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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Fri Aug 26, 2022 5:31 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] P9M9PIL


Oh, how dreary, how dull all things had once more become. Most might have imagined the sunny shores of south Florida could brighten anyone's day, but such was not the case for the King of Nightmares. Cresimir simply couldn't stand it, seeing such absolutely meaningless lives being lived. How could he? After all, what good was there in a life so comfortably lived, free of understanding, free of fear that made all things worth accomplishing? They had no grasp of the world around them, no comprehension that there was so much to fear looming just behind their heads at every waking moment.

"So tiresome! But you ought to be thankful, all you little people who carry no worth or strength, for at least in death, you remind others of the truth of the world. Like cutting down wheat to feed the hungry, don't you see?"

He had hardly gotten much attention, for it seemed few people gave much care to his words in this place. With a flourish of his cape, Cresimir cut down anyone who had been so unfortunate as to be in his immediate vicinity. Well, such was the way of the jungle, wasn't it? Some simply needed to die for the good of the strong, and as he let out a wild, echoing laugh, his Illusory Forest filled the city, dark shadows taking the place of what had only just been a bright and sunny day.

This city would surely grow stronger today.


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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Tue Aug 30, 2022 2:00 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] HEADER_sample-b826dfa3c1970aee11096fe801b2aaef

A nice, relaxing trip to a coastal area was the kinda thing that frankly Ehefra had presumed wouldn't be something she just.... would get to enjoy much. But as it turned out, working for the Vandenreich, especially these days, still had plenty of free time. Aside from the occassional operations in America and the logistical duties Ehefra had settled into, she had more than enough time to just...enjoy these things. A far cry from her time out living in Malaysia. Why did her thoughts always go back to that place? She'd hated it. The hunger, the danger around every corner.

And even now, enjoying the warm Miami sun, Ehefra couldn't help but feel that tickling familiarity as a malevolent presence made itself known. The sudden sheer crescent of crimson. Not a lot of people knew the noise when something cleaved through a person. So much more wet, and yet crunchy. Not the 'slide two metal things together' anime shit that Hollywood really liked to sell. The sudden chaos of people running away was just the punctuation to the sudden violence that set Ehefra's heart racing. The feeling that Ehefra mistook for fear.

Amongst the crowds, she was perhaps the only one who wasn't moving, simply standing and assessing the man from afar. That had been a pretty quick slash to say the least. She wouldn't be able to just rush in, unfortunately. Rather, she focused as her attention split, pulling in reishi from her surroundings while her focus wavered ever so slightly. From Cresimir's perspective, the swimsuit-clad woman seemed...distracted as she walked towards him. She wouldn't reach him anytime soon at the pace she was going, but there would be a telltale shimmer of Reishi around her right hand, a thin sliver of what looked like some sort of halo. A finer peer would reveal that it was in fact a dense ring of code, though to be frank, to Cresimere it was possible that the detail of the object would be entirely ignored. Or the fact that the lines were growing thicker as though in the process of being written and adjusted.

"Kindof a weird place to be preaching the truth of the world. Regardless, you are provoking discourse within Vandenreich terrritory. You can surrender now, or when I've finished kicking a dune of sand up your asshole, I'm not picky." She barked out, that firm, stern, professional voice of hers slightly tinted with profanity. As well.... she technically wasn't on duty at the moment.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:50 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] P9M9PIL


"Hmmm? Oh, look at you, look at you, such a pleasant little thing walking into my forest! It's no easy thing, you know, to walk to the Mountain King and speak with such force, such incivility. How elegant, how lovely, how divine, how beautiful!"

Turning his full attention to this new arrival, his wide grin only growing wider, Cresimir simply walked toward her without any fear in his wide, empty eyes. Even as the city continued to be enveloped in darkness, he seemed almost unconcerned by his own efforts, and why should he have been? There was something far more captivating before him now.

"Do tell me, o vision of loveliness, what ought I call you? I am Cresimir Valmanway Engelweiss XIV, the King of Nightmares! A gentleman naturally gives name first!"

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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:25 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] HEADER_sample-b826dfa3c1970aee11096fe801b2aaef

His words were so startling that she was ALMOST jarred out of what she was doing in the background, her brows knitting together for just a moment as she peered at the man. All she did was stand before him in his little psycho reel and he was suddenly calling her the bee's knees? This dude was even more fucked up than she was. All the same, she could FEEL the spiritual energy coursing around her. Shit.... if she was one of those quincy that specialized in Reishi Absorption she MIGHT just flat out be able to shred this little jungle of his. No doubt that'd get his jimmies ruffled. Ah well. ON the other hand, he DID seem pretty dramatic. Maybe he'd appreciate a little dramatics on her end as well.

Reaching up, she held up that code band in front of her. Promptly executing a simply script that frankly, she'd kinda been planning to use once she was done on the beach anyway. All around her, reishi swarmed around her as a thin line slowly ran down the length of her body, a bright lens flare that came with it a creeping scrawl of spiritual threads being woven over her body. A simple fabrication script, putting together something so simple honestly she probably could have done it herself even without the blueprint rather than rely on a script. "My name is none of your business. A rabid dog like you would only soil it in your mouth." Her lips curved into a menacing grin, and the lines of her face deepened and defined as she stared at Cresimir with a menace that possibly matched his own. All as slim claws of reishi formed at her fingertips. Wicked and curved as her uniform finished forming around her.
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] HEADER_sample-75b629b79df6a81c4ca3d613108cc0a8
She took a step toward him, holding out that reishi-clawed hand of hers and then pointing at the ground as if he were a dog.
"If you want something to sob into the dirt, then you can just call me Daddy." She hissed at him, nothing but her own boiling desire to fight growing inside of her. Of course, from his point of view he may misjudge her that she was simply unaffected by his fancy forest.

But that wasn't true in the slightest. IT was fucking terrifying. Hollows had taught her very well not to take such a drastic change lightly. She had no idea what this forest was going to do to her. But it did drive a single instinct. Malaysia had taught her that sobbing and cowering were dead end responses to fear. And it had beaten a very specific response into every fiber of her being. One that had been so strong that even outside of her fears, it had manifested as an addiction to combat.
Brutal Violence.

Ripping. Tearing. Crushing. Grinding. Reducing the enemy in front of her to mush. Trust nothing. Spare nothing. Crush it into the dust. Rip it apart with her own claws until there was no chance it could ever endanger her again! And this forest reminded her VERY much of the valleys of that fucked up place.
"Get on your knees and I'll kill you quickly."
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:23 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] P9M9PIL


"Hehe, is that so? Ah, no, no, terribly sorry, but I don't ever shed tears or grovel. Giving in, accepting defeat? No no no no no, my little drop of sunlight. If you wish to see me grovel, then please, I implore you, beg you even, show me that you are the strongest creature in these woods."

Her every action, her every word, all that confidence and bracado spilling over like wasted drink, yes, that was assuredly what Cresimir sought in a woman, in all things. How couldn't he, having seen what he had, having witnessed the harshest of realities deep within those woods? Ahh, but how blessed he was now, to know those truths, and now to see the most magnificent heights of beauty!

"Please, by all means, strike first, darling creature. It would only be polite, would it not? And besides, to feel your touch would surely be nothing short of exquisite upon my skin, my bones, my everything."

He gave her a bow, flourishing his cloak as he did so, but his eyes remained squarely on her, those empty, black holes in a face seemingly of porcelain. After all, he hardly intended to truly let himself be wounded. He may have found her nothing short of captivating, but he knew the laws of the jungle all too well, and would certainly never think to abandon his place as the Mountain King. He was tensed, a predator simply sizing up its prey, ready to disappear into the countless shadows of this dark and misty wood he had created.

"Let us make this a magnificent evening to remember, shall we?"

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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:46 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] HEADER_45484109_p42_master1200

Her eyes slowly hardened as he started to talk again. And the sudden surge of violence within her was only stopped by the fact that she was still distracted. Still adjusting code. Somewhat stalling, technically, so that she could make this whole ordeal a lot easier for herself. Having to concentrate. No, don't focus on whats going on in the rest of the damn place. Don't think about how badly you want to pry his jaw open and rip out his throat for saying no. For making this goddamn Forest that she STILL didn't know what it did. And for the moment, she couldn't spare the mental focus to scan the damn thing.

Hold back.

Cmon Ehefra you stupid bitch, hold back.

"Oh don't you worry. I'm going to. Just as soon as I-" There was a roaring blitz of reishi. A small rail beneath her feet which suddenly propulsed her straight past the man. Two rails to be exact. One just beneath her feet, and one along her wrist, guiding her hand midway through the sheer motion of her Hirenkyaku with the full extent of her spellcraft knowledge to rake her reishi claws through his face, his arm, and along his left side. She'd WANTED to decapitate him in one strike, but the bastard had gone and bowed his head, and so she'd had to go for a strike that struke down the entirety of his right side, with any luck shearing his arm from his body with the sudden vicious move in the middle of her own sentence. Catching him off guard was pretty much her only shot. She had to keep up the facade and that meant ACTUALLY attacking him. It wasn't a lethal move, but it was hopefully enough. She was so close. She just had to hope it landed, keep up her blut, and hope this damn forest wasn't full of poison.

"-find you." she finished in a hiss. She didn't know if this damn forest was real/. OR if the one she had even just attacked was real. He SEEMED like a man bent on feeling pain from how he spoke, but that could be a trap. She hoped he was. She loved the heat of blood on her claws.
God of Love
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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:13 am
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] P9M9PIL


Contrary to Ehefra's hopes, Cresimir was very decidedly not the sort who enjoyed to be hurt. No, he was in fact one who quite feared that just as much as he feared everything else that existed. Such fear was, after all, what made him strong, what made him the most dangerous thing in all the woods upon the Earth.

Her attack was certainly impressive, and had he not already been completely intending to avoid her, it surely could have given him quite the run for his money. Oh, that was darling, wasn't it? Absolutely astounding, lovely, nothing short of a treasure! His own impressive speed was combined with his kumopu, his body quickly taking the form of the same inky darkness that filled the whole of his illusory forest, and soon he was nearly gone.

Well, that wasn't entirely accurate. In fact, it only made one thing all the more apparent. That the whole of the forest shared his same signature, that all of it carried his energy. These were his greatest hunting grounds, after all. A reflection of his primal might. And through them he could manifest the greatest possible horror any predator might inflict on their prey--

His gaze. From every direction in those woods, a pair of red eyes, a wide red grin which matched his own. His own face hidden among the illusions, he moved around her, his laughter echoing from every direction all the while. It was effortless to traverse these dark woods, when he had lived among them for so very long.

"Good, good, good! Ah, I do so love that energy you carry yourself with, that violent desire! What would you do, I wonder, if you found me now? Tear me limb from limb? Eat me alive? No, I don't believe you're nearly at that place quite yet. Ah, but what I would give to bring you there! To let you know the world as I do, my magnificent little sundrop!"

He could have attacked her, of course. Could have simply lept out from behind any of those mighty shaded trees, torn her asunder. But with the air so delightfully thick with fear, Cresimir certainly wished to bring out her very best. It would make his conquest all the sweeter.

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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:37 am
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] HEADER_45484109_p42_master1200

Tch, son of a bitch. She wasn't even sure if that sight was the signature of his illusionary body dissolving into nothing, or if that HAD been his real body, turning into some black mist. A pain in her ass as her claws sheared through nothing. Her nostrils flaring as she let her gaze dart briefly around before twitching when she saw that sudden blaring multitue of gazes from the forest around her. Boy did she not enjoy that. And for just a moment she braced herself. Expecting a sudden attack. What was his deal? Maybe this fucker really was just insane. Especially with how he seemed to fixate on her own bloodlust. She wanted to kill him so very badly. ANd that urge to kill only got stronger the more that he seemed intent on terrifying her. Couldn't she just turn the whole beach into fucking flames?

Ah. Actually. Her eyes lit up and a grin spread across her face. She wondered if she COULD actually just turn this whole damn forest into flames.

Reishi screamed as it was compressed behind her, a hot crackle as she promptly applied a fabrication Script to the air behind her. Once upon a time, she relied on simple shapes for her Golems. But that was in the past. An intricate weave of reishi congealed rapidly. Weaving into a skeleton which then layered over flesh and bone. forming waht very much appeared to be .... a copy of Ehefra herself, clad in the very same uniform. She still hadn't exactly TAKEN a lot of time to get a lot of blueprints for cool-looking golems to generate with her ability. The most readibly available template was just herself. Once the golem had been created, she applied the Advanced AI script she'd just finished writing to it's frame and those eyes lit up. Thin rings forming around the golem's hands. Promptly raising them and spraying a burst of arrows into the area surrounding them. Angled to ensure that the arrows wouldn't plow into the civillians presumably still trying to flee through the jungle. And to see if she could sus out any particular ...direction the man was. To just get some sort of reaction.

"I wonder. If I'd been among the little group of beach-goers you chopped up and just went for your through when you showed up. I wonder if you would already be on the ground bleeding already. Or does turning to smoke stop your bleeding too? Wanna find out?" She called out into the forest.
God of Love
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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:51 am
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] P9M9PIL


Cresimir relished in every possible moment of the drawn out agony that he created, this endlessly escalating tension as the two of them sought each other out. His work certainly would have been far easier if he dared to do it in the light, if he simply left his prey with nowhere to run. But it would also make him a far lesser hunter, provide him with so few tools, and of course, cut out all of the thrill. Why even hunt, if not for that? As his little sundrop's clone fired off its onslaught of arrows, Cresimir began allowing faces to simply fall, fade out, and be replaced with new ones, his true form hidden behind one of the thick trees that made up his forest.

"Ho~ I can only imagine the ferocity I might have faced then, but I think it meaningless to consider what-ifs. After all, when facing down the Hungry Night, one needs all the possible presence of mind that can possibly be mustered. Don't you see, my beauty? Here, in the dark, there is nothing but your own self, and a world of unknowable dangers."

Then, one of those illusory faces burst from the treeline, made up of his own energy and looking, for all the world, like it was truly him. Of course, if it were shot down, its nature as simply one more figment of his creation would be fairly immediately apparent from how it burst into shadows, but if it connected, such a blow would hardly even harm her.

"This is the greatest world of all, where you might know that most primal instinct of all. Faced with the Things in the Woods Which Make Men Mad, you quickly learn that there is quite little of the world which really matters."

In tandem with his illusory copy, however, Cresimir himself lept once more from behind the trees, nearly opposite that false self, as still more faces manifested all through the trees and shifted their positions more rapidly. All of it was meant to disorient, to terrify. It was the sort of thing that he himself had faced all those years ago, so it was only natural that he would put it to use now. He was perfectly willing to take a mighty blow, if it meant that the scything claw he swung down toward her would make purchase.

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Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] Empty Re: Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami]

Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:48 pm
Beach of Nothingness [Open/Miami] HEADER_45484109_p42_master1200

Nothing. Well that was annoying. Was it TRULY her only option to just nuke the damn place? This forest was pretty huge. It was possible that so long as there was some of it left, he would be fine. She snarled ever so slightly, gritting those teeth of hers as the arrows plowed through those illussionary faces and that shrill menacing voice continued to screech at her. She and her Golem both dragged in Reishi, the air screaming in a high shrill keen as reishi was compacted into a thin blade, promptly fabricating katana from condensed reishi, she didn't even need a blueprint for something so simple. As simple as the script that she placed within the blade. Between herself and the AI she'd planted into the Golem, what would have taken her a moment was put together almost instantly. A Scan script, filling the air with a slight background hum. Just in time for Cresimir to launch his attack.

Ehefra was caught off guard by the sudden attack, but the Golem at least, wasn't. Pointing a hand in the direction of each incoming combatant with blinding speed, it fired off a trio of arrows at each of the incoming attackers, burying the arrows into his body if he didn't hold off or eat the arrows to his body. At least giving Ehefra enough of a warning to raise her blade and promptly block that incoming attack! Not having QUITE enough time to put together a counter while she was busy scripting, at best just defending. Perhaps cucking Cresimir from any more vicious Ehefra countering. But that didn't mean he was off scott free.

The Golem would whip around Ehefra with frightening speed. Forming an arrow in the air between them before executing a vicious downward SLASH with it's blade, ripping the arrow to pieces and sending a wave of shredded reishi in a line towards Cresimir with a speed and ferocity that made it abundantly clear that these golems of Ehefra's were, at least physically, far superior to her.

"Hate to burst your bubble, but fear tends to have a weakness. And that's being smart enough to pick it apart. If this little camping trip is where your fear comes from..." The lines in her face deepened as that smile grew all the more bloodthirsty. "Then I just have to figure out how to burn it down with you in it." Just keep that stupid face of yours nice and somewhat close for just a minute you piece of shit. She thought to herself. All she needed was enough time for the damn script to pick up a distinction between this fuckface and his fakes. Then she'd make good on that promise about sand and his colon.
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