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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Left_bar_bleue0/0Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Tue Mar 08, 2022 6:51 pm
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) GJVUdSJ


Hiroe could not properly get over the words of a certain Shinigami at the academy. Yuzuru Satoshi. Every time she thought of his name, a pouty expression dominated her countenance. There was no proper way to define how she felt. It had been a week since their first meeting and Hiroe still had yet to pull his words from her mind.

Truth be told, Hiroe had never entertained the idea of dating anyone. She was still a new recruit in the academy who had barely dipped her feet into the more difficult courses of the academy. She was in every sense of the word-----a beginner.

To be certain, she intended to change that and fulfill the promise she made to herself and those who genuinely believed in her dreams and the path she has chosen. In her eyes, flirting or making certain remarks was what almost any young woman in a school setting did, right? Bah, whatever. She really wanted to give him a piece of her mind for making her feel awkward with those... words of his! Especially on a free day! Hpmh...

Crossing her arms softly, Hiroe walked through a peaceful district in the Rukongai, in search of some form of entertainment to keep her mind occupied, to distract it from the thoughts of that tall buffoon. She walked by a tavern that some of her female peers had talked about at the academy and decided to see what the appeal was. She heard the little house band here was nice. A nice meal, drink, and good music would serve as a fine distraction. Entering quietly, she would sit down at a table, gazing around for a menu.


Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Left_bar_bleue40300/10000Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Re: Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:52 pm

Business was booming at this particular evening at the Tavern by the Bend, as it was known as by the locals of this particular district of the Rukongai, and with very good reason was business picking up. News of a talented young musician taking up employ there had spread like wild fire and much unlike the majority of rumors being spread it was completing true. A talented young musician did indeed work at Tavern by the Bend and he was indeed drawing crowds almost every evening that he was there with his ability to play multiple instruments and step into different genres at a moment's notice. The news had spread so much by word from mouth that the owner had to spend almost nothing advertising the ability of the young talent he had signed and it was partially to blame for Hiroe not knowing who that musician was this very evening. Indeed, the young lady was in for quite the surprise this night as people scurried around to take orders and deliver food and beverage to tables filled with patrons.

"Packed house again. Yuzuru, you have been a life saver."

The owner said to Yuzuru Satoshi, who had his back turned to the crowd, and was currently crouching over his guitar at that very moment doing some last minute maintenance on it before he intended to start that night. He gave the owner a quite nod, hearing the sound of people behind him eating, and enjoying their evening and knowing that in a few short minutes that he would silence them brought a smile to his face. It was the joy of every musician to leave his audience silent through a performance, to allow his skills to awe and mystify them to the point of absolute enthrallment, and Yuzuru was no different. He wanted to enjoy what he did and he wanted people to be captivated by his skills as this was the only time in his life that his stern looks and almost unapproachable presence didn't matter in the least. It was when he began to strum a tune and sing the songs he knew that none of that mattered.

It was in those moments that Yuzuru was just himself and the facades all simply faded away.

"Knock them dead."

The owner said with a grin, slapping Yuzuru on the shoulder and then walking off stage as Yuzuru stood up to his full height, and took a deep breath as he held his guitar in his hands. He looked at it, as he began to search for the right song to play for the crowd in attendance, and in a matter of seconds, the guitar seemed to begin to play him. He turned around with his eyes closed, as he usually did when he played with every intention to just allow the music to flow out of him unabated, and without concern for reaction. To worry about the crowd reaction now would sully his performance, no, the only thing that that mattered was his playing, and his singing. He began to play "Simple Man", a song that resonated so beautifully with him that every syllable that exited his mouth was dripped with emotion as if he was living the song and that he was telling the story of his life.

The crowd went silent, the desired effect, and even the waiters paused for only a moment to stare at the man playing his heart out on the stage. Some people in attendance were surprised that such a stern looking man could display such emotion through song, but to those that had been here before they were not nearly as surprised. But regardless of the emotions of the audience, they simply watched in silence, and allowed the young man to play his song without interruption.

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) OlBPPj4
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) VewULRr
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) AQodtc6
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Re: Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:19 pm
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) I1XfQ6K


Grabbing the menu and browsing through it's contents, Hiroe was going through options of food and refreshments before settling on an order of burgers and fries. Placing the order in, Hiroe turned to gaze at the throngs of men and women, each ready to listen to the performance from this man who was so popular with her classmates. She wondered who this mystery man was, smirking at the thought of how he'd look and whether he was cute or not.

However, her eyes went from mischievous curiosity to a defeated look of shock as the man turned around, revealing his face to the crowd. No way... Dammit! C'mon! Hiroe felt as if she were experiencing a streak of bad luck in that moment.

Of course he'd be here. The man who dropped an anvil on her and her walked off, leaving her to suffer with his words for a week, was performing in the same tavern her classmates talked about. What else could the woman call it but bad luck? An annoyed expression formed in her countenance as she crossed her arms, awaiting her order. Might as well stay here for the food. Hopefully that overgrown buffoon wouldn't notice her, even if she thought his singing sounded pretty good.



Last edited by Iori on Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Left_bar_bleue40300/10000Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Re: Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:00 pm

As the song completed and Yuzuru opened his eyes to the sounds of applause and cheers, his eyes scanned the room for anyone who had not enjoyed the song. He usually did this to see just what sort of song he should play next as he wanted to make sure that everyone would get their money's worth with every performance he undertook. His eyes drifted until finally, like a million warning bells going off, he found his eyes catching Hiroe in the audience. He began to panic, uncharacteristically of himself when he was on stage for certain, and began to fidget a bit with a minor blush on his face. He remembered what he had said to her a while back and how he had ran off in embarrassment at having spoken to her in such a way. He had wanted her to value herself more and not be caught up with a guy like him with a certain reputation, but looking back he had basically said some very, well, some very emotional things to her.

Just thinking about those things caused his face to turn an even deeper shade of red and made him fidget even more than he already had been. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat again, trying his best to fight through to let the performance go on, but as soon as he tried to do his normal routine of letting the music play through him, he found himself drawing a blank. He looked confusedly at his guitar for guidance, but found nothing, instead he looked over to the tavern owner, and did a hand gesture that they had practiced for signaling he wanted a break. Confusedly the shop owner glanced at him and then shrugged his shoulders, it was clear he thought it was too early for a break, but at that moment Yuzuru needed a breather. He scampered off stage, putting the guitar down on a nearby stand, and glanced back at the upset looking Hiroe.

Dear god, she probably hated him, and after listening to him perform and seeing him again, perhaps she was looking for an opportunity to let him have it. To give him a verbal lashing that he soon wouldn't forget. He wondered if he escaped out the back just what level of trouble he would get into, he supposed it couldn't be any worse than having to deal with the backlash of the things he said not too long ago.

"What's wrong, Yuzuru? Sick or something?"

The owner said, causing him to jump in surprise as he had not taken his eyes off of Hiroe this whole time, and nearly had a heart attack the moment the owner had began to speak to him. Tracing Yuzuru's eyes over to Hiroe, he gave him a sly grin, and clearly misunderstanding the situation elbowed him in the side.


"What!? No!"

The owner chuckled and began to walk toward Hiroe, clearly not understanding the landmine he was about to step on. Yuzuru caught him before he could close the distance and tried his best to form a coherent sentence, but clearly was failing in all respects. He was nervous, more nervous than he had ever been before, and he couldn't really put his finger on why at that moment.

"Ah, I get it. You don't want to mix your personal life with your professional one, I understand, but still the star of my tavern's girlfriend should be treated like royalty."

Before he could say a word, the owner had called over the server for her table, and had in a matter of seconds comped her meal and drinks for the night without a second guess.

"Now go enjoy her company. Life is too short to be working all the time!"

As he said this he began to push Yuzuru over to the table, struggle as Yuzuru might the owner of the tavern, a former strong man, was much too physically gifted for him to fight back against at that moment, and before he knew it he was seated at Hiroe's table. A look of fear and embarrassment passed over his face as the owner walked off laughing the whole time, leaving him to deal with the explosive situation in front of him.

"Hiroe...let me explain..."

He tried to get more words out, but he stumbled over himself verbally, and his mind was clearly against him every step of the way. His face a shade of red and his hands shook nervously as he wondered if the whole room was staring at him and her.

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) OlBPPj4
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) VewULRr
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) AQodtc6
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November COTM 2011 :
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Re: Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:31 pm
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) I1XfQ6K


No. No. No. No. Yuzuru was now seated at her table. Her order was prepared quickly. She was thankful for that. The delicious aroma emanating from her meal was to die for and yet---at the current moment, her eyes ---somewhat akin to a moody feline found itself locked onto Yuzuru.

Crossing her arms, she reached out to drink her beverage as she stared down at her plate. She was not prepared to see him again but here they were, face to face. Ah, it was only now that Hiroe desired to be elsewhere. Even so, part of her realized that crossing paths with this man once more was inevitable.

In the grand scheme of things, she was bound to meet him again sooner or later. Still, she didn't expect it to be this soon. Placing her hand around a burger, she took a rather ravenous bite as she gazed at him with intensity in her eyes. He was stuttering and silent. She was annoyed and silent. Someone had to break the ice here. She guessed it would be her. Finishing her first bite she set her first burger down and offered a second one as she sighed.

"First, let me make one thing clear. My friends talked about this tavern and a handsome musician who played a fine tune. They also said the food served here was pretty good. So, for the record, I came here thinking it'd be anyone but you. That said... you do play a pretty good tune. Still, you have some explaining to do! Leaving me out to dry for a week with those words hanging over my head."


Last edited by Iori on Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Left_bar_bleue40300/10000Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Re: Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:57 pm

He felt like there was a very heavy negative vibe coming off from Hiroe at that moment, not that he didn't deserve the amount of aggression he was getting at the moment. He had left her in a hurry after saying what he had said to her and though he had meant every word that she should value herself higher and that she should spend her time flirting with someone she actually loved, his level of shyness had forced him to flee. If anything this was his just deserts for being a coward and he had been kicking himself in the rear repeatedly over the last few days for doing so. It, however, wasn't like he hadn't tried to approach her, and make things right, but every time he had gotten close to doing so, he had rushed off in the opposite direction. His heart beating a thousand times a minute and his face a deep crimson, he couldn't dare get close.

Now, however he didn't have much of a choice. The owner of the tavern had forced this confrontation and now he was trying his best to finding the proper wording to give her that wouldn't make her hate him more than she probably already did. He folded his hands on the table and let out a deep sigh before he tried to speak, but before he could utter a single word, she was speaking. Instead of cutting her off, he let her vent, and then after she complimented his ability to keep a tune his face turned an even brighter shade of red. Every word he was going to say and every ounce of courage he had mustered up, something that had taken him a few moments to accomplish, washed away. He looked away nervously and began to twiddle his thumbs a bit.

Still, she deserved an apology, and after a few more seconds he managed to gather his courage once again and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I am sorry... I got nervous and ran away. I didn't know how to react to your flirting as...I'm not very good when it comes to dealing with people. Especially beautiful people. Most of the time people like you would merely gaze at me from afar and keep your distance out of fear of some kind of rumors spreading about you. In a way it was a nice bubble to protect myself from having bad interactions with superficial people who care only about my looks or about being the one to claim me as some kind of "trophy". But in more ways than one it also didn't really help me when it came to making bonds with classmates or building the necessary mechanisms to hold meaningful conversations. If anything it made me a coward..."

Yuzuru looked down, his face no longer red, but filled with anger at himself for being such an idiot. Though he supposed it wasn't entirely his fault that he was like this, no, most of the blame went toward his family for keeping him locked away in the compound for so many years. They were majorly to blame for his lack of social graces or speaking skills and right now he felt like crap for not ever really trying to improve that aspect of himself when he entered the academy. He just hoped it wasn't too late to fix that part of himself and make things better. If only so he could hold a conversation properly as to avoid making someone upset again, after all he had hurt Hiroe, at least in his head he had, and he was completely running himself through for it.

Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) OlBPPj4
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) VewULRr
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) AQodtc6
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Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) Empty Re: Musical Chairs, Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru)

Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:59 pm
Musical Chairs,  Part One: Meeting at The Tavern(Hiroe/Yuzuru) I1XfQ6K


HIroe listened to Yuzuru as he poured his heart out. With each heartfelt word that left his lips, Hiroe's grumpy expression softened as she gazed at the raven-haired male. She was still somewhat particularly upset with him in her own prideful way but once he finished, Hiroe had come to a more defined opinion of why he claimed someone like him was so beneath her. It was odd.

From her point of view, Hiroe found the man to be quite charming on the eyes. He was talented. He seemed to have a good heart and fine head on his shoulder. He didn't seem reckless or dispassionate about life. In Hiroe's eyes, there was nothing wrong with Satoshi Yuzuru.

His claims felt wrong and she found his opinions of himself to be false. Hiroe felt flattered that he found her to be this lofty beauty that seemed to lie in a realm so far above his own, yet she would no longer allow him to look down on himself. She was a commoner. There was nothing special about her that felt different from anyone else. To hell with what others thought about her. She entered the academy to one day stand among the greats of the Gotei United.

"Look, Yuzuru... I'm very flattered that you think I'm beautiful. Any woman loves when their complimented and placed on a lofty pedestal by men or even other women. I'm no different. However---as I listen to you, I feel I I should be the one to correct you since no one else has. I don't care about rumors. If we were in a relationship... I wouldn't care about rumors. If I love you, nothing else should matter. I have dreams and aspirations I desire to strive for and reach but I won't allow you to decide on whether you'd be good for me or not. That's my choice. And you know what? If I may be so bold, I think your a good catch. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Yuzuru."


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