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God of Love
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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:07 pm
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 SgHGbAG


"Nothin' wrong with that. Way I see it, it's a lot more important to work on yourself. Someone good'll come along eventually in time, and ya obviously want someone who'll like you at your best."

The wisdom of age was admittedly nice to be able to dole out, and Ira had long since gotten used to the idea of being younger than people he was chatting with. Besides, seemed like Kasha could use a little support there.

"You're maintaining it pretty well, then. It turns out nice, there's a good flavor to it. I always wanted to grow a tea tree, but I've never spent much time in one place to do it, and I didn't live anywhere that it'd grow well."

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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:19 am
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Header2


Hmm, he thought about how his words might've conveyed and Ira's response. Did it sound like he sounded rather glum or something to provoke a kind of pep-talk or sorts? Maybe it could be. He didn't view it that way, though he did agree that one should refine themselves before looking for shared companionship.

"The wanderer's lifestyle doesn't facilitate much in the way of laying foundations, that is quite the downside. No? I suppose that is a small blessing of my relatively consistent living. I am always here, for the best and worst."

Demonic Incursion was quite a problem when it occurred last decade. It did sour his opinion of those unruly and unsightly beings that inhabited their own realm. Their chaotic nature that opposed all that was orderly and proper in the simplest way to describe, was disgusting.


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God of Love
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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:12 am
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 SgHGbAG


"Mm, that's true. I was a fisherman when I was younger, spent a lot of time out at sea and all that. Think I'd have given a whole lot for somethin' more stable like what you've got here."

But Ira didn't regret his lifestyle right now, either, if only because he'd made the commitment to traveling the world. He'd make time for all that later, he was still young, and he hadn't had any chance to enjoy his youth the first time around.

"If you ever wanna get away from your sister, you can always head out with me for a bit, see some sights down on Earth. Don't wanna pull you out of this place though, it's definitely nice."

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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:53 am
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Header2


"Unfortunately I am tied to my duties as a member of the Gotei at the moment. The living realm is a little out of the way."

Though he explained it, Kasha did think there was some kind of underlying meaning to the offer of exploring the living realm a bit with Ira. Spending more time together, beyond this room which was steadily becoming the scene which they existed in like actors on a stage.

"I'm sure it is quite lovely down there though."


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God of Love
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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:21 am
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 SgHGbAG


Hm. Well, Ira wouldn't say he was disappointed by that answer, but he could definitely admit to himself that it wasn't exactly an answer he liked to hear. If nothing else, it was just a bit of a blow to one's pride to get shot down.

"Damn shame, but it's pretty up here, so at least you're not stuck with something rough, eh?"

He wasn't exactly the sort to press the issue, especially considering it'd been a fairly casual invitation. Ira was past the point of lying to himself about this situation, but he knew there was a wide gulf between his level of interest and the sort of interest he'd need to double down. As it stood, he could keep up the pleasant chatter.

"Anything exciting happening with work lately?"

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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:21 pm
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Header2


He thought about it, the soul society and while he had made brief excursions upon joining the Gotei, learned a bit of the living realm he was a little disinclined to say that he thought this place was "heaven" as some people referred it to. It was just a realm of souls to him though, in nature it was the same environments except made out of reishi instead of kishi different in culture moreso than natural aesethetic.

"Hmm, work. Nothing exceptional, I tend to handle minor surveillance rather than anything especially grand as an undertaking. Do you not work?"

Kasha did wonder how Ira sustained her lifestyle if she had no form of income. It would become difficult after a while, surely?


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God of Love
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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:41 pm
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 SgHGbAG


"I don't have a stable job or anything, but I make sure to work whenever I'm traveling. People always need a hand, and I like getting involved in the local trade and the like. Gives you a good idea of the people and the culture, makes you feel like more than just some tourist."

Ira had very much put his best foot forward when it came to being a traveler, and that meant taking advantage of all the opportunities that one didn't normally have in life. It was a good time, really.

"Knowing my way around a ship is always nice, too, with how much travel goes on near the coasts and the like. Nobody'll turn down another pair of hands on deck, though it's been a little rough having to build up all those callouses again."

He laughed a bit at that, raising a hand to show the spots where it had clearly been run a bit raw pulling ropes and the like. This body still wasn't used to his lifestyle, but ah well.

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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:48 am
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Header2


"That doesn't sound quite so bad."

He couldn't say that he imagined it suiting him, while he wouldn't mind travelling he did like consistency and stability. The turbulent lifestyle of a vagrant didn't exactly appeal to him, maybe it was because of his noble heritage bleeding into him and making him soft to a harder life as much as he would hate to admit it as such.

"Proof of hard work I see, careful though. The world has a way of weathering us down the elements rob us of our youthful beauty faster than I'm sure we would like."

The sun turned the skin to leather, wrinkled and all that. It was more a situation for living beings rather than spiritual ones due to the reduced rate of aging. Kasha took another sip thoughtfully, humans did live such linear lives didn't they? There was no esoterica attached to how long they might live or how fast they might age. It was strange but an interesting development.


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God of Love
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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:14 pm
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 SgHGbAG


"Ha, ain't that true? I can't say I'm quite looking forward to getting old all over again, but I've run across more than a few people who seem to be real old without lookin' it. Hoping this time around I can pull that off and age nice and gracefully."

But, in a way, the idea of aging further was almost alien to Ira, at least in the body he was in now. He didn't really have any idea what he might end up looking like, or even if he'd ever fully get used to the idea that it was in fact him. Well, that was something for another day, he supposed. For now he'd gotten at least kind of used to himself.

"Got any tips? You obviously know a thing or two about keeping up a good appearance."

That had actually been meant as a genuine question, considering Ira had gotten comfortable with the casual conversation. It was only after he'd said it that it crossed his mind how it might have sounded, but that didn't really make him regret it or anything. Of course, his body still reacted in a way he wasn't especially fond of, but mentally he was cool as a cucumber.

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Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Empty Re: Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 12:01 am
Still Just a Swallow [Ira, Kasha(s)] - Page 4 Header2


"Take care of your skin, keep good hygiene and heal well from your injuries."

He said, avoiding to getting into the nuances of make-up or aesthetical factors. However at the same time, he had to contemplate his teacher's youth. Even for a few centuries, she retained the appearance of a woman that couldn't be past her late-thirties, more than many might ask for.

"The power of your spirit also plays a part, though in the case of your human body I couldn't tell you if that would affect your body nowadays but a soul with a lot of spiritual power will last quite a while - or more depending on how much they dedicate their reiryoku into extending their lifespans."


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