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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:58 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Illya-header

Illya Novak | Wandering Sirius

Europe, wasn't a bad place and the wandering cossack did find a bit of amusement in travelling it. Kind of felt nostalgic almost despite the fact that Illya hadn't been away that long but it sure was an interesting series of events over the war in the region. He idly wondered how the old man was doing sometimes but East was on his mind.

Off to the wastelands and maybe have a bit of a hunt. It'd been a couple of days out in the wilderness, he'd passed a fair few towns though and made a few impressions. Trading for food and resources came with labour and other things. The vagrant life wasn't for everyone but the lone wolf found a great deal of pleasure in the simplicity of it.

So he remained in the evening of the forest tending the fire, watching the flames flicker and kiss the pot which was boiling the water he'd collected.


The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 8:23 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] 9iQFOFx


Traveling was just how Rafaela lived, and she had to say she liked it a lot more than being cooped up in an investigative office like she used to be. Not that she didn't have her office back at the palace, but it was way better being out here in the field. She'd probably need to make camp soon, though. Night time out here in the woods wasn't exactly great, but--

Looked like someone else was already camping! Well, she wasn't the sort to avoid a fellow camper, and besides, she ought to investigate anyway as a Reichsritter. After all, if it was just a citizen, then she ought to visit, and if it was some ne'er-do-well, she'd need to put a stop to them.

"Good evening! Rafaela Leone, Free Imperial Knight, is here! Hopefully you don't mind sharing your name?"

It wasn't necessarily stated as a challenge, per se, but one could certainly take it that way. After all, Rafaela wasn't exactly a subtle woman, and pretty much everything she said was some degree of aggressive.


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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 8:33 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Illya-header

Illya Novak | Wandering Sirius

Hmph. Not really the stealthy type, it was the kind of approach that'd get you killed so quickly in the wastelands. You had to be able to blend into your surroundings like a prowling predator and know when to pick your battles. The point being that the little thing was easy to notice from a mile away but the lone wolf wasn't willing to budge on the matter from his camp spot. No point really.

"Illya Novak. You're one of the old man's ones then?"

He called back while poking the fire with his stick. The giant of a man was pretty relaxed in his spot while letting her do as she pleased, it wasn't like she was causing trouble or anything. If she screwed up his spot then he might be a bit less forgiving.


The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:32 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] 9iQFOFx


The moment Illya spoke his name, Rafaela's eyes lit up, and she took a seat excitedly at his fire even without waiting for an invitation. After all, she'd certainly heard the stories, and she knew that pretty much made the two of them comrades.

"You're the Wolf of Munich? I'm glad to finally meet you! I've heard a ton of stories from His Majesty about your time campaigning together, and you sounded pretty impressive!"

Rafaela was doing her best not to outright gush, but she didn't have too many other people to relate to when it came to her position alongside the Emperor. Besides, her mental image of the Imperial Theater during the war was definitely a bit more exaggerated than the reality of it.

"Oh, that's right. I'm the first of his Reichsritter! Number one among equals, as they say."

Her proud grin accompanied a removal of her cap, getting a bit more comfortable as she enjoyed the campfire and the company. Might as well get comfortable, right?

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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:53 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Illya-header

Illya Novak | Wandering Sirius

Illya wasn't really opposed to sharing, the kind of guy that just went with his gut and where the wind took him. The knight was certainly quite the small one though wasn't she? Ah but of course, size was not indicitive of anything and from a glance the wolf could determine that she cast a large shadow and a greater presence.

"Huh, I'd have thought that stupid name the lot of 'em came up with woulda died out already. "

He chuckled while leaning back, pondering the woman herself. Number one among equals, strange title but it kind of suited the girl he thought. She was probably the first in the queue all the time, huh?

"And what brings a lass like yourself 'round these parts? The old man got you hard at work?"


The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Gamma_Signature
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] CHARACTER_LISTThe Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] GRAPHICS_THREADThe Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:32 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] 9iQFOFx


"Stupid? Psh, you're crazy! It's a great name, really conveys danger! Any proud fighter would kill for someone to call them something cool like that, you know. Like me! They call me Rafaela of the Violent Lightning, but I wouldn't mind a nickname like yours, either."

Rafaela certainly appreciated Illya's interest in her work, and she slowly undid her large twintails as the two of them continued to talk. She didn't like keeping them up when she was relaxing, and she didn't exactly have any intention of continuing to travel when she'd found good company for the night.

"Yeah, you could say that. His Majesty asked me to be an investigator, and that's been my main goal for the past year or so. What do you know about the Duvalier Group?"

The tiny woman's expression grew a little bit more serious as that topic came up, though it wasn't grave by any stretch. She wasn't really the type to totally get down just because the conversation got less lighthearted.

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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:46 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Illya-header

Illya Novak | Wandering Sirius

Ah she had the spirit of a true cossack kid, a little too cocksure for his own tastes considering it was that same attitude that cost him his eye. She meant well though so it was kind of endearing from the girl. When it got down to it though she did shift to business pretty quick which was a little surprising.

"Duvalier? Never met 'em."

The man responded while grabbing at the water and and putting it aside to fetch some meat he'd salted and preserved to begin the process of cooking it. Dinner was always good after a hard day but his mind had wandered from the topic of food and the group that she was talking about.

"I guess I heard some stuff 'bout them, last time I was going the way of Italy they I heard the name a bit but nothin' concrete. Makes a man wonder what's got a lass like you on the job, eh?"


The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:19 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] 9iQFOFx


"Guess you could say it's a little bit personal. I used to work for the Carabinieri before His Majesty knighted me. I watched Italy go right into the Duvalier Group's hands without being able to do much about it, but I can tell you they're nasty business."

Rafaela laid back and watched the sky, not quite ready to set up and cook a dinner for herself just yet. She always kept important stuff on her person, but she also wasn't great at talking over food. She'd eat when things wound down.

"Course those corporate types don't leave much in the way of evidence. I might be a Free Knight, but I guess old habits die hard. I don't like the idea of going in there and just dealing with the CEO when I don't have a case."

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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 9:02 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Illya-header

Illya Novak | Wandering Sirius

"That so?"

He said nonchalantly to her while thinking about the details, he took a moment to glance over at how she'd made herself pretty comfortable on her back and with her hair out. Well he didn't want to let his eyes linger too much and especially not when he had food cooking.

"Ain't that a shame, I find all that a headache. Easier to just spend the days going where the wind blows, can't say I really lept at the offer of being a knight. Why'd you become one?"


The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Gamma_Signature
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] CHARACTER_LISTThe Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] GRAPHICS_THREADThe Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] Empty Re: The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela]

Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:38 pm
The Wind On Your Face [Illya, Rafaela] 9iQFOFx


"I like to fight for justice. Nothing else to it, really. I like to make sure people are safe and sound. That was why I joined the Carabinieri in the first place, after all. His Majesty said he liked that I did the right thing no matter what, and I liked the idea of being able to do that."

Rafaela sighed to herself and rolled onto her side, rifling through her bag without needing to actually sit up just yet. She could do that later, but for now she was content to just pull out her travel pillow and get a little more comfortable. The tent and all that didn't need to come out just yet.

"Traveling like that sounds pretty fun, though. I wouldn't mind asking for a little time to myself once this investigation finally finishes. I've been all over the world in the past few months, but it's all just been for work."

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