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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Mon Apr 25, 2022 3:33 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


The continuing complications of Lukas' "parole" left his fingers itching. Clawing, mad things aimless with naught to do. A battle waged against his fiercest foe yet - boredom.

He had come to some term with it. The few bump-ins around the city had given him something to maintain his sanity, though it had yet to feel like anything more. If he were lucky, he'd be seeing some result in the upcoming weeks, but he rarely was. Fingertips dug against fabric as he contemplated his time, the shifting of his sanrei uncomfortable against skin.

Not for lack of trying, for once.

The paperwork was easily out of his league, application after form after indictment, it was a nightmare for him to process even the most basic request within the Vandereich. His crumpled body strewn across a bare mattress in defeat, silver staring blankly into the details of his wall. Don't remember getting that picture.

The consideration of how to improve his public image weighed heavy with a slow blink, terse frown as he rolled over, cursing as he stood; moving toward a barely stocked fridge. Public service and black-ops, oil mixed with water: a frustrating obstacle to overcome. Particularly when he didn't give a shit.

A rattling door against empty jars, eyes flicking over the same two bottles - near empty ketchup and a half-drunk pint of milk.

A slam of the door later, and the empty milk bottle landed with a swish in his trashcan. A second later, Lukas' head snapped around, his ringtone filling the small room. Narrowed eyes flicked through text as the screen came to life - RE: YOUR COMBAT CERTIFICATION.

Light sparked behind his eyes as he scrolled through the contents, tongue peeping from the edge of his mouth. A stillborn smile, before he pocketed the phone, imitating a tornado with the speed he dressed himself. [To meet your training partner, meet at XXXXXXXXX, 11:00 AM.] - the text seared against his mind, the clock ticking towards 10:15. He'd have to be quick to make it that far.

Forty minutes later, a more out-of-breath than he'd like Lukas dug his heel into the street. His hirenkyaku stretched his sole across the road, much to the immediate annoyance of a passerby. He'd ignore the dirty look, speeding forward into -

"A cemetery?"" he asked no one in particular, sliding up the crude metal lock of its gate. Waist high walls surrounded the massive plot, a singular path shooting deeper within. A worn plaque adorned the brick beside the gate, lettering invisible to his naked eye. It's mystery unattractive, he slid through the entrance, proceeding forward.

For whoever was waiting for him.

441 words | | Will the dead rise?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:52 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Combat Evaluation? Not exactly the most thrilling of tasks to be sidled with, BUT that was just one of those things that happened when she got into the habit of offering her help all the time. Beggars couldn't be choosers after all, yea?

All the same, she waited patiently for her little newbie to show up. The Ritter hummed to herself as she leaned against the entrance to the training area, those eyes lazily staring out across the street as she vaguely wondered when they were going to show up. She paused, glancing at her phone and peering at the dossier page on the fellow. Lukas huh? Not a very exciting name. She glanced up and looked around, peering for just a moment as she spotted..... someone? Obviously they weren't wearing what was in the picture, but it was enough to draw her attention. But for just a moment, she doubted herself as they began walking next door toward a....cemetery? Huh, maybe it was someone else after all. That's what she thought until she saw that brief hesitation at the gate. She paused.

It was only a moment before she looked back through her old messages and found that.....yyyyyep. Whoever had put the meeting together had put the wrong address. Well wasn't that neato? Sticking her tongue out, she promptly pocketed the device and walked over just as ol Lukas seemed just about ready to head in.

"Hey there tiger. Mr. Atherish if I'm not mistaken?" She called out to him as she walked over to his side. Promptly thumbing over her shoulder to the next building over. "As cool as it would be to chill on some headstones, how about we try nextdoor? I think the automated text messed up." She suggested with a light smile..
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:29 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


A pivot that would make angels cry, the jackknife of his own heel turning once again into the pavement. A loose hand shut the gate behind him as he spun, trails of silver smacking him in the face. Pretty rarely meant practical. An attempt to speak, and a mouth full of hair - spitting and pulling away the more adventurous participants.

"Yeah," Lukas would finally manage to utter, a glare trailing the last few pieces of stray hair. "Lukas." a correction, his tone noticeably sharp.

His gaze would shift downwards, then downwards again. Short. A raising eyebrow accompanied the thought, tongue bit behind tight lips. Lukas' expression quelled as quickly as it came into existence, a shrug embodying all he had to say regarding the mix-up.

"Lead the way." His left hand extended, motioning towards the shockingly nondescript building. So much so that he had managed to not see it - the tingle it sent down his spine not quite a shiver, but annoying enough. In a city made of light, even the blind could see.

174 words | | how ya wanna do this

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:18 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle smirked slightly and gave a chuckle as she made note of him trying to spit out his hair whilst giving his reply, correcting her in using his first name. "Lucas huh? Happy to meetcha. So you're here for your combat evaluation huh? I'm sure you don't need me boring your ear off. Don't worry too much about all this. More than anything else, this Evaluation will just be a matter of figuring out where you fit in the Vandenreich moe than anything else. You already made it in, this is more a test of competence." She noted quite deliberately. Many students simply presumed that such examinations were simply a matter of sheer prowess, but that wasn't the case.

Leading the way into the facility, it wouldn't be long before they arrived in the training area. She'd taken the liberty of setting it up beforehand. A number of little areas with training dummies strewn about. Making her way to the very first one it was a simple setup: Two groups of four training dummies. One group was colored red, the other was colored blue. And in the very center were two dummies colored white, but were primarily off to the side, leaving a lot of open space between the two main groups.

"My name is Giselle Gewelle, and I'll be conducting your Combat Evaluation. You're here because for whatever particular reason: a superior has asked that your capabilities be assessed. Do you have any questions or concerns before we begin Lucas?"
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun May 01, 2022 8:21 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


It was nostalgic, in a way. If only he could look at the stadt the way he had the first time - How far to fall.

Of course, Lukas had been a certified, employed assassin by the Vandereich for almost longer than he had been... Anything else. Let alone being himself. To be walked through an evaluation from almost fifteen years ago felt unique to the man, cold eyes piercing the back of the woman's head as he followed. Fingers tightened in his left hand, rolling his shoulder as he slowly exhaled.

Get back into the swing of things.

Catching the door as he entered behind the woman, a low sweep of his gaze across the room. The stain of sweat on the air, memories of reishi singing with a stray sniff. The smell of home. He'd nod in response to the woman - to Giselle - as he stretched his arm across his chest, bracing it with his opposite limb. A swivel of his hips and the arms would switch as he answered, fingers dangling from a spastic wrist.

"Yeah. How durable is the equipment?" His arm extended straight to the left, the tickle of reishi tightening around it. A smile began to crack as he spoke, quelled in the moment of it's inception. "Do I gotta pay for it if I break it?"

222 words | | you're a bum, rocky

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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Tue May 03, 2022 5:20 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle raised both brows at that and tilted her head to the side. She promptly collected Reishi into her left hand, a sudden cleaving sliver of spirit energy forming in her hand, a spear that was quite rapidly congealed, before promptly THWACKING one of the dummies with the tip. But of course, nothing happened, the tip was dulled. "You really don't know how to dull your spirit weapons? I'll have to make a note of that. But nah. The dummies are mostly Reishi, pretty easy to repair for the most part." She hummed with an amused expression before walking to stand in front of the red group.

"This will be a team fighting exercise. NAturally, we're less interested in just your 1v1 mid skills. The dummies behind me are My team: your enemies. The dummies behind you are your own allies. These two grey dummies, are Civillians. This first exercise will be challenging your situational awareness and how well you can handle pressure in situations that aren't just a one on one. You aren't expected to operate perfectly. Just to the best of your ability, kapische?"
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Thu May 05, 2022 12:06 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Lukas returned the woman's visible confusion, the edge of his geisterklinge flickering to life in the air. Reishi rocketed from his wrist, the center of the blade contorting underneath the rapidity. "A dull sword won't kill." - an old saying from a dead man, one Lukas had lived his life by. Willing or otherwise.

A flourish of the blade, arm rotating in a vague circle at the elbow. Pale blue shining across his face as he walked forwards to his... Team? Hostage situations. Never his forte. His face twisted, a vague disgust hidden from the proctor.

"Alright." he replied, turning back to face the woman. He chose to ignore her attempts at banter, tight lips as he exhaled slowly. The drag of his foot, weight shifting right as his arm traced upward - the blade following. His left elbow slid back, right arm rising to his middle.

"Ready?" for the first time today, a smile - fangs bared. He wouldn't wait for her to respond.

A blister of reishi, shooting from the tip of his toe to his heel. A singular rush of hirenyaku, the bottom of his foot propelling him forward as his knee bucked. Streaking silver, blinding blue, Lukas' arm stabbed forward with a surge of reishi, aiming center mass at the nearest 'enemy' dummy.

214 words | | my name is barry allen, and i'm

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Thu May 05, 2022 3:46 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] HEADER_37b26f083e176849c01ee6c268895daa

She raised a brow at that.
"Yea, well I would assume you're not gonna try to kill me in a training exercise. Also control of reishi structures you generate are a matter of skill and capability as much as sharpening them to a deadly edge is. You tellin me you lack the basic reishi control to make a dull edge for your weapon?" She asked with an incredulous quirk of a brow.

Of course she caught that little look on his face. "Oh yes Mister Fancy man. Sure we have good ol misions where its one against the world. But any PROPER mission is going to not have you going in alone. Not a single one of the most recent major conflicts have been without the presence of allies. So if you're looking to ride it solo, you're probably gonna be stuck to side missions, bucko. This is an army, not a mercenary camp." She pointed out. Certainly an inability to have any semblance of care for his surroundings would be a MAJOR issue to say the least. A lack of restraint was bad even outside of a team environment.

BUT at the very least. He seemed to be raring to go. No sooner had he promptly lunged for one of the training dummies than did she promptly vanish with a burst of hirenkyaku. Promptly, rather than striking toward a Training dummy, he'd almost immediately have Giselle directly in his path. Reishi congealing in her hand, as a Katar of brilliant red spiritual energy raised up and promptly blocked the attack, a second blade formning in her other hand and promptly SLASHING overhead! A nice overhead arc, nothing particularly difficult to block, but she kept forward pressure with her other blade. Aiming to pressure him so that raising the singular weapon to block her second katar would allow the first to advance and stab toward his shoulder. Of course, her own weapons were dulled around the edges. The only thing that would result from the stab would be a splotch of red reishi fluid all over his chest. Tuned down of course, to be harmless. But it would easily mark that he'd been hit. As opposed to just reducing him to a pile of blood like it normally would.

"Huh, you're pretty fast. Let's see what else you can do." She encouraged him. Indeed he was actually faster than her. A deficit she made up for by her own exceptional skill with Hirenkyaku for the time being. She also refrained from using any particular tricks just yet. She was content with getting a nice, steady look at what he was capable of. Seeing how he handled being overwhelmed would come later.
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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Sat May 07, 2022 11:05 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Giselle's words would have some difficulty reaching Lukas, a heartbeat filling his ears. It had been too long - this much already getting him pumped. A twinge of self disgust, but it wouldn't come close to ruining his good time. Contact made at blinding speeds, a split second to act.

The tip of his blade would buck as it collided with her Katar, yet his eyes were unmoving, focused on the target ahead. Too far.

The reishi still clung to the bottom of his foot as his focus returned to the woman, the moment enough for her to begin a counterattack. Darting silver, the lack of intelligent thought reeking from behind his eyes as instinct took over. The bloodlust, the pent up emotion, it seethed from between the grit of teeth, the idea of a smile.

His leg turned, forcing with it the dregs of whatever his hirenyaku could manage sideways. Crimson blut surged as he'd touch the floor, the hirenyaku dissipating with a blue spark. His right arm shot forward with the flow of the reishi, veins flaring red underneath leather. Defense had never been the course of action.

The overhead had swung, his own narrow avoidance not so lucky with the following attacks - the stabbing attack with her other katar against his shoulder landing with little bravado. Yet his arm would not stop. Aiming to grab at her opposite arm, and, if successful, throw her like so many a sack of potatoes. His blade, at the moment, stuck into the floor, but easily removed as his footing returned.

That'll bruise. he'd take some note of her output, weight pushing onto his heel as his blade returned to height. An attempt to swing at her with the flat of his blade, assuming she was mid-air from his throw, immediately followed by another dash towards the target.

306 words | | lmk if you have any questions about the choreo

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Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] Empty Re: Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi]

Mon May 09, 2022 5:20 pm
Groovy! For a Price [Lukas/GiGi] HEADER_37b26f083e176849c01ee6c268895daa

Giselle quirked a brow slightly at that. Interesting. Was he just purely melee? Watching as he took the stab to his shoulder, splattering his chest with that bright red reishi only for Lukas to grab her by her shoulder. She raised her brows just a bit more, intrigued. She tensed, flexing her body slightly as he attempted to throw her. She paused, noting that they seemed to be comparable in strength, though his combination of strength and leverage won out and she flew through the air! At least a good couple feet before platforms formed beneath her feet and she promptly vanished, reappearing above the young man, grinning from ear to ear as she executed a cross slash! Arrows forming along the tips of her blade before she SWATTED them down in a rain, not only aiming to pepper him, but also a couple of the blunted arrows would rain down towards his Blue Dummies on his side.

Immediately following the spray of arrows, she would drop down on him, spurred on by her Hirenkyaku, aiming to plant both of her feet onto his shoulders with a burst of Hirekyaku speed, in order to try and KICK forcefully, and send him back into his "team" of dummies. Of course it would also be possible for him to try and dodge, but she already had a response primed for that. If she landed on the ground instead of him, thin streams of reishi would wind around her in an instant before her arms SWUNG at insane speed, using Hirenkyaku to move her hands instead of just her body, aiming to execute a blindingly fast slash that would far exceed even his own speed as that speed swipe would consist of another cross slash, aiming to cover him with more of that red reishi.

She considered just firing a bunch of arrows at his dummies, but she only was going to send a few from before rather than trying to target them. After all, he was a melee type, she didn't expect him to be able to block the shots. Especially if she got creative. No, she would wait and see if he would try and do something about her being so close to his own allies. TRUE, he had attempted to target her own dummies, but he had immediately been occupied with her. It seemed he preferred easy targets to trying to directly fight. Suffice to say, there was no real fail state, nor was this really a test to see if he could beat her. She hardly was going to give THAT task to a whippersnapper like him. NOPE! This test was going to be her, introducing different styles of attack and seeing how he managed in order to collect data on what he could and could not handle.

After all: the purpose of this was to determine where he would be best deployed in the field.
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