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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed May 04, 2022 9:03 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

How long HAD it been? When she got word that Ira would be in town, of COURSE Ehefra made sure to clear her schedule so that she'd get a chance to meet up with her. Given everything that'd gone on, it had not only been AGES since she'd run into the fellow, but there was a TREMENDOUS amount to talk about! And uhhh..... a ... LOT she honestly had really wanted to ...ASK him. So when she promptly let him know that she wanted to meet up, she franklyh just told him to come over to her house.

It was a bit of a time, cleaning up a little, or well...... organizing her desk while Beeps cleaned the rest of her damn house to be honest. But still, Ehefra put a pretty clear effort to fix things up to look nice. And when she heard someone at the door, Ehefra put on a big smile, promptly beelining for the door. A brief glance in the mirror. Her Hair done up into a nice ponytail and some glasses she'd had on to help keep the eye strain down on her computer. They were those fancy glass glasses that looked like normal clear lenses despite having the filter on them. Other than that, she had a pretty simple fare of Jorts and a tshirt on under her labcoat. An odd compbination, but frankly she'd been out training when she decided to head home and work on her prefabricating before she got the message about Ira being in town.

In her tidy little getup, Ehefra would pop the door open, HOPEFULLY to see Ira.
God of Love
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Thu May 05, 2022 12:08 am
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] SgHGbAG


It'd been a decently long time since Ira took any time to visit the City of Lights, and while he did have a little bit of business to handle, honestly his primary reason was just to say hey to a certain young lady. The two of them were...well, they were something, alright. Ira would be lying if he said he knew exactly what to call their situation, but he knew he probably ought to talk to Ehefra about it at some point.

Especially with the whole wrench that had been thrown into things up in Soul Society.

But for now, he'd just give her a wave of greeting and a grin as she opened the door for him. It'd been quite a while, so he had to admit his mood brightened just a touch more as he saw her face.

"Heya, little lady."

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Thu May 05, 2022 12:44 am
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra had a little bump of happiness herself when she spotted Ira, that usual casual smile was more than enough to have her promptly taking a step in and pulling them into a hug. "Well HEY there stranger! Been a while since I last saw you! Come in! Come on in here, it's supposed to rain later." Promptly she ushered Ira into the house, no doubt it would seem about as it always had. Moderately clean with small isolated messes here and there, save for the obvious signs of attempted hurried cleaning. She was practically glowing with happiness as she saw Ira. The catalyst in.....frankly... a very big chapter of her life. Perhaps a bit more.....intense a chapter than she would have imagined, but all the same, regardless of the dizzying events, they ultimately....had her feeling happier. Certainly much more than she had been before. And she felt she owed that in no small part to Ira.

She paused....realizing she'd been staring at Ira for several seconds. She ...leaned in, inspecting the woman before Beeps swiveled in and trilled it's own greeting before displaying an image. She looked back and forth between Ira and the picture. "No signs of any aging..... Your condition seems stable!" She did a little fist pump! "Uhhh, Right! Also whats been the hizhap lately? How you been?" The HIZ hap? Brief moment to kick herself internally as she walked Ira to the livingroom where the two could comfortably sit and relax. A brief scan around the room before she looked back to her friend, visibly excited to hear what she'd been up to.
God of Love
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Thu May 05, 2022 2:12 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] SgHGbAG


It was certainly well-appreciated that Ehefra was so generally chipper. Ira knew perfectly damn well that he didn't have much issue with the more reserved types, but her general exuberance was a bit of a breath of fresh air when compared to most of the other people Ira found himself hanging out with most of the time.

"Well, I figure I haven't done too much growing in a bit, so that's good. Who knows how long that'll last though, I can already imagine the growing pains coming back for round two."

Of course, he didn't really seem to mind that, if his voice was any indication. Over time he'd become at least marginally more accustomed to the situation he was in, and by now, he'd had little choice but to just accept it. Might as well take it in stride, right?

"I've been fine. Done a lot of traveling, spent a bit of time up in Soul Society with a friend. Training, the usual."

He was definitely glossing over that Soul Society bit, more for his own sake than anything else. Of course, he knew he'd need to bring it up to her at some point. But that didn't mean he was jumping right into it.

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Thu May 05, 2022 3:09 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra snorted softly at that and rolled her eyes, though immediately DID lean in and peer a bit at Ira. "Yea growing probakly hurts like fuck in your situation. Oof. Notice any ..... other changes? You did kinda plow through like....puberty. And you seemed ....well you know.... all ....down there. So probably good that it's stopping where it is." She pulled back, realizing she was practically all up in Ira's tits. "Right, you're here to visit, not be examined. Ahah... gotta get outta that habit. STILL! Glad you been hangin around enjoying yourself! Never been to soul society myself I admit. What's it like? Actually, did you even get there? I mean.... did you just like...hang around the ....soul in general? OR did you visit like...the GOTEI?" She asked, her intense curiosity as incessant as ever.

All the same, she pulled back a little and settled beside Ira, promptly pulling him into a hug. "I wish I coulda had such a relaxin time as it sounds like you had. Hahah. Its uh..... well you know me. Flip flopping between my work, my research, and ....being an emotional bag of cats. It's ....." She paused, rubbing the back of her head. Whoof....

"Theres just uh... certainly been a fair share offfff....... revelations? Discoveries.... memories....." She pauseed. Yeesh, dammit. Ira JUST popped back in, dammit. Control yourself for a little! She shook her head, pushing back all....the nonsense. "But ... it's nice having you around again." She sighed and leaned on Ira just a little, firming her hold on him as she took a moment to just enjoy the physical contact. And after a few seconds, she'd peel off. Giving him a chance to speak and .....thinning her lips as she realized she'd practically burst into like, a longass ramble. Jesus Ehefra, can't you ever be normal?
God of Love
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Thu May 05, 2022 3:57 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] SgHGbAG


Ira was willing to gloss over the conversation about any particular changes, especially relating to puberty. They'd get back to that later, he knew that much. It was pretty inevitable. For now he'd just focus on the question about Soul Society.

"It's nice, pretty place. I went up there with Yugiri, she's got business up there every once in a while so I come along. I got to hang around the Seireitei, get lunch and all that, meet some people."

Well, person. But he was jumping past that for now, especially as Ehefra gave her little summary of how she'd been lately.

"Sounds like you've been busy, eh?"

It was definitely comforting to just take a bit to enjoy this embrace, and Ira wasn't exactly in a rush to bring it to an end any time soon. Sure, he'd been running around and doing all sorts of exciting stuff, but there was a decent little simplicity to this.

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Thu May 05, 2022 4:20 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra paused for a moment and then put on a sly expression. "Yugiri huh? She sounds pretty. Musta been a pretty nice trip then huh?" She chimed with a knowing smirk on her face, even giving Ira a playful little elbowing! Abundantly unaware of who that was given she didn't really remember Ira mentioning such a woman before. "Well I'm glad you got to hang out for a while. Meet new people. I hear Shinigami are kinda weird. Supposably a lot of them are super old. But well.... word on the street is they also hardly act like it." She noted with a shake of her head, taking a moment to wipe her glasses off with a cloth before she sat across the couch, also resting her legs across Ira's lap as she thought about it.

"Still, the sereitei. I've always wanted to go. But well. You know. You're not usually supposed to be going around without a good reason." She murmured, which went double as a member of the vandenreich. Ughhhh, it SUUUUUCKED having to set a good example.

She ....paused, slipping her glasses back on and ....contemplating... "Yyyyea. So remember my little......freakout after our Drinkathon a couple months ago? And then the ....subsequent picnic?" She sighed, and flumped onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. "And the know....crippling self doubt in my own attractiveness? Well you helped a lot with that. But uh... you know. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that. KIIINDA .....have ....been discovering just how wrong I was. Been meeting a lot of new people. And not to toot my own horn but like.... apparently I'm... Hot. Like.... REALLY hot. Which you know....WOULD be a brag ya know? But I always figured that hey. Maybe it's just my like...personality that's the problem? I'm you know.... angry, and jealous. And ....other stuff. But .... every time someone wrestled those insecurities and everything out of me. They just....were fine with it. I'm still kinda...yaknow.... kinda.....fucked up. But like... apparently that's just .... NORMAL. Almost every person I run into that I start getting along with ALSO turns out to have like....this SUPER weird, messed up thing going on with them. Hell you've been one of the more NORMAL people I've associated with."

She glanced up/over toward Ira and waved a hand. "Hell, all the NORMAL people in my life have just...drifted away. There was like...this SUPER handsome recruiter that got me into the vandenreich. Like....WHEW, super cute. But like I dunno. He's just.... a normal guy? Well. Sortof. Theres like, Rumors going around, but well. I never really look into that kinda stuff. But he's like...this NICE guy. Nothing really special about him. Just kinda ... a dude. Always meant to like, hang out with him when I first joined up. And instead I pretty much haven't seen him since. My inner circle consists of hot women who I HATED on sight for.,....reasons we can go into later. And then BONDED with through" She struggled. It was ABUNDANTLY hard to explain how she had wound up befriending Candice through the girl's fear of flying, and Natasha through, hatred and finding out that they both had kinda festering internal guilt about their pasts.

Dammit. "I'm rambling. But ...yea it's...been.... weird? ever since you and I got along so well, I don't know if maybe like....I started seeking this stuff out. Or if this is just the kinda people I subconsvciously attract but it's bizarre. OR maybe just....with all the fucked up shit. Maybe this is just what the world is full of." She sat up and gestured out the window. "So yea. That's been.... interesting to put it lightly." She sighed, chuckling softly and rubbing her face with both hands. "Ueghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrruh! What I would have given to have just a simple trip like you." She chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm rambling. And also sitting on you. You can just roll me off onto the floor if you want. It's been a wild month." She murmured with a sheepish chuckle.
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Wed May 18, 2022 1:18 am
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] SgHGbAG


Ira had found, the more he interacted with people, that perhaps it would be better if he actually interrupted people from time to time. He rarely did it, just as a matter of politeness, but it seemed more and more lately like him staying quiet ended up leading people to start speaking way more than he was immediately ready for. Of course, he didn't mind generally speaking, and he definitely didn't mind when it was Ehefra, but that didn't actually change that he'd been wholly unprepared for the slew of words she'd just laid on him.

Well, he was sort of used to it, at least.

"Well, ya know, way I see it, I wouldn't say you just attract those sorta people. If I had to guess, somethin' tells me you probably find 'em easier to connect with. A lot easier not to feel guilty about whatcha think your own downsides are with that being shown to ya, know what I mean?"

It was just in his nature to cut past most of the usual wishy washy stuff that people might have said in a conversation like this. After all, Ira was old enough that he'd already dealt with all this sort of drama. Even if he didn't look it, he was over these sorts of things.

"And I guess to be fair, everyone does definitely have their insecurities. They've all got somethin' or the other bothering 'em, somethin' that makes 'em tick even though they'd rather it not. That's just how things are. It's important to make sure you don't let that end up defining you, though, or how you interact with people. That's how you end up with a circle of real unscrupulous folks. Might make a nice bond, sure, but it's not exactly good for ya as a person."

He didn't mind her sitting like that, of course, and he certainly didn't push her off. He certainly knew he'd probably need to bring up the Kasha situation more than ever now, but he'd get to that later. Insecurities and all that, eh?

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Wed May 18, 2022 4:02 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] HEADER2_4780c9f0fe2afa9ea01e32d031115c02

Ehefra glanced toward Ira as he took all of this in stride, and a ...sheepish little smile formed as he did. IT was......comforting. On some level, she wondered if he was being a bit dismissive of her feelings. But on the other hand she .... LIKED that he seemed so calm hearing all of this. The scariest thing was that she was just being....weird... or insane about all this. And the way Ira just ....calmly worked through it all. It was nice. She quietly listened and ..... took a moment to herself to think about what he was saying. Truth be told: that SHE was attracted to messed up people was sortof what she was afraid of. Because as he said: that sort of wasn't for the best probably. ONE of them had even warned her about it. But ...when they HAD. Seeing that ..... sober look in the woman's eyes when she'd said it. It amde her think about when she'd said that very same thing to Ira. That she could do better. Fucked up people were bad company, but .... honestly she wondered if she just ....deserved it.

And thats when she realized she was tearing up. The hot sting and heat in her eyes that made her balk a little. Ah.... she thought of Natasha. And THAT conversation. And the picnic. And the detour to the coast. And what had happened.... and slowly, she felt less and less like she should be here. As Ira talked about ....insecure company not being good for you. It was all too easy for her to double back, and look at herself. "This .... this is different. I mean... I ...I GET what you're saying but..." She reached up and wiped her eyes for a moment. Thinking about .....the mess she'd left behind in Malaysia. A tired chuckle escaping her as she had to raise her glasses to get at her eyes. Whew. That hit her out of nowhere. She smiled, composing herself.

"Well ya know, I guess that means ya should probably double think hanging out with me ya know?" She added playfully, swiveling to sit upright at Ira's side instead of across his lap, suddenly feeling.....bad for the gesture. Was she a bad influence on him? She rubbed her face and straightened up a bit. "It's.... been a wild ride. Heh, glad to hear you yourself didn't have any of that kinda shit go on." She glanced at Ira and smiled. Not that confident facade, but something gentler and more genuine. She was glad he was here. She moved in and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a firm hug and resting her forehead on his shoulder.

"I need to find a therapist, otherwise you may have to start charging me for this shit." She chuckled softly, a joke to try and smooth the mood a little from that emotional rollercoaster. She sighed. "Pick up any cool knockknacks from soul society? I kinda monopolized the conversation there for a bit. Also now that I think about it, who did you go with?" She asked, straightening herself a bit so she wasn't just slumping on the poor fellow.
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Wed May 25, 2022 3:01 pm
Tape on a Halo [Ira/Ehefra] SgHGbAG


"Nah, if you were bad for me I wouldn't've even started spendin' time with you. That's one of the nice things about bein' old, you start bein' real self-aware about those sorts of things."

As Ehefra hugged him, Ira couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about the conversation. On one hand, he didn't exactly like the idea of laying his own problems out for her to deal with when she was dealing with her own issues. But, on the other hand, he felt like it would have been bad to just keep himself at a distance, like some wise old master.

"Well, I wouldn't say my time away's exactly been easy days. Hit it off with someone too, actually. Caught me a little off guard, didn't exactly see it coming."

He was still somewhat dodging around the matter of who said person actually was, of course. Well, not really who. There were other factors there that he was far more disinclined to address.

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