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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 7:35 pm
After a moment of sensing the other Hollows fleeing and, understanding that they were wisely retreating from combat, sheathed Ceniza and calmly went about using their Fade to absorb and break down the body parts and corpses of the Hollows they had slain or injured. Their regeneration was beginning to work away at healing the wounds they had taken, knitting their flesh, and as Cala swept away the last bit the Hollows had left behind they felt their impromptu partner arrive on the cliff. Having knelt down to allow their Fade to crawl back up their arms into their clothing Cala slowly stood and regarded the individual with their Pesquisa. Their skull-adorned head turning this way and that as this was the first time they had sensed anything like a Denava, never mind Kegare's own signature being unique, and likely one they wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Slowly approach Kegare in a very neutral fashion Cala stopped a respectable distance from her, knowing and understanding fundamentally how combat, the hunt, could put someone.... on edge. In fact they themselves were still very much prepared to feed, but they were sated enough for now and so simply inclined their head at Kegare. Their voice soft, neutral and altogether somewhat pleasant sounding just due to it's level, even tempo.

"Hello. You fight quite well. You are..... different, and We are Cala. It is.... nice to meet you."

Remembering Aina, Igen and Ariadna's own disposition Cala was making earnest attempts, even in this form, to build bridges and introduce themselves, even if on some level this form didn't like exposing themselves so brazenly to a potential enemy.

"We apologize, We should have asked if you wished to feast on our foes, We did not save anything. We could hunt something else together, if you like, or perhaps purchase some mortal food if you do not mind a change of form on our part. We, as we are now, are ill-suited to interacting with the living."

Cala briefly noted that it was more than likely their Sealed Form would fluster and bumble at the vague concept of having to hang out with someone they did not know too well, but that form was the more well equipped of the two for such things and as they were currently, they mused, they were done feeding for the day so this form was more than content to rest for now.
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An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:43 pm
An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 HEADER_0b153c9bc1dd9574952bf26878075f1a

Cala would likely find that they weren't able to sup much. The corpses didn't stay around for very long after all. As he attempted to drain them, their bodies would slowly dissolve. Not the simple murder and leaving of corpses. Their bodies were dissolving and vanishing as though they had been slain by a shinigami. After all. They had all been slain within the area of her Pillar. Speaking of. With the rest of them fleeing, Kegare's spear would finally jar from the far corners of the city and promptly launch back together, a loud CLANG sounding in the air above them, before that ornate spear CRACKLED into the ground beside her, her eyes narrowing just a little at the arrancar before she peeled the weapon from the ground.

"Sorry to burst your bubble. But I'm not here to kill hollows. I'm sending them to the afterlife. Without the burden of guilt." She murmured calmly enough. There was no fear or edginess to her voice.

"The name's Kegare. I'm the Danava of Rueful Hubris. But you can more or less just consider me the Danava of Guilt." She noted plainly enough, peering into the mask that Cala was wearing, as if to sense any such feelings of guilt or regret in their form. Not that she actually WAS trying to do that.

"Gotta admit, I'm not sure why you're feeding in the world of the living. Aren't there a lot more hollows in Hueco Mundo? Seems kinda like a waste of effort to do stuff down here." She murmured casually.
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:12 pm
Cala's masked face betrayed no inclination of disappointment or offense as Kegare seemed to ignore their invitation to join them for food. Perhaps Danava did not enjoy such things? A small temptation to taste Kegare's own energy would seize Cala, albeit briefly, but they were sated enough for it to merely be a passing curiosity than an actual urge. Cala found her sphere, guilt, mildly intriguing, and hummed to themselves for a brief moment. It was not until she pointed out the oddity of Cala feeding here that Cala's Fade returned to them fully and they sighed as they supped what little they could.

Waiting until their Fade returned to them fully Cala would nod a single time before answering gently.

"We are not here solely to feed, Danava of Guilt Kegare, we are here because this is where our friends dwell. At least most of them. We desire to be near them, and to train as we can."

There was a brief pause as Cala considered for a moment.

"Hueco Mundo is home, but it is a brutal home, and we rather enjoy being able to train, feed and fight without all of them being a fight for survival or death. Though this is something we must still satiate as we can."

Cala's form, meanwhile, was the epitome of casual stoicism. Aside from the minor wounds still healing on their form the Arrancar did not at all seem someone who was just in a heated battle, least of all carry regret over their actions. Instead Cala sat in front of Kegare, seeing as the Danava did not want to go anywhere else, their Fade gently snaking around them in a few passive tendrils as Cala opened their mouth, baring their small fangs, and stretched their body briefly.

"Our aspect of Death is Loss. We would ask if you have lost something, someone or part of yourself Miss Kegare but those questions seem too personal and, perhaps, a bit redundant. We do not wish to pry........"

Cala had not addressed the elephant in the room question until now, and stared their masked head toward the ground near Kegare's feet after a small pause.

"Do you... wish to send us along, as well? To do battle with a monstrous Arrancar?"

There was no emotion or judgement in the soft tone Cala spoke with and only the tiniest bit of prepared tenseness in Cala's form as they asked it.
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An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:49 pm
An Island of Bulls and China shops [CalaXKegare] - Page 2 HEADER__baiken_guilty_gear_and_1_more_drawn_by_negresco__sample-ed51f2e6f4e6d96539230febd9e6319d

Kegare blinked, raising a brow slightly and ....tilting her head a little as Cala asked such a weird series of question. Her brows furrowing ever so slightly before narrowing her eyes. She was quiet for several long moments before she burst out loudly, laughing softly and shaking her head just a little and putting a hand on her hip.

"No. I'm not gonna cleanse you. Number one, that'd be a pretty shitty way to thank you for helping me cleanse them. And secondly, you don't seem to be causing any issues. You seem like a nice girl, and I'm certainly not here to cause any issues." She noted dismissively, waving her hand before she turned her back on the arrancar and started to walk off. Her spear dissolving into nothing. "You go have fun and spend some time with your friends. It's always nice to see arrancar doing a little good. Maybe I'll see you around sometime." She reasoned as she started to take her leave, hardly one to linger around and have conversations. She'd handled the hollows and now it was time for her to get going and get a bit of rest. It'd been a while since she'd fought that many competent hollows after all.
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