Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sun Sep 18, 2022 5:40 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


Whispering pages fluttered in the wind, paper stapled to a board over and over again. Low tech, retro - whatever you wanted to call it, it worked. On the bottom right, a flyer advertised fencing lessons; first come, first serve. Free, even! From a man named Lukas.

Despite that, it wasn't a charitable offer.

"Need to make a good public image." the silver maned man whispered, sitting on a cheap, foldable chair. His hands bridged underneath his chin, propped on his knee. Bright tubes lined the ceiling, a short rentable unit located near the shipping docks. "It'll have to work, right? Building the community? Preparing future Vandenreich?" his words trying so hard to convince himself.

The floor was solid wood, walls barren, obvious outlines of previously hung pictures and photos pot marking it. A large mat had been set up, with a small stand of fencing swords and basic safety equipment cluttered nearby. The edges of the gear were noticeably aged, well worn with multiple needlepoint markings.

The quality of the scheme was questionable, and he knew that deep down. But he had little introspection at the moment, cabin fever had been setting in for far too long. To get out of the city. Will teaching sword crap really do that for you? Lukas' teeth grit, a deep scowl as he rubbed his temples.

Something stupid about having hope.


229 words | | cobra kai

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Snake on Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:09 pm
Ever since the tides of war had begun to rise again Cala had stirred from a deep, unsettling melancholy. A Loss of purpose, Loss of direction, had gripped the small Arrancar and lead them into a morose slumber for a long time. Devouring the average Gillian no longer satiated them, battle instead thrilled and gorged them among other things, exploration even, and while one might wryly comment on Cala's loss of direction as their aspect of death devouring itself they had, nonetheless, shaken themselves from the long-standing stupor to explore the realms once more. In their malaise they had seen much of Hueco Mundo, at least as 'much' as one could call the nigh-endless dunes of sand and near-emptiness of the place.

Now Cala sought to explore more of The Living Realm and, having rather unrefined control of their ability to move between realms, found themselves in the City of Light before too long of wandering. Their Sealed Form hiding their true nature behind the façade of a High-Spec human, albeit one far weaker than one might expect a High-Spec human to be. It was not long wandering the City of Light that Cala found several flyers for a training class posted and, that insistent urge under their skin driving them forward, squirmed as that familiar war between the timidity of the Sealed Form and True Self began once again. A cold, coiling anxiousness twisting in their gut as their grip upon the flyer tightened just a tiny bit. Perhaps if the individual offering this class was particularly weak Cala could feed on them?

Even before they had finished the thought Cala began walking briskly through the streets toward the indicated address and, pausing before the door, their face warred with itself into an expression somewhere between an anxious grimace and a scowl as they sensed the more powerful being inside. With his hunger and desire to feed receding, his timidity resurfacing in full, Cala decided to politely knock and actually take up the proffered lessons anyways. Fencing was not at all something they were familiar with and, at the very least, practicing against a foreign fighting style might be useful in future battles. As long, at least, as this 'Lukas' individual was as skilled as the flyer claimed he was.

Giving a brief moment after their knock Cala would gingerly grip the handle of the door and pull it open a tiny bit, their mop of styled black hair, skull hair-pin and lavender eyes peeping into the room in a textbook example of shyness as they looked around. Asking in a quiet, uncertain voice as they did so.

"Ummm, hello? Is this where the lessons on the flyer are being held?"

A slow, gentle poking of the flyer through the door's opening would follow this hesitant question.
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:41 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


It's not like it could blow up in your face, right? he mused in the idling silence, Not gonna be teaching a hollow how to fight or anything.

The door slipped open slightly, the remnants of a flyer pushing through the crack. The question drew his attention, a slight nod before the realization that he was unseen. Words soon followed, a slight crack in his voice as he stood up slightly too fast. "Yeah, you're in the right place." he'd half bark.

Barely a step forward, and he'd pull the door open, turning away as he did towards the equipment.

The swirl of silver through the air. A dancing foil, flickering underneath the clinical light. Even the cheap equipment felt good in his hand, traditional as it were. Lacked in force compared to what he could generate with his spirit weapon, of course; but that made it better for teaching. Especially beginners.

A spin on Lukas' heel, the foil's tip swinging arc wise, pointing towards the woman standing at the entrance. "So, how much do you know?"


177 words | | my name is inigo montoya

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Snake on Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sat Sep 24, 2022 4:30 pm
Cala almost jumped as the voice that responded nearly barked at them and when the door flew open Cala held the flyer up almost as if it were a shield. Though with a flash of silver hair Cala blinked as the figure turned away and go right to business of picking up one of the old weapons. Cala's form, for now, gave off the energy of a high-spec human, masking their Hollow traits within them, and as Lukas tested the foil's weight Cala simply watched them move. The precision to Lukas' movements were rather advanced and Cala could appreciate the skill on display, enough so that the thought of fighting Lukas almost vanished from their mind, and training seemed a very good idea.

As the Quincy turned on their heel and pointed the foil's tip at Cala they blinked, blushed just a little, and shrugged a gentle shrug. Their eyes staying on Lukas' chest as they shuffled their feet.

"Umm... I know the basics I-I think? It's not my first time using a weapon but I don't think I have ever used weapons like this. I-I'm not sure how much transfer over from one art to the other."

Taking a moment to actually think about it Cala took a step forward and looked at the old equipment, pursing their lips in thought, before looking up at the Quincy before them.

"I-I also know a bit about the theory of fencing. Very precise movement, nimble footwork, umm... a focus on angles and u-usually controlling the center of the duel around your opponent's chest."

Cala said, nodding at Lukas' chest as they looked down, now holding the flyer in both their hands in front of them down by their thighs. Waiting to see what Lukas said in response to their initial information.
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:06 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


"Ahuh." a curt reply, Lukas' eyes narrowing. A step forward and he was behind Cala, turning a sign on the front of the door - twisting around as it slid shut behind him.

"That's a good... enough, starting point." he'd continue, the foil now pointed downwards as he shifted the sword in his palm. "Or at least, that's what we'll call it."

Jutting the hilt forward, a light toss to Cala as he pushed back and towards his lawn chair. A kick and grab later, it'd fold up into the air, thrown haphazardly into the corner. "But - and this is important." Lukas stepped towards the gear, throwing the woman a vest and mask to follow up.

"The head. Not the chest." a tap to the temple, "At least, if you're gonna be using this to fight for real. Sport's gonna be its own thing, points and blah blah blah, never really cared about that though." Another gesture towards the woman, the universal sign for 'hurry up'.

"Now c'mon, get ready." Lukas stepped backwards, clearing the floor the best he could. From either end, they'd be facing each other, the spare foil dancing towards his left. Where to start?


197 words | | time to play dress up

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Snake on Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:48 pm
Cala was still looking at the spot Lukas had been standing when they vanished, but they did at least feel Lukas appear to shut the door behind them. Cala would turn slowly, listening to Lukas' response and nodding along gently, only to gasp and fumble with the tossed foil before catching it in hand. Nearly dropping it before they turned to follow Lukas' movements towards the rest of the gear, their eyes widening as Lukas picked it up and made to throw it to them. Cala only had time to let out a small squeak of objection before they barely caught the vest in time, but the mask? The mask knocked into the vest and in their scramble to secure everything Cala kept nothing.

The foil, the vest and helmet would all clatter to the ground and Cala would turn cherry red out of embarrassment. Sheepishly kneeling to scoop up the gear again with a soft mumble of.


Hurriedly putting on the protective gear Cala would test the weight of the foil in their hand before noting and doing their best to copy Lukas' stance. Their foil held in their right hand, blade angled slightly upward, with the point trained roughly on Lukas' face as Cala gave a quick, if unsure, nod.

"O-Okay. Ready!"

Cala would make note of whether Lukas seemed to be moving into a position to show off motions or if they were moving straight to live exercises and sparring. If it was just a case of showing the motions and stances, Cala would replicate them to the best of their ability, but if it was actual sparring then they would immediately prepared for Lukas to take the initiative.
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:20 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


A cocked eyebrow in observation, quietly waiting as the woman dressed herself in the accompanying gear. Of course, Lukas would be without any protective instrument; his pride wouldn't allow anything different. If he could, the man would fight naked, but this was hardly the time or place. The rapier in his hand leveled back upwards, swirling through the air in small circles.

The man's head swirled with options, eyes darting across the woman's form as she all but shook. A slight tilt of his head before he recognized the motion, stopping it before it could finish. Yeah, that'll work.

"Let's start with the footwork." he began, switching his left foot over his right before slipping the right backwards, seeming to shift his bodyweight in a straight line angled away from her. "Nothing fancy like that, but you need to make sure you're grounded. The balls of your feet - the back heel, and the front of the arch, that's where you want to focus weight. Shift from one to the other by bucking weight with your knees, then push with your ankle."

He'd demonstrate, standing upright. His right leg slipped forward. the weight shifting back as his knee taught, pushing off in a singular step to close the gap immediately to Cala. A swivel of silver as he turned away, having stopped himself inches away from the woman. "You can create a fair bit of distance instantly with your heel, and a few more fanciful ideas if you dig with your toe with direction, but let's start with that."

Turning back to her, he'd beckon her forward with the wave of a hand. "Come at me."


275 words | | legwork legwork

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Snake on Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:42 pm
Cala nodded attentively as Lukas began explaining the basics of footwork to them. Cala would hum quietly enough to be all but to themselves as they watched the motions Lukas made with their feet and nodded, hesitantly, but they nodded. Being near focused enough to all but bite their tongue between their lips Cala would slowly mimic the initial motions, having a good grasp on them at this speed, before withdrawing back to their starting position and earnestly mimicing Lukas' motion. With their right leg slipping forward their weight would shift back, knee taught and muscles ready, Cala would spring forward appreciably slower than Lukas.

Even as Cala made the step they were aware of a rather large mistake, and behind their masked visage they all but pouted and look down at their feet, slowly wiggling their legs as if they were foreign objects before glancing back at the crossed distance. During their initial movement Cala had placed too much weight on their toes, not keeping the weight evenly distributed, and turned back to Lukas sheepishly as they bowed their head a tiny bit.

"A-Ah.... I think I messed it up a-a little.... Umm...."

Looking back down at their feet and slowly mimicking the initial stepping motion again Cala would nod before looking back up at Lukas and asking.

"How... How do you handle your weight wanting to shift forward to your toes too heavily Sir? I-I think maybe I am too.... ahh... t-too umm... nervous and eager to get the motion done with. I'm not.... r-really sure how to reign myself back physically."

That was, unbeknownst to Lukas, true in several senses including the present circumstance. Cala, via their ascension into an Arrancar, had never actually fought as a half-measure or exerted themselves, purposefully, below what felt most correct and efficient in the heat of combat.
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:07 pm
Lukas Ätherisch


The silver gaze would stay focused on the woman's form, as she moved to act. As her attempt would continue, a long blink followed from the man. Squinting eyes regarded her questioning, Lukas pointing with the end of his foil. "The knees."

Bucking up and down in some vague attempt at demonstration, the man would immediately recognize it's futility as he returned to height. "Just, okay." he'd pause, an audible crack in his neck as it was thrown backwards. "Think of it like a rocking chair." Lukas' head dropped back down to meet Cala.

"You know what that is, right?" Not intentionally condescending, but intent rarely decided how his words sounded. "Pulling back and onto the heel, then rotating it forward. Your knees act kinda like..." The tip of his foil darted up and down, mimicking a spring. "...a shock absorber? It's easier to do than to explain." he continued curtly, turning the weapon once again at the woman.

"So, again." Lukas commanded, matching a cold stare to Cala's dejection.


170 words | | do it again nerd

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala] Empty Re: Sword in the Dark [Lukas/Cala]

Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:41 pm
As Lukas blinked at them Cala felt quite a bit of self consciousness, only to be distracted from this in short order as Lukas indicated their knees. Cala would glance down, albeit briefly, before curiously tilting their head as Lukas cracked their neck and described some sort of chair. Ironically enough Cala did not explicitly know what a rocking chair was, they had seen them, but had never had a conversation centering around identifying them. The enigma of the rocking chair would have to live on, however, as Lukas used yet another comparison Cala was even more confused by. Shock... absorbers? Cala simply blinked back at Lukas, about to ask exactly how something that would absorb electricity would help them here, but snapped their mouth shut as Lukas simply commanded them to try again.

Their question of clarification being turned instead into a nod of acquiescence Cala returned to their ready stance and, still somewhat perplexed by the comparisons Lukas had made, was not anymore successful the second time around than the first. This time Cala did not stop, however, and repeated the action. Their third attempt resulted in them mentally overcompensating and losing their balance for a moment, but finally, upon their fourth attempt they performed the maneuver in a manner that was somewhat passable. With the action more or less successful Cala began to hone in on the minutia of the movement and, little by little, would be more or less mimicking Lukas by their dozenth attempt.

With that done Cala paused in front of Lukas, obviously pleased at having succeeded in this first maneuver, with the enigma of the rocking chair and the shock absorber forgotten Cala would ask.

"Umm... Sensei? If you don't mind me asking, where did you learn how to use a sword?"

It was an innocent enough question and, genuinely, one Cala was curious about.
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