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Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:51 pm
Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] 728ec0b679639f20c78fbfb4f5381c44


Basic Information
Name: Isaac Samuels (Originally Isaac Agron)
Other Names: The Mutt
Age: 28
Birthday: June 1st
Gender: Male
Race: Supernatural Human
Affiliation: Russian Outfit

Marital Status: Single
Nationality: American
Ethnicity : Jewish-Russian
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 6'0
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Greenish-Yellow

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] 3tQl5kf

Psychological Report

"As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife." ~ Proverbs (Mishle) 26:11

Isaac is very much the study of what a man becomes when both his nature and his environment are arrayed against him. An almost hypocritical paradox of a godly man so intimate with sin that it boggles the mind. He claims to be a practicing reform Jew, and he takes great length with the liberty such a title offers. While it would be inaccurate to say he pays lip service to his faith, his unique approach to it and his relationship with 'God' seems to fall to the wayside when it comes to his criminal activates.

In the same breath of donating a large portion of his income to low-income areas and investing in his community, the very same night he might be found enacting acts of violence on a rival. He finds no reason to justify why he does what he does with anyone, save for himself and his supposed creator. The personal relationship between him and his god is something he shall attest and be judged for when his death comes, never regretting a single action he has performed.

He is very much the young man with a hunger for life. His childhood has instilled a deep sense of criminal honor within his core, knowing that he who lives by the gun shall inevitably die by it. Always scheming and planning to come out ahead, he seeks to rise to the highest echelons of society. Not because of some grand design or purpose, but merely because he wants it. In something almost embodying greed, he can't help to strive for greatness.

For all his faults it cannot be ignored that he genuinely does hold goodness and honorable accord in him. He doesn't go back on his word, he honors his debts, he tries to offer true good in the world to counteract the darkness he himself breeds. In the fractured and broken world Isaac lives in, he tries to not hurt those who had no place in it to begin. Somethings are sacred.

Criminal History

Isaac Samuels was born Isaac Agron, the son of a notable Russian mobster and Jewish mother in New York. However, with notoriety came infamy. It was at a young age that his father was arrested and sentenced to life within prison, refusing to snitch on his criminal organization. This act of criminal conduct was perhaps the first notable thing in his life that set him on the path he is currently on. Due to his father being seen as upstanding by the Russian Outfit, and having taken the heat for a crime, his mother and him were provided for. His mother may have had some issues with it, but ultimately she accepted the help and the people that came around.

Isaac grew up visiting his father in prison and surrounded by 'uncles' that where immersed deep into the life. While his mother raised him as a Jew, something he would carry all his life in her name, the fact remained he was the son of a criminal. And in a tell as old as time itself, his family needed more money then could be provided by the slowly decaying criminal organization. His mother got sick, bad, and with no insurance he needed to make money. A lot of money.

People speak about deals with the devil often being a monstrous thing, whispering cruel things. In reality the devil smiles at you with painted lips and beautiful eyes. It makes you want it. And like so many others Isaac danced with the devil at the age of fourteen. A string of break ins that he never got caught for, making hand over fist money in a short period. But not enough, not enough to care for a mother now in the hospital. So he did the thing his mother would never want, he spoke with the Outfit.

The Russians always had a reputation of fear. The type of things whispered at night that made the hairs on your neck stand up. A strict code of conduct that kid or not could have him end up dead. It was because of his father he had a foot in the door, and truth be told it was in his blood. It doesn't matter what jobs he did back then, he accepted anything. Burglary, extortion, gambling, anything. He gained a reputation as a hard charger enough that he was able to make enough money to ease his mother's troubles.

The thing that broke his heart was how his mother couldn't look at him. She knew what he was doing. She knew what he was becoming. Maybe some part of him wanted her to tell him to stop, but she never did. Even as she got worse. Maybe that would've set him right. Yet, his mother wasn't that strong willed. And when she died it marked the end of his youthful ignorance. There was no going back.

Only a few short days after his mother's death he turned eighteen. He remembers the night vividly of walking away from her tombstone to be ambushed by some made men in the Outfit. Telling him to get in the car. He did of course, a bit too numb from his mother death to put up an argument. When they arrived to the club-house he was seated in front of the boss and a gun placed in front of him. Somethings where said but ultimately one thing was clear: He was to kill a man who wronged the outfit.

To deny would mean his own death. To accept would cross a line unable to be fixed. When he took the gun, he knew his life was damned. He got the guy when he was taking the trash out, walked behind him in a hoody and empty the entire thing into him. Broad day light. It was a message. When he reported by the outfit they took care of him, changed his clothes, got rid of the weapon. Gave him a bucket when he threw up.

And then they inducted him. Eighteen years old, and made a member. He was protected. He was in it.

What came after that for the next decade was a slew of things, making money and becoming bolder. He adapted quickly becoming the man he needed to be to survive. A ruthless businessman at times and at other moments a genuine philanthropist. He visits his father occasionally in prison for advice, having briefly been incarcerated with him for a year for a minor crime. In that time he was incarcerated he took that time to actually expand his mind, gaining a profound interest in engineering and electronics.

He made his bones anyway he could, becoming an enforcer for the family for some time. This time spent as an enforcer showed him the seedier underbelly of NYC, learning that those with supernatural powers often used them for ill. People may not be running around dressed as villains, but rival gangs seemed to make a concerted effort to monopolize powers. He had to learn quickly his own innate powers and utilize them to hurt people. Badly.

These things had an effect on him, creating him into a hardened criminal. Once he discovered his power the realms of opportunity swung open for him. Utilizing his power, he was able to make a lot of money, and quickly. He once emptied out a minor bank, before almost being caught by anti-power systems! But he made out and the rush that came with it resulted in him taking more bold risks. Wilder ideas. And they kept working out.

Things really began to reach a head when the world seemed set on ending itself, the Iceland war was the first moment when the criminal underworld really took a turn for the worst. At the time Isaac was working as an Enforcer within the family, and with that came certain obligations. That being the elimination and hostile takeover of rackets and fronts. The turmoil in the world upset age old hierarchies and when old men hesitated young blood like himself would send themselves headfirst into the chaos.

The Tri-State War was what it was called. And it won't be talked about in history books. But it is the bloodiest Gang War of this decade this side of the USA. And Isaac can proudly claim he was the man who fired the first shot. It all started over a shipment of Stolen cocaine. A scheme by Isaac to rob the Mexicans while impersonating the Irish Mob. Shit went sideways to say the least.

The details of war are up for debate but one thing was certain, Isaac had a hand in it. The days of drive-by shootings had ended a long time ago, mostly when people started getting superpowers. Things where more personal. Up close. Personal. Fights got messy, even when weapons where used. And that was the crucible that made Isaac.

It lasted a year, the parties involved included the Irish, Russians, The Cartels, and an assortment of local bought gangs. Isaac devised the strategy to deal crippling blows to each through the utilization of his powers, in the beginning of the war he laid low working out his plan. His efforts bore fruits with Gateway, Notebook, and the Anchor Points. By utilizing them in tandem, and a few bribes, he was able to tactically position the Gateway to hit the rival organizations brutally.

The general plan of attack was warp in within their hideouts, and get to work. Isaac can still recall to some grimness of the all. Teleporting in on some folks, and setting to a brutal executions. Brass knuckle fights and the feeling of cracking the skulls high-ranking members of rival gangs, wild gun fights that result in more than a few scars on his body. All these attacks had to be performed in a matter of days, straining the limits of his powers and what his body could put up with. But the Herclean effort results in a dynamic shift in the conflict.

So by the time the apex of the War arrived, orders came from higher up that he'd be tasked with taking out the final holdouts of the Irish. Supposedly a big name supernatural human with a penchant for violence, and an ability that allowed his body to become as hard as steel. It was a simple power, but turns out, those where the deadliest. Lots of ways a human body can be broken with simple, plain, powers like that. Bullets barely worked, and punching him was hardly in the cards.

So Isaac went to work. He played around with some gun designs, figuring some high-impact bullets might give him a chance. He began messing around with that whole 'mediumship' business. While at this point he wasn't entirely clueless to the potential in his soul, this was the first real time he had to make an active effort to bring it out. He needed an edge to even the playing field.

Needless to say this was the prototype design for what would eventually become Cain and Abel. Two weapons which feel intimately apart of him now. Instead of teleporting into this fight, he took a completely different approach. In a brazen display like that of the old age, he pulled up directly on the Irish Enforcer with a small group. Gunshots rang out in the Slaughterhouse that was used as their base, resulting in deaths on bothsides. The fight that followed between him and the Enforcer left Isaac with three broken ribs, a fractured orbital, and two crushed fingers. It was more desperation than any real training or preparation, Isaac on his back pointing the high caliber pistol at the man as he felt a tangible connection to the weapon. Like the springs, metal, and brass where intimately apart of him. The super-heated bullet that left his barrel glowed redhot with a blue aura around it, as it slammed into the forehead of the Enforcer. A shot which might explode the head of a normal man, instead buried the bullet into the brain cavity of the man.

It was lethal none the less.

Despite being a playmaker the entire war, he was done for. He was just too injured to be put back out on the streets, but he had truly earned the respect of The Outfit. Along with setting them up to come out on top. Barely, but that would make all the differences in the coming years. The war ended on shaky terms, all parties bloodied leaving the East Coast underworld in turmoil. He eventually managed to get back on his feet, having made a reputation enough to set him up for future endeavors. While he received no direct promotion, he was entrusted with broader responsibility.

The Tri-State War instilled into him a very real belief in the power, of superior firepower and raw supernatural might. The man with the most hitters won. The man with the better plan, won. These hard worn lessons wormed their way into his brain, helping to push him to perfect the things he learned in the war. Some part of his humanity was gone, replaced by something else. Greed perhaps. Or maybe it was raw ambition. It was hard to tell.

His wild streak and crazy ideas have made him something of a figure in his outfit, being a figure of great controversy within the outfit. However, he makes money like no one's business enough for the Outfit to make a slow resurgence since his WWIV idea to run guns to the resistance. Now he has turned his eyes to Europe, seeking to make a move to not only line his pockets but perhaps move up in the organization...


Wealthy: Isaac has been in the criminal business for years at this point, and has done remarkably well for himself in his illegal and legal endeavors. Most of his money is derived from his smuggling and arms deals, but owns a number of legal businesses to clear his money and support his income. He currently is the owner of four laundry mats, two night clubs, and two online gambling businesses. Furthermore he has intensive cryptocurrency accounts he further launders money through, while also investing occassionally.

American Connection: It was messy but Isaac has acquired what is known as 'The American Connection' which is essentially a large amount of surplus armaments which happened to become 'lost' during the conflict of WWIV. The street value of this large arsenal is easily enough to propel The Russian Outfit into a level of international arms-dealing that might elevate them in the criminal underworld. The issue arises of setting up the global distribution network needed to actually use this asset.

The Russian Outfit: Isaac is a made man of the Russian Outfit meaning he's protected by them, and has limited access to their influence. Which is quite a lot in New York and the eastern half of the USA. While this power and it's projection is useful mostly in America, it places a target on his back. This recovering criminal organization is currently on the come up after WWIV, placing themselves to potentially take over a number of markets in America. Primarily the drug business, which he has little to personally add to, and the arms business which is his cup of tea.

Gadget Inventory: Surprisingly, Isaac is a bit of a creator. In that he recognizes the inherent dangers to his life and thus has taken the steps to create little gadgets which make his business easier. While these are normally mundane in nature such as trackers or camouflage devices, they can become more complex if he has the need to create one for a job. But it can generally be assumed he has small almost playful level gadgets on him at all times. Nothing that will dramatically change a fight but might prove a nuisance such as tracking devices, camo, trip wears, or even a smoke bomb!

Cain & Abel: A pair of pistols named after the biblical brothers, these custom made weapons are a signature of Isaac. Modified with an extended clip and spiritually augmented, these weapons pack quite the punch to them. When used in conjunction with Isaac's mediumship, it allows him to amplify the power to that capable of piercing durability equal to his mediumship. Of course, utilizing these enhanced striking power results in a tangible drain to his energy.

Furthermore, using mediumship he is able to modify the projectiles in a mundane capacity. Such as quieting his shots or extending their range beyond what is capable or even making the rounds akin to small explosions no larger than five meters. It should be noted, he cannot create bullets out of thin air but he can substitute his energy to fire 'raw' energy if he runs out of bullets at a cost to himself.

Spiritual Notebook: A special notebook that isn't all that special, an infused book of energy that Isaac keeps. If a person signs their name with their energy, in a manner he shows, then it allows him to utilize his teleport powers on them.

Gateway Anchor(s): A uniquely designed series of devices, no larger than a baseball in size and shape. These devices are encoded and store a substantial portion of Isaac's energy and act as anchoring points for his Gateway ability. Needless to say if they are destroyed and a gateway is active, the gateway will close.


Criminal Mastermind: It cannot be understated that Isaac is brilliant. Perhaps not in a book learned sort way, but certainly in a practical way. His ability to intake information and formulate a plan of action speaks clearly that in another life he wouldn't have been a criminal. More often than not he uses this intellect to plan his criminal businesses and ambitions in a way which make an optimal outcome for all parties involved, often choosing the path results in less pay for himself but indebts people to him. This carries over to his engineering.

Engineer, Robotics, and Technology: When Isaac went to prison at age twenty, he actually spent that time being productive. He took an interest in some college class his father insisted he do, and developed a genuine interest in the way of engineering. Enough that he took up studying electronics and engineering once he got out. And naturally he turned those talents to criminal enterprise, using his knowledge to create gadgets that might otherwise help him. And occasionally, entering into battle-bots contests. Hey, a guy has to have hobbies.

Heightened Dexterity: Isaac isn't the strongest, strong sure, but he's more a quick shot. His hand-eye coordination is quite high able to hit targets from remarkable distances, including generally being athletics. His ability to move fluidly has resulted in him being more than hard to hit with firearms or strikes, something he uses to surprising ability if he needs to.

Enforcer: Isaac is ultimately a man who has taken lives, and will continue to do so as needed. In a world of supernatural monsters, one must also become a monster themselves if they are to enforce their rules in the criminal underworld. For this reason he's been in more than a number of fights, and has had to develop his own brand of combat. He prefers to do things clean, with guns or weapons. He isn't doing a 'honorable fist fight.' He's going to grab some type of weapon, and turn it into a deadly object.

Granted this is aided by his mediumship, able to focus objects into instruments which might have otherwise broken on supernatural people's skin. But most notable he uses Mediumship on his pistols, a duel set of custom made of m1911s.

Underworld Veteran: Isaac history in the underworld is coated in blood of both enemies and allies alike. He understands very well the wicked world he operates within, and shows impressive tenacity to survive within it. No not just survive, but thrive to a degree that it is almost sociopathic. This deep history and roots within the underworld has made him tough physically and spiritually amassing a number of scars from sometimes just needing to throw caution to the wind to send a message. Nothing quite leaves a message like beating a man to death in front of his crew, knowing they can't stop you. In short, he's a killer.


Touch Teleportation: It isn't surprising that Isaac has supernatural abilities, but his own power isn't really fit for true combat. Anything he has touched within two hours, he can teleport to. A rather mundane and simple power, that scales in energy usage based off of how far the object is and how long ago he touched it. If the object is moving and he teleports to it, he carries the same momentum he had before he teleported. I.e. if he was standing still he appears not moving even if the item is.

At his current level he can do this once per post in combat. While he has no hard cooldown on its usage, using it in rapid succession without a post break results in exponential energy usage. While the static energy cost always remains the same, it can quickly drain him to the point of incapacitation if not used sporadically. For the sake power balance, this ability will scale with Power Control which as that increases reflects his ability to utilize this technique with less energy costs and finer control. He can use this in a thread eight times at advanced.

It should be noted his teleportation follows the deconstruction, and reconstruction rule. Meaning that every time he uses this power, for a split moment, he simply doesn't exist before being reconstructed at the target location. If he would teleport within a solid object, he would simply be pushed to the nearest exit.

In the event of barriers and seals which prevent entering and leaving, if it allows energy to escape than he would be able to utilize his power to exit it. Due to the situational usage of barriers and seals as a whole, it comes down to the individual barrier or seal used rather than a blanket statement. For barriers that prevent the escape of spiritual particles, then he would stuck as indicated in his history baring any additional actions.

Swap: This ability is similar to touch teleportation but instead of teleporting him to a target it instead switches his position for the object. It obeys the same laws of Touch Teleportation in limitations. When performed on a person, they must have consented to his powers via signing their name with energy in a small notebook. This notebook is in fact supernatural in nature, and should be treated as an energy item.

Get Over Here: Similar to swap, except it brings the person or item to him rather than have them switch places. Follows the same rules as Swap and Touch Teleportation. If it is a person, then their name must be in the book. The size of the object he can teleport to himself scales off of power control using the following.

Beginner: Roughly ten pounds of material can be transferred.
Adept: Roughly fifty pounds of material can be transferred.
Advance: Roughly two hundred fifty pounds of material can be transferred.
Elite: Roughly one thousand two hundred pounds of material can be transferred.

Provided an item mass does not exceed the weight threshold, it can be transported.

Note: Touch, Swap, and Get Over Here can only be used cumulatively eight times.

Gateway: One of the most impressive utilizations of transportation power is the ability to craft a link between one area and another. With enough focus and energy, he can temporarily create a gateway to move people and things through, but due to the strain of performing this action while he holds the gateway open, he cannot use his powers in any other capacity. If he is brought out of this focused state, the gateway will close. He must have an anchoring point, something that holds a portion of his energy, where he creates the other end of the gateway. It can be maintained for two hours. The size of the gateway is 5x5 meters/roughly 16x16 feet.

Mediumship: To the surprise of no one, a man with a knack for creating items found a way to empower them. While not the utmost thing he's great out, he can perform Mediumship to such a degree that creating powers innately connected to an object is a lot easier than most. For instance, he turns the flame of a lighter with mediumship into a full-blown flamethrower, or some ice cubes into ice grenades. Ever the creative spirit, mediumship results in anything being used to further his aims.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Martial Skill: Advance

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Power Control: Advance
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Adept
  • Mediumship: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advance
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by MorpheusDavol on Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:18 pm; edited 15 times in total

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] JfH75kA
Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] H8Tyk70
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Morph OTY
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Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:49 am
Buying 2-5 to 2-3 slot

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] JfH75kA
Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] H8Tyk70
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Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:24 am
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

Initial Check:
Second Check:
Final Check:

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Mar 23, 2022 5:45 pm; edited 4 times in total

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Gamma_Signature
Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] CHARACTER_LISTIsaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] GRAPHICS_THREADIsaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Morph OTY
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Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D]

Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:59 am
Cain Abel
-Typo should've been advanced
-What I meant by mundane was that his alteration was limited to the effect of the round. I will alter this to be he can increase or decrease the penetrating power of the round to make it simpler.

High level Dex
You want more match dexterity feats

I will write more about his combat history.

Touch Teleport
I need some recommendations, I don't know what you want changed or tone down without some level of example. You referenced his twenty four hours, I think that is too long is what you're implying?

-It's a deritive of the overall powerset with the connection to touch-teleportation. I felt the two worked pretty well together.
-Noted, I don't know what you want me to change or exclude based off your second note.

Get Over here
-Do you want this removed or do you want it edited since you started with 'no.' My issue so far with this grading isn't the material but trying to figure out what you want changed or removed.
-I will say to the what if you supposed about them being in another realm, or really any distance + time combination, that the drain of energy would increase linearly. I can expand on that, if it's ok. I can include maybe some low level examples, mid level, and high level/dangerous examples of utilizing this power. Would that suffice?
-As for the Zanpakatou, I'd treat them the same way as people or really any spiritual weapon. They have their own unique source of energy and are not static items. They would have the same defense mechanisms as humans, and if he tried to lift one- he'd be subject to the rules of Bleach where he can't. I suppose if he couldn't sense his own energy signature that might just wholly shut off his teleportation powers as a whole, as he'd have no frame of reference or idea on how to move his self.

-He is maintaining it by being within proximity actively pouring his energy into it, I don't know if I made that clear. He has to be actively holding it open which is a drain on his reserves, and I did twenty four hours as a broad thing. I can knock that down to a static number just give me one.

-That's fair, what if I incorporate perhaps a device which holds a small portion of his energy which needs be crafted. It acts as a beacon therefor if destroyed it removes his ability to anchor.

Notes on Power
- This is weirdly explained in your grading, I don't know what you're saying here. Can I just remove the notes on powers? It seems to just be causing confusion. I don't know what to reconsider unless you tell me.\

Balancing as a whole:

Maybe there's some confusion here as I tried to make it as similar to the used example within Combat Teleportation, which was Minato. The 'tag' of a person or item is the set up similar to both of them. I can add that he needs to place a small portion of his energy into said thing, which the other person might be able to cancel out if they have some level of energy control akin to Kido/Spellcraft. That should add some counter play as well. I don't know about these set up into auto hits, I believe there is some level of counterplay to all things with these added weaknesses. If you don't can you provide the auto hit examples so I can add more supporting weaknesses.

Yeah I can add more accurate examples of this/references to support them or tone 'em down. I'll probably add maybe some illegal or illict augmentations thanks for the suggestions.

Just get back to on these and I'll get to workin


Things were clarified in vc with Gamma, Rawk, and Locke as witness. 03/14/2022

Teleport regaridng barriers and seals:
In the event of barriers and seals which prevent entering and leaving, if it allows energy to escape than he would be able to utilize his power to exit it. Due to the situational usage of barriers and seals as a whole, it comes down to the individual barrier or seal used rather than a blanket statement. For barriers that prevent the escape of spiritual particles, then he would stuck as indicated in his history baring any additional actions.

Updated Get over here:

Get Over Here: Similar to swap, except it brings the person or item to him rather than have them switch places. Follows the same rules as Swap and Touch Teleportation. If it is a person, then their name must be in the book. The size of the object he can teleport to himself scales off of power control using the following.

Beginner: Roughly ten pounds of material can be transferred.
Adept: Roughly fifty pounds of material can be transferred.
Advance: Roughly two hundred fifty pounds of material can be transferred.
Elite: Roughly one thousand two hundred pounds of material can be transferred.

Provided an item mass does not exceed the weight threshold, it can be transported.

Gateway size:
The size of the gateway is 5x5 meters/roughly 16x16 feet.

Regarding tier:
Yeah just refund me and lemme purchase whatever the low 3 tier option is provided he fits.

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] JfH75kA
Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] H8Tyk70
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Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Left_bar_bleue174500/99999Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] Empty Re: Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D]

Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:51 am



long way down | END POST



long way down | END POST

Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] JfH75kA
Isaac Samuels [APPROVED; Human, 3-5] [Hazard Rank D] H8Tyk70
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