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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Sun Feb 27, 2022 9:58 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_2509817

Liltotto Lamperd.
It didn't take particularly long for Santa to find a number of ...particularly interesting individuals within the vandenreich to say the least. The dakr-haired woman smiled to herself as she strode through the streets and followed the sensatio that her pesquisa was picking up. Ah....that dull chime. It made her smile all the wider as she made note of the distance and direction, and before long she was walking along the beach that she followed that signal to. Until at long last she found what she was looking for: The shining blonde that seemed to be enjoying her proximity to the Ocean.

A smile crept along Ajora's lips. Soft....warm....gentle.

Pleased to have found her target.

She took her time making her way toward Lilttotto, giving her plenty of time to notice her approach as she made her way over. "I have to say. I don't think I would have expected to find you here of all places. The small of the salt...I would presume it rather overpowering." She noted with a gentle hum, seamlessly starting up a conversation with the woman as if she were any other beach-goer she ran into. All despite those bright knowing, yellow eyes.
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:12 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_sample-fadfb1c11cf3399244cb8b455003fa32

Liltotto Lamperd


The blonde was spending her free hours sitting by the waves, watching the lull and rush of the sea as she took in the sights and sounds of the seemingly endless body of water, obstructed by nothing but the sky. It had a strange place in the recesses of her mind and heart; while it was a source of calm and intrigue, being able to sit far off from all the cluttering noise and squealing beachgoers to take in the natural impulses of a plane she could call 'friend', simultaneously an intrusive thought or feeling would creep into her mind, watchful of each wave as if one would perhaps come far enough to drag her in, and perhaps never let her go, doomed to sink into the abyss of the earth and water, to vanish into pure black.

She certainly didn't expect a visitor, much less... That isn't Santa.

The voice alone was enough to tip her off, but her senses and her eyes were telling two different things; her scent had given her the impression she was the strange arrancar, but also... Different, in that she didn't possess that extra reek of that man to her... And obviously, she looked and sounded entirely different.

"Eh. It's comforting, really. Can never have a bad day by the sea," A partially eaten cookies and creme popsicle was hanging out the side of her mouth as she'd handle the treat, "And who are you to be looking for the Vandenreich's lowly food gremlin, exactly?"

END| By The Sea

Last edited by Lillian on Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:51 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_2509817

Ajora hardly seemed bothered, her head canting ever so slightly to the side, observing the girl's confusion at seeing her. Ah yes.... what a puzzle it must be. She looked out to that vast endless ocean and a gentle smile crept across her lips as she took a moment to wistfully stare across it's surface. "Is that so? I have to admit, I've never understood such a thing. Have you any idea how terrifyingly dark it is in there?" She asked softly, closing her eyes. "It's nice....pretty and clear at the top. But the deeper you go...the darker it becomes. And there is something so much more....terrifying in there. As you go deeper.... you can't tell which direction is up. The force of pressure on youre body eliminates the ability to feel 'down'. And once the sunlight is smothered out. You don't know where to go. And.....finally... the darkness is terrifying on land. But you can find comfort. Solace. A small space to hide. To stow yourself. But in the dark depths... there si nothing in any direction. And you have no idea what could be coming for you."

She paused and then glanced at Liltotto, smiling sheepishly. "Ah, I'm so sorry. Not many people know about that side of the ocean. But I'm burdened with a great many types of knowledge. I'm sorry if I was a little....strange just now. I admit.... socializing isn't my strong suit. Do you mind if I join you?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:12 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_sample-fadfb1c11cf3399244cb8b455003fa32

Liltotto Lamperd

Initially, she was just working on her cold treat, looking up at the Arrancar before she proposed that... Somewhat unnerving question, uttering a slightly drawn out, "Uhhh.. Yeah?" before she continued on with her... Analysis, of the ocean's nature.

Though she didn't seem terribly bothered on the surface, the woman's further elaboration of the deep, terrifying darkness that laid beneath the gorgeous blue waves gave her a strange sense of nostalgia, but rather than a fond lament of good times, it was more like being reminded of an old story she hardly remembered, but inherently knew the feel and tone of.

The crashing through surface tension.
The icy hand of the deep that suddenly grabbed you and never let you go.
Any sound choked out by the shushing hand of salt and pressure.
The gurgle of bubbles as one sank,

And sank.
And sank..
And sank...

Until they were swallowed whole by the earth and waters, no other company but the deep dark and the slow hiss of movements in the water...

Gently, she flinched out of that state, feeling a coldness run down her spine as she finished that treat. Alright, no more cold stuff it seemed.

"..Yeah, yeah they don't, really," She'd say with a few blinks. It was an odd feeling, one she had occasionally, and every time it was something she felt nothing more than to just push it away, just intrusive thoughts, "..Know that, that is."

Just... Intrusive thoughts.

"Nah, it's fine, you're good," She'd shrug, shuffling over a bit on her towel and patting the newly made space next to her, "Chill away, chica."

END| By The Sea
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:26 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_2509817

She smiled at that, noticing an ...interesting reaction in response to the note about the ocean. Hm~ She tilted her head, intrigued and archiving the notion for another date. It was then that she made her way over, standing beside the other woman but electing not to take a seat as she looked out toward the endless ocean beyond.

"I must say, It's no shortage of fascinations in a place like this. So much more exciting in hueco mundo. Sensing MAzda, it was indeed amazing to note such a unique individual. But to sense two.." She glanced down to Liltotto and offered a sheepish smile. "I admit, my purpose and intent in coming here are less than innocent. I find you rather fascinating. Especially in how ......different you are from Mazda. I hope you don't mind me saying that."
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Tue Mar 01, 2022 5:52 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_sample-fadfb1c11cf3399244cb8b455003fa32

Liltotto Lamperd

Ah, chill away denied for standing instead? That was quite alright, though she got the sense that this woman was here for a lot more than just an awkward chat. Not that Lil was opposed to chatting with social awkwardness in the slightest, but there sure was that feeling...

But then, he comes up. First this chick smells like Santa, turns out not to be Santa, and now she knows Mazda? Yeah, there definitely was something going on here, and she was certain this woman wasn't a sibling. Even identical twins were able to easily be differentiated, so maybe this was some odd Arrancar ability or something. That was the only thing she could reasonably explain it as to herself, without asking questions that is. Far more important to figure what she even wanted.

She'd raise her eyebrow as the woman unveiled at least a little of what was on her mind. Yeah, she sure as fuck hoped she'd be considered different from that guy...

"Y'mean like how i'm just a normal ass person and he's bad vibes incarnate? Yeah, we definitely are different," She'd narrow her eyes, "I don't figure anything facinating in just.. Being a person, personally. But to your credit, I definitely am the weird one out, considering anybody similar to me seems to just be a dickhead, innately."

A labored sigh would come from her, "Alright cut to the chase; What's it you want from me?"

END| By The Sea
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:26 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_2509817

She couldn't help but smile. sharp. The girl was on guard, she couldn't help but wonder just how often this girl was poked at for her....unique qualities. That smile softened for a moment as she gently raised a hand in response to that sudden rush of defensiveness. "Nothing nefarious. But I understand your sudden stern tone. I can imagine that a great many individuals have taken unhealthy interest in you. No, I suppose I'm simply.....curious. As you may no doubt have noticed, Mazda took it upon himself to impart something...special to Santa. Who you no doubt, are trying to discern me from. You must be perplexed by my scent." She smiled. She HAD mentioned the salt before. She was very clearly aware that Liltotto had a good sense of smell, after all, she had brought it up with Santa before.

"As you've no doubt noticed, I have no such scent of his influence. I am...shall you say.....the one allowing Santa to....hitchhike on my physical form. Because of my particular abilities, we are both able to exist simultaniously. And.... ah no, that's disingenuous. I suppose I am the hitchhiker. Let us call me....Santa 1.0. You can call me Ajora. Santa however, is .....a me that was unfortunately altered heavily. I'm sure you no doutb noticed her ....simple qualities. That is a part of the damage she has. Or....had." She folded her arms, gently letting her chin rest on her knuckles. Sigh... "But, to get back to my point. I am not quite so ...trusting as she is. She has bonded with Mazda, but she is not the most careful of women. I've ensured that his influence does not extend to my ....portion of our soul. He....unnerves me. I am curious about him. But his particular qualities...." Her expression briefly looked troubled... and then she smiled, looking back to Liltotto.

"I will be upfront. I'm very curious about you. I've lived a very long time. I have run into others similar to yourself. Sortof.... I want to get to know you if that's alright. the interest of transparency, I hope to get close enough that you would trust me in some investigations. But of course, I more than understand an unwillingness to allow a general stranger to go poling about you." She noted with that continued soft smile, her earnest and honestness no doubt perhaps beeing startling. "That said, even if you never permit such a thing, that does not diminish my interest bin the slightest in getting to know you. You are...... interesting, in more than just your composition."
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:53 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_sample-fadfb1c11cf3399244cb8b455003fa32

Liltotto Lamperd

"..Definitely wouldn't say many, but at the same time the typical guy who takes interest in me in that way tends to be one of the bigshot dickheads."

Deciding to hear the odd woman out, though she had a visible look of curiosity along with her careful eyes. Cautious intrigue, it could be described as, the woman divulging into the nature of herself, Santa, and their relation to Mazda. At the very least, her story seemed to line up with what she could tell... What a strange situation, two completely different beings operating in... Technically the same body. She guessed the woman had some sort of duplication ability under her sleeve, it couldn't have been as simple as just changing appearances, especially if she's cornered off her "end" of the soul from Mazda's reach.

Doubtful he was very pleased about that, but the two seemed to be distinct enough from each other that perhaps he treated them as so. Thankfully her level of unnerved towards him had been matched by Ajora... Sure, she wasn't aware of any inherent wrongdoings of his, but with some, your gut just feels odd around them, troubled by them, even if their concerning behavior is restricted to words and intents.

With Ajora stating her final intentions, Liltotto gave the woman a slight 'hmm', crossing her arms. Even if she was friendly with Santa, she wasn't certain what this part of her, supposedly the original part, could want in the end. At the same time, she had a gnawing curiosity towards her, and the sense she at the very least was being harmless and earnest for the moment - if she was a dangerous individual, she would've known by now, no?

"..Mazda freaks me out, will say that right now,"
She cupped her chin with her hand in thought, "He's said.. A lot of concerning shit. Even if going along with him means I get what I want, it still feels... Wrong, in a way. He just has 'trouble' written all over him, but it's not like he's the first guy like that I even moderately helped... Like it felt like my gut was screaming at me when we talked."

"...But as for you," Her eyes would draw up, "I don't mind you getting to know me... But the instant you give me the impression you're gonna do something fucked up to anyone I like, or my home, or anything like that, i'm not entertaining it anymore. You're probably the most normal being so far that's held interest in probing me, and you haven't given me any inclination that you would do any of those things so far, so just keep it that way."

She'd lounge a bit, grabbing a bag of snacks and popping it open, "So, whaddaya wanna know?"

END| By The Sea
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 11:52 am
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_2509817

Ajora couldn't help but chuckle softly at that. "Oh? Well if Santa were here I'm sure she'd suggest you try women and try to set you up with Archadia or something. Bless her heart." She chuckled to herself. Though she did pause for a moment. That smile....vanishing as she listened to the woman. "I would keep that opinion to yourself outside of those you trust dear. Not that you aren't entitled to such feelings but....He is not the sort of man I would trust to respond well to overhearing such things." She noted, folding her arms and sighing as she took a moment to rub her eyelids. Hmmm. A moment, in which she appeared to.....think.

She smiled when Liltotto touched upon the subject of their little arrangement. Her eyes drifting down to eye the little bag of snacks being popped open. "I have no questions presently. Other than perhaps if you would like to hang out sometime. I'm not of the opinion that questions would glean much. Nothing to say of you being trustworthy, but anything you would tell me would ultimately be stained by perspective bias." She smiled, and then took a moment to size the woman up. "Although. If you didn't mind. I wouldn't mind a bit of ...exercise? You're part of the Vandenreich yes? If you didn't mind taking a bit of a break from your snack. I'd love to see what you're capable of." She chimed with a warm smile.
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Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] Empty Re: Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:41 pm
Words Up on The Wall [Ajora/Liltotto] HEADER_sample-fadfb1c11cf3399244cb8b455003fa32

Liltotto Lamperd

"From what i've been hearing about that woman, i'd have hard declined. For more reasons than attitude, of course..." Her gaze would drift to the side as she recalled the occasional complaining of some woman going about causing issues, minor in nature of course but still didn't sound like someone she'd want to associate with apart from giving her a firm 'cut that shit out'.

She'd tilt her head with Arcadia's mentioning of not saying such things aloud about him, but she'd click her teeth in response, "I'm not scared of him. Obviously I don't bring it up with many people, but I really don't give a shit if he's listening or not. He doesn't have any control over me and I wouldn't let him."

Munching on her snack for a bit with little further regard to how poor sweet Mazda may get in a tizzy over her stating an opinion, shrugging and nodding at the request to 'hang out', "Yeah we can hang out sometime. Figured we were doin' that now but, eh."

Though that request to see what she was capable of was... Interesting. "..As long as it doesn't get too rowdy, sure I guess. What do you wanna see?"

END| By The Sea
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