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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 6:42 pm
Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 HEADER_3619637f28e0df82b8232be27708bff3

Falker narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, his attention darting to the new entry into the room, tensing for just a moment with THREE of them now in the room. He briefly seemed to look between the two masked individuals before his attention shifted back to Uriel. The whole mask thing seemed to be getting to him certainly. He even looked cautiously at the water. He lowered himself back down into his seat..... before cautiously taking the cup. Seeming to now doubt things a little about the water..... but ultimately he took a small sip before turning his attention back to Uriel. Rolling his eyes a little in response to 'due process'.

"Due process. Don't think I've heard THAT one outside of the movies in ages. But I suppose given your....." He waved his hand flippantly at their surroundings. ".....garnishings on your little vandenreich. I suppose those words are just the kind of things that make people feel all safe and warm." He murmured, not....exactly sounding pessimistic or even mocking. Simply tired. Quite the departure from his general demeanor. But it didn't last long. Especially with the man speaking of his heritage.

The expression was....confusion on Falker's face. He seemed a bit startled that a shinigami and a human would get together. Ehefra even raised a brow slightly behind her mask, but otherwise remained standing calmly.

"Quite the brave fellow, your Father..." He murmured, making it clear that he certainly seemed to be on the cautious side when it came to shinigami. He took a moment to adjust his collar slightly.

"Iro was the OIC of the mission, I don't see why you wouldn't ask him about all this..." He grumbled, but continued regardless. "If you'd perhaps done any RECON on the situation, you'd probably have seen them MUCKing about. Kicking in people's doors and causing a ruckus. Even for YOU Neo Vandenreich types I can imagine would appreciate our concern about it all. Those idiots have been sniffing about for Quincy tech for months now. You ran into Raix's team, no doubt. You're aware those idiots have been attempting to stockpile Hollow Bait like a bunch of idiots. Some of those idiots have even been putting it in RPGs to shoot at spiritual types. ROCKETS!" He exclaimed, shaking his head before rubbing his eyebrows, chuckling at the very idea.

"But their little antics certainly got our attention. We had a simple operation in mind: Go in, take out these idiots. Retrieve the stolen materials, and question the morons for where else their little terrorist group has been holed up. Little did we expect to run RIGHT into you Neo Vandenreich types. Tch, and before yo go pointing fingers, I attempted to just turn around and let your ilk have your little party on your own. When your operatives informed me that he would be taking me in. Some sort of demon fellow with patched up skin. Almost made me think I had run into a Shadow Fall unit. He insisted, I defended myself. And frankly based on what I heard over COMs that's just about what happened all over. ....Well...except for Raix. But he's always been like that. " Falker noted dismissively. Quite casually giving a general synopsis of both their mission as well as how things, at least as far as his version of it, went down.
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Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel]

Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:24 am

Uriel Sancroix | Crossing The Line

Neo Vandenreich. Teams. OICs.

It seemed they had an entire organization or some splinter cell operating in their backyard. This was news to Uriel but he didn’t show anything. Only leaning back in his chair as he spoke, the pen and paper having been placed down. His hands rested in his lap for a moment, as if in thought for a moment. A lot of questions seemed to present themselves to him, but the important part of this was asking the right questions. This young fellow seemed quite talkative now, maybe not relaxed but the perfect man to ramble.

And in these situations, you want someone to talk. Even if it was mundane useless shit. Because they would slip up. And they’d have hours to take apart this investigation, study what Mr. Falker said. So Uriel simply pursed his lips for a moment nodding along like a good listener until his new ‘friend’ finished.

“You say Neo-Vandenreich quite a bit, Mr. Falker. We fashion ourselves as simply The Vandenreich.” He’d comment seeing if such a thing provoked a reaction, a simple correction to see if he would start speaking in his own group. “Unless your organization fashion’s themselves the rightful heirs to The Vandenreich, could you tell me more about your people. I think between our mutual enemies, we may have quite a bit in common.”

His lips pull into a smile.

“I must say, Mr. Falker, you’ve been pleasant company. I think we might have you and your uncle reunited soon at this rate.”


Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 JfH75kA
Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 H8Tyk70
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Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 Empty Re: Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel]

Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:35 pm
Anaconda's Wake: Interrogation [Ehefra/Uriel] - Page 2 HEADER_2dc6726177496ed90a123320a947d039

A light scoff escaped the man, and a smile crossed his features in amusement at Uriel's comment. Clearly a bit entertained at the very point being offered. "Oh? A Vandenreich that refutes the presence of an emperor. Well some time ago, we fancied ourselves the very same thing. But times change, and calling ourselves the Vandenreich certainly did no favors for remaining undercover. But I suppose when your interests lie more in getting attention one can afford such things." He mused. Though he waved a hand at the assertion that THEY considered themselves the true Vandenreich.

"The true Vandenreich died hundreds of years ago with the Emperor. And I think we both know that to call one's self the Vandenreich as a call-back to those times is hardly something I personally would WANT to inherit! If there was ONE thing I wish we had less in our neck of the woods: it would be those who look upon that departed relic with favor. I think there are FAR more interesting subjects at hand. Mutual enemies indeed." He paused, eyeing Uriel for a brief moment before canting his head to the side. Seeming... to consider how he was being called pleasant company. It seemed to concern him, as if he realized something about how Uriel was talking to him.

"Is that so? I'm glad to hear is certainly important. If you don't mind me prying, and since you DID bring up the topic of mutual enemies: How is your relationship with your own family, hm?" He asked with a raised brow, his head tilting to the side. "Your 'Vandenreich' seems particular in it's goals. A goal that if I'm not mistaken: is not exactly in line with the Gotei. You don't even have to be in the know to know people have been murmuring about the groups coming into conflict for some time now. They do certainly have a reputation for putting down quincy. The Vandenreich in particular." He folded his hands.

"I truly wish that I could say speaking with you were equally enjoyable. But well.... I suppose interrogation rooms can only be so comfortable." He gave a wry smile, gesturing around the room.
"But at the very least, I suppose my Uncle would have a much easier time speaking with you. Diplomacy was always HIS strong suit, not mine. Too much my father's son." He murmured. No doubt quite a perplexing string of thought. However it became abundantly clear that Falker definitely had a lot of reservations regarding Uriel's shinigami side.
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