest or make any motion to fight against it. After all, while it was not her natural position to be above a goddess, it was also not her right to go against her wishes. If this was what she wished, then Ninsianna would accept it with joy.

"You offer me so much more than one such as I might ever ask for. Please forgive me, but I have not considered what I might ever ask of you for such a request. If it is a selfish request you desire from me, then I would not dare to provide you wish something that is yet selfless."

Ninsianna did not consider things selfishly. It was simply not in her nature to think about what she desired for herself, but in this situation, it was her full focus.

"Forgive me if I am too bold to ask it of you, but I would wish for something to carry with me when this night has ended. Your praise has resonated quite deeply with me, and as your faithful servant, it would be the highest honor that I might have a reminder to keep on my person, to know that this was not simply a vision or apparition. It will not be given to the temple as a gift from the divine, this I assure you. If it pleases you, I would carry even the most lowly trinket on your blessed person for the rest of my days."

It was a matter of pride for Ninsianna, to ask such a thing of her goddess. It was nothing grand, but Ninsianna was not a woman who cared for grand displays. This, to simply have something which she might forever know as a mark of her dutiful service, would be more than enough.

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