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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Apr 02, 2022 6:32 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Lukas listened to the woman as he reached for his spoon, sliding through the tiramisu with as much restriction as a child. One bite slight-too-large for its spoon, faintly choking before he could swallow, faint edges of cream on his mouth. "So," his mouth still half full, I think thath wasth..." a backhand across his mouth, swallowing as he flicked the remaining cream on the ground besides them.

"The Compound, right?" He tried to forget about the Compound.

A three day raid in Massachusetts, a rogue quincy having taken a rookie squadron of Sternritter hostage. They had succeeded, of course. They had him, after all. The bodycount was less than acceptable, unfortunately. He stared into space, lost in thought over the circumstances - before a snap back to reality, rapidly blinking before looking back down to his food.

"Yeah, you did good." the man muttered, a shocking reverence seeming to cross his face, before returning to the man's usual disposition. Funny, a thought occurred to him, stifling a chuckle. "Is any of that why you joined the Sternritter?" he pondered, returning his eyes to hers.

Ten dead quincy, forty one dead civilians. The ideal battlefield to make a killer.

198 words | | tasty

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:06 pm
Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Freyja smiled with a graceful nod of her head as she observed his expression. He seemed to enjoy her order well. That was a particular relief, though she didn't voice it out of viewing no reason to do so. She simply didn't want to compromise others when it came to orders concerning their meals. Freyja recalled the mission from her memory and wondered if that was indeed what led her to join the Vandenreich, let alone the Sternritter division. In truth, there was an aching curiosity that had been gnawing at her concerning a particular individual in the Sternritter's forces and that somewhat served as the driving force to lead her here. If nothing else, a desire to honor her family and fulfill her duty towards the Vandenreich would've perhaps led her here, either way.

"I am humbled by your praise, Lukas. You were an ideal partner as well, given your skillset. To be certain, I wouldn't claim that was what defined my choice or led me here, though the experience is one that still remains with me even now. I joined out of a curiosity and ideally because I wish to honor my family and my fellow Quincy. It honors me to be sharing company with you again."


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:21 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


"Ahuh." his indignancy was painfully apparent in response, another overflowing mouthful of tiramisu seemingly all that concerned him. Another swallow as he took a scalding sip of coffee, a noticeable recoil as he burned his tongue. A quiet smack of lip against the tender flesh as he cleared his throat, unsure for a moment of what to say.

"So you got brought up in all of this?" Perhaps a bit too personal, Lukas pushed into idle conversation with spoon swirling slowly in the air. A gesture with no pizazz, his movements sluggish at best. That'd make sense, at least. The standing of quincy was proud, almost as much as it was covered in blood. Strictness was more acceptable with endangered species, after all.

"My condolences," his immediate response to whatever she'd say, a faint shrug as silver eyes slid past her and into the sky. "but you seem to handle it well enough." his voice would trail off before turning back to take another drink, this time being a fair bit more cautious.

173 words | | whos nut you is

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:42 am
Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Freyja tilted her head slightly as she gazed at the man with a measured sense of interest. What were the implications behind his question she wondered? His inference left he somewhat confuse, if not curious to offer a question in response to his question. Judging from the words, perhaps he meant to imply that she was raise into this.

Such a question had brought back a particular memory of how her parents, in truth, never placed a lot of weight on raising Freyja to be a member of the esteemed Vandenreich. Their aims were always to provide their daughter with an ideal life she could be proud of. She was free to live her own life in that aspect, yet found herself a victim of unfortunate circumstance.

They died years ago though somewhere in a far off place in her heart, their deaths still weighed heavily on her heart. Even so, it was not within her nature now to grieve, to shed tears at their passing. To her, it was a natural occurrence. Death was inevitable. Conflict, equally so. Adapt or fall behind - her mind had become imprisoned by such callous ideals. Another aspect of the inhuman nature she had developed, she supposed.

The reminiscent moment had passed as her gaze left the cup of coffee, observant eyes now focused yet again on Lukas.

"No, I wasn't raised with the prospect of joining the Vandenreich originally. As you may be well aware, the sudden shifts in leadership had made my family wary of the idea of who they ought to serve under. Those who once led the Vandenreich in the past had seemed to do more harm than good to our kind. As such, I was free to decide my life as I desired. With the recent leader, Cyrus... they supposed he is a suitable leader and one who isn't irrational and blinded by mere pride or ego."

Freyja would take a sip of coffee before setting it down to allocate a mild set of attention onto her own Tiramisu.

"In any case, I don't regret this path. There ought be no condolences offered on my own. I am content with the path I've chosen. What say, you, Lukas? Since the last time we've met how has this all been to you? Far be it from me to ask a personal question but my curiosity has been piqued. Do you hold any regrets about your time here?"

It was a genuine question. He could chose to answer it or indulge in his meal. He could offer an explanation or move onto another part of the conversation. It was simply a curious question, all things told.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:15 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Silence would chase after the woman's question, Lukas' brow raising in furtive concern. "You..." a slight pause, indecision laced with concern. There was an obvious answer to the question, one that had made a fair bit of publicity. Considering Freyja's late joiner to the Vandereich, he couldn't say he was surprised, but the shock felt appropriate for someone of her aptitude.

"You're not up-to-date, are you?" he'd finally continue, hiding for another moment behind the cup of coffee. A steady hand lowered the cup, a slow exhale as he thought about how to continue. A stumbling of mind, tongue held paralyzed to the floor of his mouth. But time passed no faster for the man, and a moment would only last for that - a moment.

"I won't bore you with details, but no, I don't have any regrets." Truthful or otherwise, his gaze remained averted, silver eyes absorbing the black of his drink. "Not like you can afford them in this line of work." his words quieted, a clench of his jaw. His discomfort was visible as he fidgeted slightly, before bull rushing into anything else to talk about.

"I'm surprised to hear people considering leadership factors with the Vandereich." This was a bold faced lie, but he could never find a fuck to give about it, so - "What, are you looking to get promoted?" A half-hearted jest, in an attempt to change the subject.

235 words | | wigglin

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sun Apr 03, 2022 4:09 pm
Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Freyja would respectfully nod in reply. True, she had joined not long ago. She had hardly been apart of the Vandenreich for a week and therefore had yet to account for all the updates and briefings. It was certainly something she'd correct sooner rather than later. Freyja would continue to indulge herself in the dessert she ordered. As expected, he had answered her question in a way that she would've expected from a man like him. He didn't seem to be the type to reveal much. His answer was direct, short, to the point.

There was nothing to elaborate on. He said what he felt. Whether it was a lie or truth was something only he would know. Freyja would smile as she chuckled at the jest. Promotion? Well, she didn't know if she held any aims for securing a position beyond coordinator. If the Vandenreich found her suitable to lead as an Administrator, then perhaps. Her focus was elsewhere right now. The path ahead. Worry about the future later.

"No... not at the current moment. I think the coordinator position suits me quite well."


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Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 3:35 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Lukas' commentary carried in kind with the woman's, a silent nod in response, a half fake smile splitting the man's face. "Coordinator." the word was next-to-silent, held underneath his breath as an idle hand swirled round the remainder of his drink, draining it with a single gulp. Stray silver traced his movement, throwing it back over his shoulder with a flick of his head.

That tracks. his thought resonated quietly, considering for a time the woman - or machine - that sat across from him. Numbers to keep track of more than skin and bone, I bet. Anger lit behind his eyes, hiding behind a slow blink. The idea of contemplation remarkably alien to Lukas, his thoughts singular for an instant -

"So, anything you need an extra hand on?" Lukas' left hand raised, the black knotted wrapping matte in the daylight. Shimmering skin stared from underneath it, flickering complexion as the gaps grew and shrunk with each movement; resting a fist underneath his chin, elbow on the table. The half-smile now full, and wholly false.

173 words | | inside baseball

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Apr 05, 2022 3:53 pm
Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 3kBZ7k8


Freyja would ruminate on whether or not there was anything else to be explored between her and the man sitting across from the table. To be certain, she was somewhat relieved to know the man still breathed air considering the harsh realities of the world. He wasn't another body added to the pile of corpses, neither a victim of a genocide nor any other death beyond that. Perhaps it somewhat overdramatic to look at things from such a grim perspective, yet to the maiden of war who had lost more than she felt she gained - in that distant past - such a train of thought was perhaps justified. Finishing her own meal, she would fold her legs as she gazed at Lukas. There was nothing that came to mind so far, though if there was anything on his end he desired from her, she was certain she would offer her assistance.

"Nothing quite yet on my end. What of you, Lukas? Any missions that require my assistance---like old times," she'd remark with a pleasant smile.


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Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Bad Luck Blues [Freyja]

Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:47 am
Lukas Ätherisch


Behind his veil of silent judgement, Lukas was left with the cold truth of his own reality. Far beyond him to appear desperate, he had been staring down its event horizon for some time. From the time he was escorted to his cell, to now - contemplating. When? When would he be free again?

Whenever it was, not now.

Now, it was a prison of his own construction. "Mmh." the false smile's grandeur fading, "No, don't think I do." A lie by omission? Maybe. A finger, tapping slowly against his jaw in slacked thought. Some rudimentary idea of 'being lost in thought' would stray across the man's face, before closed eyes and a nod rallied the answer; a resounding "Nope."

Silence came to pasture after he spoke, eyes turning back downwards, seemingly engrossed on the topic of tiramisu. Another spoonful, floating still above the plate. Lukas would continue to stare at it for a moment, and then another, before placing it down with the faint chime of metal on pottery. Otherwise?

Silence. His gaze would shift lazily, taking some passing interest in the world around him. His free hand tapped in rhythm on the table's surface, a song lost to memory. "Haven't had a lot to do for a while." the begrudging continuation following a sigh, the man moving to push back his seat and stand up.

"But it's been good seeing you."

232 words | | *slaps knee* welp

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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