Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Metal as Fuck
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Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+]

Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:10 pm
General Information

Name: Raitein Surimi
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Overall Appearance


Intelligent: Raitein is extremely bright, having had extensive periods of time during his childhood devoted to just studying various topics. His IQ is higher than most in his class, and his ability to read people is uncanny. He is also highly analytical, and a master strategist. If he makes a plan, you can assume it's going to work.

The Wall: Raitein will go to any and all lengths to protect his friends. He'll take hits, draw insults, and risk death just for the safety of those he cares about. None of this seems to effect him, as he keeps a mask of cold disinterest towards the people that he's defending from.

The Sweetheart: Raitein is actually a kind person, despite his initially cold demeanor. He really does care for his friends,his family, and anyone who has earned his trust. He seems to genuinely hurt for those who have gone through tragedy, and he doesn't seem to mind helping a stranger in need, either.


Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Anime-guys-anime-guys-5756788-39-1

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 151 lbs

Natural Abilities

Having grown up on the farm, and continued weight training and various exercise ever since then, he has developed an enormous strength, which is deceptive due to his slim build.

Over the past five years, Raitein has studied and mastered the brazilian martial art "Capoeira". This shows that he is very agile and a sufficient, if not exemplary, hand-to-hand fighter.

Raitein has the ability to be able to run, work, or fight for extremely long periods of time. This being attained from the constant exercise and use of capoeira.


Power Development Stage 1 Appearance:

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Black-power-ranger

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] 31469

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Bladeblaster
Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] TFoNtF013
^ (for these last two, they look like that, except black)

Power Development Stage 1 Abilities:

When morphed into a ranger, Raitein becomes able to see spirits when he could not without being morphed, thus allowing him to fight demons and hollows. Peripheral body memory was enhanced along with his physical prowess to allow him to fight enemies without having to learn years of combat techniques, though it is clear to him that it is his powers that granted that while he was actually oblivious about knowing these fighting abilities.

Having been assigned the powers of the earth, Raitein can use it to his advantage. As long as he has any part of his body touching solid ground, he can command it to his will using simple thought. Whether it be lifting him up, tripping enemies, chunks coming out and hurtling at his opponents, etc.

He carries with him a sort of war-hammer, although smaller than the average war-hammer, and uses it with great skill and precision. His blows are crushing, and the hammer combined with his earthen abilities makes a deadly combination. The hammer has the ability, by moving a slider under the head to the end of the staff and putting the head on his shoulder, to open up the end of the staff and use the hammer as an assault-rifle type weapon.

He also carries the standard ranger blaster and sword, which he uses as a backup weapon set, since he wields his hammer more easily than the sword and gun.

His suit is equipped with a special shield that protects the wearer from spiritually energetic attacks from Hollows, Arrancar, and Demons alike. However, some attacks can decimate that shield like Gran Ray Cero (Example: Grimmjow) and Azure-Flame (Example: Vohlis.) Physical attacks from Hollows, Arrancar and Demons are also blocked by the shield, despite the visual depiction that he has taken a hard hit. Fortunately, taking a hit from a spirit does not immediately kill the wearer; instead, he can stand back up after recovering shortly after taking a hit.

Background/Roleplay Sample

Background: Raitein was born "Raitein Yoruie" in the Koichi prefecture in Japan. He was the son of two rice farmers who lived just outside of the main village. His childhood was spent outside of school and working on said farm, but his curiosity could not be contained and, whenever he had a free moment, he would travel into the village and sneak around the local areas looking for knowledge and things to study. He spent the first seven years of his life learning like this, and then his parents finally caught him.

They scolded him, saying that intelligence was worthless to a boy with no life outside of the farm. Raitein resented his parents for this, and ran away from home. He made his way to Karakura Town after what seemed like an eternity, and found his home in the orphanage there. He didn't really get along with any of the other kids there, but he managed to call the place home, if only because he had nowhere else.

At age fifteen, he was adopted by Mr. Yoke Surimi and his wife Orei, he was given their surname, signed out, and immediately enrolled as a freshman at Karakura High School.

While attending, in his sophomore year, he met a girl by the name of Sora Tsukino, talked to her, and has been friends with her ever since.

He is currently a senior, and resides in a small apartment complex in the suite next to his family's. His income is stable enough to where he can hold up his own bills.

Last edited by Ravana on Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:01 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : RICK JAMES)

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Left_bar_bleue5/100Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty Re: Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+]

Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:30 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [Omit]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [Omit]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [Omit]

Comments/Notes: Welcome to the team.
Tier: 5-5 Normally...3-2+ when Morphed

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
Pimp Cloak
Joined : 2010-08-29
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Left_bar_bleue0/0Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty Re: Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+]

Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:04 pm
Up for Adoption...

Whoever decides to adopt him, MAKE SURE to change the appearance image. Matt has taken that image for his character, Matthew Hinote.

Smiley face
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Platinum Points:
Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty Re: Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+]

Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:58 pm
Not sure exactly what the process is, but I am interested in adoPting him, if at all possible.

RP Sample: Raitein stooped low his eyes shifting left and right, searching for the hollow that had attacked his apartment wall. He had simply been returning from a walk when he had noticed a hole in the side of his home. He had powered up when the hollow had dropped from the sky and he had been forced to dodge, leaving him in his current position when the beast became airborne again. Suddenly he heard an intense roaring and looked at the sky, where the hollow was beginning to descend on him! He quickly steadied himself and thrust the ground to the left, increasing his momentum and allowing him to dodge.

Dang, this one's ugly. He thought to himself as he looked it over, catching his breath. The hollow had an upside down mask with one large fang and a short horn. It's mouth was small but full of needle like teeth. Its body was a cross of a bird and an ant. It had giant wings and an abdomen as well as a tail.

The beast quickly charged again, but Raiten was ready. He threw up a shield of concrete from the sidewalk that he had filled with spirit energy, catching the hollow and stopping it in it's tracks. Raitein quickly stepped around the barrier and brought the hammer down on the hollow with a turn of his shoulder. However, the hollow dodged, and Raitein missed it's mask and slammed its shoulder instead. The hollow cried out in pain and jerked wildly, disoriented and confused. Raitein took his chance to slam again, but the beast rose in flight and he missed.

Shoot! Was all he could think as the hollow spit some kind of purple liquid from it's mouth. Raitein dodged, but some of the goop caught his left leg. He tried to pull it free, but it wouldn't move an inch. No problem. He thought and smiled. He focused on the ground, and the earth beneath him shot forward, towards the spot where the hollow had landed. Raitein raised his arms and prepared for the final blow. The hollow tried to move once again but Raitein used the last bit of focus he had to force earth to wrap around the beast's legs.

Raitein reached the hollow, his breathing strained from all the effort he was exerting. He finally brought the hammer down on the hollow's mask, and it shattered into hundreds of pieces that flew everywhere. Even as the mask dissolved, Raitein was falling to the ground, thinking, I'll clean it up after a quick nap. His eyes soon shut and he lay there, exhausted but knowing he had won.

Last edited by jj1234321 on Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:24 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : To add RP sample.)

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty Re: Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+]

Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:26 pm
I've gotten word from Pockeh to Approve this adoption. Sorry it took so long, it must have sliopped through the cracks since we had no idea it was here.

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] WVMWLOu

Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] Empty Re: Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:47 pm
Raitein Surimi, the Bleachified Black Ranger [APPROVED 5-5;3-2+] F2259124702001ffc8512c89e467235a

Cleaning this out! Feel free to pm me to move it back!
Don't worry this isn't deleted! Your app is now in archives!
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