Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
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Black Touchdown [Solo] Empty Black Touchdown [Solo]

Sun Mar 06, 2022 12:20 am
Word Count: 250
While Isabella was out fixing things, making contacts, and doing research, Imelda had reached out to a person of interest in Vastime. The thing was that the Vanetti were going to have to expand their realm of trade and transport, but trying to steal a port from the nose of the Duvalier was pretty much impossible when they keep what comes in and out under pretty tight wraps. While they probably could take it from Claudia and her people, it was best to try and outsource through another party. Luckily, they had a potential ally in a neighbor just below them.

Imelda wasn't exactly a fan of Vastime, though it was mainly a dislike for it's leader--er, former leader now. In her eyes, he was ambitious and had her respect, but besides that they were to alike and thus wouldn't get along. Plus, she's not really a fan of the "by any means necessary" types nor the "savior" types, which she has gotten the impression so far that he was both. Regardless, at the moment Imelda sat off the dock of a Tunisian port, waiting for her contact to arrive.

The waves lapped at her feet and the air smelled of fried fish, and Imelda's patience only grew shorter and shorter as hunger started to set in. But then, a voice broke through the ambience.

"Sorry, I hope you were not waiting long."

Imelda's head swung behind her to see who she came here for: Kell Tunis, the Trade Princess.
Coding done by S_E

Last edited by Slayer on Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total

Black Touchdown [Solo] Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

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Black Touchdown [Solo] Empty Re: Black Touchdown [Solo]

Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:07 am
Word Count: 525
Because she was sitting off the edge of a harbor, Kell casted a shadow over Imelda's face as the woman's full head of hair blocked out the sun. Kell had the appearance that one would expect of a person hailing from Africa: dark skin, thick black locks, and a bunch of jewelry all around her body. Just at a glance, it was clear that Kell exuded an air of richness and importance--she wouldn't be the first person like this that Imelda has seen. Frequenting business districts as a kid, it would be on an almost daily basis that Imelda would bump into CEO's or big shot people. In any case, this was good for her. At least Imelda wasn't playing in a field she wasn't familiar with.

"No, not particularly. I imagine a woman of your notoriety is quite busy, so it doesn't really bother me." Imelda spoke her mind but didn't bother to stand up to face the woman. Yeah, she was willing to kiss ass but nothing more than that. There was still some self-respect Imelda had engrained into her regardless of who she was speaking to; she wouldn't even kneel for the Queen. Kell, on the other hand, had a clear issue with the fact and was expecting much more respect. There was a swift clearing of her throat that Imelda ignored before she continued to speak anyways.

"Well then, shall we get to business? I can have a table brought for us if you so desire." There was a hint of disdain as Kell addressed Imelda, the same kind used when a city person talks about someone from the rural parts of their country. In short, she figured the girl dumb, rude, and uncultured rather than the uncaring that she actually was. In response, Imelda waved her hand and looked out at the water, the ripples and waves soothing her. Maybe when all this shit was said and done she'll buy a house on the water in Sicily, maybe even in Corsica. Oh! That's another place she has to go to, after she finished here.

"I can get to business just fine where I am. You're a lady of opportunity and it just so happens that I have one for you. There's some big movement happening just yonder in Italy and we plan to establish a business in Sicily and we'd like to bring you in as a partner. The name of the gave is transportation and trade. Cosa Nuova already has ships in our possession and international contacts, the only problem is the damn Duvalier. There are no ports in which we can reliably use, so at the moment we're currently working at a lower capacity." Imelda extended her arm to her side and rolled her wrist, as a so of "and so on" gesture to indicate that Kell knew where it was going to go without Imelda having to say so. Assuming that the deal would go well, then profits would increase exponentially in the Family's favor regardless of the cut that Kell took. Adamantly, Imelda waited for a rebuttal to come her way, hopefully one she could accept.
Coding done by S_E

Black Touchdown [Solo] Sumera-character-list
Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
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Black Touchdown [Solo] Empty Re: Black Touchdown [Solo]

Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:59 pm
Word Count: 734
And a rebuttal would come. In the form of an inquisitive raise of the eyebrow. "And what's in it for us? Money is nothing but a thing, and I have plenty of it. These ports supply enough income to feed my entire state if I saw it fit. And even then, if you were to pay me in money, I only accept money from those I trust. Those who could think of me as a partner. Those that I see the same way." This statement was only enhanced by the fact that Kell was looking down at Imelda, and Imelda could all but feel the woman's eyes boring into the back of her skull. Yeah, she did come into this meeting with a disrespectful attitude and now it was biting her in the ass, however if she were to back down now then she’s all but lost this agreement. It was important to Imelda that she held her ground here, to establish that they were on the same ground.

I will not ask again.” And Imelda knew that she meant it. Fuck, one of them was going to have to cave and that person looked like it was going to be Imelda. See, they needed this port, especially because it’s Imelda’s gateway to usurping the boss position. She was not here on behalf of the Vanetti family, but she sure as hell was going to use their resources. Getting this down and done was going to allow her a steady flow of cash, money, and even a place to store goods that was basically untouchable by anyone in her family. That being said, reluctantly, Imelda stood up and turned around to face Kell eye to eye.

A sigh would leave Vanetti's lips as she spoke up. “What do you need done?” The vagueness of Kell’s speech was implicit; she didn't want Imelda to give her a good deal, rather she wanted Imelda to do what she needed to be done. Honestly, Imelda couldn’t begin to wonder why she was going to do this task rather than one of Kell’s lackeys but this worry would be squashed soon enough as the other woman continued. “I’m glad you asked.

I have a thorn in my beautiful rose bush. Just one. Not enough to go looking for it, but its always there being a pain. This thorn comes from your lands, on small little island. Sar-

Sardinia.” Imelda cut her off, knowing where this was going. It wasn’t a surprise, the family that ran Sardinia has started to become a thorn in Imelda’s side too. The Sardana were pretty much untouched by the collapse of the old Cosa, and honestly it was a surprise that they were even a part of it in the first place considering that their home turf was so far away. Makes Imelda wonder what the old guys had to do to get them. “They seem like the type. The kind to overstep and take what they please.

A smile found its way on Kell’s face. “The language of your people, no?” She spoke with adversity while Imelda just rolled her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood for this right now. “Anyway, I need you to remove this thorn. They’ve been taking my people, employees and civilians alike, never to be seen again. With what little I’ve been able to look into it, they’ve been tracked to a building on this island before the trail goes dark. It seems tracking does not work and they think they can do as they please.

So if I got this straight, I fix this issue for you then… perhaps we can come to an agreement?” Imelda was really trying to wrap it up by this point. The meeting was going places that she wasn’t expecting nor was she comfortable with. Owing debts was something that has always gotten on her bad side, like a gun was placed at the back of her head. It could fire at any moment if she didn’t do what was said. So maybe it was actually a problem with authority?

We’ll see.” And with that Kell left, spinning on her heel and leaving about as fast as she came. Imelda was not a fan of that woman, but with supply and demand being a very real thing she didn’t have a choice. Looks like there was another target on her map:

Coding done by S_E

Black Touchdown [Solo] Sumera-character-list
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