Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:05 am
Cala slowly rose back to their feet and, tilting their head at Kizuna's questioning, looked roughly in her direction before deciding to show rather than tell. Extending out from Cala along the ground the Fade would pile up into a somewhat humanoid shape about as tall as Cala themselves, before Cala would turn to face it. Their spiritual energy beginning go gather bit by bit until they were prepared to answer.

Opening their mouth, baring small fangs and a pale pink tongue, Cala would charge a Cero with a jet black core in front of their mouth. Pale white light emanating from the darkness like the ablation disk of a black hole, only Cala to loose the Cero at the humanoid mass of Fade and shudder as it struck the pile of earth-like substance.

It was a truly odd feeling to absorb their own energy, something Cala never expected to get used to, since it could only ever happen if Cala wanted their Fade to drink in their own energy. It didnt really do anything except impart the very alien sensation somewhat comparable to feeling their own mouth chewing on every part of their own body at once. As the Cero struck the Fade the obsidian ash would swell and fluctuate, drinking in the spiritual energy with startling efficiency

Once the Cero sputtered out Cala kicked their small fangs and sighed, removing their own taste from their mouth in the process, and the Fade would simply remain there. Wriggling and roiling upon itself as Cala turned to Kizuna and drew the Fade back to themselves, the ash like substance vanishing into their clothes as they explained.

"I would say, Kizuna-Senpai, approximately double that would be our current limit. Anymore than that for now and...... it begins to break down."
God of Love
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:06 pm
A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 L8iPGQ1


Just double that, huh... Damn. That wasn't too much to work with at all, was it? But it was something, at the very least, and Kizuna knew for a fact she could pull out a whole lot more than that without too much trouble.

"Alright, get to moving again. If you start feeling a little low, gimme a signal and I'll toss a bala your way. Let's see if we can get you into a nice steady pace, refuel on the go. Get what I'm saying?"

Kizuna had no way to know if this would work at all, but she also didn't really care whether or not it did. This was such an abnormality that she couldn't help but see it put to the test.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:47 am
Cala understood the thought behind their Senpai's eyes even as she formulated her idea. When they were like this, less emotional, everything was a lot clearer to them. People were not anxiety-inducing oddities they worried about upsetting or not, usually, and instead seemed rather simple to them. Not that Cala would ever say that to their Senpai, or anyone else for that matter, and Kizuna's idea was completely sound as far as Cala knew. In fact in their current state they almost appreciated the sheer analytical efficiency of the idea. So long as Kizuna had energy to spare to hit them with a Bala or two on occasion Cala could, hypothetically, train their Sonido almost without rest. Save, of course, for eating and actually resting for their sanity's sake.

With this in mind, and a slow nod, Cala obeyed and fashioned a long, flowing whip of Fade from their back, looking almost like a tail made of flowing obsidian ash before they began to move again. Even now the effort felt the tiniest bit easier, their movements the smallest bit faster, and after a moderate amount of time the 'tail' of Fade Cala had attached to themselves would make a curling, gesturing motion to Kizuna. Spreading open into multiple prongs in preparation to catch and drink in the energy she offered.

Same as before the Fade would smother out the glimmering light of the Bala with predatory ruthlessness. Feeding the energy back to Cala who's form had begun to lag in speed and, now, once again returned to it's pinnacle of performance. Beads of sweat being flung from their head by their long, whipping hair with each motion and only when Kizuna seemed satisfied would the exertion stop. If that never came then Cala would continue for as long as Kizuna provided energy and once the training did stop Cala would come to a practiced, stoic halt before Kizuna. Not quite facing their Senpai Cala was, instead, looking past her out over Hueco-Mundo as they spoke.

"We trust that was..... satisfactory, Senpai? We have not forgotten what our other's promise to you was. It is.... foolish but we will honor it. We believe the greatest thanks we may offer to you is showing you that we are a worthy vessel for your efforts. Much like the Bala you provided today, we will turn your ambition into what power we can, until such a time as you have no more to give as you are. Then.... perhaps we will both change again, for better.... or worse."

Cala's speech pattern in this form, in prolonged sentences at least, was drastically different even aside from the lack of stuttering. They seemed almost absent-mindedly leading into every sentence they spoke now, their voice possessing an odd hissing quality to it barely more than a buried whisper behind the words, as if they were catching each sentence out of thin air amid a sea of floating ideas and just happened to pick the one they spoke.
God of Love
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:20 pm
A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 L8iPGQ1


"Yeah, that was pretty good. Pretty impressive, honestly."

Kizuna didn't necessarily think it was something lifechanging or anything, but this was definitely an Arrancar to keep an eye on. That was good enough for her, considering how boring this desert tended to get. Toying with her hair idly as she sat atop her pylon, she thought for a moment or two before speaking again.

"Good to hear you're not planning to slack off when I'm not around, at least. Lemme tell ya, kiddo, I'm not planning to run out of juice any time soon. Got a lot more in me before my time's up, so don't get any ideas in your head."

But, in reality, Kizuna didn't know that for certain herself. One day, she'd realize she'd hit her limit, and she'd probably end up looking for some other hollow to feed herself to. That was just how she expected things to go, eventually.

"We'll call it for the day, I think. Don't wanna overload you with training, burn you out. You got any way to keep in touch?"

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:46 pm
Cala watched their Senpai coolly as she played with her hair and approved of their demeanor, and simply accepted her talk of having more surprises in store at face value. Perhaps if she was someone else Cala would recognize it for bravado or a social mask, but they had accepted Kizuna as their teacher and so they simply held a rather simple opinion of her in that it was not their place to pry unless she made it obvious enough to compromise the training. A train of thought, Cala supposed, Kizuna herself would approve of. If for no other reason that it showed Cala's devotion to the training even if it meant nudging Kizuna herself.

Regardless Cala was pulled from their revelry as Kizuna called a stop to the training for the day. This earned a small nod from Cala and were their eyes still functional they likely would have blinked at her asking if they had a way to keep in touch. Shrugging slowly, as if they were merely mimicing the confusion or passivity of the act without really feeling it, Cala would respond simply and truthfully.

"A..... friend of ours named Igen was going to get something called a 'cell' for us, and possessed one themselves. However we became sidetracked for the evening and neglected to get one. It is a small rectangle, usually, and seemed to emit light from the inside."

Remembering what Igen had mentioned about them and, casting a slow look around them at the vast emptiness of Hueco Mundo Cala would remark in a tone so dry it would likely be considered sarcasm from any other person.

"We do not believe they would function here, however, Senpai....From what we could gather they are primarily for use in the Living Realm."

Satisfied with their honest report Cala simply sat on the sands beneath them, one leg outstretched and the other bent to rest their right arm on. Their left arm braced them on the sands and held them upright as they watched Kizuna passively, studying her and the way she moved even now for not only subtle improvements to their own Sonido but also scanning her for weakness or habits, already preparing for the inevitable day their training would escalate to a battle with their Senpai. The smallest twinge of hunger emanating from Cala as they pondered just how much more powerful they would become from devouring her......
God of Love
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:12 am
A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 L8iPGQ1


"Oh, a cell phone? Yeah, those don't work here in Hueco Mundo. One more reason this place is a shithole, but it's no big deal."

Kizuna shrugged it off as she thought for a few moments about what they'd do. Well, it wasn't too hard to find someone based on their spiritual signature, was it? And Kizuna's pesquisa was pretty well developed. She could probably find someone just by looking for them real hard if she needed to, after all.

"Well, don't worry about it. I'll find ya next time it's time for training, yeah? In the meantime, don't slack off. If you do, I'll be able to tell, and I'll beat you up when I see you again."

The grin on Kizuna's face made it hard to tell if she was joking or not, but she certainly didn't seem to be. There was a certain menace to her voice that seemed to carry a very real threat in those words.

Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna] - Page 3 Empty Re: A New Purpose? [CalaxKizuna]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:57 pm
Cala's head titled ever so slightly at Kizuna's words. A cell.... phone? Evidently Igen had used a short-hand for them before and Cala would remember this. Not to mention remembering to get them one the next time they were in the Living Realm at the very least. Even if they only worked there it would make keeping in touch with certain people much easier than it would be otherwise. As Kizuna spoke again, dismissing the cell phone's use, and promising to beat them up if they did not continue to train Cala simply nodded, the hollow eyeholes of their mask staring back into Kizuna's eyes as they replied in a voice that was at once both low, firm, and it's own sort of subtle retort without carrying any emotions.

"Do not worry Senpai, I will be much stronger when we meet again."

With their training done and their body rested a bit from sitting, Cala would stand and bow ever so slightly to Kizuna before muttering.

"And..... thank you. We are going to the Living Realm now Senpai, until we meet again."

Cala would then turn and slowly open a Garganta to the Living Realm, before stepping through it and setting out to see what they could find to increase their power. Though even as they traveled they felt themselves relaxing to the point that staying in this form was pointless. Once they set foot in the living world they would return to their Sealed Form and, slowly, re-acclimate to every one of their emotions before moving on.
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