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Thicc Boi
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A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's]

Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:26 am
A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Kind-of-the-same

For a moment, Imelda pondered with a devilish grin on her face. This was good, more than good in fact. With the crazy power vacuum that Costra Nostra would have left behind due to it's falling apart, the spot of Boss was for the taking, and who better to grab for it than them? The Vanetti have been working hard for the spot for generations now. It's about time they sat upon the throne.

As is her nature, Imelda started to scheme a plan, only now she was free to voice it as it was forming.

"Okay then, perhaps I won't leave then. Things are bad in Korea but they can wait until we get you settled here. Getting to the top is gonna be hard here but not impossible. From what I've seen in the news and heard from the others, this Duvalier Group is basically a company that runs the country and one of the most important things we need is money." Imelda is basically giving Isabella a glare by this point, one that very few have seen. This would actually be the first time for her sister.

"With money, we can pay more people and bribe officials and the such. But with the country being run by a company, all they care about is money. They don't just have a treasurer they most likely have multiple accountants, we can't just skim from them nor can we steal. We're gonna have to innovate. To actually grow we can't be seen, can't be noticed, can't do our work on paper."

"But we can't do this alone. As much as I trust you and them," Imelda gestured towards the room they just escaped from. "We're going to need help from some of our other family."

"Has anyone reached out to the Rosa's or the Gaurofano's? We go way back with them. Or maybe even Alfonso? That crone's gotta still be alive, the miserable bastard."


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's]

Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:32 am

Before, Isabella was pleased to see her sister more than capable of carrying on the family tradition. Now? To be honest, she was impressed. It seemed she was not only capable, but well equipped, and well experienced. It sparked some curiosity in the girl--what was Korea like? She'd be sure to ask her sister of that later.

"We've been keeping tabs on the Duvalier Group--but for now, with where we're at, they're untouchable. Basically, they are the government. I'd rather spit on the shoes of the commissioner of police right now than to step into their waters."

For right now.

"Still, there are other ways to make money, other markets outside of their control. Or, as I've suggested to the family, other countries to deal with. Sicily's the goal, but we'd need some help outside of here. There are some names, some figures, some 'businesses' we've catalogued as potential."

There were still remnants of the mafia operating in America, connections and contacts linked across the Atlantic between them and the original Cosa Nostra. Still, they too were impacted by the rise of Shadow Fall, and it seemed like the reigning kings of the underworld across seas were russians instead. Business was blind to race, however, and if they could help, Isabella was keen on making good use of them.

Speaking of outside help, Imelda said exactly what was on her mind. It didn't matter how long they spent apart--they were still sisters, at the end of the day.

"The Rosa's are on board. They've lost so much in the way of influence and power that we've basically confirmed that we could fold them into our ambitions. The Garofano's, though... that one's a little iffy. Nonna Juno is unwilling to talk to them right now--some drama over a party or something, blah blah; anyways, even though Nonno Fragan's the boss of the family, if Nonna Juno won't talk with them, then they're off-limits for the time being."

Isabella rolled her eyes. She loved her family, but that didn't mean she condoned everything they did. In fact, it made her want to curse them out, for real. She'd never do that to her great grandmother, though.

"Uncle Alfonso is... a rough case. He's doing his own thing--last I heard, he was in jail. Big time jail, I mean, under the Gotei, or Lux, or whoever the fuck. I've also heard rumours that he's out, but, I don't know. If he was here, things would be a whole lot easier, but I wouldn't count on it. He's disconnected from the Vanetti name anyways.

There's also competition to take care of. The Fragipani especially."

Isabella spit on the floor with great contempt.

"There's just a lot to catch you up on in general. Don't worry, though--we still got some time before things come to action. Some time in the near future, we've even already arranged a meeting with some guy across seas--New York."


A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Thicc Boi
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A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's]

Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:07 pm
A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Kind-of-the-same


Imelda stood there and nodded as she listened to her sister basically drop the tea about what was happening between her relatives. The Rosa were related to the Vanetti through marriage, in a weird convoluted way, both through her aunts and great aunts. The Garofano, on the other hand, came from her great-grandmother Juno, as she was apart of them before marrying into the Vanetti. In terms of seniority, Juno should be the matriarch of the family, but in reality Fragan ran the show. That still didn't mean Juno didn't have influence, however.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" This was mainly in response to the whole party thing, but Imelda understood better than most how much that mattered. A sicilian grudge is nothing to fuck with, Imelda learned that from watching Juno, in fact. "That doesn't really leave a whole lot to deal with, Bella. What has Nonno been doing, hm? There's no way you're the first to come up with this idea and the seats been open for some time now." It was accusatory, yeah, but it came from a place of good intentions. In Imelda's heart she knew that Fragan was probably one of the most capable people to revive the family, so the fact that he hasn't was just confusing to her. What was he thinking, that old man?

"Anyways, that's what I figured from the Duvalier. We are basically going to have to hemorrhage them one step at a time, and that's going to take a lot of time. Do I think it's impossible? No. But it sure as hell won't be easy. The rest of them are pushovers though. The Fragipani are a lot like pasta; they break easily." She took a moment to pause once more to process what she heard. "What's this about New York?"


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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's]

Sat Mar 26, 2022 2:51 am

Another eye roll. Isabella propped her feet onto the couch, full-fledged equipped to go into an optimised bitching mode.

"Tell me about it. These adults, soru, listen to me--you know what Nonno did the other day? He started pulling money from the family funds because Nonna Gwen has developed an interest into stock exchanges and 'spiritual virtual currencies', whatever the hell that means. And--"

Isabella went on to splurge over the current dramas on the family, admittedly mostly mundane and inconsequential. Finally, she exhausted the most current ongoings in her mind, giving spaces for Imelda to chime in, ask questions and have them answered, and engage with her over these topics.

"That's why Marie and Phoebe have been low-key fighting, or just being passive aggressive towards each other and any family gathering. It's soooo annoying. Anyways, what were we talking about? Ahh, Nonno Fragan. He's been doing things, mostly background stuff, though. He's old, not as limber as he used to be, and he's always been good at dealing with politics in a pre-established infrastructure.

Now, though? Since the Cosa Nostra isn't up in arms and in power right now, what he knows and what he's good at isn't relevant right now. Still, you know how it is--gotta pay respects to the capo, you know? The rest of the family are working on their own things, in their own ways, to bring the Vanetti up, and right now Nonno is more of a 'I give my blessing' or 'I don't give my blessing' kind of guy. Not really an 'active leader'."

For this one, Isabella sat upright. Things were going from family drama to real, actual business.

"New York? Ohh, girl, we've got something big. The Cosa Nostra got destroyed when Shadow Fall came, and then came the war, and then came the Duvalier Group, so we never got much of a chance to get back at it. Over there, in the Americas? Totally different. Their mobs survived better. Right now, a bunch of russians are in control of all the underworld over there--and we're in the process of arranging a meeting with them, probably about a little bit of 'trafficking'.

I was supposed to go with someone, but now that you're here, I think nonno wants me to do something else. So? You interested?"


A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
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A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:31 am
A Gaggle of Sicilian's [Vanetti's] - Page 2 Kind-of-the-same

Imelda's ears perked up as Isabella responded. Part of her was glad and another was worried about that reaction to Fragan. If Imelda's only been in the loop for a total of 5 minutes and has the same reservations about him that her sister does, then what does everyone else think? Not all of them were that involved with the family, but she could bet that Luca had something to say about it. It was actually kind of interesting to her to see how resistant people would be to change, forceful or methodical.

Her shoulder rose as she responded to the offer. "I guess if he asks me to I'm in to position to say no, yeah? As long as he lets me borrow his wheels, I should be able to scrounge together something nice for our oversea friends, yeah." Imelda didn't think that getting into the family would just be that easy. She expected like, begging and gifts and all that jazz to get Fragan on her side to let her do things, but if they thought that highly of her even after all these years then, damn. The blood of the Vanetti runs thicker than she thought.

"Alright, enough talk though, I'm hungry and I heard that Venus was cooking today. You know I can't miss that for the world." Ever since she was young, Aunt Venus' cooking has been some of the best food Imelda has ever tasted. There was a running joke that in a different life, Venus could have been a world renown chef.

"Hey, before we go though." Imelda stopped in the door way. "I love you."

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