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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:46 pm
Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


One of her personal soldat would arrive with her tea, placing the cup on the table. Freyja would remain focused on Hannah before nodding solemnly, lifting the cup towards her lips. Her expression remained as it was as she gazed at the woman, analyzing her words. The artificial development division seemed to be a comment made in sarcasm. Truth be told, the attempt at humor had fell on deaf ears. Tilting her head in curiosity, she returned to consuming her tea. She was a stranger.

Someone she had hardly known for but a few hours. For a woman who was stringent and operated on traditional values, she found such humor to be odd. They knew each other by name and perhaps a friendship would be formed from this meeting but unfortunately, to a woman with a no-nonsense nature as her own, the humor missed it's mark entirely.

"Our artificial development division pales in comparison to the wondrous strides made by the Lux-Orior's division of unamusing humor. No reaction was made on my part because I found it neither humorous nor did I find it to be irritating, let alone something that would cause me to blush. Perhaps it varies between others but engagement and interaction are typically achieved when two individuals have found a relatable subject to speak of. For example, our conversation moments ago concerning your performance and the music merited an appropriate response."

Freyja would set her tea down and ruminate on her next words before she continued.

"Of course, anything concerning the playful comments about puppy-love warranted no reaction when we've only known the other for a few moments. I could feign a blush, a smile, or even a frown but then, that would be.. disingenuous. In any case, as we are aligned with alliances who share a common goal, I am more than dedicated to forming a bond or relationship of some kind if that is your aim. Your presence is welcoming enough that I do envision something forming from this meeting... if that is your intent. "


Last edited by Iori on Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:31 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"I can see where Helle gets it from now" Hannah commented. The cold and detached breakdown of how she just didn't give a shit and emotions were beneath her was certainly not what Hannah was expecting out of the girl. But that was what she got, so it was a real showcase of not judging a book by it's cover. Sometimes, inside was just blank.

"Bonds should not be formed simply for the sake of it. They should be formed because you and the other person truly connect with each other. It would be disingenuous to make friends with someone else simply because who they work for is friends with who you work for. And makes an awkward explanation if diplomatic talks between factions goes sour"

She would take a sip of tea and then give a nice smile.

"Not that I am particularly the authority on bonds. I ruined my life chasing after skill and capability in my art. And now, given a second chance, I must flounder in an attempt to mesh with people"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:46 am
Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Freyja would tilt her head in curiosity at the comment pertaining to Helle. Hannah's words elicited no particular expression on her part, save a raised eyebrow as if to confirm that perhaps this blind woman had met Helle before. As a coordinator in her division, she was familiar with her director in a professional setting. Never having met the woman in a social setting, she could neither confirm nor add weight to Hannah's words.

Concerning disingenuous philosophy, Freyja smiled softly as if to express her amusement. An expression that genuinely illustrated that Hannah's words held a significant level of merit. She was correct. Forming a bond merely for the sake of forming a bond was no more genuine than simulating false expressions to maintain a conversation and please a peer or acquaintance. Did she desire to form a bond with Hannah? She could not say for certain. The only person she had met so far that she found engaging was that desert prince she had met upon stepping into the City of Lights for the first time.

"Indeed. Forming a bond with someone does require a true connection other than adhering to workforce policy. Commentary on my director aside, no one is the authority on bonds. Mutual interest and a desire for companionship with someone you find to be a kindred spirit is one path to success, yet the bond itself must be built on a strong foundation. Approachability also plays a factor in most situations, though there are cases of those who may be more stubborn than others to attain the companionship they desire."

Freyja would take another sip of tea as she crossed her legs, maintaining her curious gaze on the blind woman.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:45 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:58 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Listening to the woman continue to rattle off without emotion or warmth, and with no attempt to reach out in any way, Hannah would cock her head slightly.

"Are you...." she'd pause for a moment and try to think of how to put this and then lean in and start whispering. " You seem to be as if you have no idea what you are doing here and just putting up a front so people don't notice your lack of understanding in this whole thing"

Generally not one to pry like this, she was impulsive at times, and getting friends with someone who had no idea what was going on...well, they could learn together.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:53 pm
Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


The whispered words had certainly piqued Freyja's curiosity. There was a measured interest in her eyes that wished to know what the woman was implying. As a rigid and unbending woman, she generally felt she knew she understood all there was to know in this world. Black and White was all that existed to her. There was no grey area. To honor the prestige of her family and her own kind, she had always lived a life guided by how she should act versus what she desired. Though significant improvements had been made so far, the emotionless rambling, albeit something she viewed to be entirely correct, seemed to be spoken in a way that would only feel appropriate if she was in a setting teaching a group of students. Curiously leaning forward, she would take another sip of her tea, preparing herself to peer into what the woman meant, piqued interesting gleaming through her azure gaze.

"Would you be so kind as to elaborate? There is much to infer from what you uttered right now but I do not wish to assume I know what you may be implying."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:37 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

She didn't seem to immediately bawk at the idea. Which meant that she did totally miss the implication, or actually was the kind of girl who had no idea what was going on. So, Hannah made the decision to drop the facade and just go for it.

"I mean, like, with socializing. You seem extremely stiff in some attempt to cover the fact that you don't know how to interact properly with people. And I don't know how people work either, they are so confusing all the time and do things that make no sense. So I was just wondering, if you do know and just have this whole thing by choice, then I would appreciate some tips on how to deal with people"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:50 pm
Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Ah, so that is what she meant to imply. Perhaps a more prideful man or woman would've have denied the woman's inquiry. To Freyja, there was merit to be found in her words. Freyja knew what it meant to operate in the setting where etiquette and grace was required, an elegance that might be comparatively viewed as empty, the display one put on to leave a good impression so as to represent one's self well before the public eye. She was somewhat becoming attuned to the idea of stepping out of that but there were still kinks to be ironed out, to embrace a life without such thought.

Furtively nodding her head as if she understood, Freyja would return to her seat as she kept her eyes maintained on Hannah.

"Admittedly... I too have my fair share of struggles with socializing with others. Even as a child, I didn't possess that exuberant function to walk out and play with others. There have been improvements made on my end to rectify this issue but I commonly spend my days within the company of aristocrats and the upper-class. My apologies if I have came across in a way most would generally consider odd. I cannot say I would offer you anything well on my part... but I can offer my assistance based on what little improvements I've made. We both can certainly agree people are an enigma."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:34 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Exhaling in a satisfied manner and slumping back on her chair, Hannah would smile. The talk of being a kid and playing with the others was kind of lost on her, but she wasn't going to be a downer. So leaned forwards and started playing with some shining light from her finger.

"I had...some friends. I got along well with them. But, after joining the Gotei, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to start interacting. So just studied, and read, and studied, and experimented, and studied some more. So now, I can engage in polite, formal conversation perfectly well, but I don't know what I am doing in casual conversation. So it's good that I am not the only one in that kind of trouble" Hannah exclaimed, letting it all off her chest.

Me and you can certainly take the horizon by storm and find out what it's like to have friends. Maybe other things as well. I missed out on that in my mad rush and now am late for the party, and want to start being in the party"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:12 pm
Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Repetitious study and cultivating one's technique was a path Freyja had pursued herself without entertaining the thought of anything else. In this, they shared a profound similarity that bolstered the graceful quincy's interest. Surrendering oneself to nothing but technique and skill so much so that it robs one of their ability to conduct themselves in a way that matches the commonplace habits of others - to know that, perhaps, she shared a common ground with Hannah was quite the welcomed turn of events. Freyja was humble enough to admit she was no social butterfly.

Perhaps that's why she had slowly gravitated towards others who held that ability, to embrace life because life was beautiful, not something to maintain an image. How would she balance that? She wondered. Balance fulfilling her duty to her people and properly enjoying what it meant to embrace friendship? Time would only tell, she supposed.

A small sigh of relief had escaped her own lips as she gazed into her cup before her eyes returned to Hannah's face.

"In my own life, I have eschewed companionship - that which oftentimes brings joy to others. From as far as I recall, I have always pursued maintaining the honor of my family, leading them into the next generation, and establishing relationships for their benefit. It would be a welcomed change of pace to enjoy embrace friendship and join that party myself..."

And it was true. Freyja had met people she had grown fond of here. Why deny herself that path? A part of her would always ask such a peculiar question; her inhuman view of the world, of loss would commonly banish those thoughts before they could bear fruit.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Apr 05, 2022 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)

Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:20 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Lohengrin(Freyja/Hannah)  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"I can't say companionship has brought me joy so far. I've met some nice people, and some less nice people. And some people that took my support and then just ran away and never bothered contacting me again. Though, this could just be me, because I don't know what I am doing, and obsess over the parts of the world that I know. Which is Kido, and Kaido"

Hannah would then shake as if to get out of that morose thought, and nod to herself more than anything.
"But with you, I shall be honoured to make an attempt to have a true friend" she nodded, giving a smile. What they might find on the other side of the rainbow, she didn't know, but right now she was content to be with Frejya in a nice, gentle interaction.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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