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Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe)

Wed Jun 01, 2022 4:04 pm

Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Excellent, it sounded as if the woman's life wasn't too chaotic at the moment. Quite odd coming from a goddess of chaos, eh? Not really, no. Mana delighted in sucking up the destruction, carnage, instabilities, and all things maddening in this world; but that's not precisely what Aina herself needed to do or was in a position to handle. The powers of her prior life consumed the former godling to be, so why would she need to be in a rush to head back to that life? After all, hearing that Lethe held a steady life boded well as far as Aina's recovery was concerned.

"Sounds...stable. Heh, that might be perfect for my daughter when you see her. I have no doubt your current life is just what she needs to get that woman's mind on the right track."

Now swaying her tendrils left and right, the gem green eyes of the queen continued to hold their gaze before Lethe would find a sphere of emerald light-emitting before her.

"When the time is right and my daughter is ready to open herself up to the world, this magic should transport you to her based upon your will to do so. If you decide to take on that call, at least then you'll be prepared for whatever you find. She isn't as psychotic as in her prior life, but her mind is definitely in a state of lostness. It's a very influential period and I hope you can help her."

Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe) - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe) - Page 2 Empty Re: Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe)

Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:41 pm

The Danava of Martial Arts


Paging Ms.Chaos (Mana/Lethe) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"I can relate to that" Lethe commented with a dry tone. She was mostly ignoring all of what was in her head because the bit she had seen was so insane she couldn't imagine a person actually living their life like that. But there was a line that resonated with her in this situation, so she looked up at the Goddess in front of her.

"Don't feel you only give" Lethe said, taking the gem and tucking it away. "Ulv once said 'A Problem doesn't simply go away because you have a grasp on it and don't let it affect your day to day life. So having a grasp on every problem and drowning them all in the tub just gives you the illusion of having no troubles'. She was quite the crass, violent woman, but I can see her point in this one. You might be old and in control, but that doesn't mean it's gone away. So make sure to meet with people that can support you, ok?"

The glimmer of Lethe's eyes, and her cute smile, it was so innocent, so hopeful. In the face of everything, she still wanted to go forward.

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