Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora]

Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:54 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

"I mean, i'm not all high and ready to drag her to sense kicking and screaming," She'd say with a soft roll of her eyes down to the ground, "Not trying to say my opinion's right or superior or whatever, i'm just speaking my piece on it. She's able to make her own decisions, but I guess that worry in me applies to her, too."

Yeah, they weren't particularly close knit or buddies or anything, but hearing about her making these sort of decisions just instilled that sensation in her. Maybe just not wanting her to get into trouble, but Santa had her own life and motives; she didn't want to interfere with it as she held that dislike for governing other's decisions. Perhaps that was what separated herself from people in higher places; she hadn't the interest to assert what was to be considered right or wrong upon the world. Perhaps she was afraid of what she'd be if she had taken off and eaten every Shinigami unfortunate to fall into her sight out of rage all those years ago.

"Guess I just don't want anything bad happening to somebody who doesn't deserve it."

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Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora]

Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:18 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

Ajora couldn't help but smile lightly at that. "It seems you're simply the type of woman to look out for others. It's an amicable quality. Cute even." She observed, pausing and thinking about the situation before......taking some moment to consider.

"But I would be more ....concerned with others for the time being. I really haven't been able to judge much. But what little I have been able to gather from Santa's....mixed memories, is that MAzda was something of a major concern in the Vandenreich, at least in some. He was a major influence, but she had a feeling that he was sometimes more of a shadow than a warming light. Now that he's not around. How do you feel the Vandenreich will behave going forward?" Perhaps more of an honest question than a leading concern. She was flying blind with .... all of this. But at least according to Santa's memories, the Vandenreich had lost a tremendous asset, dual edged as he may have been. But she wanted more ....perspective on that subject. Especially given how tinted Santa's perspective tended to be.
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Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora]

Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:42 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She'd let out a slightly irritated grunt, "Man, don't call me or whatever i'm doing cute," Smaller times definitely affected her relationship with that word, even if it was a minor bother. Any annoyance she had quickly vanished as she finished her snack and went on to the next one, her gaze returning to Ajora as she spoke. She deliberated on that point for a bit, humming in thought,

"Well opinions of him were pretty mixed, I feel. Rumors and whatnot floating about him, positive or negative. Guys with the most polarized opinions were those in higher places, obviously," She decided to neglect to tell Ajora of his true origins lying in Cyrus; that wasn't needed for this conversation after all, "His vanishing... Well for most, seems like he never existed. That and existence's destabilization doesn't seem to be an issue anymore, so... Dunno, honestly. Obviously think we're gonna be helping out the western world clean up, but other than that... Can't say for now. I'm a lowly Sternritter, Ajora, I dunno the greater machinations of His... Sorry, Grandmaster Cyrus."

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Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora]

Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:25 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_
Ajora raised a brow slightly as she made note of that reaction. "I see. Amicable then."

She paused as Liltotto went on into the nitty gritty of just whose opinions were strongest. No doubt Cyrus's were the most prominant given their relationship. That, at least, had been easy to glean. All the same, she did offer a nod as Liltotto gave her take. "I see, I'm sorry to have put the burden of such a question on you. I suppose I simply thought you seemed pretty in tune with these things. I imagine it must be frustrating being in such an organization. Especially one with such a complicated history." She noted quietly, closing her eyes and leaning back against the rock. A sigh escaping her.

"Was there anything else you wanted to speak of?"
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Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 3:01 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

A puff of air left her nostrils, "Yeah yeah..."

She'd cross her arms, her brow twitching at that side remark of the Vandenreich, sighing softly, You got no idea, sister. She'd think in response, eyes lowered, "Yeah, it's whatever. Not like i'm not thinking about it, but i'm here for whatever ride the Quincy are on, I guess. Would rather be here than anywhere else. Least I can do with this life and body of mine."

Given the question of if there was anything else she desired to discuss, she'd give a gentle 'hmm' before following up with a response, "Nah, not really. Just wanted to make sure you and Santa were alright, I guess," She'd get up, patting her pants clean, "And you clearly are. Just... Let me know if anything's up, alright? As long as it isn't anything too nuts I don't mind reaching a helping hand in."

The slightest of smiles would turn her lips as she began walking, "Cya 'Jora. You somehow know how to find me."

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Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Empty Re: Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora]

Sun Aug 28, 2022 3:18 pm
Shit's Gone Turvy-Topsy [Liltotto/Ajora] - Page 2 Cchw2v2gv2_HEADER_

Ajora simply remained entiely silent, watching Liltotto as she navigated the conversation and made it clear that she had nothing else to speak about. Which was, disappointing, not that Ajora allowed that to show on her face. IN truth it was a little underwhelming what the woman had been able to provide. The entire world had been ...edited, rewritten. And she seemed so utterly unconcerned about it. Well, she supposed it was simply a matter of her not having much she could do about it. And Ajora found her gaze meandering off to the horizon over the water. Staring as she surmised just how things might shake out in the end. Where Santa's goals and aspirations would take her. And what may come to pass as a result.

It wouldn't end well. Probably. There was much to be said about those strong, bold words that Santa had said. For anyone else, that was a condemnation. To slowly feel that resolve whittle away, being worn down. But inspiringly, and perhaps....more depressing. Santa would never lose her conviction. It may change, or adjust. But no matter what, Santa would never stop. Even if she was wasting her long existence. Even if there was no possibility of success. She would still fight against inevitability. What a beautiful tragedy she was. And individuals like Liltotto would live to see it in all of it's sad glory.
"Fare well, Liltotto." Ajora responded softly, her eyes never leaving the horizon as she let the woman walk off on her own terms. For now....she would watch the sun set.
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